Derek Prince Teaching Video: Spiritual Warfare
Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, you were created to be a WALL around your city and the gatekeeper at your city gates!
I live in Richmond, Virginia. It has been a hotbed of anarchy and destruction for weeks, now. Two weeks ago, a few churches and Houses of Prayer got wind of another wave of violent assemblies that were planned for this past weekend. The advertisements that had gone out for those assembling said, “We stand with Portland. *the police. * order.”
Following a rough night of rioting last Saturday night, I preached a message at our church on Sunday morning on being spiritual gatekeepers. We are located about 500 yards from the site of the assembly. I said that we are to cleanse, with the blood of Jesus, the gate that has been opened to the demonic by ungodly agreements in the earth. (No demonic force has power unless it finds a tongue of a human to agree with it.) I shared that instead of a demonic door, it was to become a gate of RIGHTEOUSNESS – A GATE OF PRAISE. I declared that our city was to be protected. We then released the host of angels that were assigned to that particular gate, and then we praised Him.
That very Sunday night, one of our church members was there at the church building as another eruption of violence was stirring just down the block. As she walked around, she said, “All I could see was blue sapphire lights lighting up the sky.” There were police vehicles, sometimes 3-deep at different spots, surrounding the place where the riots had been taking place. The police department quickly deployed to stop the rioting and even echoed what we had prayed that very morning. “This meeting is unlawful,” they said. “Disperse or be taken to jail.” The next day the following article was posted that detailed the actions of the police department to keep the peace. The Police Chief stated “…right now, RPD will continue our stance and that is to make the city of Richmond safe.” Their quick response limited the destruction and made a powerful statement to the anarchists.
Isaiah 60:18 states, “No longer will violence be heard in your land, nor ruin or destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls Salvation and your gates Praise.” If the gates (what comes in or out of a city) are not bringing forth praise, we have work to do! And that is to take back the authority that Christ ALREADY gave to the Church (Luke 10:19).
Joshua 6:1 “Now the gates of Jericho were securely barred because of the Israelites. No one went out and no one came in.”
When the Church is built upon the rock of Christ, the GATES of hell cannot prevail. Church of the living God take your place! Take your authority back. Cleanse those gates. Put your own city’s name instead of Jericho. And let it be said that it was because of the Church who took her place.
Ps 147:13 “He strengthens the bars of your gates and blesses your people within you.”
(Used with Permission. Photo from DreamsTime.)
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Um, Joshua 6.1 refers to the gates of Jericho being barred BECAUSE of the Israelites. That is, against the Israelites, because the citizens were desperately afraid of them as they waited on the other side of the Jordan to make their final move into the Promised Land. As most of us know, the Israelites marched around the city for a week, obeying the instructions that God gave them, and the walls fell down flat in the end. Maybe a good idea to read a verse in context before using it as an example.
Awesome word!!!!
I sing Hallelujah! To the lamb of God! I have been declaring Isaiah 60 for awhile on my national Prayer call.
So Amen to this praise!
We pray for the Lord’s protection over our country in every city that is being surrounded by rabid lobos, seething with the venom of falsehoods being made to do the work of the father of lies. May these packs of wolves be driven back by the shepherds who do not sleep and who rescue the frail in their flocks.
I came to this article right after reading and praying over the article asking for intercession for Austin, TX due to the forecast of violence similar to what has been happening in Richmond, Portland and other cities. I was encouraged by this article and have just applied its wisdom and advice in prayer to the gates of the city of Austin. We call and claim the gates of Austin gates of praise to our mighty God! He hears and He inhabits our praises. Thank you for this article!
The walls in America have been breached! The watchmen have fallen asleep. We, the Body of Christ, have been called to be salt and light. Problem? We have not been calling SIN as God calls it. We gloss over people’s actions and condemn others for doing the same things. To God, SIN IS SIN and He is the only one who makes the call. Abortion, which definitely is SIN ,seems to be the worst of the TEN COMMANDMENTS that we can break. But, God has a strong word to say about ‘same sex marriage’ as well. Bearing false witness. We are reminded of what Jesus said is the Greatest Commandment. The Church should be the first to demonstrate God’s love. We ‘love’ those who look or think as we do. I lament for America. We say ‘God bless America’ and ‘One Nation under God’ in the same breath. Really? How can we embrace pagan nations with ‘love’ and turn our backs on ‘One Nation under God’? And while they slept, the enemy came in and sowed tares among the wheat.
This is it. A call to action. Standing at the gates of hell, we always win.
My husband and I used to live in Richmond. We were involved with RIHOP, are you familiar with Sherrie Moore? Keep up the good work of faith! God bless y’all!!! We will keep Richmond in prayer!!!
God be praised!
God shall arise, His enemies shall be scattered;
and those who hate him shall flee before Him! Psalm 68:1
God can remove the enemy with one breath but He is calling believers to awake and be in this battle full throttle. Suit up brother and sister and seek God and His orders—orders which will not look like this those of this world.