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I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray for the truth to be revealed and for Your will to be done during the debate. We pray against manipulation, bias, and lies.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As the nation prepares for the first Harris-Trump debate, a new study revealed the hosting network ABC’s extremely pro-Harris bias.

From The Daily Wire. A new study from the Media Research Center revealed that ABC News — set to hold what could be the only presidential debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday — is by far the most biased of the three major networks.

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The MRC analyzed coverage of the two major party candidates during the evening newscasts on network television — “World News Tonight” on ABC, “CBS Evening News” on CBS, and “NBC Nightly News” on NBC — and determined that ABC delivered the most dramatically slanted coverage.

According to the study, “World News Tonight” anchor David Muir — who also happens to have been named one of Tuesday evening’s debate moderators — had covered Harris with an incredible 100% positive spin score.


The way the spin score is calculated is simple: all assessments of polls or analyses of where the candidates stand are omitted, as are comments made by campaign sources. Of what’s left — comments made by anchors and reporters, voters, or other supposedly non-partisan sources — the MRC determines a ratio of positive-to-negative statements about each candidate. …

The MRC study found that Harris also had coverage slanting in her favor on CBS (94%) and NBC (71%), but ABC’s 100% was far and away the standout. …

Share your prayers for tonight’s debate below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – ABC booth, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=71082171)

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Floyd Easterman
September 10, 2024
Floyd Easterman
September 10, 2024

I am not familiar with IFA, but absolute agree with everything you have to say,. The darkness that prevails like a blanket from “satan’s,” realm, covering this sinister assembly of democrats, that is so bent on destruction even the desire to kill, IS SO OBVIOUS!!! Unfortunately there are so many voters, that go by, “FEELINGS & EMOTIONS,” instead of knowing the platform these candidates stand on. Trump, with his first four year in office, did more for the, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and it’s PROSPERITY, it stood as a “BEACON LIGHT TO THE WORLD. Would be so obvious to everyone that casting one vote in behalf of the Democratic party, is the equivalent of SPITTING in “GODS FACE!!!”

September 10, 2024

Lord, equip Donald Trump to stand firmly in your truth and speak clearly and truthfully to the American people, your sons and daughters, so eyes would be open and ears will hear your truth. Confuse the enemy of manipulation and the father of lies. So their destructive ideas and lies would be layed waste and revealed to the world. Cast out the demons who sell to steal and destroy. Thwart any attempt to harm President Trump and encamp your armies of protection around him. Lord I lift up the Trump family to you and ask you to protect them, give them courage, perseverance and strength. Thank you Father that you are a God who is truth and light. Thank you for your mercy and Grace.

September 10, 2024

Dear Lord Almighty, there are so many prayer warriors dedicated to you. We are growing in size and we are praying more. Do not let our prayers be in vain.
Mother Mary of Jesus I call on you to put your full armor of protection around DJT during the debate. Keep his mouth open to only say what matters. Have him be human and in his caring self with wit. Jesus may your most precious Blood be poured all over the stage delivering truth to the world! May all the independents, women, and youth open their hearts, eyes, and minds to the truth! God bless and protect America tonight. Mary Queen of Peace and Mother of Safe Harbors guide DJT!!

September 10, 2024

Please pray for this debate and the elections — that godly people are safe and that truth is evident. That evil doesn’t have a chance to interfere. ❤️🕊️🇺🇸

Johni J. Peckinpaugh
September 10, 2024

I experienced the media bias manipulation. Having an Apple iPhone couldn’t protect the issue and my Victory News App was choked. I trust in God Almighty. Continue praying and fasting for the truth to be revealed and justice to bring Healthy Godly resolve across the this Nation and across the Entire Globe! Jesus is lord Amen!

September 10, 2024

All news media are pro socialist some more than others

Kathy Hicks
September 10, 2024

I pray that President Trump will be treated without bias and that the Grace of God will lead him in the debate. with the Holy Spirit . In Jesus’s name Amen🙏

Joy Myers
September 10, 2024

I pray even the moderators will be confounded!! In Jesus name!!

    Cindi Sherrill
    September 10, 2024

    Yes, I agree with your prayer, in Jesus Name!

