I Prayed have prayed
God, we thank You for raising up so many strong believers in this sport. We ask You to use these powerful testimonies to bless and impact millions this Super Bowl.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Many of the players and even the owners of one of the teams in last night’s Super Bowl put God first. Hallelujah!

From CBN. The San Francisco 49ers and the Kansas City Chiefs are set to square off for Super Bowl LVIII ā€“ in many ways a rematch of Super Bowl LIV. The Chiefs are the third team to reach four Super Bowls in the span of five years. And San Francisco is hoping to bring home championship number six. …

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Players from the 49ers and Chiefs alike are proclaiming Christ on sports’s biggest stage, including both of the star quarterbacks ā€“ Brock Purdy and Patrick Mahomes. …

Here are some of the highlights from players seeking to honor God during this past week:

Harrison Butker #7
Kicker – Kansas City Chiefs

“I never thought I’d ever be on a stage like this, but here I am and I need to glorify God for that. …

God’s put me on this platform for a reason. And, you know, I can’t be ashamed to give Him all the credit for being here and being alive and everything that he’s given for me.” …

Marquez Valdez-Scantling #11
Wide Receiver – Kansas City Chiefs

“I’ve had some really, really dark days in my past where, you know, it was either death by suicide or talk to God. And, you know, like I said, I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for my faith and don’t play this game for, for anything else but the man up top …”

Patrick Mahomes #15
Quarterback – Kansas City Chiefs

CBN Sports asked Patrick Mahomes if he could talk about what role faith plays in his life and how important it is to him:

“Yeah, it helps you, the example that that I am every day. And it gives me an example of who to strive to be… be like. And whenever stuff is tough or through adverse times, I can just know that I can lean on my faith to get me through,” Mahomes told CBN.

Brock Purdy #13
Quarterback – San Francisco 49ers

CBN Sports also asked Brock Purdy about his faith story and what this season has taught him about God’s faithfulness:

“Yeah, I would just say, you know, not trying to hold on too tightly to your life and what you do with your job and make it your identity is in Jesus. And and honestly, that’s been the case for me in my life. I haven’t, you know, tried to hold on to the football life. Ā Being a quarterback. It’s been about, ‘All right, God, this is what I do. But I am who You say I am.’ …”

Deebo Samuel #19
Wide Receiver – San Francisco 49ers

“I wake up, I pray, I thank Him before I even go out there on the field. I think, Oh, man, even if there are games like that, just something that I naturally do, that, you know, without Him none of this is even possible.”

Arik Armstead #91
Defensive End – San Francisco 49ers

“Football is fleeting. … But the foundation of my life is my faith. And, you know, that allows me to put things into perspective. …”

Christian McCaffrey #23
Running Back – San Francisco 49ers

My faith is the most important thing in my life, it’s the thing that keeps me grounded. You know, I think the moment I started to really, you know, enjoy my life more than I ever have is when I surrendered to God. …”

Are you encouraged by these testimonies? Share this with your friends and family to encourage them!

(Excerpt from CBN. Photo Credit: nycshooter/Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro)

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February 17, 2024

Thank you Jesus for these faithful men. Bless them Jesus. Amen

david burgher
February 15, 2024

The game of life is so profoundly exactly like football. It is brutal and hard. Our goal line is heaven’s endzone, but to get there it takes much training of dying to self, failures, team spirit, hard practice, full armor, and tuned in with eyes on the head Coach Jesus.

Tom & Madeline
February 13, 2024

Thank you for sharing and Thanks to these stars for their belief and faith!

Mary A Cole
February 13, 2024

Thank you for sharing how faith impacts your lives. I pray that many will seek to follow your examples.

February 12, 2024

So awesome, Father in the name of Jesus guide & protect these men and give them the wisdom, discernment, and any correction they may need to stsy in your wprd and fellowship and continue their great testimonies of faith for Your glory, and as they continue to yield themselves to you may many youth look to them as true Christian and sports celebrity role models. Alert them and protect them from all the snares of the enemy that might try to get them off course. in Jesus name.. Thank you

February 12, 2024

I am not a football fan but I am certainly proud that these players acknowledge they couldn’t do it without God! We need the Christians in every sport who believe in Jesus, to stand up for Him and their faith. We are in a spiritual war in this country. Warriors stand up!

