It’s been four years since former NFL football player Colin Kaepernick first knelt during the national anthem. Kaepernick said his kneeling was in protest of “police brutality and racial injustice.”
Since then, NFL players and teams continue to kneel and use sports to make political statements as team owners let them. But let’s look at the duplicity of the approval of their actions as we review the history of the NFL and the players “right to protest” in a Letter to the Editor of “The Express” by Kent Bennett.
“In 2012 the NFL had an issue with Tim Tebow kneeling for each game to pray, but they also had an issue with Tebow wearing John 3:16 as part of his blackout to avoid glare and made him take it off.
In 2013 the NFL fined Brandon Marshall $10,500 for wearing green cleats to raise awareness for people with mental health disorders.
In 2014 Robert Griffin III entered a post- game press conference wearing a shirt that said “Know Jesus Know Peace” but was forced to turn it inside out by an NFL uniform inspector before speaking at the podium. . . .
In 2015 DeAngelo Williams was fined for wearing “Find the Cure” eye black for breast cancer awareness.
In 2015 William Gay was fined for wearing purple cleats to raise awareness for domestic violence. . . .
In 2016 the NFL prevented the Dallas Cowboys from wearing a decal on their helmet in honor of five Dallas Police officers who were murdered in the line of duty.
Also in 2016 the NFL threatened to fine players who wanted to wear cleats to commemorate the 15th anniversary of 9/11.”
Kneeling during the National Anthem is a violation of the NFL game policy. However, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell stated, “We have never disciplined a single player for anything with the national anthem and in violation (of the policy),” Goodell continued. “And I don’t intend to. And I will support them.”
The NFL has made their message clear. Any and all disrespect to America, our flag, and our National Anthem will be supported. But respect or raising awareness for America, our flag, the National Anthem, police killed in the line of duty, mental health, domestic violence, cancer, or God is absolutely not allowed.
With the start of the football season this past Sunday we saw the Green Bay Packers, Philadelphia Eagles, Miami Dolphins, New York Jets, Buffalo Bills, Jacksonville Jaguars and Arizona Cardinals remain off the field for the playing of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”
Additionally, five NFL teams including the New York Jets, Green Bay Packers, Jacksonville Jaguars, Miami Dolphins, and Buffalo Bills remained in their locker rooms during the national anthem this past Sunday as the 2020-2021 football season launched.
However, ALL New England Patriots STOOD for the national anthem during their season opener Sunday afternoon against the Miami Dolphins who all stayed in the locker room.
Not surprisingly, ratings for the NFL’s Thursday night debut were down 13 percent compared to last year’s debut game, which drew an average audience of 22.12 million, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
What was surprising was they still drew in over 19 million viewers.
This is no longer about watching football. It is about a stand. About right vs. wrong. Good vs. evil. It is about our decision of what will we allow in our homes? Netflix’s debut of the soft-porn, sexualization of children show, “Cuties” is no different. Will we turn our heads and continue to support these actions?
They have drawn a line. It is up to us to decide which side of that line we will stand.
Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors for America, Charisma,, The Elijah List, etc. To join the city-by-city prayer movement to save our nation go to:
For additional information on her ministry, business or to sign up for her prophetic blog go to: or you can contact her at or
Will you be watching NFL games this weekend? Share what you think in the comments!
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I am an Eagles fan and have never missed watching however I will be no longer watching NFL games
I have the same rights as they do. I will not watch them desecrate everything I stand for. The disrespect for the flag is disrespecting our family members who gave their lives for that so called freedom of speech. Their rights end where mine begin. The tv will not be on for watching peo football this year or any other for that matter.
I will not watch the nfl or any sport that does not support our flag and National Anthem. roger goodwill should be fired immediately along with any player who kneels during our National Anthem. They should be deported along with all others who kneel and disrespect our flag, country, National Anthem, etc.
No!! Absolutely not. Idolatry of sports in our nation has gone over the line. Let’s not perpetuate it any longer.
I believe that we should vote on this issue in the NFL and all other sports team by turning off the TV, refusing to watch pro sports. Let the ratings drop to zero and see if the leaders of the NFL change their mids.
Lord, I pray that you give the players courage to be patriotic to our country.
It is not for us to judge. God didn’t say you can pick and choose what or who or because … to judge. He never pointed the finger. “Love the sinner… hate the sin.”
A great many of NFL players have felonies. Nope, can’t judge that either. Love the game, hate the sin.
