I Prayed have prayed
Father God, may every departure of our government from its proper role in securing unalienable rights be exposed and brought to light!
Reading Time: 5 minutes

On the third anniversary of January 6, the rumblings of “insurrection” loom large. But what exactly is insurrection?

It is often said that he who defines the terms wins the argument. In terms of legal construction, it is imminently important to use definitions that either precede or are contemporaneous with the date of passage of the laws being interpreted.

Join others crying out to the Lord day and night.


Section 3 of the 14th Amendment says:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Therefore, when hoping to understand this clause (passed June 8, 1866, and ratified July 9, 1868), it makes sense to look to Noah Webster’s 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language:

INSURREC’TIONnoun [Latin insurgo; in and surgo, to rise.]

  1. A rising against civil or political authority; the open and active opposition of a number of persons to the execution of a law in a city or state. It is equivalent to sedition, except that sedition expresses a less extensive rising of citizens. E.g. It is found that this city of old time hath made insurrectionagainst kings, and that rebellion and sedition have been made therein. Ezra 4:19.

Insurrection requires opposition to the execution of a law.

While there is tremendous debate as to what even transpired on January 6 — such as who was instigating entrance into the Capitol — one thing is clear: President Trump and those who were supporting him were vehemently advocating for the full execution of the law. They wanted to ensure that the Electoral Count Act was adhered to for the proper vetting and certification of electors. Consequently, it would have been those who did not want the Electoral Count Act to be followed who would have definitionally been the ones guilty of insurrection. Unfortunately, it was this latter group that won out in the end, as the prescribed legal protocol was dispensed with. Nobody will ever know what the result would have ultimately been had the proper process been followed. So, while the media cries “insurrection,” its true definition and proper application is ignored.

The Founders warned about the misuse of sedition charges against political opponents.

The Founders were intimately familiar with sedition charges, which Webster likens to insurrection. The Crown misused and abused charges of sedition to criminalize and silence political dissidents. In fact, the founders so earnestly desired to prevent this abuse of power, they passed the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and freedom of press. They strongly desired that all citizens would be free to exercise the unalienable right to believe according to the dictates of their conscience, and to be undisturbed in their freedom to express those thoughts and beliefs both orally and in writing. These freedoms were to be unrestrained without fear of reprisal, even when those beliefs did in fact express opposing positions to the Crown or those in authority.

The historic case of John Peter Zenger in Colonial America illuminates the position of our founding fathers regarding the preservation of these freedoms. It also demonstrates the gradual shift from this preservation by our modern-day legal system. In short, our right to a trial by a jury of our peers anticipated the ability of jurors to not only render a verdict as to the facts but also as to the legitimacy and appropriateness of the law.

John Peter Zenger was tried for the crime of seditious libel because of statements he had published opposing the positions of the Crown. Despite the court instructing the jury to only decide whether Mr. Zenger had in fact written the statements, the jury instead, in rendering its verdict of not guilty, elected to decide issues of law as well as fact. Accordingly, they determined the law criminalizing sedition to be a deprivation of an unalienable right, and therefore, unenforceable. The jury was undoubtedly influenced by the impassioned speech of Zenger’s defense attorney, Alexander Hamilton, who unequivocally stated to the judge his view of the authority of the jurors: “I know they have the right beyond all dispute to determine both the law and the fact.”

Because of this case and others like it, King George deprived the colonists of their right to trial by jury. This deprival was even cited within the Declaration of Independence as one of the grievances legitimizing the severing from Great Britain and establishment of a new nation.

The Founders considered these two things egregious deprivations of liberty:

  • the denial of the ability to speak in opposition to the ruling authority;
  • the refusal to allow a jury to determine the legitimacy of such laws.

We should take a moment to let this sink in. What tyranny did our Founding Fathers consider so oppressive as to merit separation from Great Britain and war? The criminalization of sedition and the deprival of the full right to trial by jury.

We do not advocate for war or even any type of physical uprising, but rather we pray against it. Still, we must not be oblivious to the fact that we once again find ourselves confronting these same grievances. We must be informed and equipped so that we may peacefully express our views as to how these may be best addressed for the preservation of true liberty and the securing of inalienable rights.

