I Prayed have prayed
Thank you, God, for bringing blessings in the storms of life.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

In 2016 I was honored to serve as a member of the Platform Committee at the Republican National Convention. Nobody could have known at the time what future chain of events would occur to make the 2016 Platform so critical. Due to COVID-19-mandated protocols, a typical Republican Presidential Convention in 2020 will not take place. Consequently, the RNC suspended the meeting of the 2020 Platform Committee. Ultimately, this means that the 2016 Platform will stand for an unprecedented eight years. Though completely unanticipated by its drafters, the 2016 Platform we adopted will continue to dictate policy until 2024.

This unexpected extension of the 2016 Platformā€™s authority is an answer to prayer and a huge blessing.Ā The 2016 Platform is arguably the best Platform adopted by the Republican Party in its entire history. Strong language is included: preserving our Republic and its values, upholding the supremacy of the Constitution, protecting and valuing life, and standing with Israel.

For those who are still praying about how to vote in November, one of the best places to look is at each respective partyā€™s platform. This is where believers can see what is put forth as the core principles by which the elected officials from each party are directed. Ā I encourage you to read both Platforms in their entirety.

As a brief summary, the following language is contained within the 2016 Republican Platform:

ā€œWe are the party of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The Declaration sets forth the fundamental precepts of American government: That God bestows certain inalienable rights on every individual, thus producing human equality; that government exists first and foremost to protect those inalienable rights; that man-made law must be consistent with God-given, natural rights; and that if God-given, natural, inalienable rights come in conflict with government, court, or human-granted rights, God-given, natural, inalienable rights always prevail; that there is a moral law recognized as ā€œthe Laws of Nature and of Natureā€™s Godā€; and that American government is to operate with the consent of the governed.ā€

ā€œThe Constitutionā€™s guarantee that no one can ā€œbe deprived of life, liberty or propertyā€ deliberately echoes the Declaration of Independenceā€™s proclamation that ā€œallā€ are ā€œendowed by their Creatorā€ with the inalienable right to life. Accordingly, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed.ā€

ā€œWe pledge to defend the religious beliefs and rights of conscience of all Americans and to safeguard religious institutions against government control.ā€

ā€œIsrael is likewise an exceptional country that shares our most essential valuesā€¦Our party is proud to stand with Israel now and always.ā€

So, despite the tendency to view our circumstances in a negative light, as Christians, we must always take comfort in the knowledge that God gives beauty for ashes. I do not adhere to the belief that God in any way inflicts pain and suffering as a form of judgment; clearly it is the enemy who comes to kill, steal, and destroy. Yet, I am confident that no matter what attacks the enemy may throw at us, be it COVID-19, quarantine, economic shutdown, God is able to bring forth blessings in the midst of the storm.

The fact that these unusual days in which we are living occasioned the suspension of the Platform Committee and kept the 2016 Platform in place is nothing short of a tangible blessing for which we can sincerely be grateful. So, no matter what you are facing today, ask the Holy Spirit to place in your heart a confident expectation of good. Then wait with excitement to see how your mourning will be replaced with blessing, as your despair is replaced through praise!

To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the LORD has planted for his own glory. (Isaiah 61:3)

Ā Share in the comments a prayer of thanks to God for the preservation of godly principles in the Republican platform!

Cynthia Dunbar is a Board Member of IFA, she is also the VA National Committeewoman to the Republican National Committee (RNC), a lawyer, author, public speaker, and constitutional scholar.Ā  This article has been reprinted with permission. To read more go to www.dunbarforamerica.comĀ 

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Bonnie Stroud
July 20, 2020

This is my first time to read the Republican Platform from 2016 because I knew for whom I would vote. What an incredible document! We are truly blessed to have it stand for eight years. Thank you for posting this.

Brenda Hoover
July 13, 2020

I believe that Our God is faithful and am thankful that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond anything we can think or imagine thru His power at work within us. To Him be the glory!! This battle is the Lordā€™s & we proclaim victory in Jesus namešŸ™ā¤ļøāœļøšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ•Š

Bruce Baur
July 12, 2020

Out of curiosity I read through the Democratic Party platform. It’s 45 pages long, small type. On page two I found the phrase “God-given potential” once. But other than that, in the remainder of my search neither the word “God” nor any reference to the Lord ever appears. Tells ya something, doesn’t it?

Corinne W
July 12, 2020

Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy!

