The Next Step for Vaccines in America
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The Next Step for Vaccines in America
“We need to make them have longer duration, more coverage…And we’re gonna change, instead of using a needle, to use a little patch.” Referencing future Covid vaccines, Bill Gates made this comment while appearing on CNBC TV18 as part of the World Economic Forum’s live streaming event. Speaking about AI, tech and healthcare, he stressed that this type of innovation could increase vaccine uptake and make the vaccination process much simpler, quicker and easier.
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This announcement comes amid a worldwide outcry highlighting the widespread damage and death that the Covid vaccines have caused. Despite the evidence, the vaccine industry continues moving forward, determined to increase confidence in their products.
In November 2023, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded $23.6 million to a U.S. based company called Micron Biomedical. With the funds, Micron will build a manufacturing facility which will mass-produce a measles-rubella vaccine for developing countries. If successful, however, this type of technology could be used to deliver other vaccines as well.
Speed and Convenience with the Touch of a Button
A graphic on Micron Biomedical’s website shows how the new technology will work. “Micron’s ‘peel and stick’ microarray technology is applied to the skin and allows for self-administration of pharmaceuticals by pressing a button. Vaccines and medicines are delivered within seconds to minutes.”
Micron adds that that their technology is not only painless, but also lightweight and thermostable, allowing it to overcome or minimize certain barriers such as refrigeration and storage. Vaccines can be given “at home, in the field, and wherever they are needed–all with the touch of a button.”
A quote posted on Micron’s homepage explains, “You don’t need a trained healthcare worker to administer the vaccine. You eliminate the fear factor, the risk of blood and body fluids from the needle. For the person administering it, you don’t have medical waste like you do with a syringe and needle.” According to the company, all of this will “address vaccine hesitancy and improve patient compliance.”
The words hesitancy and compliance bring back memories of unlawful Covid vaccine mandates which resulted in the loss of jobs and livelihoods. Warp speed took precedence over informed consent and safety. Vaccine patches (microarrays) are being touted as ways to improve uptake, but this does not rectify the original problems which caused the public to lose confidence in the first place.
Micron isn’t the only company working on this kind of vaccine technology. In January 2023, CEPI (the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation) announced they signed a partnership agreement with an Australian based company known as Vaxxas. Their needle-free vaccine-patch delivery technology uses a “high-density array of microprojections” that are invisible to the human eye. “The patch rapidly delivers vaccine to the abundant immune cells that are naturally present immediately below the skin surface.” Like Micron, they claim these patches are so easy to use that they could someday be mailed directly to people’s homes, workplaces or schools.
Vaccine Patches Could Be Used for All Kinds of Diseases
In November 2023, the company announced they had completed a Phase 1 clinical trial for a measles and rubella vaccine which used their microarray patch. But with continued funding, Vaxxas hopes to expand the clinical pipeline, which could include vaccines for Covid-19, influenza and typhoid. Vaxxas is forging collaborations with organizations and companies such as Merck, the United States Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in order to target infectious diseases and cancer.
Vaxxas and Micron’s partnerships are troubling as some of these same organizations grossly mishandled the Covid pandemic.
Vaccines on Demand
While companies like Micron and Vaxxas work on their microneedle patches, researchers at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) are designing mobile printers that can be used to produce hundreds of vaccine doses per day. “We can someday have on-demand vaccine production,” says Ana Jaklenec, a scientist at MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research. The printer can create patches with hundreds of microneedles which contain a particular vaccine. To demonstrate this, in April 2023 the MIT researchers published a study where they showed that a printer could be used to produce Covid-19 mRNA vaccines. Before Covid, they envisioned deploying vaccines for highly infectious diseases like Ebola, where they could be shipped to refugee camps, military bases, and remote villages. Now they believe they can apply the technology to a myriad of diseases, viruses and even cancer.
Microneedle Patch Technology Can Store Vaccination Records
MIT has developed other technologies that could be used with microneedle patches. Back in 2019, a team of bioengineers developed a way to “keep invisible vaccine records under the skin.” Using a microneedle patch, “biocompatible quantum dots embed in the skin and fluoresce under near-infrared light–creating a glowing trace that can be detected at least five years after vaccination.” The study appeared in Science Translational Medicine, listing Ana Jaklenec, the same scientist who worked on printable vaccine patches. According to MIT, this quantum dot technology is still in the “experimental stage” and is targeted for patients in parts of the world where vaccination records aren’t available.
The 2023 Nobel prize in chemistry was given to several scientists for their discovery and synthesis of quantum dots, which can be used for a variety of applications, from detecting tumors and infectious diseases to building quantum computers. This same year, the Nobel prize in medicine (physiology) was given to two biochemists for their part in the development of mRNA vaccines.
Warnings from vaccine funders about deadlier pandemics to come raises questions about what surveillance and control will be mandated in the future.