Barbara Hinch
February 12, 2024

My apologies concerning my previous post – I missed the reference to Jesus in an instance or two.

Barbara Hinch
February 12, 2024

I don’t doubt that most – if not all – of these gentlemen are believers. But not one of these quotations mention Jesus by Name. We need to be aware in this day and age that many people who call on the Name of God are calling on another god. We cannot assume that just because someone with celebrity status proclaims their faith automatically means that their faith is in Jesus. The New Age Movement is hugely popular among many of the elite. Is revival coming? Yes! Will the enemy be actively fighting to deceive (if possible) even the very elect? Yes!

Kathy Emahiser
February 12, 2024

Father, I know these young men have put a smile on your face because they have unashamedly let their world know about their relationship with you. Please keep them grounded in their faith as they influence others to follow suit. I ask that you encamp your angels around each of them for Devine protection, and constantly put laborers across their paths to help keep them encouraged and grounded in their faith. I bind every demonic force that will try to attack them in one form or another. I thank you Father for answering my prayer. In the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.

Charlotte Dice
February 12, 2024

Thank you, God, for raising up men in sports who are not afraid to praise you in the public square! I pray you will use then mightily for your kingdom. In Jesus Name, Amen!
This gives me hope!
I LOVE football but quit watching it years ago when players started disrespecting our national anthem and flag and the NFL went along with it.

February 12, 2024

Praise the Lord for those players at the Super Bowl who took a stand for Jesus Christ. I pray this has an impact on those that watched and those they come in contact with. I pray for each of them to be bold in their faith. God belss you all.

Rich Swingle
February 12, 2024

What a blessing to the best teams in the world acknowledge the One who is above all!

Lord, bless these ones who have blessed Your name, and continue to shine through them!

February 12, 2024


February 12, 2024

Itā€™s so encouraging to hear glory being given to God by these young athletic starsā€¦. Knowing from where their talent comes and publicly staking that claim, God bless these men who arenā€™t intimidated by speaking their faith to the world! šŸ’–

Mary Stark
February 11, 2024

So happy that our God
is exalted through this

February 11, 2024

Father Godā€¦Thank you for the testimonies of both Super Bowl teams. Let the testimonies of these players be an influence to our youth who look up to these players. There are far too many bad influences over the lives of our youth in Americaā€¦let there be a ā€œrevivalā€ in the world of sports all for Your Glory! In the name of Jesus I prayšŸ™āœļøšŸ•ŠļøšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

Billie Gorham
February 11, 2024

Thank you for these men and their testimonies. May God bless them, protect them and multiply them.

Cy Bassett
February 11, 2024

We are praying for the young men to keep their eyes on Jesus and to promote manhood leadership in Christ! To God be the Glory!

Gary Mccarthy
February 11, 2024

Pray for our country.
Pray for President Donald J. Trump to win the 2024 Election.
Pray that America would turn back to GOD my Savior.

    February 13, 2024

    Thank you Gary. I pray for President Trump also to win the ’24 election and that all Americans turn back to God. We need Trump and Netanyahu to rule together as in Trump’s first term. May God protect these leaders who step out in faith to lead us to our Father in Heaven. I pray God surround Israel and America with his blood and make Israel victorious in this battle against evil. In Jesus Name. Amen and Amen.

Neil J Sogge
February 11, 2024

In games from the past, where a player has given testimony to Jesus Christ; I have heard the unbelieving press question and criticize, saying that such talk does not belong in a press conference. The sports press is much like the mainstream press, where there are many people who dislike Christianity and are brash enough to mock from their public forum. Perhaps, though, should there be many, many athletes who identify with Christ, in a committed faith, the press may be rendered innocuous in their criticism. We should pray and hope further that such testimony might turn the hardened hearts of the press. A said faith among athletes will not go far, but a faith with action behind it will draw transforming attention. I think of the NHL hockey player who refused to participate in the honoring of the LGBTQ+ cause.

February 11, 2024

Please pray the Super Bowl half time show is a testimony to God Our Father and not of the devil. I fear Usher, the half time performer worships someone other than Our God.

Jim Turner
February 11, 2024

Please, America, letā€™s deep six ā€œyou know.ā€
You know?