The fact that silently and without much fanfare the full right to trial by jury was gutted and made all but meaningless over 100 years ago should cause us to sit up and take note. The Supreme Court in Sparf v. United States in 1895 put the final nail in the coffin denying the ability of jury review of the law. That our modern legal system has taken from the people our ability through a jury of our peers to decide not only facts but also law (coupled with the recriminalization of sedition) creates the perfect storm for serious abridgments of liberty.

While it may be tempting to be discouraged and focus on the chaos we see around us in our nation, we must keep our eyes focused on the source of all liberty: the Spirit of the Lord. We are assured that all things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purposes. Therefore, we can confidently pray for beauty to arise from ashes.

May all the departures of our government from its proper role of securing unalienable rights be exposed and fully brought to light! May the unalienable rights of free speech and free press be protected from criminalization as sedition. May the right to trial by jury affording jury review of facts and law be reestablished and secured. And may liberty once again reign supreme across our land.

Pray that God would expose truth and exact justice in our land as concerns January 6 and everything else.

Cynthia Dunbar is an attorney, an author, a constitutional scholar, a Regent University professor of government, a former law professor at Liberty University, an ordained minister through the Federation of Ministers & Churches International, and an IFA board member. She and IFA President and CEO Dave Kubal co-host Constitutional Corner. Follow Cynthia on X or Instagram; view her videos on Freedom Focus; or schedule her here to speak at your next event. (Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images)


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Stella Grant
March 1, 2024

Dear Father God, May all those who were tried under the designation of “insurrction” be afforded a new trial by jury, according to “due process of law” with consideration given for the time they were held without a hearing, without bail, without counsel.. May there be remedy for every incidence where the law was not followed and they were held instead as political prisoners and not according to “due process,” May compensation be given for time spen, personal loss and injury. according to the Constitution. You are our Lawgiver, ouring and our Judge. May Your justice prevail.

Peg B
January 9, 2024

Thank you Cynthia for clearly articulating what currently has occurred and historically. Nothing new under the sun. Dear LORD, we place our hope in You and believe on Your word. You are Spirit and we are to worship You in spirit and in truth. Please continue to expose the truth throughout this nation and the tactics that have been misused or abused. We long for this nation to walk in accordance with Your will. We desire that those placed in authority would do so with honor and integrity. We ask for You back in our schools, our judicial structure and within our homes. By Your Spirit, lead and inspire each of us to do our part in word and indeed. Our hope is in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

January 8, 2024

Someone may have said this, I haven’t read all the comments, and if so I add my voice to theirs:
May these things not only be exposed and brought to light, but acted upon appropriately and corrected. Too often have we seen the truth exposed and then it is ignored. Lord, bring about the action needed.

Darlene Estlow
January 8, 2024

What a good article. Cynthia’s explanation was very good. Thank you for explaining this and bringing truth to light.

January 7, 2024

Beautifully explained problem clearly broken down for us. May God continue to expose the truth and may we continue to pray and act as He leads us in straightening out this horrible mess we have made of His country. There was a prophecy on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural program on tv that correctly predicted all this and that the process of exposing all the evil and misconduct would be difficult to go through but our country would be victorious in the end and would truly be “ one nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. At the end of the prophecy the United States of America appeared written in gold!! Truly I believe what that prophecy said and thank the Lord for it. The prophecy all has come true except the last part and now we are beginning to obtain God’s victory in the matter. Hallelujah !!!

Van M
January 7, 2024

Thank you Cynthia for a fascinating and informative article shining the light of insight on this vital issue in our world where too often the corrupt and unjust rule by manipulating reality by manipulating words not only in government but other institutions like journalism and academia.

A few days ago, a friend in a liturgical church spoke of Epiphany. After some brief research, I found Epiphany, depending on Eastern Orthodox or Western Church traditions basically celebrates the manifestation or revealing of Jesus to the world through key events, in particular, Jesus’ appearance to the Three Wise Men, His Baptism by John and/or at the Wedding of Cana.

And while I’m not part of any church celebrating Epiphany, nor saying this necessarily as a prophecy, I do believe that it may not be mere coincidence that satan manifested his power of deception in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2021.