Pamela Kay
September 10, 2024

Father God, I pray for YOUR Anointing upon Donald Trump as he delivers YOUR POWERFUL Words to refute the enemy coming through Kamala Harris. I plead the Blood of JESUS over and through Donald Trump this day and night. Protect him, protect his mind and his heart, and HELP him in his delivery to speak as JESUS would speak to Kamala, with the Truth in LOVE. I pray that she would be humbled for her own good and salvation in Christ. I pray for YOUR Protection against all harm in any way that tries to come against Donald Trump’s life in any way. I pray for a gentle humility in Donald Trump that will break many a bone of contention in all who hear him speak.. I pray for the spirit of haughtiness and pride to be broken over all that speak and all that hear. Confound the enemy rooted deep in our society and break it, in the POWERFUL NAME of JESUS. May this be a debate that Glorifies JESUS and Saves our country, by the PRESCENSE of the LION of JUDAH on Center stage tonight. Counfound the enemies of God. May the Rigtheous Rejoice and Be Glad at the Goodness of God, defeating the enemies of God, and tearing down strongholds and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Thank YOU for a New Anointing on Donald Trump that is GREATER than he has ever walked in and under. May it even humble him to be so used of God. May Donald Trump Glorify God in this debate tonight. Let God Arise, and His enemies be scattered. We THANK YOU, LORD, for all YOU are doing to SAVE our lives and our country, that we may be used for YOUR GLORY to finish out YOUR Story in and through the USA, and in and through us each one. May eternal life and salvation come to the masses in America. May our country be reborn in YOU and by YOUR MIGHTY POWER. We bind the world, the flesh, and the devil and loose this debate to the full Spirit of God. We Welcome YOU on that stage LORD. May the mouths and minds of those who give questions and are moderating the debate, only speak and thinnk according to the will of God, not matter what they have planned to say. LORD, YOU have given us, your disciples YOUR POWER and Authority upon this earth. satan is defeated with his demons. We drive him back and away from America. May America Bless God; and may God Bless America. In JESUS’ NAME. AMEN.

Brian Lynch
September 10, 2024

Lord Jesus, in spite of the extreme bias of ABC News, please give President Trump supernatural wisdom to overcome any and all obstacles in tonight’s debate. Thank you, Jesus.

September 10, 2024

God is in control of E V E R I T H I N G! And he does not leave for INOCENTE to evil. The truth will prevail and everybody will see the true colors of Ms. Harris.
In JESUS name!

Sharon Ballard
September 10, 2024

Dear Father, You sent your Son to die for our sins. Now we must as. Nation choose You, Your free gift, Your sacrificial love. I pray our Nation chooses to answer to You and not the deceptions of our enemy. I pray hearts will seek Your truth, be convicted, understand the consequences of denying You and vote according to the Godly principles this Nation was founded on. You, God have given us mercy. Bring us all to our knees so we cry out for You.

September 10, 2024

“The Lord frustrates the counsel of the nations; he thwarts the plans of the peoples.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭33‬:‭10‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Michael Briney
September 10, 2024

Concerning ABC, this debate and every effort that is made to manipulate the outcome, we are reminded of that it says 1 John 4:4 from the Amplified Classic Edition of the Bible: Little children, you are of God [you belong to Him] and have [already] defeated and overcome them [the agents of the antichrist], because He Who lives in you is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world. It is nothing more than the agents of the antichrist that will be seeking to manipulate the outcome of this debate. This scripture reminds us that through the power of Almighty God we have already overcome any and all efforts of the enemy to control the outcome of this debate. We neeed to pray and believe that the power of the Holy Spirfit will be in complete charge of this degate!

    Donna Lumpkin
    September 10, 2024

    As Believers in Yeshua we must Pray and Fast through out the day. pray for the moderator’s to be truthful in every respect. Pray effectual fervent prayers.!
    In the name of Yeshua. Amen

patricia Overbey
September 10, 2024

God bless President Trump. Our prayers are with you. Save America from the destruction of the last four years. TRUMP 2024

September 10, 2024

Shall the throne of iniquity, which devises evil by law,
Have fellowship with You?
21 They gather together against the life of the righteous,
And condemn innocent blood.
22 But the Lord has been my defense,
And my God the rock of my refuge. Psalm 94

Juanita Hebard
September 10, 2024

Father, I pray that the Holy Spirit will open people’s eyes and ears to see and hear truth and lies and know the difference, be convicted and vote accordingly. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Allison Nicol
September 10, 2024

Father God, You said to pray
Your will be done, YOUR WAY.
I do pray that will happen in this debate Father. Know matter how biased the world is You are over all. Thank You Father in the mighty name of Yeshua. Amen.


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