I agree with loving the person, but we MUST take a stand for whats good and holy. if we are lukewarm or on the fence, We will be spewed from His mouth and our constitutional rights will be abolished. If you have any uncertainty about what that means, research soviet Russia or east Berlin.
They are judging American and by me participating by watching is the same. My family has retired police and military. I care about what they stood more than athletes who choose to show disrespect to America. Kneel down and be thankful you live in this country!
Have decided not to support NFL NBA WNBA or MLB this season. Will continue to pray for those believers on the teams to stand bodly for Jesus Christ
Have decided not to support NFL NBA WNBA or MLB this season. Will continue to pray for thise believers on the teams to stand bodly for Jesus Christ
The NFL lost me, along with millions of other people when they made excuses and condoned the actions of Colin K. The commissioner and owners in the NFL can slice things anyway they want to try but it’s evident the most important thing to them is money and political correctness. It’s disheartening to watch some players state they are Christians only to backpeddle later (compromise) and try to explain why they changed their “stance”.
The double standard within professional sports has reached epidemic proportions. So many athletes, owners and fans seem to forget that these are nothing more than entertainers… and therefore, not “essential” to our daily lives. While they can be enjoyable, they really aren’t “needed” in all reality.
The hypocrisy within of who they support and who / what they do not is truly a “line in the sand”. Not only is God asking Christian athletes where they will stand but He is asking fans the same question. So where will we stand? Personally, I turned off professional sports about 4 years ago…it was the best decision I (we) ever made. It caused me to truly focus more on God, family and other things that are more important.
My prediction is that if pro sports continue on the “political statement path” they seem insistent on, their financial losses will continue to mount and to the point where teams will begin to fold in marginal areas (cities) that struggled before. Owners will look for city and state bailouts on the backs of taxpayers who must say no to the helping them. Players will eventually see less money due to shrinking revenue and owners will opt for other players who are looking to play instead of looking to get rich.
God trying to get our nation to return to Him and stand fast in our testimony for Him. Even if it’s unpopular or we are being pressured to cave into something “questionable” to support. There needs to be a real turning to Christ in every area of our lives… that includes pro sports but more so, our daily walk.
Well Spoken!!! 🗣
The only thing more obvious than the NFL’s hypocrisy is their double standard when it comes to issues they allow players to support.
Father, I love coming to Your throne room, and talking to You in the Name of Jesus, King of Kings. As I read the replies to this article came to my mine, the hymn, “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus, Ye Soldiers of the Cross”. I was so encouraged by those who in their own way, and so enjoyed the game of football, are taking a stand. Peaceful protest makes a difference. I myself, Lord, do not want to watch football because players have been allowed to make the game into a protest against America. I also respect and understand those who have a deep Christian faith and play football, or Christian fans who feel those players need support. Lord, I think both positions serve the problem well. We need to have both perspectives at work. You will use both for GOOD, LORD.
As a follower of Jesus, I want to have a Spirit of understanding, and tolerance for the matter as a whole. I rebuke the evil spirits, in Jesus’ Name which promote idea that, “what is evil is good”, and what is good, is evil.
I pray for misguided, unfair management who caters to one thing, and turns away from another. They are ships without rudders. I pray, Lord You will bring them to repentance and TRUTH, OR replace them with management who desires to example Your will for the game. Herschel Walker, a spokesperson for the Gospel, is firm in his belief football should not be used for political gain, or political football. The pledge, flag, and national anthem were here for America long before the game of football. America’s system of government made the advancements in football possible. Everyone involved in the game should understand and honor the Triune God who blessed America, the sacrifices for freedom made by Americans across the world, marked by white crosses, the flag, the national anthem which honors the sacrifices of our military over the years. Players and management, I pray Lord, will see football as the wonderful sport and entertainment it as a retreat for
fans who want to enjoy a retreat from life challenges. Great therapy!!!, Lord. Thank You, Lord. Help us to redeem football for all involved. Amen
Did you know money “talks”?
There are many items that have the team logo on them for the public to purchase and we the fans spend millions of dollars every year on these things, as we support our teams.
How much money are you going to spend on their “stuff”?
Have you heard the phrase, “hit them where it hurts?” (that’s their pocketbook, purse,bank account.)
For many, money is their god.
It’s your choice. Does their behavior honor the Lord?
I used to love to watch the NFL but I can’t support them now with their protest of the United States. Stay strong, encourage others to join the boycott. Don’t watch professional football or basketball. They are primarily a business. When they see their fan base diminishing (and consequently decreased revenue) they will change their tune. I guarantee it.