And that all the more as dual citizens of both the United States and the Kingdom of Heaven who love freedom and justice, we might be wise to springboard our prayers from January 6, 2024 until election day to pray in the Spirit and understanding for a full manifestation and unveiling of the Light and Glory of our Messiah Christ Jesus over this free nation, and our government and elections. For Light exposes, manifests, cleanses and purifies: both corruption and evil, as well as unveiling Our Father’s appointed and anointed leaders. ( Psalm 2)

First and foremost over our Presidential race, but also over all offices and levels of govermment because election fraud and vote theft is so rampant throughout our nation. And as we now are seeing, this is a major giant standing right on our doorstep ready to devour our very “life, liberty and the pursuit of (godly) happiness.”

Elfrieda Peninger
January 7, 2024

2Sam: 23
The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain.

Victoria Z
January 7, 2024

over tge course of many years i was forced to remain in close relationship with a selfish spoiled brat narcissist Jezebel adult who wascalso very religious who could twist words and any and every situation around to make everyone else look like the trouble making villan instead of herself (who was usually always the instigator). She had a razor sharp tongue, and would share her tale with whoever would listen, and claim it was righteous anger. It’s a survival and power technique that spirit uses to try to infuriate and wear down the righteous. This is what we are seeing, it’s that twisting of the facts ans presenting themselves as the righteous. Father only you can break through that foul spirit of crafty evil behavior and deception and we pray you would. Father expose and disclose all the facts, find and prove the extra ballots or bring whistke blowers forwsrd who will rat specific cheaters out. Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers.

    January 11, 2024

    Thank you for Victoria Lord.
    Thank you for this clear, accurate description too of a person under the influence of that wicked spirit and this beautiful prayer, trusting Your cleansing, redeeming power Lord Jesus, to not only break the power of that sulfurous rebellion addicted spirit but power to restore the rescued soul, from ashes to beauty.
    Oh Lord, I agree with other prayers here too and add a strong anointing on us, Your Bride, royal priesthood, for discernment, wisdom, truth loving and tender kind compassion when we speak and act.
    Poppa G-D, we live in a time where darkness seems to be getting deeper, darker, so the truth will cut many deeply, and it has already for decades and forgive us, Your people for not showing much love with the delivery of truth.
    Help us, now, in this generation, going forward, to be found faithful Lord, with Your truth in love.
    For Your glory, honor and deep pleasure, Most High, One True G-D❤️‍🔥
    Come! Maranatha!!!

Chris Robinette
January 7, 2024

There was NO DAMN Insurrection!!

    January 11, 2024

    Respectfully Chris, what else do you call the actions of previously peaceful people switching to lawbreaking mob and going in the Capitol Building through windows rather than doors, to stop the Congressional work?

Priscilla Meyenburg
January 6, 2024

Isaiah 10 -1-2. These scriptures Speaks of —-overturning of Evil Laws and Legislation concerning and likened to – Jan. 6 —- V-1 Woe to those who make unjust laws,
to those who issue oppressive decrees,
2 to deprive the poor of their rights
and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people,
making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless. Many crimes undoubtedly took place at the Capitol that day. Demonstrators rioted, destroyed government property and in some instances engaged in acts of violence. Many are charged with violating 18 U.S.C. 371, which makes it a crime “to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States,” and with underlying charges of civil order. The scripture in Isaiah is a clear reminder that unjust statues are being upheld on a shaky ground. God it reveals that those words and woe comes to those who enact unjust statues and decide on laws that are harmful to people of America. We call upon the Lords supernatural covering over all of the people in the Washington jail and are being held and accused. They have been denied trial and even sometimes no baths, and placed in areas of the jail that is for serious criminals. They have rejected visitors, even some of our Congress members to speak to them. The First Amendment-“They strongly desired that all citizens would be free to exercise the unalienable right to believe according to the dictates of their conscience, and to be undisturbed in their freedom to express those thoughts and beliefs both orally and in writing. These freedoms were to be unrestrained without fear of reprisal, even when those beliefs were honored. There are many things that are not done honestly and men and women have been in jail over a year without any proof that they did what the Leftist are accusing them of. This is not a communist country, but people are being treated as such. God the leftist agenda and their followers are being used to push radical charges that is causing alarm, pandemonium, and panic and losing faith. We pray and declare the people of this nation will not be drawn into scare tactics, uneasiness that they will remember God’s word in the scriptures. “ 2 Timothy 1-7” For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.” AMPC- Father God we cannot eliminate all distractions circumstances in this earth, but we can by Faith come against the spirit of terror that is trying to rob people of reason and their peace. We pray as God releases His plans, that are being released by the prophets -that maybe He would take care of the border terror so many people would feel safe. I want to thank God for His exposures that are warning us and sets up how to pray for these serious disastrous circumstances that are a threat to America. We pray that the citizens of this nation are digging into the scriptures that gives them protection, faith, Hope in Gods plans. Psalms -91 says a promise that gives us peace” Psalm 91—-

