I Prayed have prayed
Father, thank You for Butker's open biblical worldviews. Shield him, and bring whoever shared that despicable post to account!
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Following a controversial speech espousing the value of motherhood and presenting a biblical worldview, Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker was doxxed by the official X account of Kansas City. Who is responsible for this?

From Catholic Vote. Republican Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey on Thursday said he is investigating the office of Democratic Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas after it reportedly “doxxed” Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker in an X (formerly Twitter) post.

Pray for your fellow intercessor.

The alleged leaking of Butker’s personal information came days after he gave the commencement address at Benedictine College. …

There, Butker encouraged graduates at the small Catholic college to “be authentically and unapologetically Catholic.” He also spoke positively about marriage and motherhood, but criticized the abortion industry and the LGBTQ movement. …

The attorney general continued:

Your office’s X account likely publicly released residential location information on a private citizen, Harrison Butker, in an attempt to retaliate against him for expressing his sincerely held religious beliefs at a religious college’s commencement ceremony–to an audience that largely shares his views.

“Use of government social media to retaliate against an individual based on their religious beliefs amounts to discriminatory behavior that is not tolerated under our Constitution or Missouri statute,” Bailey cautioned.

Kansas City’s X account eventually deleted its controversial post. The account wrote on Wednesday night:

While the city has deleted its post doxing Butker, we have included a screenshot below.

What do you think of this attack on Butker? Share your thoughts and prayers for him below.

(Excerpt from Catholic Vote. Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

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May 23, 2024

Well, at least Kansas AG Bailey is sticking up for Butker. And from all things that have been stated-, it seems that he was well aware, and only too willing to engage the enemy-,as he took his stance.
I applaud him and am greatly encouraged for that-, and that gives me pause to pray now tonight- and something to be thankful for.

Lord as we continue to intercede for everyone for the hold that Satan has on great majority of people..as it has been written- that repentance can flow through the enemy’s camp.. in as much as that seems ludicrous.. it also seems paramount to first pray for the soldiers in our camp that are willing to stand up- that are not only courageous but well spoken-, and even though Butker is a highly paid celebrity of sorts..in sports-,he’s not really an elite academic or anything like that, so to me he seems more like an every man in his stance- the way he is presented-,and I’m thankful that we can look to that type of leadership. Lord help me to not get overwhelmed by the responsibility of praying and being tossed about by Satan because some people sound so much better-, as I’ve come to realize that I have to rely on prayer guides- because in my 70th year I’m just too tired and there’s too much ammunition being thrown at me on the home front-,and all the churches in the town I live are woke and.. I’ve tried going to them.. but it’s really too depressing.
So Lord help us to remember that it’s not really how polished our efforts are- it’s the fact that we haven’t given up , Lord- and really from what I understand and when it’s presented you derive more joy from the prayer Warrior on a bent knee out somewhere on a Prayer Trail leaning against a garden wall in tears- or in our own living room,or backyard- continually war-torn and frattered and tassled by all of these horrible things- and sometimes our words or in my case often my words are not only not eloquent- but inadequate, so sometimes I even default to praying in tongues- I guess that’s okay you know this pastor named Jack Hibbs- about two and a half years ago,..said “don’t become a theologian”.. even though I don’t follow him anymore-,I was always impressed by his honesty -,a very honest man- and very much an everyman’s pastor.
I’m very grateful that I never became the intellectual that I was supposedly poised to become. Of course it would have been nice to have a decent enough education to live above the poverty level..but that’s all past history now.
In Jesus name

p.s..I tried a state prayer group.. for about 8 or 9 months. I won’t say what state.. for obvious reasons.. but I turned out I was too honest for them. They didn’t want to hear the truth about some of the behaviors of some high-profile people, – let’s say.. in our camp. And how that reflected as to our image on social media- and how it actually benefited the enemy

Darlene Estlow
May 22, 2024

Father, strengthen Harrison Butker in the midst of persecution. May he look to you. Give him joy that he was able to share his heart and joy that he can suffer for you. Protect him. May those who wish him harm be brought to account and repent,


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