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Lord Jesus, we pray for Justice Sotomayor to know You and to walk in Your ways.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Listening to Wednesday’s oral arguments in the Dobbs case, we found Justice Sotomayor’s lengthy discourse troubling and interesting. Justice Sotomayor claimed fetal pain is not proof unborn children are human beings.

“I think it’s an advancement in knowledge and concern about such things as fetal pain, what we know the child is doing and looks like and is fully human from a very early-” Stewart responded before Sotomayor interrupted him.

Later, Stewart said unborn babies at early stages of pregnancy can be seen recoiling when being poked or touched.

“This case is before the Supreme Court today in large part because Americans have seen the evolving science and increasingly want a voice in a question of great moral consequence,” she continued.

(Arguing for Mississippi, Scott) Stewart said unborn babies at early stages of pregnancy can be seen recoiling when being poked or touched.

But Sotomayor dismissed this evidence, claiming only a “gross minority of doctors” believe fetal pain exists before 24 weeks of pregnancy.

“It’s a huge minority and one not well founded in science at all,” she continued. “I don’t see how that really adds anything to the discussion.”

Sotomayor also argued that only a “small fringe of doctors believe that pain could be experienced … before a cortex is formed.”

It is not clear on what evidence Sotomayor based her claims about fetal pain, but they are, at the very least, outdated. Nor did she present any evidence that most doctors and scientists agree with her.

(Excerpt from Life News.)

IFA has led prayer for each justice for the last 50 Days. It is interesting that the final day of 50 Days of Prayer for Life was yesterday and that Justice Sotomayor was the justice we focused on praying for yesterday. Let’s keep praying for all the justices. Please comment with your prayer for Justice Sotomayor.


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Rose Rocha
December 3, 2021

Lord ,we pray for Justice Sotomayor to experience an awakening in her spirit. That life does come from you. Every life is important. She too was formed in her mother’s womb as a person. The we want to protect the innocent who can not have a voice yet. It is not about politics but about life. Send you Holy Spirit to convict her. In Jesus’ name.


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