Continue to pray that the forces of darkness will continue to flee at the presence of the Lord in Washington, DC. What is God showing you as you intercede right now for the nation? Leave a comment below to share.
For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. (2 Cor 2:15)
David Kubal, president of Intercessors for America, one of the largest and oldest prayer networks in the country, was in Washington D.C. September 27, 2018, the day of the now infamous Senate Judiciary committee hearing into the allegations of Christine Blasey Ford regarding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
On that day, Mr. Kubal had entered the Dirksen Senate Office Building, where the hearing was taking place. As he ascended a steep stair well, lined on both sides with protesters who were there to support the idea that Judge Kavanaugh was a sexual predator. As he walked up, he sensed a strong demonic presence and wondered what it meant. While he was not confronted by the group, he noticed that they literally lined both sides of the entire staircase. When he got near the top, he looked down to see a woman leader take a call from someone, after which she signaled to the group and they left immediately. Very shortly thereafter, a remarkable event occurred.
About two minutes later, alone near the top of the staircase, with police guards at the bottom, a vile stench arose from the bottom of the stair well. It was putrid and terrible – the worst odor he had ever smelled in his life, so disgusting that it shocked him, so awful that he texted his wife Kris to ask who was speaking in the hearing room. When he learned the name of the speaker, he prayed that the spirits responsible for the odor would leave, whereupon the stench died away.
(He learned later from a prayer leader who was in Senator Chuck Grassley’s office in the very same building at the very same time that she smelled the very same kind of odor.)
About 15 minutes later he exited the building and got into a taxi with the windows open. A few minutes into the ride the normal air of a large city was replaced in the cab by the same putrid odor. This lasted about 15 seconds, only to be itself replaced by the aroma of freshly cut grass, a pure clean scent. This was puzzling because there was no grass in the city for many blocks that could have produced the effect.
Then the Word came to him that God’s presence would replace the demonic manifestation and that His Spirit would bring a cleansing of the nation. He then discerned the “spirit of victimization” in which the enemy uses the legitimate pain of those who have been truly victimized as a weapon for political gain. He discerned that this is the demonic spirit that the presence of God would cleanse and remove.
Later, on October 5th, the Senate confirmed Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Shortly before the vote, Mr. Kubal was in a small meeting of intercessors where Senator Chuck Grassley testified of his belief in the power of prayer and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that he was thankful for all the prayers directed to the confirmation effort.
These are the spiritual forces at work in our capital city and in our nation. (By Jim Kohlmann)
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Recently saw an article telling of the presence of worship leaders in the Nations Capitol, and was thankful for it. Musicians led the way into battle in the Old Testent. Praise & worship has great power to dispel the enemy. Sing and praise Him often.
The devil is there all right but JESUS CHRIST IS LORD!!!!!!
May your enemies be scattered, dear Lord, here in America. Lord i agree with all these prayers and we thank you for hearing us and having compassion on our spiritual immaturity here in the USA. Thank you for being the protection for our President, and for all these who are running on the republican ticket. Lord, i thank you that evil is being exposed, i pray for courage for those who see it to walk away from it and towards you, dear Lord. May You be glorified, In Jesus name, Amen
“The Lord foils the plans of the rulers, He thwarts the purposes of the peoples; But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations.” (Psa. 33:10-11) I affirm and declare in the authority of our Lord Jesus that His plans and purposes for the USA stand firm and that all contrary plans and purposes are being foiled and thwarted as we stand in the gap before Him for our nation. I declare and affirm protection for all His intercessors and prayer warriors in our land.
For the past two days, God keeps saying that He has heard our prayers. Now we need to enter into a position of victory, while decreeing, declaring and shouting out our highest Praise concerning His promises regarding those rising up against Him and His children and our nation. He said to begin with His promises throughout the Book of Psalms. To personalize it for ourselves, our families, leaders and nation.
This morning at a Bible Study, a friend confirmed that God spoke to her and wants us to enter into a position of joyful praise and thanksgiving that is not hidden! We read Psalm 149 and 150.
