The Church Under Attack
The Church Under Attack
Attacks against churches in the United States are sharply on the rise.
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A recent report by The Family Research Council analyzed incidents from 2018–2023. Here is what they found:
- 709 occurrences of vandalism
- 135 arson attacks or attempts
- 22 gun-related incidents
- 32 bomb threats
- 61 other incidents (assault, threats, interruption of worship services, etc.)
- 39 cases in which multiple types of hostility occurred (e.g., vandalism and arson)
FRC posits that Americans appear increasingly comfortable lashing out against church buildings, which points to a larger societal problem of marginalizing core Christian beliefs, including those that touch on hot-button political issues related to human dignity and sexuality. “Although the motivations for many of these acts of hostility remain unknown, the effect is unmistakable: religious intimidation. They send the message that churches are not wanted in the community or respected in general.”
These findings are underscored by Hulu’s rejection of an ad placed by a Texas Church, claiming it violates the company’s policy on “religious indoctrination.” Hulu follows in the footsteps of social media giants who have routinely censored Christian posts on a variety of topics claiming that they violated their community standards.
FRC President Tom Perkins believes that the changing attitude mirrors the growing persecution against Christians worldwide, as documented by organizations like Open Doors and Voice of the Martyrs.
In November of last year, I wrote an article about this, entitled “Is the American Church Prepared for Persecution?” That article details the growing persecution of Christians worldwide, as well as the types of persecution churches face. I won’t repeat myself.
Instead, we need to delve deeper into why these attacks are taking place and how we should pray about them. Their frequency and the alarm with which they are being reported tell us that this is a matter for urgent and persistent prayer.
The Spiritual Roots of Persecution in America
Violence against churches, such as the recent attack on Lakewood Church, in Houston, are extreme expressions of the societal persecution against the Church indicated by the FRC report.
While the laws of the land guarantee the protection of Christian worship, the people of the land may turn against it.
Society’s persecution of the Church is driven by the growing belief that Christianity is irrelevant and stands in the way of progressive thinking like tolerance and relativism. Even though Christianity emphasizes relationship rather than religion, the Church holds fast to absolute truths and emphasizes obedience to God’s will and design for human life. That is increasingly loathsome to the inhabitants of a world under Satan’s rule, in which lawlessness abounds (see Matthew 24:12) and man is encouraged to be his own god and to do what is right in his own eyes (see Proverbs 21:2). Thus, we see not only the legalization but also the celebration of everything the Bible calls sin and abominable in God’s eyes.
To some, the Church is a hindrance and should, therefore, be restricted or forbidden. Since the U.S. Constitution protects freedom of religion and won’t, for now, forbid Christian worship, some turn to the next best thing: attack. That can come through lawsuits, the propagation of laws restricting public activity by Christians, such as the conviction of peaceful abortion protestors in Tennessee, or direct attacks on church campuses by vandalism, arson, or shootings.
Another factor that may add fuel to the fires of persecution in America is the rapidly changing demographic landscape. Millions of people are pouring across our southern border illegally, and they include a growing number of Chinese, South Asians, and Middle Easterners. In Minnesota, the religious and political landscape has been affected by a large influx of Somalians during the past two decades, which has resulted in the election of the firebrand Islamic Rep. Ilhan Omar. In my home state, thousands of Indians are moving in, and enormous Hindu temple complexes are springing up everywhere.
With all that influx of cultures and religions among whom Christianity is not popular, and with “none” being the fastest-growing “religion” in America, the tide is rapidly turning against Christianity and, by extension, the Christian principles on which our nation was founded. There are growing voices for changes in the Constitution and its application to everyday American life.
The Church must prepare for that.
Prayer With Faith, Not Fear
We must not be dismayed at or fear persecution. It is one of the tools God uses to unify and purify His Bride. The Church is the most unified and grows the fastest in countries where Christianity is forbidden and believers are actively persecuted. It seems that wherever the Church has complete freedom, bickering, strife, division, immorality, and lukewarm faith practice ensues.
We must set an example of courageous intercession on behalf of the American Church — prayer that voices faith in God’s sovereign will instead of prayer uttered in the fear of man. Praying with faith in God’s sovereign will means embracing persecution as a tool in His hand that brings us closer to Him. Praying in the fear of man means that we ask God to prevent persecution. Here is a progression of prayer to address the growing persecution:
- Recognition – pray for the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of the Church to the growing danger.
- Repentance – pray for soul-searching, turning away from lukewarmness and immoral behaviors toward holiness and passionate pursuit of Christ.
- Prayerfulness – pray for the Church to recommit to personal and corporate prayer as the key to enduring persecution while continuing to fulfill the Great Commission.
- Unity – pray that the growing threat of persecution may unite the Church in facing it with mutual support and love.
- Preparation – pray for the Church to pursue deeper intimacy with God that will grow faith, courage, and endurance.
- Courage – pray that the Church will not retreat to the safety of her campuses, but instead shine the light of God’s love in every part of society.
- Proclamation – pray for bold public gospel proclamation as the key to America’s returning to God.
- Revival – pray for revival in the land that can turn the tide and return the hearts of many to God.
