South Carolina becomes the latest state to ban abortion once a fetal heartbeat can be detected, though the new law already faces a lawsuit by Planned Parenthood. And an Obama-appointed judge already blocked it. This isnāt over.
The bill requires anyone committing an abortion to first perform an ultrasound to test for a fetal heartbeat. If one is found, aborting the baby anyway would be a felony for which an abortionist could lose his medical license. It contains exceptions for rape, incest, medical threat to the mother, or fetal anomalies deemed āincompatible with life.ā
The state Senate passed the bill 30-13 and the House 79-35, and McMaster is scheduled to sign it into law today in a ceremony at the state house:Ā . . .
Planned ParenthoodĀ quickly moved to file a lawsuit against the law, calling it āin flagrant violation of nearly five decades of settled Supreme Court precedent.āĀ . . .
South Carolina joins Georgia, Missouri, Louisiana, Tennessee, Ohio, Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, and North Dakota in enacting laws to limit abortions as early as a fetal heartbeat can be detected.
(Excerpt from Life Site News. Article by Calvin Freiburger. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)
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Good for you South Carolina! May God bless you and protect you from the sins that threaten to be the ruin of our nation.
I love all the beautiful, thoughtful, and compassionate prayers for the unborn. To those prayers I humbly ask Father God, our churches will teach young men to respect women and treat them with dignity as a daughter of God. Fathers & Mothers teach your sons to be honorable men of strength and courage by taking responsibility for their sexual activities. Teach them to not abandon the woman when she becomes pregnant. I pray fathers/mothers will raise up godly sons who respect God’s law and do what is right and pleasing to the Lord.
1 Corinthians 11:12 “For although the first woman came out of man, all men have been born from women ever since, and both men and women come from God their Creator.”
Job 31:1 āI made a covenant with my eyes not to look with lust upon a girl”
Matthew 5:28 “But I say: Anyone who even looks at a woman with lust in his eye has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”
In Jesus name I ask for men to repent of their lustful ways.
Leave it to Planned Murderhood to file a lawsuit based on the ongoing 47 year Baal lie that it’s a “settled Supreme Court precedent”. Nothing was settled from the Roe vs Wade opinion other than this one truth… the entire decision was based on one of the greatest lies ever perpetrated on the Supreme Court and our nation. They conned the system and the rest is a history of unending lies to keep the original lie going.
**Lord, forgive our nation for ever falling for this horrible lie and deception. Please Lord -Forgive our nation for our indifference and slothfulness for so many years. We don’t deserve your mercy but we humbly ask that you would extend it to us. Forgive us for ever allowing this in our country. We failed to protect your creation Lord. Have mercy on our nation Lord.
We thank you for states across our nation that are taking major steps to protect unborn life. Thank you for people at all levels in various states working to rid our nation of this murderous act. We ask that you would continue to bless every person involved working to preserve human life… your creation Lord. Give your favor Lord to each state working to overturn abortion. Protect them and give them victory in every step they take. Give them victory over every lawsuit that seeks the continuation of the murder of the innocent. Let those standing “against” Planned Parenthood or others…grant them victory because You Lord will fight for them and fight for the innocent. Provide all the necessary resources to those fighting for the unborn babies… take away resources from those who want to murder the unborn. Send confusion into their counsel and allow their arguments to fall back into the abyss. Do NOT allow them success. Do battle Lord and help us to protect and win for unborn babies. In your name we pray Jesus amen.
This is wonderful. I had no idea. Praise God. If people want to murder their unborn child they they have to go to blue states then of which Iām sadly stuck in one. Praying to get out. NYS is wicked. Sodom & Gormorah.
Yes, I just ordered 50 Zola Levitt pamphlets on 7 feast’s It explains from egg to 9 months of a baby fulfill God’s feast before we are born. Giving to preg crisis center!
Father, in Jesus’ Name thank you for the good news that twelve states have enacted laws to limit abortions.
Much more needs to be done to protect the lives of the unborn. Every victory in the direction of protecting
lives of the unborn is to Your glory, Lord. Thank You for hearing the prayers of so many who have fought tirelessly to counter this crime against humanity. I pray for those who have had abortions, and repented.
May they know your peace, Lord. I pray for anyone considering abortion as an answer. Thank you for ultrasound which proves to the Mother there is life, and then guide all to take responsibility to guard that life. Stir the conscience of women everywhere to realize life is a privilege, and no one but You Lord can end it. Have mercy on us, Lord. Amen
Praise you FATHER and LORD!!! It’s not a coincidence that it just so happens to be 12 States who are enacting laws to limit or abolish abortion! Oh How numbers are so significant in scripture!!! I pray the Lord will bring other states to their knees in repentance for this horrific sin and may they stand up for LIFE! RAISE THEM UP LORD….RAISE THEM UP TO BE WARRIORS FOR YOU AND YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS!!!!
