Counterfeit Climate ‘Repentance’ Ceremonies
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Counterfeit Climate ‘Repentance’ Ceremonies
Analysis. The climate change narrative is saturating our world — and its promoters aim to transform every aspect of our lives.
The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development held ceremonies of climate “repentance” on the Sinai Peninsula, in Jerusalem, and in London, on Sunday, Nov. 13, 2022, in partnership with the Elijah Interfaith Institute and The Peace Department. Prominent religious leaders from Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and the religions of India participated. The ceremonies were observed in parallel with the United Nations Climate Conference (COP27), being held Nov. 7–18, 2022, in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. Attendees at this conference hail from 197 countries that have agreed to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, which was originally adopted in 1992. Among the goals: tackling the climate emergency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and financing climate action around the world.
“We come to Sinai in a movement of repentance and quest,” a statement says. “We seek a new vision for humanity and its endangered existence, and we seek to receive and amplify a message of life-sustaining living and habits that humanity needs to hear today. In this spirit, the project partners will bring together premier religious leaders from the world’s major religions to put forth a prophetic interreligious call to action: ‘Ten Universal Principles for Climate Justice.’ ”
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The Climate Justice Ten Commandments
According to the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development, the location of COP27 and the repentance ceremony held in Sinai are meaningful because the Sinai Desert is “a place of revelation in the collective consciousness of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and others.” The ceremony took place near an area traditionally thought to be the location of Mt. Sinai, mentioned in the Bible book of Exodus. While there is much debate about whether this is the actual biblical site, the event was meant to be symbolic of God’s original Ten Commandments being revealed, and this directly ties into what these faith leaders are calling the “Climate Justice Ten Commandments.” The overall idea is that the citizens of Earth need to repent from the sin of greenhouse gas emissions, especially the wealthy nations that have profited most from fossil fuels.
In the ceremony at Mt. Sinai, climate activists gathered to read chapters of the 2011 multifaith-signed Holy Land Declaration on Climate Change. Next, they read the Ten Principles for Climate Repentance, and two tablets were smashed upon the ground. One of the tablets had the words “Broken Promises” written in Hebrew on it, while the other was painted green to represent the “green commandments.”
The main ceremony was held in London, where faith leaders stood in solidarity and called on global authorities to implement the Ten Principles for Climate Repentance. Religious leaders climbed Parliament Hill together as they carried scrolls which bore the new commandments. Next, they proclaimed these to participants who were eagerly awaiting their message. These climate-repentance principles cited by the organizers are:
- we are stewards of this world;
- creation manifests divinity;
- everything in life is interconnected;
- do no harm;
- look after tomorrow;
- rise above ego for our world;
- change our inner climate;
- repent and return;
- every action matters;
- use mind, open heart.
Afterward, the participants took part in a two-hour multifaith Climate Repentance Ceremony at a local synagogue. Other countries hosted similar ceremonies — Australia, Austria, Ecuador, Germany, and India — and so did the U.S. states of Indiana, New York, and Utah.
Similarity to Georgia Guidestones
These Ten Commandments for Climate Repentance bear similarities to the Georgia Guidestones, which stress ten guidelines for those desiring to live in an “Age of Reason.” That 19-foot granite monument, nicknamed the Ten Commandments of the New World Order, was destroyed in July 2022. The guidelines written on the faces of the four upright stones contained messages promoting balance with nature, harmony with the infinite, social responsibility, and uniting humanity under a single purpose. The man responsible for having the monument built has published his views, and those of his sponsors, in the Georgia Guidestones Guidebook. One particular quote bears a striking resemblance to the ideas espoused by the climate change enthusiasts who participated in the repentance ceremonies on Nov. 13.
A quote on pages 18 and 19 reads:
“There are alternatives to Armageddon. They are attainable. But they will not happen without coordinated efforts by millions of dedicated people in all nations of the earth…we humans have been gifted with a small capacity to know and act–for good or for evil. We must strive to optimize our existence, not only for ourselves, but for those who come after us…in 1980, as these stones were being raised, the most pressing world problem was the need to control human numbers. In recent centuries, technology and abundant fuels have made a possible multiplication of humanity beyond what is prudent or long sustainable…nearly every nation is now overpopulated in terms of a perpetual balance with nature.”
Like the climate activists, who blame fossil fuels for the evils of carbon emissions, these creators of the Georgia Guidestones point the finger at the fuels for increasing the earth’s population. One of the guidestone’s commandments says, “Be not a cancer to the earth,” as if in sync with those “repenting” for “sinning” against creation at these recent climate ceremonies.
Christians Promoting the Cause
Dr. Rowan Williams, a former archbishop of Canterbury, stated that people must repent for “an attitude of greed, irresponsibility and chronic short-term vision to the world we share.” Additionally, suggestions have been made that wealthier, Western nations make reparations for “loss and damage” to smaller, less-developed countries that have suffered in their wake.
