Is there any prophetic message we can learn from the Kentucky Derby? I hadn’t thought of weighing in on the controversial race, until I saw a recent article that caught my attention. Kentucky Racing Commission Executive Director, Marc Guifoil, said in an interview with The Washington Post that the stewards (referees) who made the final determinations had to be totally impartial based on the playbook of the sport.
“There’s no emotion in us,” said Guifoil, himself a former steward. “There’s no money wagered. There’s no favorites. With owners, with gamblers, there’s emotions.” He soon added, “You’ve got a book. You’ve got a rule book to go by. STAY WITHIN THE RULE BOOK, AND YOU’RE GOOD.” (The Washington Post)
There it is…stay within the rule book!
In the race that we are running as believers we have a rule book that is foundational to all of life’s critical decisions. Everyone of us has a stake in the race – for all eternity. There are sides we end up taking because of personal investment in our beliefs and values. There are emotions involved because of our attachments to our preferred doctrines and favorite leaders. When there are controversial issues and judgments that put everyone on edge, there’s only one way to STEWARD our faith well – go by the rule book – the Word of God.
In describing the stewards’ process, it’s interesting that they don’t even call the horses by name as they review the tape, but by number. They don’t get personally attached or emotionally involved. They determine to make the call based on facts and the pre-existing principles written in their rule book. This way they are assured that their calls are fair, honest, and of the highest integrity.
Today, as religious beliefs and political values are hotly contested and challenged, we must look to the Word of God for any final determination, apart from any personal preference or experience. As Kingdom ambassadors, we must be good stewards of the faith. We must make right discernments and agree on the calls that must be made for the sake of the Kingdom.
The world is watching our race and wondering how we will steward the controversial issues of the day. I pray we know the Good Book well enough to make the right calls.
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. (2 Tim 2:15)
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They that worship Him, must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. Amen.
Saints of God, study to show yourself approved, in Jesus’ name. Abide in Jesus and His words abides in you. He is the Vine, we are the branches. Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Your Word will be in our mouths, our children’s mouths and our children’s children’s mouths! Praise the Lord! Lord Jesus, be exalted on high. To God be the glory, great things He has done!
I believe in what you have said and I pray in agreement for us to follow the Word of God as best we can, as we understand it. The final analysis will be in God’s hands. No replay, no dispute, because He knows and I trust in Him. Until we know better, we do our level best, and follow the Word of God.
Amen! It is by His power and our obedience (which can fall short) that we keep our eyes on Him. He is the author and finisher of our faith. Praise Him, love Him. Amen.
The race was prophet and fixed. Maxine waters ANTICHRIST deep state really u guys??????!!!!!!
A wonderful reminder for believers!
Father, Your Word is alive and sharper that any two-edged sword. Oh set our hearts on fire to know Your Word and commit it to our memories and hearts that we would live it out and by Your Holy Spirit it would spill out in love and grace to all we encounter in our daily lives. Increase our saltiness so that the thirst in the world would desire and seek You. You will be found when we seek You with all of our heart. Your Word is True. Strengthen us to remain faithful to You and Your Word without getting caught in the feelings and emotions that drive the narrative in our culture. You are faithful. You are our strength. You are our hope.
For the glory and renown of Your name ~ In the name of Jesus our Lord
Amen Judy, we pray in agreement.
Amen! In Jesus name I pray in agreement!
if we could get the political leaders to go by constitution only we would not have all this hate and wrong going on.
Amen Judy