I no longer watch NFL games due to exactly what you mentioned in this article. I’ve also canceled my Netflix subscription. I strongly believe that believers need to vote with their dollars and their feet as well as during elections.
Can you imagine going to work and organizing a social/political protest/statement on company time?
The owners missed the boat: (should have said – to the players) You have an enormous platform. On your off day, on Tuesdays, or in the evenings, call a press conference, organize, whatever, while not in your work uniform, and do or say whatever you like. You are free to do so. And in your position, you will draw an audience, for sure. How about child sex trafficking, how about epidemic fatherlessness, black on black crime, do you know the BLM charter opposes the nuclear family and the patriarchal system…how about meeting with police to share your grievances, what of the suppression of Christian expression, how about what Marxism will do to your pay scale, etc…
Lord, move among the players for Your purposes, and for good.
It is my understanding that many NFL players have fathered numerous children by many women they are not married to and refuse to financially support them. Als the owners pay for the defense of the players against drug charges and domestic violence.
Evil & more evil!
Yes, the payers are sinners but the owners are the drivers of the whole thing.
The utter nonsense, extreme radical stance of the NFL and its pathetic commissioner,Rodger Goodell, has caused me to boycott watching them play. When will these misguided people realize how their bizarre positions (such as supporting Black Lives Matter) are only causing them to lose viewers? Time to wake up to how misguided and deceived that you have become, Mr. Goodell. May God’s Holy Spirit have free reign in your thinking and decision making. I ask this in Jesus’s name.
Our family is NOT watching the NFL this year….even our beloved Seattle Seahawks! Praying for America to wake up!
We will not be watching any professional sports or Netflix. We stand with God,
Interesting how the NFL will okay disrespect for our flag and country, but will not allow items that show respect for good things. How we need to pray for them.
No I will not watch!
We have lost respect for basketball and football as representing the USA.Having had a husband and three sons that played the sports it would be only possible to cease watching if all agreed this was the route to take, but there are still Christians that are on the teams and they need to have someone to lift up their hands also.
I understand your concern, Iona. But, would it be possible for those that are Christians to take a stand, not compromise their convictions together as a group? It would be difficult, I’m sure. but I pray that they would find the courage to be a Daniel in the midst of their peers.
Our family watched football every time it was on!!! We now refuse to watch it!!! As a Christian, my husband is a veteran and as Americans, our household will not watch disrespect to God and our nation! As for Nexflix I didn’t think very highly to begin with and never subscribed!!!
No I will not be watching ANY football this weekend or any other weekend. If we don’t stand for Gods truth now we don’t stand a chance with the lies the left is spueing out.
Although I love the game of football, I have given up on the NFL. I will not watch another game until the NFL reignites a respect for God and country.
I am a diehard Eagles fan but I am also a veteran. I can not condone disrespect for the flag that I would have given my life to protect. The fact that the Eagles did not even come on the field was even more disrespectful than taking a knee. No, I did not watch the game. I am done with it. Kevin.
Thank you Kevin for your service to our country. I know which side of the line that I choose to stand on. I stand up for those who love and honor God and His Son Jesus, those who love our nation and defend her. It’s sad that some people have lost their moral direction. I cry and pray for their hearts to be softened and that they discover the real truth. So many people have chosen to leave other countries to come to the USA, the land of the free and home of the brave. We are blessed to have many freedoms. Many brave people have sacrificed much for our safety and freedoms. For those who no
longer respect our elected officials, law enforcement, citizens and the land, are free to go to another country. But, I doubt that they will earn the same pay, be able to openly express their disdain on national TV, pick and choose what team they play for if one exists, own a home, multiple vehicles, etc. Are things looking better now?
God has promised to supply my needs and He has. I’m thankful and won’t take it for granted, it came with a cost. Blessing You Lord for who You are.
Deb, thank you for your response. The one thing that I would like to tell these atheletes. I don’t bow to anyone except for my precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is the only one that I will ever take a knee for. Kevin
No these games won’t be supported or watched by us.
Perhaps boycotting their advertisers would work…
No l don’t want anything to do with football baseball and basketball etc…. any sports who disrespect america,America,, or any other ANTICHRIST system.Help them Lord.
No, I will not be watching NFL this season as long as they continue their protest against America and good, righteous causes. I enjoy watching football when I can, but I will deny myself this pleasure to avoid supporting and endorsing their evil agenda.