I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that the red wave of the blood of Your son would wash America. Change our nation from the inside out, Lord.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Analysis. For a number of reasons, I would have preferred to see the Republicans take back both the House and Senate in fairly decisive ways. This would have effectively thwarted the implementation of what I believe to be a very destructive leftist agenda. And I voted accordingly in my own state.

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But I am not in the least bit discouraged or downcast, since the ā€œred waveā€ I am really looking for is a spiritual one, not a political one.

As IĀ tweetedĀ on October 20, ā€œI have voted Republican for many years, but my vision for a ā€˜redā€™ America is for a nation washed in the blood of Jesus.ā€

As followers of Jesus living in America our calling remains the same, regardless of who runs the government.

  • We are called to be disciples and make disciples, to know God and to make God known.
    And we remain a remnant, called to be holy and set apart, in the midst of an evil world. In the words of John, ā€œWe know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil oneā€ (1 John 5:19).
  • We are called to let our light shine brightly, thereby exposing darkness and pointing people to God.
  • We are called to be the salt of the earth, functioning as the moral conscience of the state and as a preservative element in the society.
  • We are called to love God and love our neighbors.
  • We are called to acts of kindness and compassion, to feed the poor and to set the captive free.
  • We are called to rescue those headed for slaughter and to advocate for the widow and the orphan.
  • We are called to exalt Jesus in word and deed and preach Him as Savior and Lord.
  • We are called to pursue holiness in our own lives and to declare the holiness of God to the world.
  • We are called to build strong families and have a multi-generational impact.

This is some of our mission and calling.

If we can change the laws too, thatā€™s wonderful. Many will benefit from that in the long run.

If we can shift the culture, thatā€™s glorious. The more the light shines, the more the darkness is dispelled.

If we can elect God-fearing political leaders, thatā€™s something to shout about. In the words of Proverbs, ā€œWhen the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.ā€ (Proverbs 29:2)

But letā€™s remember that generations of believers, beginning with the very first disciples, lived and died with slavery and infanticide and other barbarous practices as a way of life, the cultural norm. It took centuries before these evil things were abolished or went out of practice. Yet the gospel continued to march on.

It is the same today here in America.

The lost will still be saved today through the message of the cross.

The sick will still be healed today and the oppressed will still be delivered.

Prayers will still be answered today and Godā€™s people will still worship.

As IĀ tweetedĀ on November 5, 2018, right before the midterm elections four years ago, ā€œRegardless of a blue wave or a red wave tomorrow, God is still God, the Bible is still His Word, and we are called to be disciples and make disciples. Period.ā€

And as IĀ tweetedĀ a little past midnight during yesterdayā€™s elections, ā€œRegardless of the outcome of the elections, my hope remains where it has always been, in one place only: our unshakable God and His Kingdom.ā€

What about that gospel-based moral and cultural revolution that I have spoken about for more than 20 years? Do I still feel confident that is coming? Do I still believe it is already here, in incipient form?

Of course I do, since it has never been based on political outcomes.

As IĀ wroteĀ earlier this year, ā€œYouā€™ve probably heard the saying that ā€˜politics is downstream from culture.ā€™ I agree but would add that culture is downstream from morality, which in turn is downstream from spirituality.

Thatā€™s why my own emphasis isĀ spiritualĀ first, then moral, then cultural, then political.ā€

The Church must be transformed first, burning brightly with the fire of God, ablaze with holy love for a lost world.

Then, as more and more lives are transformed and more and more disciples are made and believers make an impact in every area of life and society, we will see the righteous outcomes that we long for. (By righteous outcomes, I donā€™t primarily mean our favorite politicians being put in office; I mean righteous laws and a more God-fearing culture, which of course will require God-fearing political leaders.)

But we must also realize that evil will not be fully eradicated until Jesus returns. So we do our best before God to make a difference in our generation while we eagerly await the Second Coming, never forgetting our calling to take the gospel to all nations.

One thing, though, is sure, and I write this as a registered Independent who has only voted for Republican candidates for decades and as someone who is deeply concerned about the Democratic agenda: America will not be saved and transformed by having an all-red (meaning, all Republican) government.

America will be saved by being washed in the blood of Jesus.

ThatĀ is the red wave I am praying for.

