Religious liberty in America, slowly eroding for years, now faces its greatest threat in a generation. The so-called ‘Equality Act’ threatens the 1st Amendment and freedom of religion on a scale we haven’t seen in decades. It forces churches, synagogues, mosques — and other religious organizations like Christian colleges and universities — to recognize “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” as legally protected classifications despite how those lifestyles might conflict with deeply held religious beliefs.
The passage of the Equality Act (H.R.5) by the House of Representatives on February 25th inches the bill closer to becoming law pending Senate approval and the near-certain signature of President Biden. It is the most dangerous piece of legislation in our lifetime concerning religious freedom.
The language of the bill passed by the House specifically prohibits the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 from providing a claim, defense, or basis for challenging the protections granted for “gender identity” or “sexual orientation.” This would deny religious organizations any moral grounds for objecting to the enforcement of these protections and would make those organizations criminally liable if they did. . . .
Imagine a church youth camp where teenage boys would normally be housed in separate sleeping quarters from teenage girls. Not under H.R.5. Any boy who “identifies as female” would be legally entitled to bunk with the girls. Or any girl who “identifies as male” would be legally entitled to bunk with the boys. According to the ‘Equality Act,’ any church that prohibits such action would be violating the individual’s civil rights and could face legal action.
Imagine a Sunday School class where 8 year old “Paul” says he is really “Paula,” and wants to wear a dress to class or use the girls’ bathroom. If that made other children feel confused or their parents uncomfortable, too bad. Any attempt by the church to deny the child’s freedom to attend the class dressed as “he” or “she” chooses (pick your pronoun), to use the restroom of “his” or “her” choice, or any attempt to counsel the child to accept their God-given gender would be a violation of the child’s civil rights and the church could be legally liable. . . .
Even candidate Joe Biden told attendees at a Town Hall meeting when he was campaigning that an eight-year-old child should have the freedom to determine his or her gender. Really? Most eight-year-olds can’t even determine the time of day, but somehow they are wiser than God in determining their own gender. Have we lost our minds?
Imagine that a homosexual man is not hired by a church on the grounds that his lifestyle is incompatible with the church’s Statement of Faith and Biblical beliefs. Under the Equality Act, that would be discrimination and the church could be sued and/or lose its tax-exempt status.
The scenarios are endless. And so are the ramifications for churches, synagogues, mosques and religious institutions across America if the Equality Act becomes law. . . .
The 1st Amendment will be gutted. Religious freedom will become a legal battle to maintain rather than a legal right to be enjoyed.
Enshrined in the first paragraph of our Declaration of Independence is the recognition that our laws and liberties are founded upon “the laws of nature and nature’s God.”
In the second paragraph is the acknowledgment that our unalienable rights come not from government but from God, our “Creator”.
In the last paragraph is the statement that our nation was born with a “firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.”
But over time we have forgotten God. And worse than forgetting God is the usurping of His authority by drafting laws that dishonor Him because they conflict with His moral code. God alone determines what is right and wrong, what is true and false, and what is good and evil. . . .
In a free country, people have the freedom to deny God’s righteous standard. But that should not infringe upon the rights of those who wish to comply with His righteous standard.
We should love and respect all people regardless of their gender dysphoria or sexual orientation. We should want for them the same life-changing transformation that Jesus offers for all people who accept Him by faith. But we must also courageously defend religious freedom in America for all people and not cave to the “woke” culture. . . .
Will you take action and say “NO” to the Equality Act? Share in the comments below!
(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Article by Gary Hamrick. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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We will no longer be “the light on the hill” country without a biblical world view.
If this passes it will be the ruin of this nation.
We can see in the world around us countries, communities, gangs and cultures without a biblical focus.
Without God there are no good men. Only, killings, sexual crimes, poverty and slavery. The ones with the
biggest stick are the ones who will be making the rules.
Be warned that without a deep biblical heritage that is held in high regard, this nation will fall into ruin like all the nations of the past that once held Biblical values in the highest esteem are now erased from memory.
Dear Lord, holy spirit come and awaken the hearts of godly people, your church and believer through all the world. Through the power an authority of Jesus Christ our redeemer, we bind the enemy of our souls satan. He is a liar, he is the deceiver, here only to kill steel and destroy that which God has created in His likeness.
We claim victory over division, lies and the schemes of the enemy. Jesus has defeated you, you are a remnant awaiting your doom.
We stand against you in the power an authority of Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.