July 10, 2020

Thank you, LORD, for the affirmation of this Biblical platform! Please, LORD, open the eyes of every Christian, every god-fearing person, and every law-abiding individual in this country to SEE and KNOW the differences in the platforms.
STIR UP those who support law and order TO VOTE!
LORD, PLEASE, let righteousness prevail in the 2020 elections!
Forgive us, LORD. Send mercy and grace to this country. Stir up the church to stand strongly with YOUR Plan for Israel!
I pray in the Name of Jesus!

Patricia Nelson
July 10, 2020

Ipray we support traditional marriage also!!

Anne B. Gillenwater
July 10, 2020

Praise God for this 2016 Republican Platform!

Stella (TX)
July 9, 2020

RE: “This unexpected extension of the 2016 Platformā€™s authority is an answer to prayer and a huge blessing. The 2016 Platform is arguably the best Platform adopted by the Republican Party in its entire history.”
And God saw, and it was very good!
Amen, amen, even so Lord, let it stand.

    Candy Valle
    July 11, 2020

    Amen ! Agree completely with 2016 platform! 4 more years šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™

    Pura M De Jesus-Coniglio
    July 12, 2020

    This platform is the only one that expresses and manifests the love of and for God, The love of neighbor and the love of country as stated in the Holy Scriptures. Praying for our President to stay true to it by enduring the attacks through faith, prayer and the wisdom of our almighty God!

July 9, 2020

Praises and thanks to our Lord for His sovereignty and for answering our prayers! May His will be done in the primary and general elections of this year! šŸ™

Peggy Pryor
July 9, 2020

Thank You Lord Jesus for being in control ahead of our needs, and orchestrating circumstances and events to carry out your mission and purpose on the earth, even when we think we are in control. We are so blessed to have this extended during a time that it would be almost impossible to get it approved if it had to be voted on during this time in history. We are so grateful for every blessing!

Sharon A Spenst
July 9, 2020

Lord thank you for upholding the values on which our country was founded through the 2016 Platform. Thank you that You alone can bring beauty from the ashes of the mess we have made. Open peoples eyes to see and understand what is going on behind the scenes or even in front of us so we don’t buy into the lies of the enemy. In Jesus name.

Jacquelyn Miller
July 9, 2020

The thing I find so disturbing is that so much attention is given to party favor. I don’t see anywhere in the Bible where God is either Republican or Democrat. When we take a good look at where we are in America, Spiritually speaking, I mean, we are a mess. No Republican or Democrat is going to be able to fix the mess we are in. Why? Because they are but mere men. How did we get here in the first place? Removing God and replacing Him with man, mammon, and pride. Anything that man does is just cosmetic, on the outside. The real problem, and this is biblical, is the heart. Only faith in Jesus Christ can change men’s hearts. PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW; PRAISE HIM ALL CREATURES HERE BELOW. PRAISE HIM ABOVE YE HEAVENLY HOSTS; PRAISE FATHER, SON, AND HOLY GHOST!!! AMEN!

    Jackie P.
    July 9, 2020

    No God isn’t Republican or Democrat but He is about righteousness. Have you checked out the demoncratic platform? They booed God off of their platform. Check it out. This isn’t about a political party. Check out the Republican platform. and I quote “As a brief summary, the following language is contained within the 2016 Republican Platform:

    ā€œWe are the party of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The Declaration sets forth the fundamental precepts of American government: That God bestows certain inalienable rights on every individual, thus producing human equality; that government exists first and foremost to protect those inalienable rights; that man-made law must be consistent with God-given, natural rights; and that if God-given, natural, inalienable rights come in conflict with government, court, or human-granted rights, God-given, natural, inalienable rights always prevail; that there is a moral law recognized as ā€œthe Laws of Nature and of Natureā€™s Godā€; and that American government is to operate with the consent of the governed.ā€

    ā€œThe Constitutionā€™s guarantee that no one can ā€œbe deprived of life, liberty or propertyā€ deliberately echoes the Declaration of Independenceā€™s proclamation that ā€œallā€ are ā€œendowed by their Creatorā€ with the inalienable right to life. Accordingly, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed.ā€

    ā€œWe pledge to defend the religious beliefs and rights of conscience of all Americans and to safeguard religious institutions against government control.ā€

    ā€œIsrael is likewise an exceptional country that shares our most essential valuesā€¦Our party is proud to stand with Israel now and always.ā€

    The democrats have proved they are for: Abortions & partial birth abortion which is murder of a 9 month born baby, same-sex marriage, they are indoctrinating our kids in school with all types of trash, they have pushed God out of the public. There are some Republicans who vote left as are there Democrats who are against abortions etc. But no God isn’t a party but He is Righteous. PERIOD!