1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a]
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”. I pray that this complete scripture is read and prayed over their lives, their family, our Government leaders who are standing with the American 🇺🇸 people. Psalm 91 is a promise from Jesus. Be Blessed 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🇺🇸🇮🇱 I want to thank all of the attorneys, IFA and other Godly leaders for their prayers and support over America

January 6, 2024

I pray that all criminals from the current administration and what is to be our DOJ, FBI, Senators, Congress People, Corporate partners, many Media and News organizations that planned and participated in the illegal corruption of the fake so called insurrection of JAN 6, 2023 and the election interference of 2020 are investigated, found guilty of treason and finally punished to the fullest extent of the law.
So help us God

January 6, 2024

“It is often said that he who defines the terms wins the argument. In terms of legal construction, it is imminently important to use definitions that either precede or are contemporaneous with the date of passage of the laws being interpreted.”

I pray that everyone would be so cautious as described herein ..in a like manner- with the ill used and misapplied term- vaccine.. as there is no covid vaccine in existence


January 6, 2024

Prof. Dunbar,

Thank you for courageous commitment to communicating the truth concerning the constitutional foundations of our republic and how they apply to our current crises. May the Lord strengthen your inner person by Holy Spirit. Blessing upon you and your family.

    Cynthia Dunbar
    January 7, 2024

    Roy, thank you so much for your beautiful prayer. My family and I gratefully receive it.

Larry and Pam Zook, State Prayer leaders for MO.
January 6, 2024

Thanks Cynthia for the good article. Our grassroots’ team in Missouri has found the J6ers who are housed in the federal prison here. Isaac, Clayton and Larry receive letters of encouragement and donations to their commissary account, along with letters written on their behalf to our U.S. Senators and Congressman. I might encourage other states to look to see if there are J6ers being imprisoned there. A big battle they face is being forgotten. Hebrews 13:2

January 6, 2024

If the capital police on orders from the dirty democrats move barricades and unlock doors and wave people into the capital, who are the insurrectionists? The people or the capital police? Or the dirty democrats that planned this entire scenario! It is so amazing to me that this terminology of fake insurrection is believed by even people who know that the democrats planned this entire action to frame President Trump! Wake up people! Stop drinking the kool-ade! On the heels of the 2020 so-called “peaceful riots” from antifa where hardly anyone was arrested; this current illegal government has arrested innocent people for this “insurrection” that they caused! FATHER GOD please wake YOUR people up! Let them STOP believing down is up and up is down from this government that lies every time any of them open their mouths! FATHER GOD please let the democrats fall into their own trap that they have set for the rest of us in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

Margaret Nezhadpour
January 6, 2024

Thank you so much for such a clear, concise breakdown not only of definitions and law but of what has happened historically to pervert what the founding fathers and the God they served intended. I echo your prayer for exposure of the truth and restoration of the rights granted to us.

