I Prayed have prayed
Lord, help us to call evil evil. We pray it would loose its grip on our nation.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Editor’s Note: Direct from an Open Society Foundation press release, Soros is expanding funding for stoking the racial tensions in our nation by supporting militant and far-left groups to the time of an additional $220 million. Below is the press release from Soros’ Open Society Foundation which spins these causes and activist groups as “racial justice“ organizations. Remember, these are their words below. As you read, ask God for direction on how you can pray about this. Pray for the funds to be put into unfruitful causes, for the curtain to be pulled back on these organizations, and ultimately for those involved to find Jesus. 

 From Open Society Foundation:

To support this nation’s historic movement towards racial justice, the Open Society Foundations today is announcing investments totaling $220 million in emerging organizations and leaders building power in Black communities across the country, placing a bet on their ability to carry today’s momentum toward a better tomorrow.

The largest share of this support—$150 million—will be through a set of five-year grants to Black-led justice organizations that helped to create and now sustain the momentum towards racial equality. Open Society’s response reflects our conviction that real progress requires sustained support over many years and letting leaders accountable to impacted communities shape the path forward.

“It is inspiring and powerful to experience this transformational moment in the racial justice movement,” said Open Society Foundations’ President Patrick Gaspard. “We are honored to be able to carry on the vital work of fighting for rights, dignity, and equity for oppressed people the world over started by our founder and chair, George Soros.

“We recognize that the struggle to dismantle systemic racism is an ongoing one; it has existed from the dawn of the republic to the present day, and is embedded in every level of government and in our penal and justice systems. But the power-surge of people who have taken to the streets to demand that this nation do better—people of all ages, from all backgrounds, and in every corner of this country—gives hope to us all.”

“The success of this movement, the largest in U.S. history, will be measured over years, not weeks, and we cannot say that Black lives matter and not make a multi-year commitment to a strategy set by and centering Black leaders and organizations who changed America’s sense of what is possible,” said Tom Perriello, executive director of Open Society-U.S.

Among the recipients of this set of investments are emergent groups such as Black Voters Matter and Circle for Justice Innovations. Others are more established forces for civil rights, such as Repairers of the Breach and the Equal Justice Initiative. Some are fighting for an end to policing as we know it, and others are fighting for access to the ballot. Collectively, these organizations make up a vital ecosystem of justice, one that’s poised to harness the extraordinary energy of today and ensure it results in meaningful reform.

“This is the time for urgent and bold action to address racial injustice in America,” said Alex Soros, deputy chair of the Open Society Foundations. “These investments will empower proven leaders in the Black community to reimagine policing, end mass incarceration, and eliminate the barriers to opportunity that have been the source of inequity for too long.”

Open Society will also make a series of substantial investments, totaling $70 million, in more immediate efforts to advance racial justice. These initiatives will include the following:

  • Investments in a set of cities as they reimagine public safety, moving beyond the culture of criminalization and incarceration, and aiming to create safe, healthy, and racially just communities. We will fund bold and promising strategies to these ends. Through financial support, advocacy, and technical assistance, we will partner with local governments and local organizations—seeking, among other things, to strengthen local expertise in understanding and navigating municipal budgets.
  • A further set of investments will go toward nurturing the civic engagement of young people, many of whom have engaged in activism for the first time in response to this extraordinary political moment in the history of our country. With summer internships cancelled in a job market ravaged by COVID-19, and high schools and colleges uncertain whether they’ll be able to welcome students back to campus in the fall, Open Society’s funding will create opportunities for students to enroll in internships and fellowships that focus on racial justice, democracy, organizing, and mentorship.
  • Support for ongoing efforts to fight voter suppression and disinformation, and ensure safe and secure elections, in the midst of the pandemic.

In the coming weeks, Open Society will be providing further information about these and other areas of investment, including support to emergent efforts to establish truth commissions and other tools to promote racial healing—as well as funding to improve conditions particularly for Black workers and other workers of color—as labor, racial, and social justice organizations prepare for a national “Strike for Black Lives” later this month.


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Sherry Lynn
August 26, 2020

Soros is an enemy of the state! Of the world for that matter! He uses his money to fund caravans, 200+ groups that incite violence, terrorism, buying corrupt politicians, meddling in elections with his various groups etc. His 501C status should be removed and he needs to be arrested for funding terrorism and meddling in our elections. His citizenship needs be revoked and he should be permanently deported from the US!

Nan A Isaacson
July 15, 2020

Our Gracious Heavenly Father,
We are so dismayed by the man who is paying for rebellion and destruction of this once Blessed land of the United States. We pray that that now “the wealth of this man, Soros, will transfer to the righteous to build up and not tear down” Your Word says that “no weapon formed against the Righteous shall proper” and we pray earnestly for the yOUR PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED BY your name, Christians, to pray against the funding of more destruction and rioting and those who are attacking our police force. We now know that the donations to BLM are funneled off to Democratic candidates to make it legal to support those who are supporting Abortion, transgender lifestyes, controls over the media and entertainment industry. We pray that this man –so intent of removing our U.S. Constitution will be visited by your Angels and yourself to awaken his spirit to truth and righteousness. In Jesus’ name, AMen

Kurt Klemm
July 14, 2020

Lord please bring Truth into all areas of our society including exposing evil no matter how it is disguised in our country. Let every effort to mislead be turned back and confusion result in the ranks of the enemy. Let Truth reign throughout our country and grant success for every political candidate who will carry out your will.
Amen and amen.

