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Father, we pray that You would give us wisdom in protecting your creation. Show us what the best option is, whether that be gasoline vehicles, electric vehicles, or something else entirely.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Electric vehicles, often touted as the environmentally-conscious choice, are often times just as bad as normal automobiles.

From FEE Stories. At one time, “Saving the Environment” and “Fighting Climate Change” were synonymous. That is no longer true. The quest for Clean Energy through electric vehicles (EVs) epitomizes “the end justifies the means.”

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), an electric vehicle requires six times the mineral inputs of a comparable internal combustion engine vehicle (ICE). EV batteries are very heavy and are made with some exotic, expensive, toxic, and flammable materials.

The primary metals in EV batteries include Nickel, Lithium, Cobalt, Copper and Rare Earth metals (Neodymium and Dysprosium). The mining of these materials, their use in manufacturing and their ultimate disposal all present significant environmental challenges. Ninety percent of the ICE lead-acid batteries are recycled while only five percent of the EV lithium-ion batteries are.

Oil has been so demonized that we tend to overlook some of its positive traits as a power source relative to the battery power of EVs. The power for an internal combustion engine, oil, is a homogeneous commodity found abundantly around the world (especially in our own backyard). In 2019, the four top oil producing nations were the United States, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Canada. In contrast, the power for EVs is dependent on a mixture of diverse commodities from just a handful of third world countries.

In spite of the environmental hysteria about oil drilling, the surface area disturbed is relatively small since the oil is extracted from under the ground. In contrast, many of the materials prominent in the clean energy revolution are obtained through open-pit horizontal mining which is extremely damaging to wide areas of the environment.

Nickel, a major component of the EV batteries, is found just below the topsoil in the Rainforests of Indonesia and the Philippines. As a result, the nickel is extracted using horizontal surface mining that results in extensive environmental degradation: deforestation and removal of the top layer of soil. It should be noted that Rainforests play a major role in “fighting climate change” by removing Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. The environmental battle cry “Save the Rainforests” needs to be replaced with a new slogan reminiscent of this one from the Vietnam War: “It was necessary to destroy the village in order to save it.” Here is the new environmental bumper sticker for all Clean Energy EVs: “It was necessary to destroy the rainforest in order to save the planet”.

Over half of the world’s Lithium reserves are found in three South American countries that border the Andes Mountains: Chile, Argentina and Bolivia. These countries are collectively known as the “Lithium Triangle”.

According to the Institute for Energy Research, Lithium is found in salt flats in very arid areas which complicates the mining process. A multi-mineral mixture containing Lithium is removed from beneath the salt flats. The Lithium extraction from the mixture is a lengthy, 12 to 18 months, evaporation process that is water intensive. Each ton of lithium produced requires 500,000 gallons of water. Besides the discarded mineral salt mixture, the process can result in water and soil contamination plus a depleted water table.

It should be noted that the United States is 4th in total Lithium reserves behind the Lithium Triangle countries. However, NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) environmental protests to “Save the Planet” have stymied efforts to develop the US Lithium market. It seems that our provincial “Earth-Firsters” want to maintain a pristine US, but have no problem turning a blind eye to the environmental exploitation of third world countries.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) produces 70% of the world’s Cobalt. While there is no shortage of environmental issues with its Cobalt mining, the overriding problem here is human rights: dangerous working conditions and the use of child labor. Cobalt is a toxic metal. Prolonged exposure and inhalation of Cobalt dust can lead to health issues of the eyes, skin, and lungs. Because Cobalt can be easily extracted from the ground by hand, small scale, bare-bones “artisanal” mines are common. The simplicity of the operation discourages/negates the need for occupational safety measures and encourages the use of child labor.

According to the Wilson Center, “small-scale mining in the DRC involves people of all ages, including children, obligated to work under harsh conditions. Of the 255,000 Congolese mining for cobalt, 40,000 are children, some as young as six years.”