    January 7, 2024

    Before we pray for God’s judgment on anyone, no matter how evil they have been, we must first pray for their salvation if at all possible. 🥰

January 6, 2024

Dear God, expose all evil doers of the January 6 event, release all innocent prisoners (3 years). Today is Epiphany! Thank you for the courts of justice in Heaven to prevail. Bring all of the instigators into our courts who need to stand trial, (something the innocent were not given (yet)! Expose the left’s evil Swamp creatures who belong in jail (in their place.) Bring to light all things that have been hidden in the darkness of our country. President Trump only wants our country to succeed in righteousness! Expose all of the “trumped up charges” against him. Please crush the head of the snakes who are bought and paid for with blood money. Give their money to the innocent. May your will be done. In Jesus Name we pray amen.

Beverly Steckler
January 6, 2024

Great God ,
Heal our land and rid us of evil.
In Jesus name I pray

Sheldon Livesay
January 6, 2024

Demons are covering the doorways to truth and justice in this nation. Perpetrators of evil are hiding behind the veils.

Father release your angels and remove every demon and every veil. Expose, the workers of iniquity.
Expose their personal evil and breaking of the law
Expose all money trails plans, memos, emails, bribes and wrongdoing
Psm 35- Let the wicked be caught in their own traps
Deut 28- Exonerate the just. We speak that they will be loosed from all accusations and guilt and that the justice of Heaven and our Constitution will prevail.

January 6, 2024

We pray, ask & yearn daily for the truth to be brought forth & for our Constitution & it’s freedoms to stand strong against the assault it has endured. Strengthen the people of our nation who believe in the already established rules of law. But we ask for more Lord & we yearn for justice to be carried out against those who have purposely twisted, perverted & tossed aside the laws of our nation. We don’t ask this for revenge – check our hearts Lord to ensure we ask for the right reasons. We have watched as our elections, our freedoms to elect & our liberty to protest peacefully are being assaulted & stolen daily by those who lust for power & control. We’ve watched as the rightfully elected president had his position stolen from him through devious scheming & planning. We grieve inside for him & for our nation because true justice has not yet been applied to those who planned & carried out the theft. Give us strength, fortitude, courage….to continue to speak forth the truth uncompromisingly, publicly, etc. Pour out courage to the officials who must rule in these cases. Give them strength to rule accordingly, apply the law & uphold righteousness. Strengthen them to publicly call out all deception by those who are involved in the perverted plotting of what took place. Let Your name be honored by the actions of those who uphold the truth at all costs. Deal justly & severely with those who refuse to follow You Lord, Your laws & the laws of our nation. Amen.

    January 6, 2024

    If the money and axcess to money were removed from politics those people would not show up for work.

Beverly Steckler
January 6, 2024

Great Yahweh, I ask you on behalf of our great nation, America, to heal and help us against this evil regime in our capital now. Correct this crime against our people of purported insurrection. In Jesus name I pray.

Mike Jones
January 6, 2024

I really enjoyed the information from your article and also the definition of insurrection. I have been a die hard republic since voting my first time for Richard Nixon. However, I can’t tell you how much I am struggling with the upcoming election and having a rerun of choices from 2020 (for the second time in my life I held by nose and voted republican again). You have excellent credentials and so please take a look at what I noted from your article and also information available about VP Pence. It is a sad day when people so fear a person running for President they they put on blinders and avoid the truth. I would appreciate your response.

