“We could be facing multiple famines of biblical proportions within a short few months,” said Executive Director of the World Food Program (WFP) David Beasley, in an address to the UN Security Council on March 21, 2020. He added, “If we don’t prepare and act now – to secure access, avoid funding shortfalls and disruptions to trade.” Every day in our world, 135 million people face starvation. Due to COVID-19 and subsequent loss of income due to social distancing, that number recently jumped another 130 million. The total people on the verge of starvation could exceed 265 million.
Mr. Beasley predicted the number of deaths could skyrocket by the end of the year, to 300,000 people a day dying from starvation, plus a significant number will die from COVID-19. It’s impossible to imagine such a horrific catastrophe. These are the ramifications that face the world if help is not forthcoming.
With a plethora of problems, America’s economy teeters on the brink of collapse due to massive business shutdowns to lessen COVID-19 cases. Unemployment is at an all-time high in our nation. It’s so bad; economists tell us it may take years to recover. Due to no fault of our own, America’s oil-industry collapsed as oil prices currently hover at $10 a barrel. Our nation has suffered almost 900,000 infections and 50,000 deaths due to COVID-19. We have enough problems at home. How can we, as Christians, respond to Mr. Beasley’s plea for help?
Our first response is to realize that government is not the answer. We should not expect our government to do everything.
God’s people are the answer to a crisis.
While the World Food Program needs resources, they also need our prayers to be able to reach out to people in some of the most desolate, war-torn, and famine prone places in the world. Mr. Beasley needs our prayers as he delivers aid to the hungry amid warlords that steal because food is power. As believers, we can pray for peace in areas racked by chronic war. We can pray for peace and stability in the nations.
We stand at a golden prayer opportunity. In the middle of our nation’s crisis, we will declare God’s faithfulness to hurting people across the globe.
In Matthew 25, Jesus says, “All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.” The criteria for determining who is a sheep nation and a goat nation is the nation’s treatment of the poor. As we embrace Director Beasley’s plea for help and pray for the poorest of the poor in our world, God calls our nation a sheep nation.
Executive Director David Beasley, asked for three things to help stave off a world-wide catastrophic famine. Let’s believe for his three requests to avert this crisis.
First, Director Beasley asked for peace in the world. More than 40 armed conflicts are happening in the world today, with Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Yemen the most prominent. The 2020 Global Report on Food Crises links conflict to rising levels of acute food insecurity.
Pray: Lord, we ask for the Prince of Peace who died for every man, woman, and child to calm wars and bring reconciliation so those in need can receive the life-saving aid they need.
Second, Director Beasley asked that all parties involved in armed-conflict allow aid workers access to the most vulnerable people – the children and the elderly. Often food and medical supplies are available, but because of corrupt evil governments, the aid is unable to get to the people.
Pray: Lord, we ask that all roads, ports, borders, and drop points open to facilitate the delivery of aid to those who need help.
Third, lastly, Director Beasley requested for the establishment of strategically located stations where food can be stored, allowing easy access in times of crisis.
Pray: Lord, we ask for the establishment of secure locations to store food. We ask that these places be free from theft and destruction.
America has a chance to come out of impending economic destruction, as we sow seeds of prayer for the lives of others who not only struggle at this current time, but who have struggled for years under the threat of war, repressive governments, and famine.
While we don’t pray for others to find blessing for ourselves, there is an element of faith that brings blessing as we take our eyes off personal problems to pray for others. The best example is that of Job, who lost everything, his family, his fortune, his health. His friends taunted him to turn from trusting God. But God redeemed Job because he prayed for his friends: And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. (Job 42:10). We have a chance right now to follow Job’s example and pray for our friends.
Jesus separated the sheep from the goats according to how they treated the poor. Let us declare America a sheep nation as we give life-giving prayer to those in need.
About the Author: Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the Cultural Mountain of Education. She has authored Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform America’s Schools. She leads prayer groups to pray at key educational locations across the US. Currently, Nancy serves as the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN) Lead Prayer Coordinator for the Mountain of Education. For additional information go to:
(Image from ABCNews.)