149:6 really ignited my spirit: “Let the high praises of God Be in their mouth, and a two edged sword in their hand; (us praising, decreeing and declaring the promises of God’s Living Word)
I am reminding God that His word says that every high thing that lifts itself up against the knowledge of God will be brought down. That no weapon formed against His people will prosper. His people are the head and not the tail. Therefore He has released a multitude of warring angels to reenforce and stand with His intercessors and the people He wants in office. He is God Almighty and we shout praise to Him and that through Him we are victorious!
The Lord is moving on our behalf. Praise Him unceasingly! During prayer a couple of weeks ago, I asked the Lord for a specific scripture…so anguished over the elections and the coming invasion to our border. He showed me Jeremiah 15:15-21. I took great comfort, especially in “fortified bronze wall. They will not conquer you, for I am with you to protect and rescue you.” Praying this scripture over our Nation and borders. Thank you, David for all you and your team do. Thank you to all the Intercessors for your faithfulness. To God be the glory! Praying for you all as well! blessings <3
"Then I said, “Lord, you know what’s happening to me (USA).
Please step in and help me. Punish my persecutors!
Please give me time; don’t let me die young.
It’s for Your sake that I am suffering.
When I discovered Your words, I devoured them.
They are my joy and my heart’s delight,
for I bear Your name,
O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies.
I never joined the people in their merry feasts.
I sat alone because Your hand was on me.
I was filled with indignation at their sins.
Why then does my suffering continue?
Why is my wound so incurable?
Your help seems as uncertain as a seasonal brook,
like a spring that has gone dry.”
This is how the Lord responds:
“If you return to Me, I will restore you
so you can continue to serve Me.
If you speak good words rather than worthless ones,
you will be My spokesman.
You must influence them;
do not let them influence you!
They will fight against you like an attacking army,
but I will make you as secure as a fortified wall of bronze.
They will not conquer you,
for I am with you to protect and rescue you.
I, the Lord, have spoken!
Yes, I will certainly keep you safe from these wicked men.
I will rescue you from their cruel hands.” ~ Jeremiah 15:15-21
This morning during my time of Bible study, the Lord strongly impressed upon my heart to pray from Isaiah 28:14-18 and declare over our nation the following words”
” Therefore, hear the word of the Lord, O scoffers, who rule this people …Because you have made a covenant with death, and…have made falsehood your refuge and have concealed yourself with deception…therefore thus says the Lord God,…he who believes in My precious cornerstone will not be disturbed. I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the level;… I shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and shall overflow the secret place. And your covenant with death shall be canceled and your pact with Sheol shall not stand.” Father God, may this truth of Your Word which You magnify above Your name be manifested at the present time. Arise, O Lord, and let Your enemies be scattered! Hear our cry, O Lord! According to Your abundant mercy, forgive us, and heal our land. May the blood of Jesus speak on our behalf for we trust in You alone. In Jesus Name, Amen.
Preparing to head to Columbia, Missouri to attend President Trump’s rally.
Prayed James Nesbit’s prayer this morning before leaving. It is quite powerful, after praying began to declare that A Holy Fear of The Lord would begin to stir and become a Mighty Force engulfing evil and releasing Life, Hope and Salvation all across our Nation.
In the prayer, James asked that the voters of America would be visited at night with the voices of the 60 million babies who never got a chance to vote, asking them to vote for Life in this election.
That is my prayer as well. In Jesus Name, and for His Glory, Amen
All works of darkness will be exposed, nothing can stand against a Holy God, God sits in heaven and laughs, at the plans of the enemy. Prayers will continue up until the elections, and beyond. Because we this will be a true battle, not against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers, the battle has already, and we have the
victory, it is not over till God says its over.
Checkmate 🙂
Someone at the Texas rally said she talked to Louie Gohmert and told him she didn’t know how he could stand dealing with all the evil in DC; he told her he prays all the time. Prayers for all intercessors for perseverance . These are battles in an all out war
Father, I pray along side my brothers and sisters and we worship You LORD. ALL glory,praise and honor belongs to You our Savior and Redeemer.
