Stop the Satanic Steal
Reclaim America From a Spirit of Death
A Halloween Challenge
Are We in a Police State?
Patterns of Providence in Our Founding: The American Miracle
Stop the Satanic Steal
Satan plans to accelerate the end times in an effort to block the billion-soul harvest. So the Evil One is blowing on the conflict in the Middle East to cause a conflagration that would rob millions of the opportunity to respond to the gospel.
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But the Lord has a better plan. He is calling His intercessors to war against the demonic forces at work and to pray for the harvest.
Another World War?
A number of prophets, intercessors, and Christians have warned about the satanic effort to cause a world war stemming from the horrific attack on Israel on Oct. 7.
Demons of division are evident as scores of pro-Palestinian, pro-Hamas, and anti-Semites have taken to the streets worlwide to protest Israelās attempts to eliminate the terrorist threat in Gaza. An anti-Israel protest at Tulane University, in New Orleans, turned violent. Similar protests in New York City have shut down Grand Central Terminal and the Brooklyn Bridge. In Russia, swarms of protestors shut down one airport and attacked another in an attempt to stop the landing of a flight from Israel.
Anti-Semitic actions have risen sharply in the days since Oct. 7. In New York City alone, 30 of the 51 hate crimes reported targeted Jewish people. Actions against Muslims and Palestinians have increased as well.
Hostility to the First Covenant people has come out of the closet in America ā along with scads of other sins ā and is now gaining currency even among elected congressional representatives.
End Times Acceleration?
As events unfolded in Israel and Gaza, I felt the Enemy was trying to abort the Lordās plan to birth millions of new believers through His revivals and harvests around the globe. To test whether this impression was from the Lord, I prayed with one of the prayer directors at my church. We heard two separate prophecies confirming my sense about the Enemyās strategy. These words led to important prayer strategies for Godās New Covenant people.
The Prophecies
The first prophecy below identifies key demonic forces and dynamics at work and picks up on a prayer one of us was making about the demonic dominion of self.
āWell, yes, the self is prevalent and ascending the ranks. It is puffing up the politically strong demons of death and destruction, hammering and pushing timing to lay waste to many before salvation can be offered or spoken. So your assignment is to call to a halt the march of death, murder, and destruction in the power I have given and assigned this prayer company. Speak to its ending and pray for My truth, My timing to prevail. It is not My will to deny any salvation and eternal rest in Me before the appointed time. Amen and amen.ā
The second prophecy calls for prayer for the harvest.
āYes, these are the days of Elijah with all that implies and yes, the darkness is great but you are to beat back this darkness with the glory of the Son. So lives continually submitted to the Kingās life, move into harvest prayer. For these are the days of the harvest, with the fields ripe and white with the lives of the millions upon millions. Amen and amen.ā
The Lord has issued this type of warning before. The notable Welsh intercessor Rees Howells led the Bible College of Wales to in-depth prayer that World War II would be averted so that it would not prevent the harvest of souls.
A Prayer
These instructions lead us to a prayer like the following:
Lord of hosts and angel armies, we come with worship on our lips and joy in our hearts, knowing that You have a plan for victory and overcoming. We repent of all sin, especially unforgiveness and anger stemming from the horrors of warfare and conflict. We pray that You would cover our sin by the blood of Jesus. We choose against responding like Cain against Abel, like Lamech against any who would harm him, and like those who came against Jesus. Instead, we choose the better word, spoken by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Indeed we choose, as John the Baptist said, that Jesus would increase and that we would decrease. You have identified the dominion of self as a key demonic force at work. You have also called Your people to be submitted to the King, receiving His life and forfeiting our own, that the life of the Son might beat back the darkness of these days.
We therefore choose to give ourselves to You as living sacrifices ā for this is our spiritual act of worship. We ask You to transform us by renewing our minds, for we want to be able to know and obey Your will at all times. Transform us by digging out the self and replacing it with the life of Christ. Make us bright and shining beacons of light ā so bright that darkness flees wherever You send us. Indeed, make us weapons in Your hand to beat back the darkness.