Gregorio Calvo
February 11, 2024

Praise the Lord for the above testimonies from NFL outstanding players heading into Super Bowl 2024!

From the Island of Guam out here in the Western Pacific, “Where America’s Day Begins!

Blessings, To God be the Glory!

Gregorio Calvo

Betty Morris
February 10, 2024

Wonderful to hear these young men’s testimonies. May God bless them greatly!

Larry and Pam Zook
February 10, 2024

Lord we thank you for these professional athletes who give You glory during their moment in the spotlight. Let many people be touched by these testimonies so that they come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Donald W Johnson
February 10, 2024

So good to see & as a strong believer myself, I was hoping earlier this season that the Bowl would be between KC & SF.

Terrie O'Neal
February 10, 2024

IFA Peoples – Thankyou for the wonderful stories about the up and coming Super Bowl. I have not really been
a fan of pro-ball- football, until some of the players became Christians and are living for Him. It is so refreshing
in such a tumultous times. blessings, T. O’Neal

Mary Knapp
February 10, 2024

Father God use these men as shinging lights in a dark world.
Let them be examples of what godly men look like to the younger
generation who so despertly need insperation in these dark times.
Bless them tomarrow as the play in the superbowl and be proud of
the game they play regardless of who wins the game. Let them know they are all winners.

Phil Zeitler
February 10, 2024

Absolutely awesome

Don Adams
February 10, 2024

Thank you for these men who depend on Jesus and lift him up as a source of strength, encouragement and support. Father bless these men and protect them on the field. Let them feel your joy as they play the game for your glory. Let their example and testimony challenge and encouage younger players to pursue excellence and seek Jesus as the source of strength in their life.

February 10, 2024

Love Christian athletes- they know God has given them their talent and they honor him. Not afraid to stand up for Jesus!
Praying and cheering for Deebo Samuel! Go #19ā¤ļø

JT Stewart
February 10, 2024


George Carr
February 10, 2024

Purdy mentions is identity comes from Jesus. The others talk about their faith and blessings and God. The Bible says believe in your heart and confess with your lips that Jesus Christ is Lord.

February 10, 2024

Glory to God in the highest!!! Itā€™s a joy to hear these players sharing their faith. The influence that they have is powerful. Praise God most high!!

Betty Ahlberg
February 10, 2024

This is so good to hear…hopefully it will overcome all those players who don’t know Christ and all the woke people in the NFL

carol miller
February 10, 2024

Love to hear those testimonies giving Glory to God!

Debra Beasley
February 10, 2024

Praise godšŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»

Henrie Conway
February 10, 2024

I accidentally hit the report button on my prayerful response to these Christian athletes!

Henrie Conway
February 10, 2024

Praise God for these Christian athletes! They are grounded in Christ and know what is most importantā€¦ to thank God for His gifts and abilities, to honor God in doing their best and to glorify God with their lives, win or lose!

February 10, 2024

Father lead us as we take this journey with you.

Joan W Purdue
February 10, 2024

Oh Lord, guide and protect these who know and love you. Keep them safe as they PLAY this game. let them know that they are representing YOU in how they play this game with all its Ups and Downs.

February 10, 2024

I am with the 49er players not the KS players. KS players are sketchy at best pushing the fake jab that was political and dangerous for money. I will pray for KS to not be led by $$$$$$$$$$. Let God lead not money. 49ers stay true to your belief in God Purdy thank you for your strength in God and standing strong with your Faith in a place like San Francisco.


    February 10, 2024

    I agree with you., donā€™t want to judge his heart., but Mahomes had quite the temper and some of his language on the field makes me question the fruit in his life.

Mary Lou Titus
February 10, 2024

Praise Be to God from whom all blessings flow. We truly love hearing your testimonies. We’ll be watching and rooting for you, our brothers!

Daniel Kennedy
February 10, 2024

Christians and Patriots alike should refrain from watching any pro football especially the Superbowl!

    Mary Lou Titus
    February 10, 2024

    You have no idea how many men playing this game are playing for Jesus. Judge not lest you be judged.