Father God, Oh how we need Your help! Please reveal to our leadership the errors of this Equality Act. Forgive us for thinking and pursuing ways that go clearly what You have declared in Your Word. May Your Mighty hand guide, direct and intervene; in order for Your Glory to be shown to ALL mankind.
In Your Son’s Name, Jesus Christ our Ressurected Lord & King; Amen!
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
I wholeheartedly agree that the prevalent leftist-inspired atheism is among the tools Satan has/is using to influence establishment of institutional change across the globe. We are just now witnessing the consequences of root-cause actions we (i.e. True Believers)largely ignored many decades ago. The “…if my people…” verse that so many, including myself, have glibly, indeed arrogantly, misquoted and taken out of context, is a warning from YAHWEH, not some privileged promise to overindulged disobeyers. Some who still have ears to hear His message of REAL HOPE will put on God’s armor and fight the REAL ENEMY enemy in the REAL DOMAIN AND NOT IN PRINCIPALITIES. In Jesus our Messiah’s Holy Name.
I am praying that the “equality “ act will fail !!!!
I say NO to this ungodly bill
Father God we pray in the name of Jesus for a complete victory over Satan’s attempt to usurp God that is the foundation of our Constitution and our Republic form of government. We pray for an overwhelming majority of US Senators to vote against this bill.
** We pray Romans 1:18-20, that You would prick their conscience & make obvious the sin that this bill promotes.
** We pray John 16:8, that the Holy Spirit would come to “convict the world about [the guilt of] sin [and the need for a Savior], and about righteousness, and about judgment.” (Amp) — all those Catholics, all those Protestants, even the liberal ones. Convict them Holy Spirit. Move their hearts Father.
** And we pray for eyes to be opened, a Revelation of God to affect their minds, their hearts, their souls, their physical bodies. Do as you did for Elisha in 2 Kings 6:17: “Elisha prayed and said, “O Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” And the Lord opened the servant’s eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”
We put ourselves into the loving hands of a Just and Merciful God. Father we thank you that when we pray according to Your Word, we know you hear this cry of our heart & it moves Your heart. Thank you Father, thank you Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit… in Jesus name, Amen.
How can we say no to it?
The best way is to call your senator. Leave them a message why you think they need to vote against this bill. They do listen, and the more they hear this the better chance we have.
The Equality Act H.R.5 is a deadly and venomous poison intended to thwart the truth of GOD’s word – the Bible! But we, as Christians, have all the authority and power that Christ Himself possessed and promised the same for us! So let’s press on with the good fight of faith and believe that we will win this horrific battle!
Lord, we boldly but humbly ask that You move upon the body of Christ in our nation to pray against the passage of this horrible and ungodly bill. Move upon the hearts of our church leaders to step forth out of their comfortableness and boldly instruct / encourage their flocks to openly and verbally stand against this legislation that originated in the pit of hell. In Jesus name we pray amen.
The Supreme Court in Marbury vs. Madison declared that unconstitutional laws are unconstitutional the moment they are approved by Congress and the President. They further stated that nobody is required to obey them from the moment they are approved. Nobody has to wait until the Supreme Court gets around to declaring it unconstitutional before they can stop obeying. Everything that violates and subverts any of the protections in the Bill of Rights is unconstitutional. The Constitution is Caesar in the USA, not the traitors, who infiltrate the government or usurp power by vote fraud. Everyone in the District of Criminals should be impeached for violating their oath to uphold the Constitution. We are a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. We are not a government of the swamp rats, by the communists, and for the Illuminati and Skull & Bones.
My husband and I are Against the Equality Act and we say No. We are asking that this bill be removed before President Biden signs it into law.
Let’s come into agreement with Karen Harden about not referring to the ‘equality act’ as the ‘equality act’. It really is the INEQUALITY act and that is how we should speak of it.
Please pray for a revival and/or A Great Awakening in the U.S.A. by the grace of God Almighty. Amen. This is our only hope. Amen again.
Dear Heavenly Father this evil bill seems as much a matter of spiritual warfare as it is ideological or political. Lord I pray that there will be enough men and women on both sides of the isle who will realize this and vote against it to keep it from coming to pass. Lord may You inspire them to do what is right. Lord protect our children and youths from these brazen and evil assaults. The wicked seem fixated on their confusion and corruption. Lord give us the wisdom, clarity, and moral courage to work against these evil people and the dark forces that control them. Lord May they be freed from the delusions cast over them. In Jesus precious name I pray O’ Lord, Amen.