Other religious leaders have echoed this message, making videos which champion climate action. Archbishop Tapio Luoma, of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, can be seen in this video (posted on the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development website) voicing strong support for Agenda 2030. He says the principles of moderation, unselfishness, balance and harmony are needed in the Church community, and he suggests that evangelicals take action by finding ways to become carbon neutral — or perhaps by adopting a vegetarian diet.
This year’s COP27, located at a resort by the Red Sea, will cover a wide range of topics, from decarbonization and extreme weather to global climate taxes and reparations. Religious leaders are expected to be part of this process, and this is why there are seminars and presentations at COP27 Nov. 14–16 focusing on how faith can be used to spread and implement the climate commandments. Free resources are provided that include such topics as Abraham and Torah Teachings on Climate Change, as well as lessons from Malachi 4 and Luke 21 that focus on “climate justice.”
The key idea is that spirituality is essential for spreading this message, so that human society can be transformed, including human actions and behavior.
The logo for the COP27 conference “depicts the (African) sun above and embracing the ancient Egyptian Aten’s sun (below), and impliedly giving a rise to a new horizon. The Aten was the disc of the sun and originally an aspect of Ra, the sun god in traditional ancient Egyptian religion.”
The founder and executive director of the Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development states: “We need to change the operating system that humanity generated and is degrading God’s creation. We need to switch from greed, short-term thinking, and individualistic behavior to spiritual satisfaction, long-term thinking and altruism. And by doing that we will address the symptoms of the problem and manifest a new earth. May God help us.”
This could leave one to wonder: What operating system is he referring to, and how, exactly, can sinful mankind manifest “a new Earth”?
The Ten Commandments for Climate Repentance are based on faulty reasoning dictated by globalists who have their own plans for an earthly utopia. This plan, however, is fatally flawed because it’s created by men and women who do not recognize or understand that God is in complete control of the climate, weather, and all the intricacies of this planet. Additionally, the focus of repentance must always go back to the true Creator of the earth, Jesus Christ, Who is the only one who can forgive sins. Interfaith ceremonies with participants who do not recognize Jesus as the only Savior of the World are done in vain. Additionally, God’s word plainly spells out the Ten Commandments that humankind is to live by and assures us that the planet will not be destroyed by the carbon emissions of man. In fact, contrary to the climate declarations of the UN, Jesus himself will restore the entire planet — from the smallest plankton to the largest mountain.
Colossians 1:15–17 declares:
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
And so we pray:
Lord Jesus, we know that You are the one holding this planet in the palm of your hands — not the United Nations, and not the climate alarmists — JUST YOU! Please open the eyes of the religious leaders who have been drawn into this web of lies called climate change, and show them the truth.
What do you think about these climate repentance ceremonies? How are you praying about this issue?
Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger and homeschooling mom who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the United States. You can visit her blogs at and Her latest book, Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus, was released in June 2021. Photo Credit: Getty Images.
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I’ve long wondered if climate change activists really believe that destroying fossil fuels, not eating meat, or destroying proven farming methods will ensure we don’t have hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes or any kind of extreme weather. Do they really believe such nonsense?
Amen and thank you for following Jesus. He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except thru him (Jesus). Keep standing for the truth. I pray that God will help us repent and turn back to Him, before it is too late. Climate change is a delusion used by satan to keep people stirred up against each other. Satan is a liar and the father of lies and a liar from the beginning.
“We need to switch from greed, short-term thinking, and individualistic behavior to spiritual satisfaction, long-term thinking and altruism.”
Totally agree! This is what Jesus TOLD us to do. Why do we think He will save those of us who totally ignored how He commanded us to live? We need works and faith. We were told this.
YES! I totally agree that the Lord God Almighty has ALWAYS been in control of this world and always will be!!! Satan has gotten into the minds of so many lost souls here in America, not to mention our government, to focus our time, energy and mental well being into something we can never control. Especially the billions of dollars we have wasted with political battles for years, trying to save the Earth. A BIG JOKE! Satan just loves to see people fight against each other and see America crumble in the process. Keep our eyes on Jesus Christ!!
climate change is a joke and a lie…I can easyly tell of several things that can be done to save fossil fuel and polution.. but it will cost the rich man billions of dollers. so it cant be done. the rich mans money is far more important than human life….
but keep looking up… for GOD is in control and my big brother is coming soon.
Genesis 8. :22…..” As long as the Earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”
You do not believe in the Bible yet, You use it for your symbolism and your mockery. That’s not the real Mount Sinai by the way.
Thank you for proving that God’s word is true. Thank you for fulfilling Bible prophecy.
Dear people, I will pray that our Savior and redeemer Lord God Almighty will soften your heart and I pray that the holy Spirit will work within you to have your eyes opened and your souls cleansed.