February 10, 2024

Praise the Lord!! It is wonderful to hear people in celebrity form giving praise to the Lord for all He has done for them personally. Prayers for safety in tomorrow’s game for both sides, along with good sportsmanship and skill. Also praying that any demonic influences during the game and at halftime would be expelled from the stadium and that the child sex trafficking would be stopped as it is true that during large public gatherings such as this, it is the most fruitful for the traffickers. Lord, protect the innocent children and anyone caught up in this web of evil.

Grant Windholz
February 10, 2024

Thank you God Almighty, for bringing players who are šŸ’Ŗ believers in Christ your Son. It’s accepting the whole package and nothing less! Football is an awesome game and the Super Bowl is the center stage where millions of people internationally are watching athletes who represent Christ, go at it and hopefully bring many spectators to become believers in Christ also! AMEN šŸ™!

Douglas Dolleman
February 10, 2024

Awesome words of truth from these world class athletes !

I am proud to be a fellow believer in our Lord Jesus Christ.

This generation desperately needs to have hope and love shared with them.

February 10, 2024

Tim Tebow (?) brought forth his belief on the football field. His parents served the Lord as missionaries so from the locations of his youth to the playing field he silently proclaimed his faith. Thank you Lord for giving others the chance to do the same. It’s always a joy to see the believers come to the center to pray after the game!!!

February 10, 2024

I only wish we had some individuals like this in our political arena in DC. I thank the Lord for these athletes who have put God first in their life. Every politician should read Romans 12:9-21 and Iā€™m sure some would be convicted. I know I have been many times.

February 10, 2024

So glad to see one’s faith be the role model of things worth living for the next generation & everyone! Really wish the woke NFL would pay attention, I sure hope half time entertainment is for family eyes!!

February 10, 2024

LORD thank you for choosing these men and granting them courage to stand firm in their faith. Pour out your SPIRIT on these men and their families. Protect from temptation and harm. Pour out your spirit of humility and truth. GOD thank you!!!

Christa Reed
February 10, 2024

What a witness these guys are! And God has given them a platform in a sport where so many are watching.

February 10, 2024

Just wish it wouldn’t be said that, “I can learn on my faith” rather than I can lean on The the Lord Jesus Christ. He is a PERSON, the SON OF GOD.
Praying that testimonies would be so clear that they cannot be misunderstood.

In Christ,

February 10, 2024


February 10, 2024

Touching and inspiring.
I will sharing this.
Thank You
Good Bless

February 10, 2024

Amen! Itā€™s so wonderful to see these men of God to not be ashamed to confess their faith in Jesus. There is no limits with God.

Bonnie Repass
February 10, 2024

Thank you for sharing your faith in God. I’ll be sharing this with my 14 year old grandson who loves the game of football.

Jim Randall
February 10, 2024

I pray the public gets a dose of clean entertainment to end the season and begin the new year 2024. May the game be a challenge to be the great country that we were, and the halftime entertainment be a change, one that challenges us to return to our American values, to those of Jesus.

February 10, 2024

It all started with Tim Tebow

Beverly Windle
February 10, 2024

These testimonies are great, and I am glad these men are sharing their faith. However, we need to pray against all the sex trafficking that will go on during this event. The Super Bowl is one of the biggest events for sex trafficking and I pray that the authorities in Los Vegas already have a plan in place to stop it.

Shellie Maheu
February 10, 2024


Susan CC
February 10, 2024

הוד ידה Judah- Praised, Let Him Be Praised
The name Judah comes from the Hebrew word for gratitude. Leah gave birth to Judah and said “Now I will praise God” Praised, Let Him Be Praised

Numbers 10:12-14 …and the Israelites set out from the Wilderness of Sinai, traveling from place to place until the cloud settled in the Wilderness of Paran. 13They set out this first time according to the LORDā€™s command through Moses. 14First, the divisions of the camp
of Judah set out under their standard, with Nahshon son of Amminadab in command.

Herodā€™s Death
Acts 12: 22 The assembled people began to shout, ā€œItā€™s the voice of a god and not of a man!ā€ 23 At once an angel of the Lord struck him because he did not give the glory to God, and he became infected with worms and died. 24 Then Godā€™s message flourished and multiplied.