As Mother Teresa said, “Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use violence to get what they want. The greatest destroyer of love is abortion.” How can we as a nation profess we want peace when we allow a mother to kill her own child? God, I pray for the hearts of women to be changed and to see that taking the life of their child is murder. God does not make mistakes, but will bring good of all things.
Psalm 139:13-16 Adonai, “For You fashioned my inmost being, You knit me together in my mother’s womb, I thank You because I am awesomely made, wonderfully; Your works are wonders–I know this very well. My bones were not hidden from You when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes could see me as an embryo, but in Your book all my days were already written; my days had been shaped before any of them existed.” Lord, may You move Your people in love to act and stand and fight for Your innocent perfect babies who are unable to defend themselves. We pray that every state of the United States of America will fight with a strong, loud voice to stop the murder of Your children. Thank You, Lord, for hearing our cries and sorrowful hearts. You are such a loving Father that You will forgive us if we repent and turn from our wicked ways. In the Mighty Name of Yeshua HaMashiach, Amen.
Lord I pray that more and more states step forward to ban this law. Please soften the hearts of our politicians and help them to see that abortion DOES stop a beating heart! Please have mercy on our nation at this time! In Jesus holy and precious name, Amen.
Praise God for state leaders standing up 4 the unborn
Abortion needs to be STOPPED!How long will we sacrifice our children to Moldock? Six decades of babies have lost the 50s generation.When will we get it that is abortion breaks God’s heart&ours.š¢
Praise God!!
Dear Margaret:
Yes we can and should praise God for every move America makes to end the slaughter of innocent and defensless unique individual persons needing only time and nourishment to become what God intended them to become…just like all of us need the same.
I pray Father that you hear our repentant hearts crying out, yet America most certainly does not deserve your forgiveness. WE have closed our eyes and our hearts, and turned our ungrateful backs to You denying and violating You in ways more despicable than even Your Chosen People did in the past. We deserve your wrath, yet please hear our prayer … we beseech You to move Your Holy Spirit to change the minds and hearts of those dedicated to destroying Your unborn for the sake of those innocent children You created, and in order to glorify Your Self in the eyes of all who have turned away from You. Not for us Lord as we plead for mercy we do not deserve, but for Your own GLORY TO BE SHOWN TO THE WORLD LORD…please miraculously move to change this horrid violation in Your eyes into a recognition of YOUR Soverign LOVE for YOUR CHILDREN who are innocent and defenseless, living in the most dangerous place on this Earth…….their mothers womb!
In Jesus holy name we pray that You move to change the hearts of women, governments, and those involved in this ghastly process so that the world will see YOUR POWER and witness YOUR MERCY and Agape Love shown by an unmistakable miraculous action to protect YOUR children when we have so pitifully failed to do so.
AMEN…may only Your will be done!
A baby in the mother’s womb is a living, breathing person, totally and completely alive.
When you abort a baby in the mother’s womb, you are literally murdering an innocent child. No matter if man’s law says its legal, God says you are 100% responsible for taking someone’s life through murder.
God hates hands that shed innocent blood. Thou shalt not kill. You are sinning against God and breaking His Laws when you abort a baby.
This is murder plain and simple.
Murder is against God’s law and it is against our nation’s laws in all 50 states, but America chose to legalize murder through abortion.
Only in situations of self defense is it lawful and permissible to take someone’s life in the United States.
America decided a long time ago, that murdering innocent babies was ok. America sinfully made abortion legal, which is the murdering of innocent life.
Our nation is responsible for over 60 million murdered babies. Only ungodly, evil, heathens would pass a law making the murder of living, breathing babies legal.
Abortion should have never been legalized in America or anywhere in the world.
Anyone from the mothers, to the doctors and nurses that are involved with abortion are guilty of murder in God’s eyes.
The politicians who presented and passed legislation to legalize abortion and those who support and vote for laws to support abortion are guilty of murder in God’s eyes and His Laws.
God is the one true judge who will hold those accountable for this ungodly sin of abortion. They will face God’s judgment one day, unless they repent of their sins and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Praise God for South Carolina and other states that passed this law against abortion. Praise God for the politicians that supported this bill. Praise God for Christians, that are fighting against this horrible and terrible sin.
May many other states join them in this fight and passing the same laws in their states.
It is about time people wake up! Murder is murder, no matter how you slice the pie!
How backwards we have become when we make laws that say it’s okay to end the lives of future citizens in the wombs of our women, while we allow non citizens with their children to flood the gates of our border. Oh, but the social justice warriors think this is such a noble thing to do. Thank you to all the states working to fight against this. I pray that your light shines brighter and brighter and leads the way for all to follow through the darkness to the true light of the world, Jesus.