For our Bible is real, the word of God is true and just. Again, I want to thank you for fulfilling Bible prophecy. May God be with you and may the holy Spirit overtake you and give you peace. And I pray that the blood of our Savior Jesus Christ washes over you, and You will see that repentance and being born again is the only way. Yeshua said , “I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but through me.” I pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
We are to take care of this planet but the lies, deception, that the globalists are spewing is only for control just like our God predicted. Please do your research. I beg you… what it takes to do what they are proposing. Please please do your research.
The pope is promoting lies on climate the real reason why we have floods and fires and earthquakes and volcanos is due to peoples sins and there lack of repentance to keep yahs laws and commandments
for your friends and neighbors who cant understand now the Bible or common sense
TRY to help them understand with something most have had a little training in.
the Great Lakes and Finger Lakes are commonly discussed as having been MADE by the melting of Glaciers..
most refer to this approximately 10,000 years ago as their best theory ( aka Guess)
they ALSO describe the Migration of Native Americans across from Straight in Alaska approximately the same time 10,000 years ago ..because the straight was exposed for crossing
Modern Geologist and archeologist NOW Feel there were 4 and maybe FIVE times the GLACIERS FORMED and then MELTED>. and that the Indians migrated down the streams that melted in between the glacier melting..
SO , WHAT caused the Extremes in COLD to FORM the Glaciers OR the HEAT to MELT the Glaciers and form the GREAT LAKES and FINGER LAKES ?? This happened Before FOSSIL FUELS !!! ENcourage others to THINK !!!!! there is much WE DO NOT CONTROL or cause.. Now we NEED CHEAP FUEL for heating and to grow food for PEOPLE esp POOR people.. i understand that even in Pakistan they are already rationing natural gas 3-5 hours a day for cooking and heating. YIKES . Hopefully some commons sense can be TAUGHT to Political elite “leaders” to stop HURTING the POOR ..
God created the world, then He created men and women to rule over the world. Taking care of the world hardly seems to be contrary to the will of God. Obviously worshiping the creation is not something that is pleasing to God. After reading the ten suggestions I really don’t see what the concern is all about.
Father God we praise You for Who Youare!! We know You are creator ofand King of the universe…oh how You must laugh at mankind’s silliness. Those people who are so ewise in their iwn eyes You will show foolish. We know this is all New World Order propaganda set up. Father open eyes minds and hearts to hunger and thirst for a true relationship with The Living God…move and heal hearts Lord remove stumblingblocks to saving faith which requires true repentance and desire to stop sinning against You and each other.Lies, greed, hatred, manipulations, pride, sexual sin, violence. Lord expose the wolves in sheeps clothing! Protect Your sheep in Jesus Name Amen
If God has given to mankind to be stewards of the Earth,, then we need to be consuming it less than caring for it. Repentance ceremonies accomplish little, unless they are followed by effective action, which they usually are not. Lip service instead of action.
We also do not need top down human/governmental control or top down socialism to achieve a healthy planet.
Yes, God is always in charge, and God often acts through humans.
How do you propose we consume it less if taking effective action is not appropriate? How do you propose that as individuals we care for earth better when corporations are manufacturing billions of disposable plastic containers a day and stripping forests for graze cattle?
#1 Climate Change has nothing to do with repentance! Religious leaders or people who follow a group of people who are sold out on lies: is not a Christian walk with God. I pray that eyes will be opened and hearts change when they find emptiness in their lives. The climate change is a form of a occult that is filled with lies of deceit, this plan is another way Satan is deceiving people. God I am getting tired of made up stories the Leftists are pushing this agenda on many who believe the lies of their destruction;, I pray that they will realize that Jesus is the ONLY who has the authority to forgive SIN. And the only one who can create a Human.
Exactly. Do you remember what WCC, occult, and their agenda is for? They always use religious group. It’s the same group, the leftists,, pushing the Climate change agenda, so they can get money from the governments from all the countries in worldwide. When all these countries come together and pass this agenda, they will eventually charge us the air we breathe and will collect monthly from us.
Heavenly Father I come to you and rebuke all the lies about climate change in the Power of Jesus’s Name!!! May eyes be open and ears hear and people sincerely seeking God’s truth know without a doubt that You and You alone are in charge of the earth and its climate. May we stand up and speak out the truth lovingly and bravely. Thank you God in Jesus’s name that we have won the House of Representatives and that Trump has announced his candidacy for President in 2024. Thank you God for these encouraging things and May You use these occurrences for our good and the good of the world and for your Glory!!! In Jesus’s Name amen. Don’t want to be too political and include all who know Jesus and desire to see God’s will such as Tulsi Gabbard and others.
Sounds like another great delusion – instigated more to obtain control over people than to “save” the planet.
