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Herb s Johnston
August 24, 2021

I can tell you how we got here. The evil that was planted centuries ago has come to fruition,, and _ the church has been subverted along the way,.I am a chrisitan. All the churches that were closed and stayed close for most of last year were that way for a reason,..and when they opened most of them were sitting around in masks,,..what does that tell you

Daren Whyte
August 24, 2021

Now is the time.

August 24, 2021

This video could not be more true!! IF YOU AND I DON’T SPEAK OUT NOW, IT WILL BE TOO LATE!! We have allowed the “elitists” Democrats and Republicans and “others,” to be in charge of ours and our families lives far, far, too long! If Christians continue to think,”everthing’s going to be okay,” you are in denial of the TRUTH! Do you see things getting better?? NO, NO they are not! Our families, our country, are now in extreme danger, both on domestic and foreign soil! We should know, by now, that we’ve been duped, lied to, by politicians, elitists, scientists, doctors and nefarious people! Why do we continue to believe them?? We don’t get the truth about these “shots,” no liability is required by pharmaceuticals, yet they tell us our children and grandchildren must wear masks (which is unhealthy in itself) they have to have these shots (close to being mandated now) and I’m saying NO, THAT’S ENOUGH,! I refuse to give up my Constitutional rights and I just pray, others feel the same way that I do!!
I heard a former Senator say, a Democracy can be destroyed just by fear! That’s the way Marxism and Communism always work! We have certainly seen fear grip this country! No wonder our God says, many, many, times, “fear not.” I pray you are ready to STAND!

    August 24, 2021

    Thank you, Pauline! Yes, we do definitely need to speak the truth, and to warn, and respectfully not comply with any ungodly demands. The fear of man is a snare, and what can man do to us, anyhow!
    God has promised to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

    As I’ve written here before, Our Pastor last week preached all of Psalm 91, but camped on v 2.
    He mentioned many things that could cause us to be fearful (snakes, spiders,etc – and we could certainly add: questionable vaccines, nefarious mandates, questionable election practices, chaos in Afghanistan, cruelty to our children in numerous areas…).
    But each time he mentioned one of these, he thundered “NO! I will say of the LORD, HE is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust!” …and He will light our path…

    He encouraged us to say it often (after all, our Creator only spoke His word, and it was so: the heavens and the earth, and everything in them appeared), and faith comes by hearing the Word of God!

    So, as Mr Solberg said today, let’s just dwell in our unchanging Rock, let the Sword of His Word encourage us, calm our fears (as Jesus’ “Peace, be still” calmed the storm), and even as the Israelites were told in 2 Chr 20, let HIM fight our battles, as we thank Him for His steadfast love which endures forever.

    Perhaps the answer is, again, to be much less aware of the awful wind and waves around us – our Good Shepherd is certainly well aware of them (obviously, as the One who has all authority in heaven and on earth, He allowed all of it, a la Job). Instead, depending on His unending grace and mercy, may we turn our hearts to the very Way, Truth, and Life, give our fears to Him, and trust that, as we obey Him, make disciples of all the nations, baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to obey all His commands – here a little, there a little, always with our focus on Jesus, who He is, what He has promised, and what He has done in the past – that He will bring us THROUGH all these valleys of the shadow of death.

    So, when fear or anxiety taunts us, just say “NO! I will say of the LORD, HE is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust!”
    So, say NO to fear (that’s God most frequently given command, anyway). “NO! I will say of the LORD, HE is my refuge and my fortress; my God,in Him I will trust!”

    Herb s Johnston
    August 25, 2021

    we’ve also been duped by Christian churches sittin around wearing masks foir no reason other than being dumb sheep

    Laura K
    August 25, 2021

    Very well said.


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