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I Prayed have prayed
Lord Jesus, globalist leaders are pursuing a new world order that is not in line with Your plan for humanity. We pray that their plans would be scattered and confused.
Reading Time: 7 minutes

It’s that time of year again. The leaves are falling and the globalists are gathering at the United Nations in New York City on September 22-23, 2024 for the Summit of the Future. Operating in hyperdrive mode, their goal is to solidify a “Pact for the Future,” which will include a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations. This platform, if widely adopted, could give the UN “near-dictatorial powers to call emergencies in situations including climate change, economic disruptions, conflicts, cyberattacks, asteroids and other space phenomena and/or a catch-all dubbed ‘black swan events.’”

According to the United Nations website, the Summit of the Future is “a high-level event, bringing world leaders together to forge a new international consensus on how we deliver a better present and safeguard the future.” They state that “effective global cooperation” is critical to survival and the summit provides a “once-in-a-generation opportunity” to “mend eroded trust” and “tackle emerging threats and opportunities.”

Seizing Authority at the Summit

Frank Gaffney Jr., Executive Chairman for the Center for Security Policy and Co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition, warns that this summit is more than just a gathering of world leaders who want to promote global cooperation. Something more sinister is at play because unaccountable, unelected, international bureaucrats are seeking to dictate global policy and use emergency powers to hijack national constitutions and laws. The Marxist-leaning directors of the United Nations aim to seize authority over member nations, forcing compliance to the 17 sustainable development goals. Essentially, their trajectory to global governance is a path to world government.

Communism Rebranded

James Lindsay, an acclaimed author and internationally recognized speaker who has written about woke ideology and race Marxism, appeared on Sovereignty Coalition’s Emergency Briefing to explain how the Summit of the Future is designed to accelerate and implement a 21st century version of communism. This version embraces identity politics, as well as social and climate justice. Moreover, it envisions a global health system where every person on earth is subject to the same rules and protocols during emergency events.

ESG is the New Communism

Disguised as a means of productive change, this new communism is achieved by implementing an ESG (environmental social governance) framework. The E in ESG equals climate action, whereas the S stands for social justice. The G represents the stakeholder capitalism model promoted by organizations like the World Economic Forum, where businesses and society will be governed by the dictates of a global authority. The overarching purpose of ESG is to forcibly implement the United Nation’s sustainable goals and to make sure everyone on the planet is in lock-step with them.    

World Citizens Instead of National Citizens

Lindsay stresses that the United Nations wants to transform all aspects of society and create world citizens rather than national citizens. This idea can be traced back to a man named Robert Muller , who is known as the UN’s Prophet of Hope. Muller’s New Age (esoteric) ideas helped shape the UN in its early years and seeded the belief that only a world government can bring peace and prosperity to the planet. Muller worked tirelessly to secure China’s admittance to the UN, even though its system of governance led to the continual abuse of its own citizens.

Another prominent influencer included Julian Huxley, an evolutionary biologist, transhumanist and eugenics enthusiast who became the first Director-General of UNESCO, the education arm of the United Nations. An ideology was cultivated and disseminated that plants, animals and humans are all one giant connected organism and they need a global authority to keep everything in balance.

The Chinese Communist Party and the World Economic Forum are Strategic Allies of the UN

Award-winning investigative journalist, educator, and author Alex Newman has been following the UN for over 15 years, and he reveals that they are actively working with allies like the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and the WEF (World Economic Forum) to centralize political and economic power. The UN is also collaborating with religious organizations such as Religions for Peace, in order to garner faith-based support for their international power grab.

A Global Power Coup

In March 2023, UN Secretary-General António Guterres launched the “Our Common Agenda” policy briefs, which highlight how the United Nations Agenda 2030 and its 17 sustainable development goals will be used to respond to global crises.

One of the briefs focused on “strengthening the international response to complex global shocks through an emergency platform,” which would include a “coordinated response” using “key actors,” and a specific “set of protocols.” The brief also states that, “an emergency platform would leverage the UN’s convening power and capacities in a timely and predictable way” which is based on “solidarity” and “equity.”

Alex Newman explains that the United Nations doesn’t seek to build a stronger world, but rather empower itself and its Secretary-General, António Guterres, a man who formerly led the Socialist International, which is an organization that traces its roots back to Karl Marx.

Currently, globalist players are warning of a “polycrisis,” which could include multiple crises (such as a pandemic, cyberattack, or financial emergency) that may unfold at the same time. These global emergencies could be used to vigorously implement the UN’s agenda which includes reforming the international monetary system, implementing a digital ID, and deploying a “One Health” mandate for all nations.