Strap the armor on us today. Let the belt of truth gird us, as we hook the breastplate of righteousness upon it. We strap the sandals of the gospel on our feet, giving us the nimbleness we need to wage war even as we bring the gospel of peace to those in need. On our heads we receive the helmet of salvation, filled with hope, healing, authority, wisdom, and everything necessary for victory in the battle. In one hand, we take up the shield of faith and dip it again in the water of the Holy Spirit so that it extinguishes every dart of the enemy. In the other hand, we take up the sword of the Word, wielding it expertly in order to take down every demonic enemy.
We also want to take up the garments of the high priest as we intercede for the salvation of the many. We don the undergarment that protects us from shame. Over that, we take on the tunic of humility and cinch it with the sash of dignity. We then pull on the beautiful garment of praise, with the pomegranates and the bells rimming its hem. As we turn to the prayer needs, we tie on the ephod of service and fasten the breastplate of the high priest to it. In the pocket on the inside of the breast plate, we tuck the Urim and Thummin, representing seeing and discerning Your will through the Holy Spirit. On our heads we place the turban of authority, and to that, we tie the plate that says āHoly to the Lord.ā
Lord, give us the very prayer You desire from us today. Give us the courage to render the prayer to You by the blood and the Spirit. We cancel the satanic assignment, plot, and plan to accelerate the timing of the end times, in Jesusā name. We decree that the Lordās truth and timing will prevail. We decree that Satan will not steal any salvations!
We choose the way of the cross: Forgiveness for those perpetrating evil, including those U.S. administrations, legislatures, corporations, universities,Ā and media that have added to the evil. We stand in the name of Jesus Christ. We bind, gag, cripple, blind, and render inoperable all demonic spirits, principalities, dominions, and forces whose name or function might be Self, Death, Murder, Destruction, Jihad, Amalek, Hatred, Anger, Pain, Vengeance, Witchcraft, Rebellion, Envy, Rage, Warfare, Conflict, Malice, Violence, Anti-Semitism, Rape, Evil Mission, Cursing ā the politically strong demons of death and destruction, and any other demons operating unknown to us, but known to the Lord.
We cast these demons into the abyss, and also all replacement leaders and underlings ā in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Father, please send Your Holy Spirit to fill all the vacated places. May the Holy Spirit convict anyone involved in this conflict of sin and of their personal need for a savior. Lord, send dreams and visions to the Hamas and Hezbollah operatives to convict them of sin and to lead them to Christ.
Lord, with the Spirit, the blood, and angels of helps and overcoming, cut the webs of witchcraft that keep those politicians, influentials, military, and non-elected governmental personnel in positions through which they administer death and destruction. We upend demons of self, and we deny self permission to ascend the ranks of any organization. We strip self of any power to puff up the politically strong demons of death and destruction.
Lord, we are bold to ask that not a single person die because of this conflict from this point forth, until he or she has had the opportunity to say yes to Jesus. It is not Your will to deny anyone salvation and eternal rest in You. Send workers to the harvest fields, O Lord of the harvest, for there are millions upon millions ready to join the Bride of Christ. Raise up revivals within the Church of Christ to stir up, equip, and send reapers to bring in the harvest.
These prayers we make in the powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ, whom we love, honor, and obey. Amen and amen.
How are you praying for the harvest?
New York Cityābased Joyce Swingle is an intercessor and a contributing writer for IFA. With her husband, Rich, also a contributing writer for IFA, Joyce shares the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world through theater, speaking, writing, and film. Prior to going into full-time ministry, Joyce worked for about 20 major magazines and now works in pastoral ministry and Christian counseling.Ā Read more about Joyceās work at Photo Credit: Yaopey Yong on Unsplash.
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Amen and amen to the above. Praise God!