This is another part of the anti-Christ movement we have seen rear it’s satanic head over our world. We pray Lord that you would show the evil in this movement.Amen
Climate change is a socialist communist GRIFT it’s all about money for the climate cultists I pray this is not what our country needs in Jesus name
Completely satanic! God we just come before you on behalf of our country and the whole earth father that holy hands would be lifted up to honor you and glorify your holy name. In Yashuahs name amen
Thank you for the insight you share. Again here is another example of man thinking he can be in control,, the clay instructing the potter. I didnt understand what the conference was all about other than numerous individuals flew 400 personal jets to address climate issues. My prayers align with yours and may God clear the hearts of these misaligned efforts.
The words of scripture are coming to pass in our lifetime. How utterly wicked these “religious leaders” are in mocking the God of the Universe’s commandments. What arrogance these deceived people have?!?! . It’s a very sobering time to live in this world right now. This question is burning in my mind as I read this article. Whom will you serve? The one true living God? or Satan, the god of this world? I know my choice. “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord!”
The Great Falling Away: Which Side Are You On?
By Eva
A new gospel!
No sacrifice.
No blood atonement.
No Jesus Christ.
No cross. No shame.
No guilt. No remorse.
It’s all offensive
Of course, of course!
No dying to sin.
No absolutes.
No self-denial.
No ones rebuked.
Be forewarned!
G-D won’t be mocked.
He’ll crush you to powder
If you won’t fall on the Rock.
The day is at hand!
The separation has begun
Of the chaff from the wheat:
Which side are you on?
(Poem based on Exodus 32:26; I Kings 18:21; II Chronicles 7:13-14; Matthew 3:1-12 & 7:21-27; Luke 3:16-17; John 15:10; Romans 6; Galatians 1:8-9 & 6:7-8;
Ephesians 5:11-12; II Timothy 3; II Peter 3).
Shalom and be blessed. :0) you have been blessed with a way with words
“The thief comes to kill, steal and destroy”. He is also the great deceiver, and how many has he deceived! The “climate change” garbage is meant as a way to take control of the world. And it seems to be working as it plays on the fears of so many. But “Jesus came that we could have life and have it more abundantly”. And he “did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, and power and of a sound mind”. May Godly men and women come together now as the church of Jesus Christ and “stand against the gates of hell”, which are here now. For if we do, Jesus said “the gates of hell will not prevail.” Jesus said it, I believe it, we need to do it! Amen!
I recently heard a pastor say that the early church defeated paganism but now paganism is making a return to the world and to our country. That Word has been in my mind ever since I heard it and this article just solidified it. Abortion, the blasphemy of calling this meeting (at Mt. Sinai nonetheless) the Ten Commandments! And the depiction of the sun God Ra! It’s so grievous. Father God, move upon Your church, Your people, Your intercessors to show the world Your glory, Your Love, Your Son Yeshua the Messiah. Even so, come, Lord Jesus 🙏
The climate “repentance ceremony” is nothing more than nonbeliever created idol to worship; whereas, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.” Exodus 20:2-3
What believers desperately need today is “But if not” faith (Daniel 3:18) of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego.
“climate change” is a counterfeit religion to be sure, using some of the language of the Christian faith to lure people in, make it seem meaningful, – people are looking for something to replace the worship of God, which they have abandoned. This “new religion” of climate focuses on the created thing rather than on the Creator. It is full of deception and twisted truths. Only God’s truth can set us free from being enslaved to this current climate narrative. The truth of God’s word is our defense against this false narrative. “There is a way which seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.” God’s wisdom and ways will show us the way out of this man created mess.
It is mind boggling how anyone could believe this crap the snake oil nwo people are selling.
Dear Jesus please wake people up from their stupor slumber.
Psalm 94:20-23
Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law, have fellowship with You? They gather together against the life of the righteous, and condemn innocent blood. But the LORD has been my defense, and my God the rock of my refuge. He has brought on them their own iniquity, and shall cut them off in their own wickedness; The LORD our God shall cut them off.
These verses came up in my prayer time this morning before I knew of this post. I Pray that their souls will be saved, but this foolishness has to stop.
Do these people not realize how much of a carbon footprint the logistics for these meetings and conventions left? If they believed their own words, they should demand that all such meetings and gatherings cease immediately. They don’t walk out what they talk about. God created the world, He is still in control of it and nothing they can do will change His plans or His purposes. “Every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord over all peoples and all creation!
When will the religious leaders of the world gather to call for repentance of real sins, such as sexual immorality, murder of children in the womb-a product of that sexual immorality, human trafficking…..?
I know there is no truth to this “climate change” lie that is being perpetuated. God is in control of this earth, and His Word tells us exactly what is going to happen!! When Jesus comes back to earth the 2nd time, He is going to establish a New Heaven and a New Earth!! Praise God!!