In light of the voluminous reports of injury and death, shouldn’t the scientific and medical community be calling for a moratorium on mRNA vaccines? Doesn’t it stand to reason that open dialogue and thorough, fair investigations must happen in order for any kind of trust to be restored?
What can intercessors Do?
It is certainly possible that we will face future pandemics. Now is the time to be praying about technologies such as vaccine patches which are already in the works, and could be used in the future. It’s important to pray for leaders in the medical/scientific community and government who have the authority to halt unsafe vaccines and require adequate evaluation of new devices, treatments, and vaccine methods.
What are your thoughts about vaccine patch technology? Do you think this is a good idea?
Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger and homeschooling Mom who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the United States. You can visit her blogs at and She is also the author of Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus, and her first children’s book, Hallelujah’s Great Ride, was just released in September 2023. Photo Credit: Kzenon/Canva Pro and AndreyPopov/Getty Images via Canva Pro.
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Heaven help us! Lord God, You know vaccines have always been bioweapons. Pharmakeia is sorcery – ingestion of toxic potions – the worst being those entering the bloodstream via muscular capillaries. When so many were being harmed decades ago, the 1986 National Vaccine Injury Act took away big pHarma’s liability, and how You grieved, Father, when the doses injected into precious children skyrocketed from 10 to 70+ by 2020. DNA from aborted humans, insects, birds, rodents, pigs, chickens, dogs, cows, etc., as well as many carcinogenic chemicals and food allergens, plus toxic mercury and aluminum – all collectively causing neuro-immune. breakdown, cardio-pulmonary damage, bowel dysfunction – even sterility. Dear Adonai, please awaken the minds of those yet to recognize this evil plot against humanity. Reveal to us how we can overcome these horrendous assaults upon our Temples in which Your Holy Spirit is meant to dwell. Enlighten and strengthen us for every good work that advances your great eternal Kingdom. In Yeshua’s mighty name -hallelujah amen!
God, you provided healing at the cross, please open the eyes and hearts of your people to trust in you alone for healing for any sickness or disease. Jesus healed ALL who came to him, No vaccines, no surgeries. You are the same God today. Bless you Lord, you forgive all our sins, you heal all our diseases!
Lord, save Mr. Gates and others in World Health Organization and World Economic Forum who mean us harm. I pray.
Thank you, Angela, for this research and information. Lord, protect people from the nefarious side of this innovation. Amen.
This is a scary thought due to the” keeping records” part under the skin! Not to mention-Patches irritate a lot of people’s skin. Not a fan of the shots- anyway you try to give them. People please don’t back down in your protests! These vaccines are not safe and we shouldn’t make it easier.
Just make it easy!! No need to know the ingredients and what the consequences are!!
Blind side people and belittle them!! Continue to make them feel not needed and be in danger of an early death they won’t know about or understand!! This is a continued dumbing down of God’s people!! Wake up people!! Wake up!!
If these wicked people do not REPENT and get saved before they die, which only God knows if they still can, EVERY single thing they did to others will be done to them over and over again in hell. God WILL and IS judging this! They do NOT own ANYTHING and they are NOT gods! YAHWEH ELOHIM IS LORD GOD and JESUS IS KING!! Take that, globalists! Jesus ALWAYS WINS! EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE!!! God help us and destroy ALL things that exalt themselves against You, save whomever can be saved but bring justice to all creation for Your glory and Kingdom! Preserve the DNA You created!!! In Jeus name! Amen!
Thanks so much for covering this, Angela!
Praying for health freedom and against needless vaccine injury and death!
Amen! There is so much information out there only God can truly give us wisdom and protection.
Bill Gates should be free to spend his money where he thinks the most benefits is without some implying that a conspiracy is involved and those who don’t agree are free to donate their money where they think it will most benefit mankind.
Reply to WA: Were you paid by an organization to write your comment? If not, you obviously lack basic knowledge of the goals and intent of the global elites. If you are an atheist socialist/communist, I pray that you will repent and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.
I am a born-again Christian who is spirit filled and been an intercessor for decades!
Your accusations are total nonsense!
Really? Someone post something you don’t agree with, and you immediately think they are paid to do so??
Global elites?? I assume you mean DAVOS? You realize that they have no real power? If an organization is putting together studies which involve other countries it means that they have looking at different ethnic group and removing any culture bias and are relaying on a much larger data base.
Your thinking processes is such, shall we say, not logical which says a lot about the reliability of your claims.
No one should be free to do heinous acts of wickedness just because they want to. When you find out what these people have really done you will sing a different tune! Wake up is coming! Get ready, it’s at the door, praise Jesus who is THE TRUTH!
For those who are concerned about the safety of vaccines, you can find reliable information in the report issued by the Global Vaccine Network. This report looked at data from countries from all over the world and so is lifted outside of American politics.