Today I cry out to the God who is the creator of the universe. The mighty God who is the Alpa and the Omega. The God who promises us that his Mercies are new every morning. Give America another chance to keep our religious freedom. May our senators vote against this egregious act. May courage and a desire to uphold the constitution prevail! May we contact our senators and continue to fight this battle on our knees. May your Kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. You are the same yesterday today and forever. Like Daniel save us from the lions of evil. May our senators be like David and face these evil giants in our land with Confidence!!!
I ask this in the powerful name of Christ.
We do not and have not enforced our laws and applied punishment accordingly for some years. Thus causing more disfunktion in all our activities and teachings to over run our values, morals, parental and religious teachings. Ex.:Floyd death!he had two out standing warrants according to the Sheriff of St.Louis County in Mn. Law is now applied according to race, therefore causing more disfunktion,miscarriageand wrongly prosecution of those protecting us and our values and beliefs. We have progressed to an indoctrinated, brain washed, free drug , overrun society. The corrupt are living high on the hog building the National Debt to an unatainable pay off, all from illegal elected or very poorly informed voters, drug Lord’s and tax payers 💰!!!! RESULT: bringing down USA from inside DC, as promised by Black Panthers in the slums of California by disfunktional run aways.
There is no justification for the way he was treated – he was a Human Being! NONE of us are guilt free!! We need to treat one another much better than he was treated!!! That does NOT mean all police are bad!!! Most Are Out There To Help-so let’s see that those that do wrong are held responsible & Thank those who are here to help!!!
God knitted us in our mother’s womb and our sex was decided by his divine hand. Any one who thinks they are another sex goes against what God has made. God doesn’t make mistakes.
I have contacted our Senators from TN to please not support this bill and have been praying against the passage of this….
And the Left calls Trump the fascist.
I come into agreement with you in Jesus name 🙏 Let God arise and his enemies be scattered! Amen
Psalm 2 Why do the nations rage And the peoples plot a vain thing ?
2The kings of the earth take their stand And the rulers conspire together
Against the LORD and against His Anointed, saying,
3“Let us break in pieces their bonds And cast away their cords from us!”
4 He who sits in the heavens laughs, The Lord scoffs at them.
5 Then He will speak to them in His anger And terrify them in His fury, saying,
6 “But as for Me, I have installed My King Upon Zion, My holy mountain.”
7“I will announce the decree of the LORD:
He said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have fathered You.
8‘Ask it of Me, and I will certainly give the nations as Your inheritance,
And the ends of the earth as Your possession.
9‘You shall break them with a rod of iron, You shall shatter them like earthenware.’”
10 Now then, you kings, use insight; Let yourselves be instructed, you judges of the earth.
11 Serve the LORD with reverence And rejoice with trembling.
12 Kiss the Son, that He not be angry and you perish on the way,n For His wrath may be kindled quickly.
How blessed are all who take refuge in Him!
What a powerfully revealing statement, the author makes towards the end of the article: “In a free country, people have the freedom to deny God’s righteous standard. But that should not infringe upon the rights of those who wish to comply with His righteous standard”
While we are being bombarded with political correctness by way of being asked/told/ruled to tolerate other’s decisions, it is ironic that Christians values are not tolerated.
We need to pray into 2 Corinthians 4:3-5 at such a time as this:
3 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, 4 in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 5 For we do not preach ourselves but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your bond-servants for Jesus’ sake.
Lord God deliver us from spiritual blindness & deafness. Remove the spirit of deception from our land. let your truth prevail. We need your righteousness & truth to flood our land so that what the enemy has planned will be overturned & the wicked agendas & plots to turn our nation further from you will be overthrown in Jesus Name. Let all unrighteousness be exposed & brought to light & all those who are involved & refuse to bow their knees to our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ be dealt with according to their wicked deeds. Raise up governmental leaders who will put you & your kingdom first & foremost in every decision that is made. Touch our senate leaders hearts & bring strong conviction as they read this proposed bill & how it would change our society. Give them no rest day or night until they have had the opportunity to accept or reject your Lordship & vote righteously. Let fear be far removed from everyone who chooses to stand against the enemy’s agenda. Dispatch strong & mighty angels around them & their families to keep them as they go. Thrust out the spirit of witchcraft & rebellion from the nation’s capital & let a fresh wind of your Spirit prevail in Jesus Name Amen.
Great prayer!! I am in agreement. I pray this prayer too!!
Amen & Amen 🙏🏽🙏🏽