What is the net worth of Rabbi Yonatan Neril. I have not been able to find this out. Does anyone know?
Father, deliver us from lies about Your creation. May Your children not be deceived. May our law makers wake from the confusion and propaganda to see the true impact of these policies that create worse problems than they claim they solve. May voices of common sense arise to defend farmers and food and energy supply and national sovereignty with true science.
Dear God, may we remember that You are in control of all things, not man. May we focus on You, not any decceptive
information from man.
Father God, awaken these leaders to the deceit of Satan. This is a prime example of the cunning deceit Satan does to all of us, even Christian Brethren who are led into this deceit. We know that we are to be good Stewards of this Earth, but it is Satan’s domain right now. You, God are the controller of this World and the Universe, and no human being can change the course You have set for us. We pray earnestly that you will open eyes to this deceit and control of the Climate change agenda. For all that is seeming good with narrative is deceit and ultimate demise. If only people could see through the veil and know that You are in control. That our Faith in You Dear Father, is what we should be relying on and not human intervention.
Precious, Heavenly Father, please expose this foolish agenda for the dangerous like that it is. Bring to repentance those who are involved in promoting it. You alone oh Lord ARE in control of all things, nothing escapes your notice or attention. Let us continue on in your strength and truth not that of the world. In Jesus mighty name, amen.
There is so much scientific information available from thousands of scientists who have an entirely different set of facts concerning the climate and how the changes occur and why. It is a shame that they will not see the light of day in our current climate. (no pun intended).
The first thing that came to my mind,
“The abomination that causes desolation”
see Da. 11 and 12, Mt. 24, Mk. 13
Forgive me my sins as I forgive those who sin against me. Lord, I pray for their very souls….
Praying the Jeremiah Prayer.
The people pushing this demonic agenda are lucifierians.
A mockery. A religious WOKE show by leaders who perpetrate foolish ideology.
Father God, open the eyes of your people who are called by your name to see the deception in this climate change agenda. Tear down the strongholds and idols the enemy has established to wreck havoc in the world you created. All we like sheep have been led astray. We cry out to you for truth and for exposure of this evil agenda from the pit of hell. We ask for your glory to be revealed to your people who are called by your name and to all nations and tribes in this world. When the enemy comes in like a flood, you raise a banner over us. Raise your banner over us, Abba! We run under the wings of your protection . Be lifted up and draw all men to you. We repent of the evil climate repentance event which transpired in Indiana, New York and Utah. Stop the spread of this evil agenda to other states. We repent on behalf of Gov. Holcomb (Republican) of Indiana who was keynote speaker at the the UN Climate Control meeting last week. Abba, place a hedge of protection around Indiana, New York, Utah, all states of our country, and all nations of this world.. Close the mouths of the media who promote this agenda. Open the eyes of your people. Set a ring of holy fire around us to protect us. Let not this evil agenda bear fruit. Unless you guard over us, we guard in vain. Show forth your glory and debunk this wicked agenda. Is anything too hard for You? NO! Thank you for the honor and privilege of coming to you in prayer, and for the blessings of laying our burdens down at your feet! Thank you for being a God who, sees and cares, and who is a righteous King and judge over all creation. We give you praise, in Jesus name, Amen.
#2 of the climate commandments is particularly disturbing: “creation manifests divinity”. According to Romans 1: 20, ” For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse”. The Truth of Scripture is creation manifests God. (Read the rest of Rom. 1). They are following antichrist spirit. God does tell us to be good stewards of the planet, but we are not to deny Him in order to do it. Our safety is knowing the word of God and testing everything against it. But beware! There are some newly printed copies of the bible where verses and sections have been taken out that don’t support the globalist agenda. Trust copies that are 5-10 years old or older. Compare newer once against these.
Fascinating, insightful, and well written article. These religious leaders are unwittingly preparing to lead their flocks, not to a better way but to slaughter. We are told “Beware of false prophets who come to you dressed in sheeps clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” Matt. 7:15 Their commandment to look after tomorrow is anti-biblical. Matt. 6:34 teaches, “So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” It is as though they fear death and being reunited with the Father. We are commanded to be good stewards over His creation, He controls everything else. These climate alarmists are a fearful bunch, any yet, we are commanded, “Fear not” They are false prophets, they cling to the world and not to faith.
Lord, since they have come so far in their understanding to recognize the place where you gave your law as a special and significant place, may Holy Spirit move on their hearts convicting them of the laws you gave that they are breaking and lead them to repentance unto salvation.
Father LORD, You’re the God of the universe, Creator of all things, expose every lie they are using to worship the creatures rather than Creator in Jesus name. Fight this battle of trans humanity and let their plans be scattered in Jesus name. Let God arise and let your enemies be scattered…. Psalm 68:1
Just another piece of evidence that we are in the End Times. What is right is wrong, and what is wrong is right. Lord Jesus, please redeem the time that we are living in!