Amnesty International has also made similar comments. “Thousands of children mine cobalt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Despite the potentially fatal health effects of prolonged exposure to cobalt, adult and child miners work without even the most basic protective equipment.”

The “suspect” (bad) Cobalt is mixed in with the “legitimate” (good) Cobalt that comes from the large-scale mines that have the required safety standards and employ only adults. This co-mingling of “good” and “bad” Cobalt serves to mask the human rights abuses in the country’s mining operations.

As it turns out, however, this charade is largely unnecessary since the majority of the DRC’s cobalt mines are owned or financed by Chinese firms.

Eighty percent of the DRC’s Cobalt ultimately ends up in China, a country not known for being a champion of human rights (the Uyghurs?). So, what is more important: Fighting Human Rights Abuses or Fighting Climate Change?

Chile is the leading producer of the world’s Copper. The vast majority of Chile’s Copper comes from open-pit/strip mines. This type of mining negatively affects vegetation, topsoil, wildlife habitats, and groundwater. The next three largest producers of copper are Peru, China, and the infamous Democratic Republic of the Congo. Number five happens to be the United States. Several states in particular, such as Minnesota and Arizona, show promise as new sources for domestic copper using underground mining instead of open-pit mining.

However, on January 26th, the Biden Administration canceled two copper mining leases in Minnesota. Commenting on the matter, Interior Secretary Deb Haaland said, “the Department of the Interior takes seriously our obligations to steward public lands and waters on behalf of all Americans.” This decision was applauded by the strongest supporters of America’s quest for Clean Energy: Environmentalists and Democrats.

In December, President Biden issued an Executive Order saying the United States government will “provide a strong foundation for American businesses to compete and win globally in the clean energy economy while creating well paying, union jobs [except in mining] at home. Today’s executive action further reinforces the President’s directive to Buy American [except for clean energy raw materials] and ensure that equity [in the US, but not in Third World countries] and environmental justice [in the US, but nowhere else] are key considerations.”

For all the “happy talk” about Clean Energy, our actions simply show a superficial commitment. We don’t want to do the heavy lifting that it will take to make the transition to Clean Energy. Our role in the Clean Energy revolution will be limited to the final assembly of electric vehicles. But hey, that is good enough for our virtue signalling Earth First environmentalists and politicians.

What is needed, however, is an honest and comprehensive evaluation of the entire life cycle of clean energy from raw materials through disposition. There are pros and cons to all forms of energy. To date, all we have heard are the benefits of clean energy. It is now time to highlight the true costs of clean energy which must include the negative societal and environmental impact as well.

What did you think of this article? Share it to inform others of the dangers of electric vehicles.

(Used with permission from FEE Stories. Photo Credit: CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash)

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Cristina Garcia
May 7, 2022

Thank you for this information. I was not aware that extracting all these minerals would make all the damage to the environment and the use of children and the health concerns, breaks my heart.

Devanah McGinnis
April 20, 2022

I wish this article about electric versus oil would go to every senator and representative because it is saying a lot. We are risking our whole livelihood on the opinion of a few environmentalists who have not given us a feasible alternative. This is just something to appease a small group of people who are doing nothing personally to save the planet. We have to accept the salvation God has already given because the loose lifestyle of those who reject Christ is going to get the whole world destroyed and there is no plan that can reverse it. Ask Elijah and Jesus. Jesus saves.

Rev. Ronald Roland
April 20, 2022

None of this is the reason for converting America to electric vehicles – it’s simply citizen control!
America’s mobility has been one of her strongest freedom assets. Jump in your car and go anywhere you want without hindrance. No one can track you (if you don’t use credit cards). It only takes a few minutes to refuel in even the most remote corners of the country. Etc., etc., etc.
Cars used to be cheap and easy to repair. Note how that has changed with electrification (read computerization). This complexity, cost, and control will/is expanding exponentially. The average (much less poor) person may not be able to afford a car at all, or be able to maintain it. And it will be easy for the government to shut off the computers in your car, when they have tracked your unauthorized activities.
Woke up America . . .