Dear Heavenly Father, I have no skin in this game but I am asking for praise to take center stage at the Super Bowl. May it precede and follow as pre and post interviews are filled with Praise and Honor to You. Judah means Let Him be Praised and You commanded this tribe to be the 1st in marching order in the wilderness. Praise led the way. I pray You will honor the team that will give You praise and I pray this Sunday, You will be prominent on this world stage. May the Name of Jesus Christ be heard in this arena as well as the millions of homes watching. Amen

Shirley Robertson
February 10, 2024

Praise the Lord for these menā€™s testimonies. God bless them!

February 10, 2024

I am not a football fan, but this year I’d like to support these players. May God bless them all and may the ears of their teammates and fans be opened to God’s word. Thank you to IFA for sharing this story. Praise and glory to our Lord Yeshua Messiah for his indescribable gift and every good thing. Amen.

Michael Hodges
February 10, 2024

I’m amazed that Christian McCaffery gives God and his faith glory. It didn’t show at NFL Honors. All the others recipients gave God the glory or Praise to Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior.

Jana L Chervenic
February 10, 2024

I wish this could be one of the commercials for the Super Bowl!

February 10, 2024

Heavenly Father, The enemy works overtime on seducing our world into making gods of everything that will kill, steal and destroy. The Super Bowl is a big target for Satanā€™s to work out his schemes.
I ask that this yearā€™s game has greater influence and impact for Your kingdom than any game before in the past.

This fallen and hurting world needs to be rescued. Shut the mouths of all things that are impure and unholy and continue to use the voices and circumstance here that exalt our Lord Jesus Christ.
Raise up the army of the true team above, Your children, to amplify the truth in love to a watching world. It is not about 49ers or Chiefsā€¦ it is about the preparation of Your people before the return of Christ.
Keep us ready and not diverted by foolish things.
May there be a spreading fire on the football field that ignites souls to be captivated, convicted and set free like nothing the fans have ever seen in the previous games.
Set the prisoners free!
Show up Holy Spirit and take our breath away. Not in the spiral throw of a leather ball, or a touchdown, but in Your presence!!!

In Jesusā€™ name,

Jan Barwick
February 10, 2024

Praise the Lord for these players who are not afraid to tell of their strong faith in God.. May their voices be heard tomorrow.

Eileen L Fields
February 10, 2024

Wow! Praise God for their openness on How Great He is in their lives! They’re shinning The Light of the World in a dark time!

February 10, 2024

This is incredibly awesome. God is awesome. I truly believe we need him more now than ever before. I pray for our nation everyday. When you learn to trust God, you can do all things. God bless the entire NFL family. So great! šŸ™šŸ™Œ

February 10, 2024


Angela W
February 10, 2024

Exciting!! Praying that these young men will never be turned away from God because of the multi-millions of dollars that they make. Put it on their hearts, Lord, to seek You for wisdom and good stewardship concerning their finances. I pray that their relationships with You will grow deeper and fuller and that they will mature in Christ with each season. Show them how to impact their sphere of influence. In the name of Jesus the Christ, amen.

Jill Arsenault
February 10, 2024

Thank you for reminding us that there are GOOD things about the Super Bowl! I’ve heard so much about the dark side. I’m so glad to hear something positive.

Sally Gless
February 10, 2024


February 10, 2024

With all of theā€wokeā€ people and LGBTQ and BLM and so many other Godless, Faithless, organizations it is so refreshing to hear the testimonies of other celebrities who are giving credit of their talents and popularity right where it belongs, to the Lord our God who has blessed them to live in the greatest country upon the earth, a country free to worship who and how we want. A country many have died to be a part of, a country where they have the ability to get educated and use their talents to earn a great living and spend time developing the talent and learn a sport that can become a job where they can earn such a good living. Many will say I did this all by myself and my hard work, God can take away what He has so graciously given (talent, health, personality, work incentive, looks, opportunity, etc;) and all else we take for granted) in the twinkle of an eye. I hope many more realize and give credit to God for all we have. Thank You God for all I am and all I have and will ever be and rich or poor help me to use all i have to serve others less fortunate. Amen, my Lord, my Savior, my amazing God.

Shirley Sanders
February 10, 2024

Praise. The Lord!!!šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘

R Suzan McGaw
February 10, 2024

Very impressive testimonies.
I love football.

Paula Helmick
February 10, 2024

Praise God for these strong testimonies to the world. These young men have a platform n their exalting the God who is creation of all!


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