I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray we would receive true information so we can make wise decisions and we pray for the freedom to make a vaccine decision.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

COVID vaccines may pose at least a seven times higher risk of death than the virus itself for people in their 20s, a Japanese medical bulletin warns.

A review in theĀ most recent issue of Med Check, a bimonthly bulletin published by theĀ Japan Institute of PharmacovigilanceĀ (NOPJIP) as a member of the International Society of Drug Bulletins (ISDB), found that the death risk of the jabs may even be as high as 40 times greater for young people.

Med Check cited three reports of individuals between the ages of 20 and 29 who died within days or weeks of vaccination, estimating the death rate for that age group at 3.2 per 1 million. . . .

The bulletin noted that the number of deaths may be higher, in part because the Japanese government only requires reports of suspected vaccine injuries within 28 days of injection. The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare received a total of 1,308 reports of deaths after COVID vaccination by October 15.

Even with just three cases, the risk of a fatal reaction to the vaccine significantly outpaced the danger of the virus for young people, who have a 0.6-0.8 per 1 million chance of dying from the disease in Japan, according to Med Check. Just seven of 11.8 million Japanese people in their 20s died of COVID by June 2021, and 10 died by mid-August.

Risk of death from vaccination was more than seven times higher as of June, and nearly five times higher by August 11, compared to the risk presented by coronavirus, Med Check determined. Over several years, death risk for vaccination among those in their 20s could range as high as 40 times greater than for COVID-19. . . .

Between 0.00 and 0.03 percent ofĀ COVID casesĀ in the United States under age 18 have resulted in deaths, and zero healthy children between the ages of 5 and 18 died of the virus during the first 15 months of the pandemic in Germany, aĀ recent studyĀ found.

The survival rate for COVID-19Ā has been estimatedĀ at no lower than 99.7 percent for all age groups under 60 years old.

(Excerpt from LifeSite News. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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Michael Guidera
December 15, 2021

What was the death rate of this age group before the Covid Vaccine was created? This info is vital to understand the effects of the Covid vaccine. The article assumes the people who were vaccinated and died, died from the effects of the vaccine. The data presented is misleading. The best comparison would be between the overall death rate of this age group pre Covid vaccine and post Covid vaccine. If the death rate increased significantly post Covid vaccine, then one can conclude the vaccine has a negative effect on mortality.

This article is another example of how data can be presented in such a way as to support a preconceived narrative. It is actually very easy to pick and choose data to support any conclusion you desire. I am not proposing the vaccine is safe. I am only saying this data presented in this article does not with any confidence prove the vaccine caused the deaths. Seems like much of the ā€œnewsā€ written today starts with a preconceived narrative, and then finds the data to support the narrative. One cannot present the truth if bias is present. The bias directs the author to only look at info that supports their case. Very dangerous.


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