God is in full control, and it is He alone that brings forth the end of days. He etched it in the heavens from creation, and proclaimed it in His Word. Israel was made to take the mark (injection & digital ID to prove obedience/compliance to the mandates of the beast) in order to buy and sell & function in society. This war comes on the heels of the Euphrates River drying up for the first time in human history, making way for the kings of the east. Yes pray for the harvest, and also for Gods chosen people. These are times calling for endurance of the saints. Stay awake and alert, for He comes at an unexpected hour.
Father lead our warfare prayers for Israel’s victory over their enemies, even as you led the ancient Israelites into warfare, instructing them specifically what to do. Father turn the hearts of your people in Israel to remember your scriptures, and their history of your glorious interventions for their forefathers and to realize you are still the same all mighty all merciful God as you were then, your covenant with modern day Israel stands and you are ready to work on their behalf, the same as you did in ancient days. Call them to prayer, fasting, meditating in scriptures, and walking in obedience and covenant relationship with you. Identify their sins and idols and help them to repent in Jesus name we ask in faith and thankfulness for ypur promise to hear and answer our prayers.
I agree- āIn the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.ā
āāJohnā¬ ā1ā¬:ā1ā¬-ā5ā¬ āNKJVā¬ā¬
I just felt led in my spirit to call a halt to untimely death – there have been agendas to bring sudden death and God is calling us to intercede and pray. My step mom was not a believer- she contracted ALS – a terrible disease that eventually took her ability to do anything even talk. She planned her suicide- that very day – without even knowing that she planned to die that day my pastor interceded – he had been up all night and it was Sunday morning. I was supposed to be at another church that morning sharing a message of Life but I was at my home church and my pastor had me stand in for my step mom and anointed me with oil and they had intercessory prayer – ( my step mom lived in Arizona- my church was in North Carolina.) My step mom did not die that day – in fact, she passed away a month later. And she was saved in the interimn!
My mom had cancer that the doctors said would one day take all of her abilities away – she was a believer – she wasnāt afraid to die – she was fearful of being completely paralyzed – I lived far away and I would wake up in the night knowing someone was attempting to euthanize her – it would have been an untimely death- God called me to intercede- one night I also turned on tv and the children were singing @Jesus is keeping me alive.ā My mom was witnessing in her last days. People are playing God and thinking that they are alleviating suffering. My mom shone so bright her last days – had she died by euthanasia – she would not have shared the Bible with a blind woman, reading it to her – mom was completely paralyzed but she asked the nurses and my brother ( an unbeliever) to help her down the hall – and was able to read the Bible to this lady. My brother if the impact it had on him at her funeral – Please join me in interceding and calling a halt to all untimely deaths and murderous plots and agendas in addition to the ones mentioned above. Oh Praise God, there is a great harvest of souls coming – Lord of the harvest – light your fire in me- servant you need now, servant I will be- Give me the eyes of Your spirit – Your heart of compassion to know – wherever You may send me, Lord of the harvest Iāll go. Pray for God to send laborers, the fields are white for harvest.
You all may want to look up what the “billion soul harvest” is and where it comes from before you agree with it in prayer:
Father, I pray biblical discernment for those who read this IFA article. It is in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!
I love this prayer. I would add to the list unions besides corporations, and schools and the leadership of these entities that are also full of evil ideologies being pushed on our workers and our children.
What an amazing prayer. I will be using it, praying into it, and asking the Holy Spirit to bring this to pass so many many will be affected by what it calls for. Thank you. And Amen.
Satan Jesus defeated you when He died on the cross and He rise on the third day with all power!!! Satan you cannot abort Godās plan.