Richard Williams
July 14, 2020

I an praying Jesus Christ, ruler of heaven and earth, will assign angels to confront, confuse, and disarm the demonic spirits that control George Soros. I am praying George Soros will come to recognize his hatred and rage against America is against God’s chosen instrument to preserve and protect Israel and freedom for all mankind. May he come to repentance and submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. May he encounter the love he so longs for. Amen

Elisabeth Dahl
July 14, 2020

Lord, I pray for dismantling of all the different groups under the umbrella of open society. I pray for confusion and chaos in the ranks of these groups and the protests and plans of evil to come to nothing and just disintegrate. I pray for Alex Soros to see the truth and be overcome with anguish and guilt and embrace the faith in Jesus Christ and that the Soros money will be used for your kingdom Lord, or be lost and made useless. I pray, Lord,that You will raise up people in all the different groups who will know that evil is evil and leave the groups and start working for Your kingdom instead. I pray for restoration and revelation among all black people and that they will turn to faith in the Lord. I pray for Antifa to be exposed as corrupt and evil and the truth about their agenda to become mainstream news. I pray for BLM also to become exposed and fade away like yesterday’s news. Bless the US and let truth and righteousness win. Let it be so. In Jesus name, amen

July 14, 2020


Shevwarn Jurden
July 14, 2020

I declare and decree that as I pray that the Lord of Host will open the eye of the people receiving the money and let there be light and truth and understanding of the Spirit of deception that’s holding them hostage by the spirit of greed.

Norma K.
July 14, 2020

By the resurrection power of the blood of Jesus, we command all evil forces behind Soros, Biden, Sanders, Pelosi, Schumer, the Clintons, the Obamas and all others involved in the enemy’s plan, to leave them right now! The evil forces must go NOW!
In Jesus mighty name we pray their hearts, minds and souls will be restored to focus on the word of God. Amen!

July 14, 2020

I pray the money evaporates and none of its intended purposes come to fruition. Thank you Lord that your purposes alone prevail and all else is futile, in Jesus name. Janice

virginia blakeman
July 14, 2020

Father, we cry out to You for mercy in our time of failing and grace in our time of need. Grant us wisdom from heaven against the enemies attacks on this nation – we need Your strategies – we trust You and Your messengers sent to accomplish the words we speak that line up with Your will. Father, I pray you dry up the source of unrighteous money, Mammon, being funneled into these organizations that are evil. Teach Your people that money is spiritual – and to give openly to those organizations that support truth and righteousness in this nation – we believe if we given into Your kingdom purposes, You protect what You have stewarded us with as well as see that what we give, furthers Your kingdom agenda in the earth with increase – You are the God of increase! We ask for cleansing in this area of our lives and understanding. We call forth Your kingdom purposes in government, educational systems, media, family, commerce, religion, arts and entertainment mountains for YOUR glory. Give us a new desire for Your word which is life to us in Your presence. Give us a hunger and thirst for righteousness that proceeds from Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You for hearing and answering our prayer in Jesus name.

July 14, 2020

I pray that God infiltrate these groups with faithful Christians who can testify on the Lord’s behalf and bring many to Christ. I pray that whatever is intended for evil, God will use for a larger good. I pray that God bless every good thing this movement can achieve and destroy every evil thing that tries to take root. I pray that we are not intimidated by the millions of dollars and stay focused on the One Who is all-powerful and Who will guide us into victory over the evil elements. Let this movement be subverted into revival and a great coming to the Lord. By the authority of Jesus’s Name and the power of His blood I pray, Amen.

July 14, 2020

Heavenly Father as we your church continue to repent and ask forgiveness for our sins please help us see the bigger picture and not just what’s in front of us. Holy Spirit reveals to us what is happening on our left side, right side in the background. Thank you Holy Spirit for bringing us into all truth and releasing the strategies to move forward as the body of Christ Jesus’ intercessors and leaders.

Thank you for allowing us to see all the ungodly sources that are negatively impacting our nation.
Holy Spirit reveal the evil of ISIS, white supremacist organizations (KKK, Neo-Nazi, Aryan Nations (also known as the Church of Jesus Christ Christian. The religion of the Aryan Nations is the Christian Kingdom Identity Movement, whose adherents believe that white Europeans are the chosen people of the Bible, that Jews are the offspring of Satan, and that all others are fit only for SLAVERY.), White Patriot Party,and the White American Resistance movement. These groups also are anti-Semitic, as they classify Jews as non-Caucasian.( Some of these individuals are all apart of our government within the Presidency, Senate, House, local government (towns, counties and districts), law enforcement and education systems

The Ku Klux Klan has been the most enduring white supremacy group. It was established after the Civil War and became a white underground resistance group to Reconstruction in the South. Klan members used violence and intimidation against newly enfranchised African Americans as a way of restoring white supremacy in the states of the former confederacy. Dressed in white robes and sheets to disguise themselves, Klan members burned property and whipped, assaulted, and sometimes murdered African Americans and their white supporters in nighttime raids. These violent acts led Congress to pass the Force Act in 1870 and the KU KLUX KLAN ACT in 1871, measures that authorized the president to suspend the writ of HABEAS CORPUS, suppress disturbances by force, and impose heavy penalties upon terrorist organizations. By the end of the 1870s, the Klan had virtually disappeared.

