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Father, we come against this plan of the enemy to strong arm schools into accepting the LGBTQ agenda. Protect our kids from this harmful ideology, Lord!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Over 20 states have taken issue with the Biden administration’s redefining of Title IX, suing the USDA for refusing to provide school lunches.

From Christian Post. On May 5, the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service announced its intention to interpret “the prohibition on discrimination based on sex found in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972” to include “discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity….”

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As a result of the USDA’s interpretation of Title IX, “state and local agencies, program operators and sponsors that receive funds from FNS must investigate allegations of discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation” and “update their non-discrimination policies and signage to include prohibitions against discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.”

The FNS administers the National School Lunch Program, which provides low-cost and free lunches to 29.6 million children at nearly 100,000 public and nonprofit private schools in the fiscal year 2019.

On Tuesday, Tennessee’s Republican Attorney General Herbert Slatery joined 21 other Republican attorneys general in filing a lawsuit against the USDA and its top officials in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee Knoxville Division….

The states contend that USDA’s interpretation of Title IX would cause the plaintiff states to lose federal funding for the National School Lunch Program and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) Program….

The lawsuit listed plaintiff states’ “laws or policies that at least arguably conflict with” the USDA’s final rule.

Tennessee state law asserts that “[a] student’s gender for purposes of participation in a public middle school or high school interscholastic athletic activity or event must be determined by the student’s sex at the time of the student’s birth.” The state law also provides a right of action against schools that permit “a member of the opposite sex to enter [a] multi-occupancy restroom or changing facility while other persons [are] present.”

The complaint urged a federal judge to issue “a declaratory judgment holding unlawful the Department’s Memoranda and Final Rule” and a “declaratory judgment holding that Plaintiffs are not bound by the Department’s Memoranda and Final Rule.”

The complaint also sought a declaration that the department did not have the authority to penalize and withhold federal funds from Title IX and Food and Nutrition Act recipients that “continue to separate students by biological sex in appropriate circumstances.”

The plaintiff states requested similar declarations preventing retaliation against Title IX and Food and Nutrition Act recipients that “maintain showers, locker rooms, bathrooms, residential facilities, and other living facilities separated by biological sex or regulate each individual’s access to those facilities based on the individual’s biological sex.”

The states also want the court to prohibit retaliation against schools that “do not require employees or students to use a transgender individual’s preferred pronouns,” “maintain athletic teams separated by biological sex or” assign individuals to teams based on biological sex….

How are you praying against the trans agenda being pushed by the federal government? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Christian Post. Photo Credit: Elyssa Fahndrich on Unsplash)

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Susan Campione
August 6, 2022

Father God of all Creation, I touch and agree with prayers here today, concerning our children, Heavenly Father, and I exalt you as the Over-all Ruler and Judge, Oh God, and ask in your precious’s Son’s Name, Yeshua Hamachiach, to send your Magnificent Angel Armies to Reach and Influence the minds of men that are in power that You Oh God and Your Words, are the Highest Authority, that they are bound to them and by them and because of them!!!! Almighty God of All creation is the Supreme Authority in the Land. Amen and Amen. That says it and that settles it.

Darlene Estlow
August 5, 2022

Father, protect our children from this idiology. May this case be won but the states. We declare your victory over evil. We praise your name for bringing many people into your kingdom. Thank you for what you are doing.

August 5, 2022

Food has been used as a weapon to control people for centuries and that is the case today. The interesting thing is that those who malign capitalism benefit from it themselves.
Part of evolution’s goal is to remove God so they could engage in out of control sex acts with no accountability. This, goal is not unique nor original to proponents of evolution, it spans the length of time corruption has existed on earth.
These two merge in a honed strategy adeptly employed by the United Nations, which stated “Food is power and we don’t apologize.”
Father, remove all people who want You out of the way. They really don’t know what they’re doing and don’t understand what awaits them.

He will sit, testing and purifying the silver; he will purify the sons of Levi, refining them like gold and silver, so that they can bring offerings to ADONAI uprightly.
Malachi 3:3 CJB


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