Have you not known? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood from the foundations of the earth? (Is. 40:21 KJV)
I love praying for the harvest of souls to frustrate and confuse the enemies of our souls and our bodies. Truly, October 7 was planned and empowered by this same enemy with his demon legions. Why they did to unarmed helpless people in Israel is Satanic. I pray for the protection of the IDF soldiers as they route out these villains and extinguish their evil plans. I pray for God to defend Israel and confuse their enemies, like he has done in many years past as well as recently. May they turn on each other and the IDF find them defeated by their own weapons. At the same time, I pray that God reveals Himself to many Muslims, and unconverted Jews, who need to know Him, His Great Power, and His great desire to forgive their sins if they would humbly bow and confess. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is a living God. He is the God of Israel, which literally means, God Fights. Fight now Oh God, and protect us against our enemies. Some have crossed our purposely porous border and are this minute planning the same type of events that took place on October 7 in Israel. Thank you for hearing our pleas! Amen
“The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few, therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest ” Matthew 9:37-38
There is a spiritual battle in the Heavens and earth for the souls of the saints. Raise up and join the army of God Almighty to bring His kingdom and will to earth, for we have been chosen for such a time as this to give glory to God, Hallelujah!
Lord, as we stand united in prayer interceding for your people, we look to you, Lord, maker of Heaven and Earth.
I ask you Lord to take hold of the earth and shake the evil out of it, like a dirty rug. Forgive us Lord, where we have failed, and restore your perfect peace upon your people. Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Do what only you can do, rend down the heavens and breathe your spirit upon us, and blow away the chaff.
In Jesus Name
‘Antisemitism should be tolerated’
My typo ‘should not”
Antisemitism should be tolerated in any form but what about the, as I understand, 7,300 Palestinians who have died at the hands of the Israeli assault on the Gaza Strip and, as I understand, 3,000 children but we hear no mention of that?? Hatred is hatred regardless of what color, shape or form it takes and from whatever source it comes.
Hi fellow believers in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior!
Would someone please tell me what is referred to, in this article, as a “billion soul harvest” being blocked –and the reference to: “for there are millions upon millions ready”. Is there something special to happen that I don’t know about? –in addition to our normal mandate of the Great Commission?
Also, what is meant by: ” like Lamech against any who would harm him” –other than blessing his son, Noah, at birth, why is Lamech mentioned specifically?
The Lamech referred to here is the Lamech from Genesis 4:19-24. Not the father of Noah. In verse 23, Lamech bragged about how he killed men for merely bruising him. The bloodline of this Lamech is the one from which the Nephilim came. Specifically, through scripture interpreting scripture, it appears that it was Lamech’s daughter, Naamah, that became the first person to breed with the fallen angels that left Heaven with Lucifer. It was through this bloodline that satan attempted to pollute all of humanities’ bloodlines with evil so no child of God could be conceived with a pure bloodline. Noah and his family were literally the only people on the earth that were of a pure bloodline still. At this point, God destroyed the earth through the flood and destroyed the polluted bloodlines. For the whole in-depth research into this topic, see Judgement of the Nephilim by Ryan Pitterson
He was the next recorded murderer we have listed in the texts.
Genesis 4:23-24 (NIV)
23 Lamech said to his wives, āAdah and Zillah, listen to me; wives of Lamech, hear my words. I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for injuring me. 24 If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lamech seventy-seven times. ā
That’s right, we are all living in the last days and and as we believers in the the ultimate Savior Jesus Christ know, wear the full armor of God at all times! Satan has lost the battle at the cross 2,000 years ago! Done deal. “It is finished!” AMEN š!!
Amen and Amen! I agree with this prayer and continue to pray in the Name of Jesus!
Thank you for this powerful prayer! I have prayed it with you! Continue to stand strong and remember that we have authority over all the ability of the enemy. PRAY! PRAY! PRAY!
Great Prayer
Thank you from Hawaii
Love this prayer and call on the Father to grant it in Jesus name and for the sake of the lost that they may repeat and be saved from an eternal lake of fire. I do not want to see any go to that awful place with satan!
FATHER, we also call for the Muslim March of Death SOUTHWARD in AFRICA be thwarted. “The cleansing” of the Nigerian Christian Church FROM AFRICA. And the Somali killings in Kenya, Ethiopia and Sudan.