Diane Hollowell
April 19, 2022

It has become apparent to me that a car trip over approx 350 miles might not be possible without stopping for a 6-8 hour charge on the car battery, if you can find a charging place open. No more vacations for most people unless you fly?

    April 21, 2022

    Diane – trips over 300 miles are very easy as I do them all the time. Your information is outdated. A Tesla will charge from 20-80% in 15-17 minutes on a Tesla Supercharger and there are thousands in the USA and the rest of the world

April 19, 2022

Great article! CO2 however is a non significant factor in climate change. Bring on more CO2 as it is one of the most important plant nutrients on Earth. CO2 kept climbing while the planet was almost shut down from Covid. That fact does not fit mainstream reporting.

S J Johnston
April 19, 2022

Where I live utility costs are out of sight. Plugging in an electric auto. would sky rocket electric bills that are hinged on use of gas fuels. Yep, this is the end of the AGE. Jesus is returning soon.

Marilyn Dale
April 19, 2022

Bravo for such insight into the Clean Energy Agenda. My prayer is that The LORD will open wide the exposure of all such agenda’s that totally ignore the value of life, especially through the forced labor of minors as young as six years old. Praise God for articles such as this, His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Sharon Weisser
April 19, 2022

I appreciate this information. I had a disagreement with a couple who has an electric vehicle and insisted I was wrong to question the advisability of these vehicles. I didn’t have a lot of facts and this article helps me to see that electric cars also can have negative reults.

    April 21, 2022

    Unfortunately most of these facts are wrong or exaggerated. Of course an EV uses 6 times the minerals of a gas car. That’s how batteries are made

      April 25, 2022

      precious minerals that are not mined in accordance with the onerous regulations that US govt forces on mining & on oil & gas operators. It’s telling that Biden will purchase oil & gas produced non-environmentally from other countries over US oil & gas that is produced following all the environmental regulations US requires. He is telling the world that it’s ok to produce oil & gas as well as the precious minerals needed for ev cars in non-environmental ways while shutting down our production just to force ev on us.

Santos Garcia, Jr.
April 19, 2022

Besides the damage that electric vehicles pose, several other questions need inquiry:
Why does the World Economic Forum & Klaus Schwab both in his book “COVID 19 & The Great Reset”, and in conferences often say “You’ll own NOTHING and be happy”; Why does Bill Gates today OWN the vast majority of American Farmland while being a primary proponent of FrankenMeat?, Why does the World Health Org. under the agreement with the WEF/UN/EU now have a “Treaty” that would FORCE vaccination of the ENTIRE world population without recourse or resistance?

Answer to ALL Above: This is the NWO on steroids… and the initials actually stand for ‘Nazi World Order’! Thankfully Patriots are rising up, both Christians and otherwise AND will resist this tyranny tooth and nail! See Evidence that is irrefutable right here: https://zionsgate.wordpress.com/2022/01/06/archbishop-viganos-anointed-letter-to-america/

April 19, 2022

This is a quality article. What about the production of electricity that will be needed to run all those electric vehicles? Where will be the source for it?

    April 25, 2022

    and the diesel generators that are needed to recharge the evs when they run out of juice…

Paul Roman
April 19, 2022

A very informative article. Has anyone considered the radiation produced by electric vehicles and the effects of the radiation on health? Also to include the radiation produced from the equipment to continuously charge all the electric vehicles.
Did anyone consider that electricity will not work on tractor trailers, farm machinery, construction machinery, military vehicles, air travel, etc.?

April 19, 2022

More liberal/Biden/Globalist nonsense. Surprise!!!

Joseph Crews
April 19, 2022

I appreciate this article, as it gives the total picture! How can we get the news out to the public?