Father in heaven, we thank You for ensuring that no persecution or suffering is wasted. Instead, You use it to purify, unite, and strengthen us. Therefore, we embrace it on behalf of Your Church in America. Open our eyes to see the danger and to respond not in fear but in faith. Ignite in our hearts a sense of urgency to pray without ceasing, to know and love Your Word, to walk in holiness, and to shine our light in the darkness around us even when that darkness attacks us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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Remco Brommet is a pastor, spiritual-growth teacher, and prayer leader with over 40 years of experience in Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the U.S. He was born and raised in the Netherlands and pastored his first church in Amsterdam. He moved to the U.S. in 1986. He and his wife, Jennifer, live north of Atlanta. When not writing books, he blogs at and assists his wife as a content developer and prayer coordinator for True Identity Ministries. Jennifer and Remco are passionate about bringing people into a deeper relationship with Christ. Photo Credit: Josh Eckstein on Unsplash.
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Jesus warned us. Paul warned us. John warned us. In fact we are warned throughout Scripture. Churches or Christians (so called) who think they can fit in with the culture by embracing perversion (by waving flags of abomination for example, or ordaining perverts as ministers) will find out soon enough that satan is never satisfied with cowardly gestures of surrender. He smells weakness and fear and will, in the end, force the cowardly to go all the way with him. He will force the weak “Christians” to turn against the true believers. The Lord told us that endurance “to the end” would be necessary. Everyone must choose God or the doomed counterfeit god we know as the devil. There will be no place to hide.
There is a wonderful series of short videos by Andrew Brunson called “Prepare to Stand” on You Tube. This will help athose concerned about persecution to have practical steps to take in order tp be prepared for the coming persecution.
Although the media and its official narrative would have us believe God is irrelevant, faith is outdated, if not dead, and we are in a “post-truth”/post Christian era – my real life experiences might suggest otherwise and perhaps yours do too? The church I belong to just opened two new locations and added an additional service this year at all locations to accommodate the ever increasing numbers of people coming to our services. This is encouraging and suggests that people are wanting to connect with God and grow in their faith. So it seems what history teaches us is true – when persecution increases so also does the body of believers see an increase in people coming to faith in Christ. Persecution is increasing – but so is Christ’s church growing. Both occur simultaneously. But our culture only wants us to focus on the supposed decline in interest and practice of faith in God – so that we will become discouraged and give up, thinking all is lost. But we know Jesus said – “Take heart. I have overcome the world.” We need not “grow weary in doing good” because eventually, we will reap a harvest when the time is right, if we don’t give up. God is at work in this world – but the media would never want anyone to know about all the wonderful evidences of God’s omnipresent involvement in the lives of those He has created in His own image. Religion may be on the decline – but those pursuing a relationship with the living God through His Son, Jesus, are on the increase. This doesn’t fit the global narrative they want us to believe, but our own experiences will continue to show us God’s sovereignty and His care for us as we live our lives in obedience to His Word. I don’t believe the state approved narrative we are fed 24/7 – I believe God’s living word. Thank You, Lord, that You are Sovereign over everything that happens in this world, and You will bring about Your purposes, which are always good and just. Help me not to be led astray by the false ways of others but to walk in Your ways only. May I be found faithful when You return.
I share your assessment. Every morning Dutch Sheets give us hope amidst the crisis-,in his daily prayer v l o g.. and while it is often uplifting..many times he is also exhorting us and has a very real perspective- however it is a message usually of Hope-,as we trudge the path.
Remco, could not agree more with both your premise and what is needed! The church must repent for losing its First Love, awaken to the real dangers (vs. imagined ones) and cry out for revival. My heart is encouraged, however, in that I see and am part of an ever larger body of believers worldwide who are hungering for righteousness and unity. I believe the remnant church is growing daily although the dead church will die and we can pray that any parts of it that are even a little bit of life will burst to life again! May we learn to overcome by the blood of the lamb, the word of Our testimony and not loving Our lives unto death. Maybe also see a believing church that functions in the power of the Gospel which sets the stage for revival and bringing in the harvest.
I pray that God will use this persecution to bring His Church into a deeper relationship with Him. It is time for the Church in the U.S. to rise up out of its lethargy and complacency. We ALL need to become the mighty warriors that we have been called out to be in these End Times. Thank you, Jesus, that what Satan has meant for harm, that You will turn it for good!
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I petition you to blow a fresh wind of revival, strength and courage upon your soldiers. Many have become battle-weary and require an extra push from the Holy Spirit to stay strong and endure the battle. We are almost at the end of the “draining of the Swamp” in America and it is imperative that every member of the body of Christ stay true to the word and know that your ways are higher than our ways, but you are at work behind the scenes getting a tremendous task accomplished. May your Elect stand united in faith, bold in conviction and courageous enough to speak out against the evils of our day knowing your grace is sufficient for them. These things I pray in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, King of the Jews, Ruler of the Universe. Amen.
I share your assessment. Every morning Dutch Sheets give us hope amidst the crisis-,in his daily prayer v l o g.. and while it is often uplifting..many times he is also exhorting us and has a very real perspective- however it is a message usually of Hope-,as we trudge the path.
Reverend thank you for that beautiful prayer of encouragement and Hope.. helping us to assess the situation-, and stay on the path without losing hope