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Father, we pray that you would supernaturally secure our border. Strengthen our border patrol and give our leaders wisdom as they all seek to resolve this crisis.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The crisis at the border is very real. As Christians, we must do our best to secure our border and protect our people.

From Intercessors for America. In the Pray With America’s Leaders webcast on April 28, IFA President Dave Kubal asked Texas Senator Ted Cruz some questions about the border. The following prayer requests are quotes from Senator Cruz himself. You can watch the whole interview on IFA’s watch page, or on rumble.

“Pray for the children, first of all, pray for the children who are in the hands of these traffickers, that they be protected. So many of them are being abused and will deal with the consequence of that abuse for the rest of their lives.”

“Pray for the border patrol agents who are true heroes. They risk their lives. We just had a Texas national guardsman drown in the Rio Grande trying to rescue people who were drowning and he gave his own life.”

“Pray for the heroes who are trying to secure the border. … they’re demoralized because they risk their lives, they catch traffickers, human traffickers, drug traffickers, and their political leadership turns around and releases them, and it is amazing that they go into work each day when they’re being undermined by their political leadership.”

“Pray for new leadership that will actually enforce the law and stop this crisis because it is destroying real lives on a daily basis and it’s indefensible.”

Sen. Cruz mentioned traffickers slipping through the border, the the problem is much deeper than that. Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants slipped into our country last year, evading the law and bringing the influence of cartels with them.

From The Center Square. While Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas claims the southern border is secure and he has a plan in place for increased surges, those in law enforcement say the opposite is true. Not only have Border Patrol agents lost operational control of the border, they’ve also lost operational awareness and have no idea who is coming through, current and former Border Patrol agents told The Center Square.

In President Joe Biden’s first year in office, an estimated 1 million people entered the U.S. illegally and evaded capture, Border Patrol agents estimate. Known as “gotaways,” they aren’t included in the apprehension and enforcement data published by U.S. Customs and Border Protection every month.

There are generally two groups of people entering the U.S. illegally, those in law enforcement told The Center Square. Those who surrender at ports of entry claiming to seek asylum or other immigration-related claims, and gotaways.

Gotaways are considered to be more dangerous, those in law enforcement –  from Border Patrol agents, to sheriffs, to local police – say. When they’re captured, they often have criminal records. Sheriffs attempt to quantify the ones who’ve evaded capture through a range of methods after finding stash houses and images of groups of people wearing camouflage and backpacks traveling on foot caught on cameras placed on private properties and in other areas.

Last year, CBP “officially released known, documented numbers of illegal aliens who evaded apprehension to be roughly 380,000 people,” retired Chief of U.S. Border Patrol Rodney Scott told The Center Square. “Last month, we learned from a leaked Border Patrol document that there were over 300,000 known people who evaded apprehension” in the first three months of this year, he said….

“Cartels are using the massive numbers of people as a weapon to overwhelm Border Patrol,” Scott said, “so they can intentionally bring in criminals, terrorists and narcotics….

In fiscal 2021, CBP reported 1.9 million total enforcement actions. Already in fiscal 2022, CBP has reported 1.2 million enforcement actions, excluding gotaways….

Retired Border Patrol agent Frank Lopez, Jr., who’s filed to run in Texas’ Congressional District 23, told The Center Square, “Personnel on the ground have now lost operational awareness let alone operational control because they’re not patrolling like they used to, meaning Border Patrol has no idea who is coming through or how many are. The best we have are estimates.”


We have also included a video below in which Federalist Reporter Tristan Justice explains just how dangerous the border crisis is, and how that danger is being unfairly minimized by many in power.

From The Federalist.

How are you praying for our border? Share this article to encourage others to pray.

(Excerpt from The Center Square and video from The Federalist. Photo Credit: Greg Bulla on Unsplash)

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Peggy J. Dorman
April 30, 2022

I come to You in the Name of Jesus and in the Power if Your Holy Spirit and I am asking that You would secure the Borders and Protect those who are in harm’s way everyday.
You are Our Umbrella of Hope LORD. YOU ARE OUR WALL OF PROTECTION.
We Pray for Safety for ALL of our people from the ” Gotaways ” and anyone else who wants to harm Your people.
We Love You, LORD and we don’t have to allow satan in to ruin our Country. We are Your Children and we ask for constant help from our Military at the Borders and Constant help for our Police Men and Women.
Don’t allow defunding of any of them !!!!!
Thank You Father for what You Do and for what You have already done.
To God Be The GLORY,

Susan CC
April 30, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father, as evil men threatened and schemed how to destroy him, David waited on You. We see the same threats and schemes being planned today in the United States of America. We see it but what do You see? We call out to You but what do You hear? We hope but what do You intend? Please show us how to rest alone in You as You are our hope. You are our rock and salvation, our fortress, our refuge…we will not be shaken. We trust in You in all times as we pour out our hearts before You. Father God, be our refuge at the border. I also pray You are a refuge for the countless who are caught in the net of lawlessness there. I pray it pleases you to capture them in Your net. All power belongs to You, You are God Almighty. I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Teresa Berenbrok
April 30, 2022

For I,’ declares the Lord, ‘will be a wall of fire around her [protecting her from enemies], and I will be the glory in her midst.’ ”
Zechariah 2:5 AMP
God, we pray that You would be a wall of fire around the USA, protecting us from our enemies. We pray that You would be the glory within our midst!
We plead the blood of Jesus over the US and our borders, and we claim and decree Your protection and glory in the mighty name of Jesus. Praise our God of Angel Armies, amen!

    Nancy Berkey
    April 30, 2022

    I agree with all in prayer for victory over this crisis. Please pray for me for healing of a broken foot.

Bob Huseby
April 30, 2022

This issue is bringing awareness to our individual states that they can take a stand against Washington. Our governor in Texas is sending bus loads of illegals to DC. Many other states across America are finally standing up and saying Enough to abortion, mandates, voting fraud, gay agenda’s and deceptive news reporting. Another example of Satans strategy of destruction upon America. However these will be to no avail as we unite in one accord that Jesus is Lord and America SHALL be saved.


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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