I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank You for holding Target accountable to these antibiblical views and products. Save our kids and our culture, God!
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Parents, Christians, and conservatives are all taking a stand against Target following a disastrous launch of controversial policies and products.

From The Epoch Times. Target’s stock has dropped more than 10 percentage points since the company drew controversy for unveiling its latest line of LGBT products.

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Since the backlash hit Target, the Minneapolis-based retailer’s stock has dropped some 12 percent, according to data published by the Dow Jones Market Data Group.  That amounts to a loss of more than $9 billion in market value, the data show.

On Wednesday, May 17, right around the time the controversy erupted, Target’s stock closed at $160.96 per share, giving the firm a $74.3 billion market capitalization. But about nine days later, on Friday, May 26, the company’s stock slid to $138.93.

In the midst of the backlash—led by prominent conservative Twitter accounts—the company confirmed in a news release that it removed some of its “pride collection” clothing and placed those items in the back of stores in some locations. But the release attempted to cast the blame on individuals who were leading the boycott, alleging that there have been “threats” targeting Target employees’ “sense of safety.” …


Starting earlier this month, some conservative influencers noted that the company was selling children’s clothing and products with LGBT imagery and statements, including LGBT-themed clothes for newborn infants. …

The firm is also selling LGBT books aimed at children, including “Bye-bye Binary” and “What Are Your Words,” which tells kids how to use transgender pronouns. Some products for children appear to feature drag queens, the website shows.

Conservative commentator Candace Owens, of the Daily Wire, suggested people boycott Target due to the products. …

One of the largest retailers in the United States, Target has faced boycott calls for years. In 2016, one boycott was launched against the firm after it debuted a policy that allowed men who claim to be women to use women’s and girls’ bathrooms.

At the time, the conservative American Family Association (AFA) called on its members to boycott Target for the retailer’s policy and accused it of possibly exposing women and girls to sexual predators. Target’s policy “means a man can simply say he feels like a woman today and enter the women’s restroom … this is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims,” AFA said on its website at the time. …

From Fox News. A Target Corporation senior executive in the marketing department maintains a position with a controversial K-12 advocacy organization called GLSEN – Target’s Pride Month partner – which is focused on integrating gender ideology at all levels of K-12 schools, from curriculum to district policy.

Carlos Saavedra is a vice president of brand marketing at Target and a treasurer at GLSEN. GLSEN focuses on getting districts to adopt policies that will keep parents in the dark on their child’s in-school gender transition …

“GLSEN leads the movement in creating affirming… and anti-racist spaces for LGBTQIA+ students. We are proud of 10+ years of collaboration with GLSEN and continue to support their mission,” Target said. The retail giant provides annual donations to GLSEN, which has amounted to at least $2.1 million. …

As part of this mission, GLSEN calls for gender ideology to be integrated into all classes, even math. …

GLSEN provides sample district policies which restrict parents’ knowledge on their child’s gender transition in schools.

Its policy for districts said, “[The local education agency] shall ensure that all personally identifiable and medical information relating to transgender and nonbinary students is kept confidential” …

Target has faced backlash for its LGBTQ Pride merchandise, compelling it to move their collection away from the front of some locations after customer “outrage” to avoid a “Bud Light situation.” …

What do you think of the Target Boycott? Share this article to keep people informed.

(Excerpts from The Epoch Times and Fox News. Photo Credit: Abhinav Bhardwaj on Unsplash)

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Bill Johnson
June 4, 2023

My question is why are all the major corporations pandering to such a small minority of customers? As the old saying goes ” they don’t see the light till they feel the heat”! These businesses must feel the heat for an extended period of time to truly change how they operate!! Lord touch the hearts of those leading these businesses to help them “see the Light” and change their ways!!

June 4, 2023

I believe we absolutely should boycott Target. A boycott would clarify that their marketing plan is wrong.

Ann Shaw
June 4, 2023

I have long boycotted Target years ago when they began using ads with 2 men as part of a family. I see no reason to shop at Target still. I do pray that the lies used to reach people will not be profitable. God’s truth is stronger and will triumph

June 4, 2023

Matthew 18:6 ESV But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea
Father, awaken us all, parents, grandparents to understand we can love as Jesus loved without accepting or condoning their sin. Quicken our children to hear and yet know the Truth. Give them the desire to please You. Awaken the hearts of those who are pushing this agenda to be bold, do what is right in Your eyes, Lord, and to turn away from these bribes that hold them in bondage. We pray for righteousness and justice to be restored in this country, in our schools and in our homes, I praise you Lord that in such darkness and evil, Your light and love shine brightly. Turn our hearts back to You. Give us a hunger for You. May your peace reign in our hearts, homes and country.

Karen Secrest
June 4, 2023

I rarely go into this store. I’m uncomfortable with a corporate policy that caters to 1% of the population. Even as I don’t patronize nightclubs, bars and other outlets whose products and services encourage the fumes and pollution of the swamp..


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