“We seek a new vision for humanity and its endangered existence…” The only endangered existence for humanity is Hell if people don’t accept Christ, but these people don’t care anything about that.
People get ready.
Heavenly Father, You alone are worthy of all praise and Glory! For there is NONE like You! Forgive us Father and forgive our enemies! For they know not what they do. We have abandoned our first love for a globalist agenda that is not like YOU! Some of us clearly see the direction this is heading and we know Your time is at hand. We pray for those who have fallen for the worlds way of life and the deception that comes with it. You alone created us in your image and these people do not recognise that you alone are the beginning and the end of every thing. Your Word is Everything You are and expect from Your children. We have failed you by being caught up in the worldly things and not fixed on You! We are AWAKENED now! We see clearly the deception of the devil and we come before Your Throne and ask for mercy and forgiveness! We pray that Your Holy Spirit consumes us with Holy fire from Heaven so that we may stand faithfully before You on Judgement day. For we know the time is near. Help us in this time share Your love for us until our dying day. That we may open the hearts and the minds of Your people. Show them how this false agenda is to kill us , steal from us and ultimately destroy us. Which is not Your plan but the plan of Man! Who’s number is written in Your Word! So we ask for protection from the enemy and we ask that You send a heavenly army before us ! In Jesus Name I pray! Amen! 2 CHRONICLES 20:15
And he said, “Hearken ye, all Judah and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou King Jehoshaphat! Thus saith the Lord unto you: ‘Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s.
It is simply redistribution of wealth from the people of the United States to the globalists, by the globalists.
Christ is the answer to life’s travails, not
Worship of Gaia!
Pray for the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to descend upon our priestly leaders .
Lord Jesus ❤️
We repent for where we have not been good stewards of your beautiful creation but have exploited it out of our greed. Please forgive us! Help us to move in unity and restore your glory in Your creation!
I think it should have been addressed how Pope Francis (and the Roman Catholic church) are playing key leadership role in all this pagan earth worship. Catholics and Christians need to be extremely aware of the definite direction this ecumenical movement is taking toward mother earth worship (wondering when Mother of Heaven Mary will be brought in as one of the draws or if she already has been in their literature, language, and prayers) and seeing this great end times religious deception forming before our eyes.
Our God is the Creator of ALL and is watching over ALL. Forgive us and those that are leading so many astray. Holy Spirit come and open the eyes of those that are Your servants and leaders of Your people. This is Your creation and we know that nothing can be done without You. Reign on Your creation, all of creation rocks, hills, mountains, creeks, rivers and oceans are all waiting for Your command. Send Your mighty power to reset this planet. Let all know that You and only You are God!
This form of repentance is idolatry and the worship of Creation instead of the Creator. Humanity is ignoring the sinful human condition and needs inner conversion by the Cross of Calvary and receiving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. This type of religious climate change repentance is a farce and will end up in utter disaster if these priests don’t recognize and honor the Creator Jehovah and the Lord Jesus Christ.
The arrogance of attempting to replicate an act of the God of the Bible, while they reject that very Word and His law! The proposed cure attempts to mitigate the consequences of sin(transgression of God’s law, 1John 3:4), without addressing the sin itself. This is high handed rebellion and it is being fueled by the Vatican(see encyclical ‘laudato si’). The ten kings are giving their power to the beast. Gov leaders, corporate leaders, social media giants, tech ceo’s, all have made pilgrimage to the Vatican in the last 24 months, to get their marching orders. A coordinated effort to bring about total control. Rev13
The first commandment, “thou shalt have no other gods before me ” (Exodus 20:3).
Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that he will also reap. Galatians 6:7
Predictably, the so-called “Holy See” is involved in this folly, right along with the usual suspects who hijack religion for their own ends. There is absolutely no way that this will stand anymore that the Guidestones stood.
I prayed to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY in JESUS name to send lightning to destroy their tablets of false commandments. is a group of climate scientists who study nothing but the climate. They wrote a letter and sent it to the climate conference in Egypt. Over one thousand scientists signed the letter stating that we are not having a climate crisis in our world. You can go to CLINTEL. Org and read the letter. These are scientists, not just people who are believing a lie that someone else told them. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound, well balanced mind. Fear has torment and torment is experiencing Hell. )Now I know know why Jesus said don’t fear!) Don’t be fooled by satan’s lies! We all know how this world will end. It tells us in Revelation.
Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. God’s word is THE truth!