      Jacquelyn Miller
      July 9, 2020

      I so much appreciate your comments. But, when we all have to stand before God and give account, being on the left or the right is not going to make a lot of difference. We are going to be judged on our relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ and how we followed His Word. When Jesus died on that horrible cross, he cried, “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me? He stayed there and died for our sins. We should be crying, “My God, My God, forgive us for forsaking You?” Because, like you say, He is Righteous. PERIOD!

    Jackie P
    July 9, 2020

    Jacquelyn also the evil taking place now is of the left. The spygate where the former administration set up General Michael Flynn can’t make this stuff up, the unnecessary drama for the past 3 years for what? Because they were trying to take down a duly elected President because the 2016 election didn’t go their way. They stopped at nothing. Russia Hillary, Ukraine Biden and son, impeachment hoax. 35.000,000+mil (at taxpayers expense) God chose for Donald Trump to be President but they didn’t like his choice so they tried unsuccessfully to take him out of office. Now election year politics with all the rioting and such. So sad that people can not see through all the evil that has been perpetrated by the left

      July 9, 2020

      We will be judged as to whether we stood for righteousness or evil. To be silent and not pray forfeits our stand for righteousness.

Christine Martha
July 9, 2020

Father, we are so thankful that You used the covid19 shutdown to preserve the Republican Party Platform of 2016! Thank you that no one is able to make changes to that and that we can hold Republican candidates up to this high standard. Let this positive news go out to all the voters of America and encourage conservative people to VOTE this year and to trust in this platform! In Jesus’ Name!

claire smith
July 9, 2020

This news was very encouraging. I love that the author pointed out that this is a ‘God thing’. The Lord is being so merciful toward us – He is still attentive to our cries to live godly and peaceable lives in a froward culture. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a platform that included a mandate to truth? Our legislative branch sets the parameters of culture and it has given us abortion on demand, marriage that is beyond the context between one man and one woman , and gender defined as a feeling rather than a fact. These three things, alone, defy truth that is observed through science. A growing life defines pregnancy, a sperm and an egg are needed, children are still being born in one of two forms either male or female. I hope and pray the governors and the governed will desire truth (Psalm 51:6 ” Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom”). I pray in the spirit of Prov 21:1 . O Lord, you who have the hearts of kings and leaders in your hand to turn it wherever you will I ask in the name of Jesus to turn the hearts of our leaders, our teachers, our ministers, our citizens to desire truth and the wisdom it brings. For wisdom, like an inheritance, is good, and it benefits those who see the sun. For wisdom, like money is a shelter, and the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the life of its owner (Ecc 7:11).

Karen Nolan
July 9, 2020

Oh Lord! What horrific sin we in America have done against You, against LIFE. What nation kills their babies!!!!
This is the worst atrocity, oh God! We have greatly sinned against You Lord and these precious precious little defenseless ones,these who You love!
We donā€™t deserve Your forgiveness or mercy God, yet we humble ourselves before You, confessing our deep sins and ask for Your gracious forgiveness. May we become a nation of sackcloth and ashes in our true repentance

Barbara Hatfield
July 9, 2020

To God be the glory.

Ginger Turner
July 9, 2020

Yes! Amen! This has been my prayer also! Vote for candidates based upon the party platforms and not personality!

IFA, please post a comparison of the Democratic and Republican platforms!

Arlene Bridges- Samuels
July 9, 2020

Much appreciated information about the Republican platform!

July 9, 2020

We The People in Christ Jesus are grateful, giving thanks to GOD.
HE is Almighty.

Jerry E Sauls
July 9, 2020

Heavenly Father I give you thanks for the preservation of Godly principles in the Republican platform. It is just like You to bring Your will to pass in the midst of something and at a time that makes no sense to most of the world. You, Oh God, are a Great and Mighty God; blessings and honor to Your Holy Name. Amen!

Ruth Myers Home
July 9, 2020

Thank you for that positive perspective. Surely a breath of fresh air.

Doug Spurling
July 9, 2020

Thank you. Perhaps a link to view the platforms wouldā€™ve been advantageous.

Last election I wrote a comparison between the two platforms and our Platform, the Bible.

Could you do something like that? It makes it perfectly clear which platform a Christian should support.

Vote, platform, not personality.

Spurling Silver

mary valko
July 9, 2020

Thank You, God, for everything You have done to help us who fear You and respect You. We will not fail You

Carissa Herrera
July 9, 2020

Amen! I am so proud of the Republican Platform in which the protection of our Constitution is upheld, the standing up for the unborn & standing with & behind Israel which is biblical (I will bless those who bless you & curse those who dont). Praise the Lord forevermore!


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