The information posted by some conservative sources is not reliable. For example, some have referred to a letter issued by the Surgeon General of Florida which expressed concerns about short segments of the DNA from the virus causing changes to our DNA. The CDC responded to the letter, and there was follow up information provided. There are multiple reasons why this is not possible, only one of which is that in order to “integrated into DNA”, strains “require an integrase, which it” “doesn’t have,” “An integrase is an enzyme some viruses use to insert themselves into cellular DNA.” So, according to scientists, it is impossible for the short segments of DNA to cause cancer.
The report by the Global Vaccine is honest in its evaluation. It does acknowledge the side effects but none of the side effects involve cancer or DNA being changed. It also points out that getting the virus put people in much higher risk of developing the same side effects of those receiving the vaccine.
I pray God opens your eyes to the truth. You are trusting information from unreliable sources.
This is what the pharmaceutical companies and mainstream media tell you:
1. “It’s a vaccine”, but that’s not true.
2. “It’s mRNA”, but that’s not true.
3. “The vaccine will stay in your muscle”, but that’s not true.
4. “The mRNA technology enables you to produce the desired messenger”, but that’s not true.
5. “mRNA cannot be integrated into DNA”, but that’s not true.
You are posting rubbish!
May God open your eyes to YOUR deception!
You look at the proof they provide.
What exactly is your PROOF for your extraordinary claims because I did reference a read research paper which has data to back up their claim and provided a detailed explanation for why DNA cannot be changed.
You don’t seem to be aware of the simple principle that just saying something is true does not prove that what you are saying is true.
There are many highly credentialed med scientists who have such integrity, they have even forfeited their allopathic medical licenses to proclaim Truth the globalist narrative denies. DARPA has worked with MIT to create the gene editing technology that Klaus Schwab has referenced. The process of integrating foreign and synthetic DNA/mRNA is known as transfection. The substances are encased inside nanolipid particles that deceptively enter cells and release destructive self-assembling/replicating hydrogel and graphene. The resulting continual synthetic spike protein production brings a chronic state of disease and early death to the host. Even the elect will be/have been fooled. Repentance and new wisdom for healing are essential to sustain their lives for declaring God’s mercy and grace!
Noticed the reply turned off so I could not response. Again, you give only opinion. You don’t identify the doctors or indicate their qualifications. The opinion of random doctors is not supporting enough. There are millions of doctors who all have their own opinion, and you can always find one who will agree with just about any viewpoint. They have to be specialist in viruses and researchers and base what they claim on real research from respected labs.
Precious Lord, I pray for the salvation of Bill Gates and other men/women with so much influence. Open their eyes to Your truth. Cause them to fail in their own plans. You are the only answer to world problems!
My prayer is that God will work on “multiple people” within the pharma industry & lay heavy, unrelenting conviction upon them to come forward with the truth & the secrets that have been withheld. That God will allow fact after fact, secret conversation, etc. to leak it’s way into journalism “that tells the truth”. Give the courage of David against these Goliaths, we pray. Allow the stones to slay big pharma & its lies repeatedly.
Why wouldn’t this be another step to being willing to take the mark of the beast?
I find the part about bio tracers for 5 years discontenting, its a way of marking someone, for medicines it could be a great advance for allergy and desease injections, it is a great power but as they say with great power comes great responsabillity, and those pushing are not people I trust they already showed their cards and took off their mask in the past, globalists, socialists, elites that think they are above us, control us, can treat us like animals and lab rats to be manipulated like pawns in a sick chess game, make us play their game and if we start to beat them they change the game and dont tell us or change the rules on a whim or move the goalpost, and or gaslight and manipulate the facts to suite their needs, working in an unholy alliance.
People need to wake up and see the evil agenda of the New World Order, and not fall into the traps that these evil people are setting for unsuspecting people! Give people in our society your supernatural wisdom, Lord, to see evil for what it truly is. Thank You, , Jesus.
All this is, is a scheme to allow big pharmaceutical groups place a pta h with small minor needles with ‘medication’ that heals a person. Have they been tested yet? Probably not. Will the people that do take this patch truly know what’s in the patch? Probably not. mRNA is the biggy in the vaccines you have to watch out for as it impacts healthy cells and body systems, just like the Covid shots.
No no, no, no, no…. This is just another tactic of Satan’s. Now when more people start dying, they can blame the individual, because they are in control of how much goes in. God is our healer and protector! Oh ye of little Faith! Lord, put a hedge or barrier of protection around your children. I rebuke all diseases from even coming near us. The Government and the WHO are evil… RUN, REFUSE, AND RESTRICT ourselves from falling into another scheme from the devil. I pray for everyone of my brothers and sisters in Christ! Stand firm in your beliefs. “”Take up the whole armor of God, that ye will be able to withstand in the evil day. And having done all, to stand firm!! Ephesians 6:13
Just like we tell our children about drugs….JUST SAY NO!
Praise be to the Glory and power of God Almighty!!
This Agenda is Clearly genocidal and depopulation from the spirit of the Antichrist, already. God ALMIGHTY, CRUSH this wickedness in Jesus Name