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Father, we pray for God's will in the Republican party. Bless our Senators, God, and raise up righteous leaders.
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Senator Josh Hawley is just one of many Republican Senators who has voice opposition of McConnell. Let’s pray for God’s will.

From Breitbart. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) said that he would not support Mitch McConnell for Senate Majority Leader if the Republican Party takes back the Senate.

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The senator made his declaration during a campaign stop on Monday, according to political reporter Galen Bacharier. …

As Breitbart News reported, the Alaska Republican Party voted to censure Mitch McConnell in October for using his Senate Leadership Fund to spend “$9 million against [Republican Kelly] Tshibaka to protect 21-year incumbent and pro-impeachment Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), who is in a very tight reelection race.”

The censure passed by a 49-8 vote. …

Several Republican Senate candidates have also expressed trepidation when asked if they would support Mitch McConnell as majority leader. When the Hill asked “nearly two dozen Senate candidates this week if they would support McConnell as leader if elected,” not one campaign said that they would support him.

“Several candidates declared their opposition to McConnell and attacked their GOP primary opponents for not taking a stance on the question,” the Hill noted. “Other candidates deflected, or spoke on background about the bind they’re in over the question of McConnell’s leadership.”

What do you think of Senator McConnell and this controversy in the Republican party? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Kathy Sorensen
November 15, 2022

Mitch McConnell needs to go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish someone had run against him during the Primary.

Priscilla Meyenburg
November 13, 2022

I pray as I ask God to direct the question concerning Mitch McConnell leadership. Prayer is needed to start picking out reliable representation in the Republican Party, God says we must be wise and research the person we vote for. Mitch is knowledgeable but he is swayed easy to please. He was and still is the Senator of KY. I think we need Strong leaders that pray and will stay faithful to the Constitution not people who are bought easily. God I place this in your hands to help the Republicans to sort out correctly and get Gods truthful pick. We do not need weak leaders anymore. God says be wise in the choosing. 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🇺🇸🇺🇸✝️✝️

Alex Robb
November 13, 2022

He is a weak leader of the senate. Not supporting certain candidates shows it all. He is also making money from investments in China, our enemy. Anyone else would be a better choice – Rick Scott, Sen. Cruz, Sen. Lee, Sen. Paul, or Sen Johnson.

S. Scott
November 13, 2022

Father God, we ask that you show us where to go from here. We fear that the corrupt of the land have corrupted another election (thegatewaypundit.com has lots of info on this, if you want to know what is going on). We need to know what to do to prepare for the future. And how to go forward, when persecution may force Christianity to have to “go underground”.
We ask that you would speak to your people like never before – that we would know your purpose for each of us to execute every day, to bring as many people to you as possible before our testimony is hindered more.
In Jesus’ might name,

Alberta Snyder
November 13, 2022

My belief is if he cannot stand on God’s side then he does not stand with us he stands against us. We cannot afford another rhino.

Betsy West
November 13, 2022

I am very disappointed in McConnell and feel it’s time to select a new, visionary leader. His decisions appear to be based on his own personal life agendas and future. It’s time to retire and write a book. There is a new Republican party emerging with many members who embrace Biblical values as their foundation. The old shall pass away. Make way for men and women in our government that return to our Constitution and governing For the People.


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