Amen ššļøāļøāļøš”ļøš„š
Father God, as it relates to college campuses and the demonic antisemitism we see spewed in the hearts of some students, we declare and decree Isaiah 60:1-5 upon them. Just as the Holy Spirit hoovered upon many campuses at the beginning of 2023, and there was a breakout of revival in the souls and spirits of a remnant of students, so too will the months of November and December 2023 see a return that will draw those operating in darkness into the light. Let the prayers of the righteous bring into manifestation the power of the Holy Spirit which melts the hearts, opens the dim eyes and drains the lies out of the ears of the non-believer. Let Your Light of Love so overwhelm them to actually see and taste the goodness of Your Son Jesus, who is a Jew and whose arms are open to those who believe. In Jesus Name we pray.
AMEN and AMEN!!!
Beautifully expressed prayerāso thorough. Far more so than I could express on my own. Thank you for helping me to pray more thoroughly. Your prayer helps others who want to pray but run out of words.
God speed.
Prayers for the salvation of all my relatives, friends, enemies, acquaintances, etc. who are, and who might possibly be, involved in or fascinated by the occult
LORD, I yield myself to You. I renounce any attempt on my part to fall back into the dominion of self, for that is my old man attempting to resurrect itself from the dead – that body of death Paul speaks of in Romans 7. I’ve been bought with a price, I am not my own! As I put on the LORD Yeshua, I am clothed with everything He is – You are: my salvation (helmet); my righteousness (breastplate); the shoes that prepare me to go forth with the Gospel; the Truth (belt); the Living Word (sword) and You initiated and will perfect my faith (shield). So in You I am clothed for battle – to “pray at all times, with all kinds of prayers and requests, in the Spirit, vigilantly and persistently, for all God’s people.” Ephesians 6:14-18 And You alone are our Great High Priest after the order of Malki-Tzedek. We do our spiritual service as priests of the Most High God in the Holy Place tending to the menorah, the altar of incense, and table of shewbread. To shed Your light in a dark world, to offer up prayers that arise as a sweet fragrance, and to offer the Bread of Life to a hungry world – is our priestly calling.
As we align ourselves with You, and truly allow You to be LORD – use us to accomplish Your will and purposes on earth. We leave the timing of all Your prophetic words in Your capable and loving hands. As You work to fulfill Your covenant promises to Your people, Israel, and to Your ekklesia, Your power to save will draw and capture all of those who are to be heirs of salvation. HalleluYah!!
In Jesus mighty Name. Amen. Amen
In the Name of Jesus Christ, I call to a halt the march of death, murder, and destruction in the power of Christ’s name! I speak to its ending and pray for Jesus Christ’s truth, Father God’s timing to prevail
What a powerful, Holy Spirit inspired prayer. There are multiple prayers within it that can be prayed separately throughout the day. Thank you for sharing. I have printed this prayer out and posted it at my workstation that I may pray it at the beginning of my work day and utter parts of it throughout the day.
Amen to this! When I felt like it’s all going down a few months back, the Lord reminded me, “But prophecy belongs to me and timing is under my control.” Whether my actions stem from from faith or fear is what will determine my fate. So I am reminded of Jesus’ words: “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the Father has put in His own power; But you shall receive power, after the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall be my witnesses…” Acts 1:7,8. Thank you for an additional confirmation of this in the above article.
We can rest in God’s Word knowing that satan cannot do anything against the permissive Will of God. He cannot steal Salvations by Grace because Salvation is. a gift from God and satan cannot overrule God.
Ephesians 2:8-9 – “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”
Heavenly Father,
We ask You to reveal Your Son to those You elected for Salvation by Grace before the beginning of this world. Please prevent the prince of this world from deceiving the elect. He knows his time is short but Your Son holds the keys to Hell so even satan does not control the underworld.
Thank You for Your protection from him and his demons. Thank You for Your holy angels whom Your Son created to serve You and protect Your people as You see fit.
In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen.
True but remember Job and demons can still try to steal us but we have to recognize them and put them in their place! And I pray angels around about me and mine to keep guard and protect! It works thank GOD! He is good all the time, I can not say that about me and I have to repent all the time.