How are you praying for revival in America? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Used with permission. By Dr. Michael L. Brown from AskDrBrown. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Priscilla Meyenburg
November 14, 2022

The Blood šŸ©ø Yesterday as I listened to the Praise Team and Especially the lead singer she sang a Old Song ā€œ Washed in the blood of Jesusā€ ā€œ šŸ©ø ā€œHave you been to Jesus for the cleansing powā€™r?
Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Dr. Brown : I am quoting ā€œ I donā€™t primarily mean our favorite politicians being put in office; I mean righteous laws and a more God-fearing culture, which of course will require God-fearing political leaders.)

But we must also realize that evil will not be fully eradicated until Jesus returns. So we do our best before God to make a difference in our generation while we eagerly await the Second Coming, never forgetting our calling to take the gospel to all nations.
Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour?
Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
Are you washed in the blood,
In the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb?
Are your garments spotless? Are they white as snow?
Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?ā€ Dr. Brown said it truthfully, the red wave is not going to Save America; only One person is going to save us.šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø And that is the Blood of Jesus. YES, GOD fearing values is the CALL to bring back Morality through Gods words. The blood šŸ©ø that Jesus shed at the CROSS was for us to have eternal life in a place ( heaven ) called home, not in a pit with fire šŸ”„ and demonic demons, and the enemies we are facing. That is the red wave when we have dedicated Christians following The I AM we will win!! When we follow Jesus and the selected leader follow God we are assured of a Win! I agree Jesus Blood is the Red Wave we should be praying for, that is why we need to Pray, Pray and do research to fulfill the obligations that God has set forth. We must be strong in the Lord to be able to speak boldness to our representatives to make them aware of what is expected of them. I pray against demonic influences the Leftist are promoting and their agendas against our Churches, homes, children these spirits are real. They are not like a animal you can put on a leash to restrain them; they are spirits from Satan, Lucifer, devil what ever you call him, he still is out to Kill to destroy ALL of us who believe. His one agenda for thousands of year was to best God. Reason why the Democrats are pushing de- humanizing us, Christian Believers, transgender our children they have not matured yet to say no to shots, wokeness in schools, they have instilled in them to follow orders of the School Teachers. This is one reason they are after our children. That is the reason why as a Parent you must be involved more than before. As Christianā€™s we must pay attention to parents that are caught up in this sinful culture, we pray, we get boldness to help them out to see Gods love. Yes, to churches need to be awaken, Godā€™s word is still the same as it was 2,000 years ago they the Ministers, Pastors need a refresher course to present THE Word as it is written not watered down or? I hate it when I hear this statement!! I do not want to be involved in Political affairs. You, they the leaders of churches are suppose to be attending to the Flock, some of the flock are not strong about reading, studying Gods word; this is where the Ministry, Pastors COME IN. Tend to your FLOCKS. Help them to learn that each group of Politicians have and AGENDA, help them to know what those agendas ARE. There platform should coincide with Godā€™s word. Not to hard is it? The enemy has used this against us and some of failed the test. What are we to do? Simple pick up the Bible start to incorporate it in our daily lives. Pray ask God to help you understand his words; get a good concordance in House, this will help. Reading Gods words is like reading a Great Letterā€ per Ken C. God enlighten me on the book of Jonah, it was not all about the Fish it is about repentance! Itā€™s about the lively written letter made into a story for children about a fish swallowing a person. šŸ«  We are called to exalt Jesus, how about it? God loves us. God fill us with boldness from your words, I ask in Jesus namešŸ§Žā€ā™€ļø

Susan Eddlemon
November 14, 2022

The original “red wave ” is the “crimson tide”of the blood of Jesus. I refer to the words of the hymn “Grace, grace, God’s grace.”

November 14, 2022


Wiwal Rybak
November 14, 2022

The apostle Paul, the miraculous disciple of Jesus, encouraged the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 15:58- “Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord; knowing that in the Lord, your labor is not in vain.” Father God, thank you for the power of Jesus’ blood: to cleanse, to heal and to deliver us from darkness and move us into your glorious light. Help us to arise and shine, filled with Your glory, to witness your saving grace, tender mercies and steadfast love to those in our sphere of influence. Your word endures forever, it will accomplish Your perfect will. In Jesus’ glorious name. Amen.

Stephen Davis
November 14, 2022

Thank you for this thoughtful article and your determined, graceful, assertive witness across decades. You articulating a vision you have maintained as a core value across time and not simply as a reactionary statement to our own rapid national spiral down into evil even beyond the leftist agenda is something that encourages commitment for the long-haul in me, too. Thanks for your time and faithfulness.