Lord open our eyes and flood our hearts with the truth of your word. Make us students of your word and flood our hearts with light and understanding. Build our relationship with You. It is the most important thing! Help us to be strong and show us any lies we have believed to be the truth. Let Your word be final authority in our lives. Forgive us, Lord, for not knowing and believing your word like we should and help us to be the world over-comers you’ve said we are. Strengthen our relationship with you, Father. Make us into the soldiers you’ve called us to be, strong in faith and power. Deliver us from the evil lies of satan and reveal yourself to this world. Bring your tidal wave of glory and awaken America and the world to You and Your ways! I thank you and praise You that America will be saved! We love you, Lord! In the Name of Jesus I ask all these things! Praise and glory to your name!! Amen!
Now it’s a Org to scam and bring big bucks to a top few infiltrate n control the masses and further degrade our earth look into coffee darpa and all the ways they’re pulling co2 out and putting much into the air for weather modification. Growing plants inside so can manipulate an because it’s only gonna prob be possible that way. This is now gone global too Org 4 the anti christ one rulership one religion agenda folks a foreshadowing. It needs investigated for money laundering on stupidity because it halts full truth in the first place and acts pious to scam on multi levels. By gas lighting, taking away rights and using replacement religion to deceive peoples God desire after their True Creator. Twisty scripture. Twisty theology. Lies in the truth are all demonic. So are tactics like it. Purposeful scam artists lining their pockets.
Daniel 7:25 states that the enemy in the last days will ” wear out the saints of the Most High and think to change the times and laws…”. It is clear these actions by self-proclaimed leaders are a part of that agenda. In the Book of Revelation, chapter 6 speaks of a pale horse horse, that word “pale” meaning verdant or green. Makes one wonder if this climate change agenda that seeks to control the world’s economy and the nations’ people isn’t the very vehicle(horse) the Word speaks of. I pray the Lord will expose this movement for what it is and open the eyes of the Eclessia to the evil intent of this fiery dart of the enemy.
Just another attempt by the enemy to distract the world from the one and only true Savior “Jesus the Christ”
Father, thank You for this research work by Angela. She brought us some good information about which to pray. Bless her efforts. Lord, deception is coming in so many different forms. Partial truths can sound like the whole truth. Give all people, but especially Your people, discernment of spirits in this hour. Cause us to be better stewards of this world created for us. In many cases, Father, people have been greedy and misused the abundance of the earth. Protect Your innocent ones. As the lines of choice are being draw in the sand of time, help us all to say, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord and Him only.” Lord, I will remain on the side of Truth, Your Truth, Your ways, Your righteousness, Your justice. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Isn’t the new Green Gospel a type of Planned Parenthood for all? Instead of Almighty God our Creator, our Father, our Eternal Parent being the object of our worship and praise, the Globalists of Satan’s counterfeit New World Order have rolled out a new “planned parent” with a new counterfeit gospel and new counterfeit ten commandments. It’s so obviously a farce to those of us who are born-again and know the real God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Who is YHWH, and the real Messiah, Jesus Christ, and the real Gospel of redeeming grace and Ten Commandments given to Moses.
My intercessor’s heart breaks for the blinding pride in these men and women who have been deceived by doctrines of devils into thinking human beings have what it takes to affect change through identificational repentance apart from forgiveness of individual sin. Holy Spirit brings conviction of personal transgression against our Holy God, a personal godly sorrow for the mis-use of the gift of our own free will- FIRST to us inwardly, salvation bringing eternal freedom from the law of sin and death. Then, and only then, as redeemed saints, can we begin corporately to repent for the sins of generations and nations. It’s all backwards when well meaning or nefarious human souls try to fix the world apart from saving faith through Jesus’ atoning shed blood at Calvary. Let’s continue to call forth a great awakening revival and reformation for our nation. The tidal wave of Holy Spirit, Word of God Truth will turn deceived souls to see the King afar off in all His glory!
Loving Lord of grace and truth, please open the blind eyes of those high profile people leading the sheep to slaughter! Send them dreams of the real Savior, send laborers and life experiences and circumstances to bring them to the end of their selves to an extremity of need that no human ideology can remedy! May the fear of the Lord and the kindness of God work to draw hearts to Yeshua Hamashiach through repentance unto salvation. Oh Father, thank You for the gift of Your precious Son, so, for You, from the counterfeit kingdom, we may be won!
There is a counterfeit gospel all around and Satan and his fallen angels keep trying to deceive humanity with false teachings. Lord just like you destroyed the Georgia capstones, do the same with this false doctrine. Our trust is in God and God alone. Thank you, Lord for the Word, and for giving us a Spirit man to be the head over our mind and soul as we are led by the Spirit of God. No king but Jesus.