Father we pray for your intervention in this Country, in these elections and in our families. Father please continue to shine Your light in every corner of our Nation’s government- City, County, State and Federal. Expose wickedness and evil, treachery and treason. Root out the evil in our government and destroy it.
Please protect, guide and direct our president as he makes decisions that affect this Nation. Please make him humble before You, but a roaring lion to his enemies. Please bind Satan and his minions. Keep them on a short lease unable to foil what You and You alone have begun in this Country. Bind the enemy of deceit, of falsehood, of selfishness, abortion, homosexuality, suicide, and greed. Remove our complacency and open our mouths to speak Your truth in respect and love. We pray we would present Your Gospel clearly and fully, not watered down and impotent. You are our all. Thank you Father.
I am thankful for David Kubals sensitivy toward evil and his presence to stand against it. I pray Christian’s will recognize evil is real and pray against it
I Corinthian 4:6 he will bring to light what is hidden and will expose the motives ofmens hearts.
This nation which God has blessed and guided so much, is a beacon of hope in this confused world, as we recognize and adore Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Nothing is too difficult for God. Thank you Jesus for dispelling the demonic forces in Washington. In your precious Name we humbly ask that you continue to apply Your strength and grace there and across our land. May your Holy Name be glorified for all to see!
Heavenly Father, I thank you and praise you for your plans for our world. ‘ I echo the prayers above. There are so many facets to our world. It is hard to keep track of them all. I am so grateful and may we all just remember that’Your Will Be Done. In Jesus precious and Holy Name. Amen
Thank you Lord for fulfilling the marvelous promises of your word. Forgive us for not studying it more diligently. Give us courage to speak your Truth in our day to day conversation as we see your power being made evident.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your Word and all that You are doing to cleanse our nation of the evil and darkness. Thank You, Lord, for hearing our prayers of repentance, forgiving our sin, and healing our land. Thank You for Your great love for Your people, for the blood of Jesus that washes away all our sin, and the great grace and mercy of restoring our land. We love You Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and rejoice in being Your children. Thank You that You are not man & that You never lie. Your Word is TRUTH & You are TRUTH. Let the TRUTH be made known throughout our nation. Open our eyes and our hearts to know You more intimately. Amen
1Timothy 2:1-2. Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercession, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. Praying for our president daily that he continues to persevere and keep God ever present in his daily walk. Keep him healthy and safe.
Father God, Have mercy on your sheep. You are our great Shepard and you guard your flock. Please bring to justice those that hate God and hate America. Let justice roll down like a river, and righteousness as a never ending stream. We are crying out to you dear Jesus to you scatter your enemies with your mighty right arm Psalm 68:28 Please show yourself strong on our behalf 2 Chronicles 16:9 Psalm 44:3 Psalm 89:13 Psalm 70 Make haste, O God, to deliver us, let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after our souls; let them be turned bankward and put to confusion, that desire our hurt. Do not let our enemies rejoice over us.
1st Corinthians 15:24 I stand in agreement and pray for all wickedness and evil to be scattered and our enemies that are agains the prosperity of Gods laws and commands for our Nation be bright to justice in Jesus name Amen.
I pray every day 2 Chronicles 7:14 over God’s people and the nation. I ask forgiveness not just for my own sins but our national sins. I have been praying this scripture now for a little more than 8 years and will continue to do so.
I also Pray for the peace of Jerusalem daily and our nation, that we remain a strong ally of Israel and protection for all Jewish people at home and all over the world. Also praying that we will continue to fight against Anti Semitism wherever we find it esp. in our schools, colleges, and universities . I also at times pray Daniel’s Prayer for our Nation. Highly recommend Ann Graham Lotz’s book “The Daniel Prayer”.
2 Chronicles 7: 14 If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
It’s that simple
Thanks for sharing. We continue praying without ceasing asking the lord to establish His Kingdom in the U.S. Congress and in every government office and agency in the United States. We also ask for the Holy Spirit to guide us and give us the strategy.