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New research shows that children raised by Christian mothers often remain Christian as adults.

From Christian Headlines. The large majority of children who grow up with a Christian mom remain Christian as adults, according to new research from the American Bible Society that also shows faith has more “staying” power among kids than atheism.

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The research, part of the society’s “State of the Bible” report, found that 73 percent of children who grew up Protestant remained either Protestant or “other Christian” as adults. Four percent are now Catholic. …

Among children who grew up Catholic, 57 percent remained Catholic as an adult, while 6 percent are now Protestant and 14 percent are “other Christian.” …

“A well-known proverb offers this expectation: ‘Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it’ (Proverbs 22:6). This verse has challenged and comforted many Christian mothers and fathers through the years,” the report said.

The new data on moms “bears out” the verse, the report said. …

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(Excerpt from Christian Headlines. Photo Credit: Canva)

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Nancy Bryda
May 14, 2023

I declare and decree a trigenerational anointing across America to take back what the devil stole. Third heaven prayer works and targets the enemy. Angelic assistance is being given and expanding protecting our children.


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