Daylynne Starr
November 13, 2022

It is our duty as good citizens to keep the law, and encourage
others to do the same.

The Constitution IS OUR LAW! Every citizen, regardless
of their faith or profession or private mind set MUST keep
the law OR suffer the penalty for breaking the same.

And GOD encourages US to ā€œhireā€ people to run things for us.
GODā€™s law for us IS the Constitution ā€“ HE WROTE IT!
If you study it, (or just read it) it is based item for item on
the BIBLE. Following the law is for everyone ā€“ regardless
of what you may believe faith wise!

NOW, as Christians, our law here IS GODā€™S LAW! It is our
duty, to be an example of good law abiding citizenship.

When it comes to elections, it is one of the highest of our
duties! Donā€™t pass it off on GOD ā€“ (if it be your will) HE
wrote it!

It should be as important as Christmas! It should be looked
upon as a very special event, a time for ā€œus little guysā€ to
actually make the decision on just who is going to run things
for us! We donā€™t want people who help themselves to OUR
money! Or let criminals and murders go free to commit
crime after crime. Or some of the crazy things that are going
on in our country.

I didnā€™t understand how IMPORTANT GOD felt about this
until I had a small incident happen to me. I have an EBT
account (food stamps). One of my neighbors (a Christian lady)
went to the store for me. I was getting their Monday special,
an 8 piece hot chicken deli dish (for $5.). I told her she could
get the same dish from me. She was delighted.
While she was there, she saw some steak she could get and
called me to ask if she could get that instead. I said sure, as
I would be paying for the chicken items with cash (as EBT
does not pay for heated items).

Then came the shock! Get this, Chicken = Cash only.
Steak only = EBT , which the clerk rang up like that.
As soon as my friend started out the door, GOD spoke
to her (that was shock enough). ā€œThat is a SIN!ā€
YES, it is against the law to buy food for anyone other
than the person on the card. So, meaning a little gift,
we both had to repent. Read the story again, and think
about it!
We made it right by her giving me the EBT money back
in cash. So our law in America is the same as GODā€™s law.

NOW do we see how important GOD thinks our elections
are? Elections can change the law of our constitution, does
that mean it might change GODā€™s law for us?

If you see what is happening in our country today now do
you see how important an election can be?

I believe that this election, same as the 2020 election was
rigged and faked and changed! (the Lord told me).

Now, rigging the election is SIN to GOD. Therefore,
shouldnā€™t the truth about the elections be looked into
by every church? The background of those running,
and their ability to perform honestly, then the actual
election handling of the ballots be of utmost urgent

This is our Christian ( and citizen) responsibility! GOD
told us so.

GOD Bless all of the prayer warriors who pray constantly
every day. AMEN.

November 13, 2022

ā€œIn My Father’s house are many dwelling places. If it were not so, I would have told you, because I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and I will take you to Myself, so that where I am you may be also. And [to the place] where I am going, you know the way.” John 14: 2-4

November 13, 2022

What do I really, need, what do I really want. Nothing down here on earth, its the heart of my Father. If I just had You, what need do I have of anything else. A touch from You, Forever with the Father can a heart desire more than to be with the One Who he loves each day more and more and Who loves me with an unfailing and unending love.
Oh to be with Jesus and His Father.

Darlene Estlow
November 13, 2022

Amen. Thank you, An encouragement to rejoice in the blood of the Lamb and pray for the salvation of many.

HC Williamson
November 13, 2022

Of course, Spiritual,moral,political in that order.
But Spiritual leaders failed to articulate the application
of Spiritual and moral values to VOTING for those who adhere to MORAL PRINCIPLES.
We allowed FALSE ABORTION arguments to dominate campaign discussion.

    November 13, 2022

    So true! It seems only when there is not a “red wave” do we hear certain messages that are true always! I am not discouraged or disappointed in the least because this battle is GOD’S, not mine,, or yours!
    Most of us Christians keep our eyes on JESUS anyway! HE let me know when I worked the polls on Tuesday that there wasn’t going to be a “red wave” in the traditional sense, but that HE IS IN CHARGE OF AMERICA AND WILL DELIVER HIS CHILDREN! Thank YOU FATHER GOD for always taking care of us in JESUS NAME! Amen!

      November 13, 2022

      The time is here when we must call out the hypocrites by name!

Collin R Williams
November 13, 2022

Very well spoken. You are so correct, man can not save us. Only the blood of Jesus.


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