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Lord, thank you for moving on the heart of our elected officials to remove mandates among those they represent and stand for liberty. Please continue to move our leaders to reject tyranny and all other coercive mandates.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

From Gateway PunditNew York Governor Kathy Hochul will lift her statewide indoor mask mandate on Wednesday, the New York Times reported.

Hochul will make the announcement on Wednesday as other Democrat-run states make the same changes.

It is unclear if Hochul will lift the mandate for schools.

Just two weeks ago Kathy Hochul waged war with an appellate judge who overturned her mask mandate.

A New York State Supreme Court judge two weeks ago ruled Governor Kathy Hochul’s mask mandate “unconstitutional” and declared it null and void.

The judge, who is out of Nassau County, said Hochul had no authority to enact the mask mandate without the state legislature because she no longer has emergency powers.

From Breitbart News:

News broke that New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker will announce their decisions to lift mask mandates in their states after a flood of other Democrat governors led the way forward.

Earlier this week, Democrat governors, including New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy, Delaware Gov. John Carney, Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, and California Gov. Gavin Newsom, announced their decisions to lift mask mandates in their states.

The sudden turnaround shows that even Democrats realize voters are ready to move beyond masking mandates, especially for children in school.

The White House on Tuesday signaled they would not be lifting mask mandates, indicating that instead Biden would follow the advice of the CDC.

Are these mandates being lifted as a response to the Canadian protests?  Are leaders trying to stay ahead of any impending protest in our own nation about masks? Is it as Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said, “the medical science didn’t change, the political science did.”

Share your thoughts on why the mask mandates are suddenly being lifted in hardcore mandate states, and how you are praying about this in the comments below.

(Excerpts from Gateway Pundit and Breitbart. Photo by Brian Asare on Unsplash)

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February 14, 2022

There is an old saying, “not so fast Kowalski”, which implies that one should not state unequivocally that an outcome is utterly certain. Given that these men and women who parade around as governors have sanctioned the abortion of unborn children, advocated sodomy and homosexuality as a “natural right” and scuttled religious freedom by sitting bad jurists on the benches in their respective states, I will not be nor should I be convinced that the lifting of these mandates will last very long. These are the atomic, university and corporate men who, with no fear, gall and impunity, defy the Lord and have manipulated people with their cunning and duplicity. Here in the hell known as Chicago, Lightfoot continues to enforce her illegitimate and bogus authority as mayor by sustaining the vaccination mandate for everyone who frequents restaurants, coffee shops, eateries, etc. May the Lord Jesus give us immunity from them and expose them for what they are, i.e., liars and fabricators of deception who bow down to Satan.

Randy Baldwin
February 13, 2022

Dems follow political science, not medical science. They know they are losing power so they are going against their core values of power and control, to prevent losing votes. No other reason. They have not been following science for quite a while, and in fact, they are silencing good science to maintain control. We need to open up dialogue rather than stifling medical experts, so the country gets the whole truth to make informed decisions.

Bonnie Acosta
February 11, 2022

Newsome is NOT lifting all his tyrannical mandates. He is still forcing some areas of the state to remain masked.

LuAnn Belcheff
February 11, 2022

Boomerang! The blue states are lifting mandates for the elections, but God is freeing his people. So, who is at work here? God! Prayers avail much🙏

Jill Leonard
February 11, 2022

I believe they are lifting the mandates because the midterm elections are only 9 months away. Pray for Godly strong believers to lead our country once again! 🙏

February 10, 2022

Pray that while mask mandates are being lifted MOTIVES behind this decision (primaries) will be revealed.
Or once 22 primaries are over we could be back to mask mandates again along with more restrictive mandates.

Melinda Nonnon McLaughlin
February 10, 2022

Lifting mask mandates, but will they be doubling down on mRNA mandates? And now the FDA is considering making the mRNA jab mandatory for infants! We must fight this now! They are voting on this this week!

Mary Hammers
February 10, 2022

I’d be more impressed if she turned out kids lose also. They need to see the faces of their classmates and teachers. I belonged to a teachers Association NEA for 31 years and NEVER ONCE voted for the politicians they “recommended.” Those Unions are not near as influential as politicians think they are. I’ve taught when there were flu epidemics, chicken pox running wild (before the inoculation). colds. I was informed I had a student with HIV in my classroom but not told which one it was. Teaching is a calling and not everyone who teaches is called. Might be something else we could pray about. I happened to work in a state that does not allow police officers, teachers, or corrections officers to go out on strike. I wouldn’t have done it anyhow. But my generation is not easily led. Especially with Jesus at our backs.

Barbara Janicki
February 10, 2022

Doing the right thing for the wrong reasons (upcoming elections) – hopefully voters won’t be fooled nor lulled into complacency or trust – we need to hold elected officials accountable and not allow unelected bureaucrats (who feel they don’t answer to us, the voter) to issue edicts and mandates and to take away our freedoms. With the lifting of the mask mandates, we will again experience the freedom of the face to face encounter, beholding one another’s full countenances once again. “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory” (2 Corinthians 3:18) http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

Arlene Jeurink
February 10, 2022


Tana Stadjuhar
February 10, 2022

Unfortunately these Dem Governors know it is the year of elections…..could it be they are acquiescing because of this??

Lord Jesus turn and mold their hearts.

February 10, 2022

Folks – don’t be deceived. This is NOT over. Truth is leaking out at an extraordinary speed, and they have to give up a little ground to make us feel we got something. Rest assured that the elite few have so much invested in crushing the masses that they are NOT going to just play nice. We have to take this ground and then demand justice. Until we see them hanging for their crimes against humanity we cannot move our eyes away from justice anymore than we can move our eyes away from God Himself.

February 10, 2022

Very simple…mid-terms are coming

    February 10, 2022

    I was just going comment the same exact words and I saw your comment! They will do anything to get midterm polls up! But God can use even there evil schemes for the good of his people! Bless you Daddy God!

    February 10, 2022

    Indeed they are….but remember this is NOT over. Not by a longshot.

February 10, 2022

Wonderful! Praise God for that! Fear is such a jailer, holding so many hostages in it’s grip, praying God to continue to overrule in this!


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