I have prayed the powerful prayers above and will remain in an attitude of prayer throughout the day and coming days! I understand the threat of the enemy is real but am trusting in Almighty God through His Son Jesus Christ to thwart the powers of darkness!! I stand with Israel, God’s chosen people and I praise Him for allowing us to be grafted in and therefore be a part of His covenant with them. We serve an AMAZING and POWERFUL GOD!! Therefore I pray in faith believing that He will indeed hear our prayers and accomplish all that we have asked in The Name of Jesus! AMEN!
Our Lord, our God and Creator, we keel before you throne and set the needs of you people before your throne. Father, we ask, in the name of Christ Jesus that your angels of Peace and Power surround the land you your chosen people. We pray and beseech the protection of this tiny land to safety under Your wings of safe haven, . We pray for your angel of peace to walk into hostile territory and appease the anger, hostility, jealousy and darkness. We pray in the name of your son, Christ, the lamb of God, the sacrifice for all men, that Your Peace may cover the darkness i these countries; and that All men come to see and feels Your presence in the war-torn land. We pray, fort the leaders of this war to feel and see your light in Israel, and bring Your Peace to their souls and country. In Jesua mighty name, Amen.
I find some of these prayer points disturbing. Where in scripture are we commanded to cast demons into the abyss? This is for God to do. We are not to slander celestial beings either. We CAN say, ” the Lord rebuke you Satan.” Regarding satan’s attempt to interrupt God’s timing, God is in charge of time, He created it. For those He has appointed to eternal life you can be sure our merciful God will make sure they have opportunity to do that before they perish. Yes. we continue to evangelize and do our part to “go into all the world”. but
as we obey and follow His prompting we must never think that Satan has won. Remember the terrorist Saul of Tarsus? He was bent on murdering those who were followers of Christ. On the road to Damascus, he was knocked into the ground and had an encounter with Jesus. The Lord put scales on his eyes. This reminds us that nothing is impossible with God. Do you remember when Elisha asked God to blind the invaders and then he led them to Samaria? A better prayer for us might be to use scripture and pray those type of things. Pray for the enemy to be confounded and confused like when God made ppl speak in other languages at the tower of Babel.. Some of the prayer points mentioned here are not how I will pray. The Bible tells US to put on the armor of God, not for HIM to strap it on us. There are other things, but I ask my prayer partners here to remember that as we pull down strongholds we correctly use our authority so that it fully aligns with the Word of God. I prefer to pray, “Lord, crush the pride that is rising up in the flesh. You cast Lucifer out of heaven because of pride and rebellion so I ask you to deal with those who are held captive by chains of deceit and delusion.” I feel this is more appropriate. Pray the Word and KNOW the Word.
Claiming to receive prophecies today about Satan’s plan to speed up time is pretty far fetched. The devil knows what happens in the end and Jesus said that a house divided against itself will fall. The Bible pretty clearly gives example after example of Satan exhibiting self preservation. I hate to say it, but this article seems wrong in all biblical aspects.
Muslim End Time Plan is TO BRING their “Messiah” (PROPHECY of mahadi) to rule the whole-wide-world…
Like our Bible speaks about Yeshua’s Millennial Rule & Reign for a thousand years.
Absolutely! And ironically, their disgusting plan is still under God’s sovereign plan for his creation.
Wow, THAT was amazing!!
The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and the Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ, May Your will be done according to Your prophetic word and timing. May we march instep with Your Will according to Your plan and purpose for these are the days of Elijah. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen and Amen.
My prayers r join with others who have repeated this pray…two can chase a thousand..if we join together we can chase thousand upon thousand evil demons..PRAISE GOD
Lord Jesus, we pray that what satan has meant for evil, that You would turn it for good. We thank and praise You in advance. Amen.
There it is…a simple prayer and to the point. Beautiful!