Donald Trump took an oath as President..previously took an oath..to support the constitution..from the 14th Amendment anyone committing insurrection can hold specific offices as noted if they have shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, The definition in your article for
INSURRECTION, noun [Latin insurgo; in and surgo, to rise.]
1. A rising against civil or political authority; the open and active opposition of a number of persons to the execution of a law in a city or state. It is equivalent to sedition, except that sedition expresses a less extensive rising of citizens. E.g. It is found that this city of old time hath made insurrection against kings, and that rebellion and sedition have been made therein. Ezra 4:19.
Insurrection requires opposition to the execution of a law. While there is tremendous debate as to what even transpired on January 6 — such as who was instigating entrance into the Capitol — one thing is clear: President Trump and those who were supporting him were vehemently advocating for the full execution of the law. They wanted to ensure that the Electoral Count Act was adhered to for the proper vetting and certification of electors. Consequently, it would have been those who did not want the Electoral Count Act to be followed who would have definitively been the ones guilty of insurrection. 
Do you recall the following reporting about January 6th: In an interview hours after former President Donald Trump was indicted for an alleged conspiracy to overturn the 2020 presidential election, one of his attorneys said that all Trump had ultimately asked his vice president to do was “simply pause” the Electoral College count at the US. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.On Fox News the following night, Aug. 2, former Vice President Mike Pence called that claim “completely false.” Pence said Trump and his “gaggle of crackpot lawyers” asked him “to literally reject votes.”“I think it’s important that the American people know what happened in the days before January 6,” Pence said. “President Trump demanded that I use my authority as vice president presiding over the count of the Electoral College to essentially overturn the election by returning or literally rejecting votes. I had no authority to do that.”For those who might doubt him, Pence urged them to “read the indictment.”Pence is featured prominently throughout the 45-page indictment, but there are seven and a half pages that specifically deal with “The Defendant’s [Trump’s] Attempts to Enlist the Vice President to Fraudulently Alter the Election Results at the January 6 Certification Proceeding.” That section relies heavily on interviews Pence provided to federal prosecutors, and the indictment references “contemporaneous notes” Pence kept to memorialize some events and conversations. According to the indictment, “As the January 6 congressional certification proceeding approached and other efforts to impair, obstruct, and defeat the federal government function failed, the Defendant [Trump] sought to enlist the Vice President to use his ceremonial role at the certification to fraudulently alter the election results. The Defendant did this first by using knowingly false claims of election fraud to convince the Vice President to accept the Defendant’s fraudulent electors, reject legitimate electoral votes, or send legitimate electoral votes to state legislatures for review rather than count them. When that failed, the Defendant attempted to use a crowd of supporters that he had gathered in Washington, DC., to pressure the Vice President to fraudulently alter the election results.”Here are some of the related events described in the indictment leading up to Jan. 6:Dec. 23, 2020: Trump retweeted (and later deleted) a memo titled “Operation ‘PENCE’ CARD,” which, the indictment states, “falsely asserted that the Vice President could, among other things, unilaterally disqualify legitimate electors from six targeted states.”The same day, the indictment says, co-conspirator 2 (whom we have identified as John Eastman, a Trump attorney) “circulated a two-page memorandum outlining a plan for the Vice President to unlawfully declare the Defendant the certified winner of the presidential election.”

    January 6, 2024

    Pence, unfortunately….is no longer trustworthy. He became a master politician & sadly, hid behind his Christianity to justify his stance. His “spin” on what he could or couldn’t do is “missing key words” that allow him the luxury of “not using courage” to right the wrong & injustice (theft) done to real Pres. Trump & the people of this nation. All of that aside, it comes down to 1 very basic fact. Lining up *all votes* from all states vs actual registered voters….does not compute. Not even close. The bottom line practicality is that it’s numerically impossible for Biden to have received 81 mil votes. It could not happen. The “insurrection case” is just another “misdirection spin” that was plotted & offered up to take Americans eyes away from the magnitude of the falsehood served upon the nation. (one of many)
    Pence’s “step away & abandoning” from his run for president has everything to do with his stance in not upholding what he knew he should have done. Pence’s political career, as he knows it….is done….and rightfully so. He talked a good game but it takes more than a smooth, calm voice to make a believer out of people. The people of this nation would have supported him if they believed he was right. But they know better. Untrustworthy is Mr Pence.

    January 6, 2024

    Pence, my goodfellow Mike, is a bald-faced liar! Ask GOD what and who is true, and HE will tell you! In JESUS NAME!

    January 6, 2024

    Just in case you’re interested in other facts, here is one you may not know: Mike Pence said/believed on 12/20/2020 when he spoke at a rally for David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler (Georgia Senate runoff), “We’re going to keep fighting until every legal vote is counted. We’re going to keep fighting until every illegal vote is thrown out, and we will never stop fighting to make America great again” (4:28). I. E., he believed we can challenge presumed illegal votes.
    I wonder what made him change his stance less than 30 days later on January 6. Like Pontius Pilot, Pence washed his hands of the fight for “every legal vote to be counted and every illegal vote to be thrown out”(4:28).