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[…] Director of the World Food Program addressed the U.N. recently stating, that “we could be facing multiple famines of biblical proportions within a few short […]
Dear Lord,
Feed the world as you fed the children of Isreal in the wilderness
Whenever I give to any organization, I don’t just give to any organization. I give to one that is run by a Christian organization. Jesus said I was hungry & you fed me. So, I make sure his name is on my giving, nothing wrong with worldly organizations some are very good. He (Jesus) saved me, so I put his name on everything even giving. Jesus said I AM the way the Truth & the Life. I even pray at IFA in the name of Jesus.
I agree with you and everyone who is praying these prayers. Father in heaven, open the doors for delivery of needed supplies and foods to the most vulnerable. We pray for safe passage and storage for the resources you release through your people. We also pray for Director Beasley and his team – give them divine protection, wisdom, and discernment; bless them with health and much favor in the lands they visit. In Jesus’s name!
Yes, Father, we pray for Your help for the most needy of the world. May You discharge Your army of angels
to champion the cause of the poor as Your people pray! The needs are so steep that they warrant supernatural intervention. Jesus, we call on You, the Captain of the LORD’S Host!
Thank You, Father, for Your heart of compassion!
Pray this prayer out loud:
Father, in Jesus’ name, I pray that everyone reading this prayer will receive it passing it on to another now that no one will fall from grace. Instead of that, Father, we celebrate Lord what He has done for us.
Father in Jesus’ name, I thank You for forgiving me of all my sins—past, present, and future. Thank You, Father, that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. Thank You, Father, that You raised Him from the dead when I was declared righteous.
Thank You, Father God, that I am in Christ at Your right hand, far above all principalities and power, might and dominion, over every name that is named plus COVID-19. Amen.
And above every name that can be named even in the world to come. Thank You, Father God, that I’m safe and secure in Christ at Your right hand, dearly loved and highly favored. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Now may our God, the God of peace. Who through the Blood Eternal Covenant. Brought back from the dead. The Lord Jesus Christ, that great Shepherd of the Sheep. Equip you all with everything good. For doing His will.
And may He work in us what is pleasing to Him through our Lord, Jesus Christ to Him be the glory forever and ever.
And may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
While we may struggle, it cannot compare to what others are facing, yes we must pray AND we MUST GIVE! Ministries like Samaritains Purse or Open Doors. Right now Christians all over the world are being denied food, water and health care. We in America must act! As Jesus said in Matthew 25 “What you have done to the least of these my brethren, you have done unto me.”
Thank you for sharing. Endtime updates are drawing interested ones closer to salvation and wells of revival are getting debris out!!
We pray daily, and have since 2008, during an election we felt would bring horrible things upon this country.
We will continue to pray and trust God to provide and supply our every need, as he always has. Amen and amen
I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that the leaders of the United States of America National, State, and Local will hear the voice of G_d. If they are not born again, that they will repent and hear the instructions G_d has for them and for the people that they serve. I pray our leaders will gain wisdom from G_d and instead of doing the blame game find the solutions through Our Lord Jesus Christ. That our leaders will unite to help the citizens of the United States of America. Thank You Lord Jesus Christ for saving us. May G_d bless the USA and its citizens. Amen.
I prayed and I will continue to pray.
Father, Protect the nations that will most vulnerable, that supplies will be able to get and be protected so the needs of the people will be cared for. May, You set an army of angels round about these areas and protect the roads, supply facilities and the people. Father keep the USA from economic destruction so we may always be a nation who loves, cares and helps to provide for the needs. May reconciliation come, that peace may prevail. Come Lord Jesus Come and restore us to Yourself.
Praying for a “Joseph” ministry to be raised up by God and protected by angels!!
I don’t know if this is even legit.
Dear Lord please help people who need You and food. May those who are on the brink of starvation get what they need. May the food be secured and may the conflicts calm down. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.