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Father, we pray against this attack of the enemy on the unborn. We ask that You would strike down these lawsuits, God, and bring an end to abortion.
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The lawsuits are at the vanguard of a novel legal strategy arguing that new post-Roe abortion restrictions violate Americans’ religious freedom, including that of clerics who advise pregnant people. The cases are part of an effort among a broad swath of religious Americans who support abortion access to rewrite the dominant modern cultural narrative that says the only “religious” view on abortion is to oppose it.

From Fox News. Clergy members of five religions sued the state of Florida on Monday over a new law criminalizing most abortions in the state after 15 weeks of pregnancy, saying the ban violates their religious freedom rights.

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The five separate lawsuits, filed in Miami-Dade County, claim the state’s ban curtails the clergy members’ ability to counsel congregants about abortion in accordance with their faiths, since Florida law prohibits counseling or encouraging a crime.

The plaintiffs are three rabbis, a United Church of Christ reverend, a Unitarian Universalist minister, an Episcopal Church priest and a Buddhist lama. They asked the court to declare that the state’s abortion law violates Florida and U.S. constitutional protections for freedom of speech and religion….

Florida synagogue has also filed a lawsuit challenging the abortion law. That case is pending in a different state court….

How are you praying for the end of abortion? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Maria Oswalt on Unsplash)

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Betsy West
August 7, 2022

Just because an organization has 501c3 non profit status, this does not make them “the church”. The church is not a building or a group of people who embrace a philosophy. Those crying out for abortion are sinners, lost souls, and should be viewed as such. The true Church, when on its knees, must learn to bind and loose and see God’s intervention as we approach the time of His coming. Rev 22:20

Nancy Bryda
August 5, 2022

In the time of Jesus, the pharisees were called a brood of vipers by Jesus for not following the laws of heaven. I bind the antichrist ideologies in churches not in aligment with heaven’s laws. I decree exposure of church leaders not in alignment with heaven and justice as needed. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Heaven always chooses life.

Darlene Estlow
August 5, 2022

Father, we pray that these lawsuits would fail. Protect the life of three unborn–human life. May these did go before a judge who believes that babies are human beings from the moment of conception and abortion ends a human life. Turn their argument upside down, from a right to abortion to ac dirty for a human being to live.

Susan Eddlemon
August 5, 2022

The usual suspects!….
Reminds me of the parable Jesus told about the wheat and the tares growing up together. “An enemy has done this,” was Jesus’s remark. He also taught that the kingdom of God is like the yeast that a woman took and hid in a measure of meal, until the whole lump was leavened. Many times yeast is a symbol of sin in scriptures. But in this case I think that in the kingdom of God as we see it now, both the wholesome grain of God and the sin hiding within it are growing up together, just as the wheat and the tares grow up together.


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