    The First Amendment not only guarantees our right to free speech and peaceful assembly/protest (as President Trump admonished those at his rally to do peacefully) but also our right to petition the government for redress of our grievances. In other words asking for clarification is not off limits or at least it wasn’t until Jan 6, 2021. As Ted Cruz said, we wanted a little more time to make sure the vote was legitimate since there were so many anomalies such as changing election rules without state legislative approval which is required under the US Constitution.

    Lastly, as you have no doubt heard numerous times, President Trump has never been charged with insurrection.

    You can read the whole transcript of the Georgia Rally speech here https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/mike-pence-speech-georgia-defend-the-majority-rally-transcript-december-10

    January 11, 2024

    Thank you Mike, soo much for your detailed notes!
    And I so praise Poppa G-D for former VP Pence. He knows he will stand before The Almighty one day to give an account of his life.
    I am not saying we need to ignore the evil done by Democrats but we can not fight evil with more evil, anymore that I would welcome Republican chaos to get rid of the current putrified administration.
    Righteousness is what a nation needs, especially ours.

Dianne Potter
January 6, 2024

Tremendous truth brought forward. Thank you Lord let it be shouted from the rooftops and continually exposing the darkness and bringing it to the light completely for a turnaround and reset in Jesus Name !!

Floyd j Rosini
January 6, 2024

Truly scholarly!
Thank you for sharing such precious and profound truths.
The Lord will act on these prayers!

Carolyn Howell
January 6, 2024

Thank you for all you do! IFA 💝
🙏🙏🙏 praying God takes the reigns and leads us all into our proper roles concerning our Future with our Government in Yeshua’s precious name! Amen

Melanie Freeman
January 6, 2024

Dear Lord, I pray for protection and comfort for those held in prison, without due process . I pray for the families . May You bring conviction to the souls of those leading this unlawful travesty against freedom. Open the eyes of those who are complacent and put fire back in our pulpits. You are the Lord Almighty and no one escapes Your righteous judgement. I stand with You,Lord, for Truth to prevail in our land once again.

January 6, 2024

Thank you for clarity on the subject. Lord, thank You, for You are our God of justice and liberty. Bring liberty and Justice, for all that have been accused wrongly. Vengeance is Yours against the enemies of our souls and our nation. May Your kingdom come and Your will be done in America. Thank You Lord that America will be saved.

Keith Logsdon
January 6, 2024

Thank you for this definition/explanation. Question: How or does this definition, the part after that highlighted, referencing aid and abetting the enemy relate to how we (under direction of the Biden Administration) exited Afghanistan? This left citizens of that country in harms way, gave billions of dollars of military equipment in the hands of two enemies (the Taliban and China) that could and is believed to have been distributed elsewhere to harm our allies.

January 6, 2024

Bottom Line…
Current administration engaged in insurrection. Ignored sitting president demands for safety, replaced officers with their own, let people in, then murdered people inside. Supreme court would have to replace the entire current administration if they want to go that way.

Richard H. Erat
January 6, 2024

Thank you for the detail presented here. I never construed what acts known to be those of President Trump to be less than lawful be it verbal orders given to the military to be other than to protect the halls of congress from acts of violence. I understood that the speaker of the House had the responsibility to order the military to restore law and order but failed to do so. That being the case as I understand it, the then president is not accountable as the person to call for law and order.

Debbie Louisignau
January 6, 2024

Thank you for making this clear!

January 6, 2024

Thank you, Cynthia! Excellent article!

January 6, 2024

DNC, Antifa, BLM, FBI, CIA, DOD, DCops, Capital Police, IRS, NEA, DEA, FDA, CDC, NIH, AMA, APhA, Media, ETC. . .

Where is TRUTH?
Where is JUSTICE?
¿Anyone seen fist bumping of release of handcuff individual?
J6 was all evil…
Do Not Follow, but

Mari Williams
January 6, 2024

My goodness! What a revelation!
“Consequently, it would have been those who did not want the Electoral Count Act to be followed who would have definitionally been the ones guilty of insurrection.”

Our Father in Heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name

Thank YOU OUR WONDERFUL FATHER GOD for revealing the TRUTH and thank YOU OUR FATHER that the TRUTH will stand. And ruin will come . . . .