They have exchanged the Truth for a lie and worship the creation rather than the Creator… Here is the Truth and why a Christian should not fear climate change but should fear for the future of the souls of unbelievers…
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”
And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” And he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment. The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he will be my son. But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” Revelation 21:1-8
The government wants to replace God. They want the NWO to dictate the rules with false ideologies, because they know people are less likely to know the Lord now. If they can spread propaganda through the name of God! They’ve won in their minds. We must continue to evangelize and especially the youth because they are truly after them. The one thing about the government and globalists, they speak what they are doing and what they want right out of their own mouths. It’s up to us to pay attention! Wake the sleeping church Lord! Read about the NWO. Read sites like this. Know what is going on! It’s your responsibility! They have a new operating system. Don’t take it from me, but they want the fourth revolution where your mind will control machinery and robots. It’s not a joke! A great repentance will come to America because they have turned from Him. But I fear it will only be after they are in the clutches of these evildoers. Praying without ceasing! I cry myself to sleep over this stuff.
Indeed, we cry intercessory tears- and then, out of streams of grief the spiritual weapons of warfare of worship and joy are formed to push back darkness. We stand in the spirit of unity, joined together by Christ’s resurrection life and the gates of Hell cannot prevail!
I find this whole movement quite disturbing.
There are climate issues but to align climate repentance to the Ten Commandments is way off the hheogical scale.
We hear a lot about human rights but sin however difficult we find it to acknowledge has huge negative Consequences. Hatred, jealousy , lust, anger, lying to name but a few cause mayhem in the world but no one wants to call this out because its too personal.
We should be more environment conscious but twisting the 10 Commandments in this way although popular is disproportionate to the real issue at stake here .
Yes we need to repent of many things not just mother earth as it were.
Thank you Dave Kubal and intersessors at IFA for .linformation concerning the absurd schemes of mankind . We know that Satan is not creative and enjoys imitating God’s wonderfully designed plans for planet earth by cleverly making those ideas seem as if we can be in control. Satan someday will be thrown into the Lake of Fire and God will create the new perfect world! We pray for more people to study scripture and find the truth! Amen
Yep scary stuff but totally agree that this is an evil plot using the vulnerable to fool the world. Words like new earth, over population and sustainability apart fr God give pause. Repentance is truly needed but for our rejection of the MOST HIGh GOD!
Dear Lord God forgive us our sins and open our eyes to see that you are the only Power over all the Earth that Jesus Christ is our Lord and that we are to trust You in all things. Help us not to be deceived by the evil one, in Jesus name I pray amen
My comment is just to thank IFA for being one of the most, if not the most remarkably accurate sources and commentators for truth about what’s going on. Of course, the Bible gave us the broad outlines of how things would look 2000 years ago.
I admit that I am so disappointed just now post midterm elections that I had to barely read over the article above. I already know this stuff anyway. I am tired, faltering, and worn out from trying to give what I could to bolster the election chances of fine Americans in various states who were in critical races. Mitch McConnell and the establishment RINO’s prefer a liberal Democrat to stand up Americans of true character and accomplishment. I am so tired, which is why I thank you.
I am always reminded that the Bible says that witchcraft/occult will increase in the “last days.” The climate religion is all part of this. Please teach your kids and grandkids to discern. Discernment keeps being mislabeled as “judging” instead of piercing through the veil of what is before our eyes. ”
Father, in Jesus’ name I thank you for your great love for all these young people and not so young people who have been brainwashed their entire lives. So many barriers have been erected in their hearts and minds against the ability to receive truth that many don’t understand that they are going along with being herded to their own destruction and encouraged to feel proud and special for doing so. I pray for blinders to continue to be removed worldwide, just as you have already been doing. And I lift up to you all the formerly somewhat Christian and freedom loving nations of the West that are well on the way to their planned destruction in order to bring about Satan’s Kingdom; the New World Order from hell. Many young people are well on their way to understanding due to watching the roll out of the plandemic. But they only have partial understanding. Help them see that they can’t be Jesus + abortion rights or Jesus + social justice or environmental justice/reparations or anything but your actual Word in full. Anything else is but a diversion from the path that will save them.
Lord, we are being intentionally crunched economically from all sides. Help us all to receive your leading/wisdom as we navigate these times. It can be hard when there are pressures from all sides. I thank you that many will come to know you in the hard times to come. Sometimes we have to be brought to our knees.
Bless you Christine! You said everything my heart feels and right now it is crushed and aching for what we are living through. Keep going and have hope. I often times feel I am the only Christian surrounded by a bunch of crazies who will believe anything these days, but I just cling to Jesus and the like minded friends He has given me who still believe His word is the only truth. Thanks for putting out there the thoughts I have daily when I read stories that used to be in books of fiction only but now are our sad reality. And I thank IFA for the articles and great writers who are on here.
My investigation into the state of climate change
Genesis Chapter 1
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
And….as long as the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease! This is the beginning and the end of the story! The globalists are in for a big shock when they leave this earth for eternity! FATHER GOD please send laborers to them to tell them of CHRIST’ salvation! In JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!