A great harvest of souls is not dependent upon what Satan does or does not do. Down through the ages, some of the greatest revivals started with the greatest persecution of Gods people. Just look at how the gospel initially spread to the world due to persecution. āChristians as a result were scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria (Acts 8:1). The message of the gospel spread as far as they went. Persecution could not contain the church; it only helped the church grow.ā The Gospel Coalition
I think in America we want times to be prosperous and think that is the only way and proof that God is working, but that is not the case. An example would be China. The underground church is growing daily in the midst of horrible persecution.
āChina, the world’s rising superpower, is experiencing an explosion of faith. The decades of anti-religious campaigns that followed the 1949 communist takeover are giving way to a spiritual transformationāand among the fastest-growing drivers of that transformation are unregistered churchesā -The Atlantic
Of course pray, but know Godās plan will unfold, regardless of the plans of Satan, which are doomed to fail.
Well said. In agreement with you Sister.
On this day of Reformation, I call forth reformation among all unbelievers of the world. God, by the power of Your Spirit, reform their hearts and minds with the Truth of Your Word. Save those who are of the seed of Abraham. The foe was defeated at the cross. This is God’s season and not the foe’s. Cut every communication that intends evil. Let the light of Your glory shine so brightly such that the darkness cannot even be seen any longer. Now, Father, break the chains of deception, hate, wickedness in high places that exist around the whole world. Worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness. Hallelujah, Lord. Amen.
Heavenly Fatherā¦ help us to reap what You sow in this very fallen worldā¦ love. Help us to understand that it is through Your love we can overcome the evils of this world; a world we are to be in but not of. Let us pray for Your peace in the hearts of evil doers, so that the harvest may be plenty in the days ahead. We place ourselves in Your loving hands in the days ahead, and pray that our focus will be on You. May God continue to bless America, Israel, and the world as a whole. Amen.
This idea of Satanās strategy to accelerate time frame to thwart plan of God, i b we lived I initially heard from IFA. Iāve been trying to find examples in Word of God to research and pray, as Holy Spirit leads. Iāve not had success finding specific examples. Would you be kind enough to enlighten me from specific scriptures that depict Satanās manipulation to try to thwart the Lord Godās plan? Iām beseeching the Lord to send the armies of heaven to surround Israel and other nations listening to Satanās lies! That our Lord God would HALT and ARREST the powers of darkness stirring this up and fight this battle to victory for Christās kingdomās sake and the end time harvest of souls about to be drawn to Christ by You, Father. āā¦and the gates of hell will not prevail against the Kingdom of God!ā, as Jesus said in Matthew 16:18!!!
The Birth Pangs are accelerating rapidly.
This message is so sweeping – covering so much ground that I find it unrealistic.
I doubt you are going to be able to bind all the things listed here – and some of them are so large that we should be careful to not take on individually.
I agree for a great harvest and for many to receive the Lord before they die, and for the Lord to hold back the enemy from pushing things ahead of schedule – though, is it the Lord who is allowing the accelerated birth pangs?
Isrrael is at war with a ruthless enemy. May they win decisively – so that they – both Israel and Gazans know that You are Lord, and that You are the God of Jacob. May the hostages be freed. May there be as much mercy as possible to protect the innocent – even though Gazans chose Hamas, and Hamas placed command centers under schools and hospitals. May those under a curse for cursing Israel be saved. May Hamas be utterly defeated.
We decry and oppose anti-semitisim, but we recognize the reality of Jeremiah 16:16 and pray, oh Lord, for your people to heed the warning signs.
May America be a blessing to Israel, and not hinder her in her war with the humanistic thinking from this administration.
Nothing is too big for God.
John 14:12-14
Truly, truly, I tell you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I am doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask Me for anything in My name, I will do it.
Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Lord send a spirit of prayer send a spirit of salvation throughout the land and throughout the nations. Call your children home Lord, your will be done
Lord on earth, as it is in heaven amen.
Powerful prayers going forth today.
We agree!
Yes and amen!!!
I prayed š
Amen and amen in Jesus name.
If my ppl which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sins,heal the land…