Proverbs 13: 3 Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin.

Brian Lynch
January 6, 2024

What is disturbing , is, that the Dems have gone to great lengths to try to paint a picture where President Trump was an insurrectionist on Jan.6. He wasn’t. He merely told people who were protesting the election results to go to the Capitol building and let their voices and concerns to be heard. He did not encourage the violent behavior that was displayed by the ” Insurrectionists” that occurred at the capitol building that day. The people who actually caused the problem with their over- the-top, inappropriate behavior were not the people that Pres. Trump spoke to on Jan.6. Lord Jesus, please, let the actual truth be exposed in this matter. Please, by Your great mercy and grace, please, let the truth in this matter be revealed. I also ask you that those who were the actual badly behaved people will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Thank You Jesus.

    Sharon B.
    January 6, 2024

    Brian Lynch, thank you for your no-nonsense review of this travesty. I don’t think President Trump is the one to blame on this matter. Unlike this administration in power now, Trump was always for law and order.

January 6, 2024

We have strayed so far from the principles of our Constitution as well as those of our Founding fathers. Sadly not only have our public schools but especially our universities have ignored these principles and our young people are simply not being taught these precious ideas of liberty and the rule of law as well as other godly values. I pray especially for the children of our country. I pray for repentance and revival.

Scott Saunders
January 6, 2024

My heart continues to grieve for those people incarcerated unjustly because of J6; their families as well. It is incomprehensible that they are behind bars without bail; and no specific charges have been brought against them.

May God raise up an army of intercessors in the US to cover these people with prayer. May God raise up tens of millions of believers that will stand in the gap for our country.

Annette Hauck
January 6, 2024


January 6, 2024

I appreciate your very informed and insightful commentary! It pushed many of us to see exactly what our constitution stated. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Trump supporters did not commit insurrection! I had been to DC in December. Several groups that supported Trump were there and it was like a campmeeting! Praying, singing, sharing marching around praying over our government. I know the election should not have been certified and Trump won!!!

David Lelli
January 6, 2024

The real insurrection was successful. For the first time in our history we don’t have a president. We have a corrupt dictator instead.

Rich Swingle
January 6, 2024

Cynthia, thanks so much for these important insights! Praying into this!

January 6, 2024

Unfortunately, your definitions, although rather wordy, do not adequately support the true facts of what really occurred on January 6th, 2021. I am a Veteran of our armed forces. I am also a Pastor and a fully frocked Bishop in the Lord’s Church. We have had and currently have attackers from within. We must truly seek the God of Heaven whose son is Jesus Christ for proper answers and no longer lean to our own understandings. I pray that tge Father truly opens the eyes of His people.

    January 6, 2024

    Thank you, Bishop! Agreed & Connections matter as well the praying on of the full armor of God! We are about to experience the worse of attacks. Satan is working at taking most of us: (not aware) or too afraid to walk through the door God has showed us. I’ve walked for over my short life time & heard as well acted on lots of excuses (to not) go forth. Repented!
    Thank you for your service, “salute” for your work in the US military & current position in our (Army of God)!! Blessed Over and Above Measure, In Christ Alone.

    January 6, 2024

    Firstly, thank you for your service, Bishop.
    Secondly, I am curious as to what you believe the true facts are regarding Jan. 6. Please elaborate. Thank you.

    January 11, 2024

    Thank you for your service to America Bishop!
    And huge, massive she-bear hugs of deep thanks for your caring ministry to our Lord and HIS people! All us me’s who have surrendered to HIS goodness, received the cleansing HIS Blood purchased and that precious promise, The in dwelling Holy Spirit of our Living G-D!
    I really did appreciate Cynthia’s article, very well written, orderly laid out!
    When she got to explaining the difference between insurrection and sedition I praised Poppa G-D all over again! Thinking of a favorite movie, Last of the Mohicans! The British commander first threatens Hawkeye with arrest for sedition, then does it! And even the commander’s own daughter confronts his evil, but he does not repent…NO WONDER our forefathers made such wordy laws!
    Real Freedom matters. They did not want us to fall for imitations.

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