Redistributing Wealth

Prior to the main summit on September 22-23, there are two “Action Days” scheduled on September 20-21 which will engage world leaders, stakeholders and youth. One session titled International Tax Cooperation: A New Frontier for Inequality Reduction, explores “the role of taxation as an instrument to mitigate inequalities,” as well as “carbon taxes, levies on fossil fuels, taxing the super-rich, and corporate taxation.”

Another session titled International Financial Architecture for the 21st Century addresses “the need for an international financial structure that supports sustainable development,” and creates “global citizens.” Other sessions delve into “dismantling patriarchal power,” harnessing “digital technologies for peace and security,” and global transformation.

The World Economic Forum Envisions a New Future World Order

The World Economic Forum supports the UN and believes there’s a new kind of power shift coming where “other actors” will step up and fill leadership voids. A recent article posted on their website predicts that the current dominance of superpowers will shift as many countries move away from trading in the U.S. dollar and begin using blockchain payment systems and implementing climate change initiatives.

Dr. Maha Hosain Aziz, the author of the article, has written a best-selling book called Future World Order, and she believes this shift will happen, regardless of the outcome of the U.S. election. Her article includes a hyperlink to a politically charged piece in the Economist titled Donald Trump Poses the Biggest Danger to the World in 2024. One quote says that Trump poses the “greatest threat to his own country,” adding that if America votes him into office, their “moral authority” around the world will decline.

As leaders and influencers gather at the Summit of the Future, it’s evident that many desire to enact a new social contract for humanity by transforming the world into their sustainable version of utopia. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are displayed on a background of vibrant rainbow colors, representing their vision to save the planet. But their plans are deeply flawed and misguided because only Jesus Christ–the one who created the rainbow–can bring peace and transformation to this world.

How Do We Pray about the Summit of the Future?

Ahead of this summit, there are many prayer points to tackle. Let’s dive into some important ones, as listed below.

Prayer 1:

Ahead of the Summit of the Future, pray that there would be leaders and/or influencers who have dreams reminiscent of King Nebuchadnezzar, who was given a vision of the future from God. Pray these dreams would turn their hearts to Jesus and His plans for the world, rather than the United Nation’s plan for humanity.

Prayer 2:

Pray that the plans of the wicked would be confused and any attempts to seize global power would be struck down. Pray that the sustainable development goals will become like dust in the wind.

Prayer 3:

Ask the Lord to reveal any deep or hidden things, allowing them to be disclosed by the speakers and leaders at the event. Pray that the truth comes out, even from those who have planned to disguise it.

Prayer 4:

Pray that God would embed many “watchmen on the wall” (journalists, freedom fighters) at the Summit of the Future who will be given opportunities to influence those who embrace globalism. Protect them as they gather the intel that is needed to inform and activate the public.

Prayer 5:

Pray for organizations like the Sovereignty Coalition, as well as United Nations whistleblowers such as Frank Gaffney, Alex Newman and James Lindsay, who are sounding the alarm about globalist power grabs. Give them favor and provision as they continue in their missions.

Encouraging News from Governors

Let’s all keep in mind that in August 2024 at least 26 Republican governors released a joint statement declaring they will not comply with the World Health Organization’s attempt at world control over health policy through their “Pandemic Agreement.” Sovereignty Coalition’s website adds, “What is clear is that America’s patriotic governors–and everybody else committed to our form of limited government–must establish that ‘We will not comply’ with the United Nation’s efforts to impose instead a one world government.”

To help everyone understand this issue better, the Sovereignty Coalition will be hosting a Sovereignty Summit via Zoom on September 16, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. ET. You can register to attend by using this link.

Lord Jesus, the world cannot be saved by sustainable goals and global organizations. You are the only one who can bring transformation to this dark, unsustainable world. Tear down the plans of the wicked and transform this planet through the power of Your blood that was shed on the cross.

How can we pray for the numerous world leaders who will be attending the Summit of the Future? Please share any powerful prayers that can break the strangling yoke of globalism.

Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger and former teacher who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the United States. You can visit her blogs at and She is also the author of Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus, and her first children’s book, Hallelujah’s Great Ride, was released in September 2023.


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September 12, 2024

Thank you somuch for your information on how to pray!

September 12, 2024

Back at the time of the fight against the British army, the few farmers and merchants who went to war against that well established army of that day, sounded the cry as they went to battle: No King But Jesus and No Sovereign But God. for a long time that was true for America.
Father God we are in need of your mercy. As well as your help to pull America back from the state of decline she has fallen into. Forgive us that we have chosen to bow at the altars of all of the Baals, and help us back to You. In Jesus Name, amen.


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