Barbara Janicki
April 19, 2022

This was helpful and eye-opening information. How sad that rain forests and jungles are being destroyed, (which as you say, give us oxygen through photosynthesis and take out the CO2 from the air) in the name of “saving the planet.” Oil has been demonized when ironically it does less damage to the environment and what powers those EV’s batteries? Isn’t it fossil fuel? So much harm is done under the guise of doing good – why would the globalists want to destroy the U.S. and the environment? sad that the climate activists just like having a cause but don’t really care that things they advocate for actually hurt the earth/environment rather than save it. Everyone should read this article. God put us humans in charge of His creation, we do need to be good caretakers, good stewards of what He has given us. Lord, do give us Your wisdom and discernment as to the best courses of action to steward well Your beautiful creation – which sings Your praises all day long. “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.” (Psalm 19:1-3) http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Jim Darnall
April 19, 2022

Oil and gas are the world’s most efficient and safe forms of sustainable energy. Wind and solar are not sustainable but only supplemental. CO2 is not a toxic gas but certainly a necessary gas. CO2 is not causing climate change but in fact protects not only our climate but protects our forests and aids in green growth. without it we would have a frozen planet. It’s time the world quit playing around in destroying the planet. Electric cars are not an answer but adds to our problems. By the way our Polar bears are flourishing, not disappearing.

    April 25, 2022

    exactly! the car didn’t replace the horse & buggy until it was the better choice – efficient, economical, dependable. EV’s are not efficient, not economical, & not dependable.

Ronald Bangert
April 19, 2022

Again, the spirit of antichrist can be seen in the synchrotism of our national socialist democratic party. Globalism at the center of the parties platform.

This article is a brief expose of the core issues of all clean energy issues. Political control, bad ideologies, false science, are the Democrats problem.

“For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures. Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Romans 1:21‭-‬25”

This Long War Against God is just that, and every generation will experience it. What is not understood?, that deep humility and repentance in the church will unlock the spiritual discernment, wisdom, and weapons to uncover this present darkness and release His Light. First to save lives, deliver folks from the grips of satan, and even to reverse the march of technology to be understood and employed. Bringing the world together without Jesus is fruitless, temporal.. Yet a unified Church with Jesus in His rightful place can tear down powers and principalities in heavenly places.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. John 1:1‭, ‬3‭, ‬5”

All the energy options of our time “came into being” from the mind/hand of Christ, yet as Jesus said ‘apart from Me you can do nothing. So though His unseen Grace and Ability to create escapes the carnal mind, He stillmallows it to be discovered, revealed from one generation to the next. He is a Good God, a Good Father.

We need His Light to illuminate the clean energy discussion. (I like nuclear myself to power our country, submarines, etc., very clean and safe). Besides, all the environmental disasters predicted since the 60’s (47ish?), well the environmentalist are 0 Wins 47 Losses? So why do we listen to them? Thier science & observations lead to wrong assumptions, bad and costly policies.

“You, Lord, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth, And the heavens are the works of Your hands; They will perish, but You remain; And they all will become old like a garment, And like a mantle You will roll them up; Like a garment they will also be changed. But You are the same, And Your years will not come to an end.”
Hebrews 1:10‭-‬12

Electric automobiles, wind turbines, all have fallout environmentally, unrecyclable materials. Caustic. Perhaps backwards planning, beginning with the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics will help blow a fresh breeze across the confusion from pride in the discussion. We need God and good old commonn sense to take center stage.

April 19, 2022

As far as BTU’s go, oil and natural gas are the winners for individual transportation needs that Americans want.
P.S. CO2 is plant food

Paul Fishman
April 19, 2022

This is the reason why development of electric vehicles and clean new energy is going to take up to 50 years to develop in affordable abundance. The labor to extract enough resources has to be done safely and ethically over time with long term investments that at the same time in the process preserve human production and keep the environment healthy as well. Human wisdom in this Green New Deal is foolish, short term and only results in destruction of the earth and human civilization.

raleigh b Robertson
April 19, 2022

what a wakeup call, you can bet this is not taught in our schools, the lying fake news media will never show this,


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