The Klan reemerged in 1915, adding new enemies to its list. The revitalized organization drew upon anti-immigrant, anti-Catholic, antiSemitic, and anti-Communist prejudices, believing that the ethnic character of U.S. society was changing and that white Protestants were losing their dominant position. The reinvigorated Klan extended its reach outside the South and into the Midwest, drawing most of its members from small towns. By the late 1920s, Klan membership exceeded four million nationally. Klan members participated in marches, parades, and nighttime cross burnings. Klan membership dropped dramatically, however, during the Great Depression of the 1930s and the national organization was virtually disbanded in 1944. ETC.

The rise of VANDALISM and violent crimes by persons associated with white supremacy groups led states to enact HATE CRIME statutes. White supremacists use the freedom of speech to express their views.

Our nation has placed a bandage on a headshot and sucking chest wound. WHY LORD? Because the church and our government continue to call good evil and evil good because of the financial benefits etc. aligning with these groups. Soros is in the same group as these white supremacy groups.

God expose them all in Jesus name and give your church/spiritual leaders and government leaders at all levels of government the faith, strength and wisdom to speak the truth concerning all these groups, people and organizations. Help our leaders to call evil evil and set more than adequate laws to deal with white supremacy groups etc.
Lord God save them all who are aligned with these hate groups and in our government. If they refuse or reject you God and your son Jesus Christ remove their influence and connections with those who are movers and shakers at all levels of government and in their community etc.

We decree and declare they shall not continue to move forward in a productive way to birth hate or division in the United States of America. It is time for true change in God church leadership, nation and government at all levels. In Jesus name. Amen!

    July 14, 2020

    Amen! Acts 17:24-31 “God, Who made the world and everything in it, since He is LORD of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands. Nor is He worshiped with men’s hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things. And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preapponted times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the LORD, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are His offspring.’ Therefore, since we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, something shaped by art and man’s devising. Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man Whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.”
    Father we agree with Your Word and ask that all men everywhere repent through believing in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of our sins and by believing in His name be saved. For Jesus sake and for His glory and honor we ask that Your kingdom may come here on earth as it is in heaven. Thank You for so loving the world that You gave Your only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.

Steve Oson
July 14, 2020

Ps 37:7-10 Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret — it leads only to evil. For evil men will be cut off, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land. A little while and the wicked will be not more; though you look for them, they will not be found. But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace.
Lord, I pray that the wealth of George Soros would evaporate as a vapor. He continues to fund organizations that seek to undermine the nation You ordained. Here is a man who has achieved great wealth in America in the system of free enterprise and now seeks to destroy the very system that facilitated his accumulation of wealth. There are many others Lord that also conspire to destroy the Constitution and take away the freedoms You have granted us. Expose them for all the world to see and then destroy their wealth. Lord, You are our redeemer. We pray for the nation called America and for all those Americans that don’t yet know you. Same us from the evil schemes of George Soros and those others of like mind.

    virginia blakeman
    July 14, 2020

    Father, spread out righteousness for us as a sunrise spreads radiance over the land. Deliver justice for us into the light of the sun. We will be still and patient. We expect You Eternal to arrive and set things right. (Ps. 37:6) Thank You. I pray Your kindness would guide our hearts from distractions and habitual sin to walk a new path – righteousness.Romans 2:8 Thank You for Your angel armies delivering Your words into the atmosphere and into the hearts of redeemable people young and old – You, Father, by Your Spirit know who they are. And, Father, deliver Your people from religious spirits that are veiling them and causing them to prey rather than pray from Your heart. Thank You,I bless Your intercessors who have attached themselves to Your heartstrings.

    July 14, 2020


Brian Lynch
July 14, 2020

Lord, I bind the attacks on the structure and way of life here in America. I bind the George Soros funding attempts, and his desires to ruin our way of life and government.I bind the spirit of violence and disorder/anarchy that is rampant in our society. I loose a spirit of decency, respect for our way of life, and loving kindness in our society here in /America. In Jesus’s name I pray this.

Nancy P.
July 14, 2020

Father-help us. George Soros is a wicked man and his thoughts and his deeds know no bounds. But You are God of heaven and earth and we proclaim Your sovereignty over all kingdoms on the earth-Your earth. Please forgive us of our sin-my sin-please have mercy on us and remove the wickedness and evil which has it’s clutch on this nation. Give us boldness and courage as Your people, in a united effort, to rush this maniacal man along with his minions out by exposing his evil deeds clothed in a shroud of deceit. Expose him and remove him Father, save our nation, remove the great sin – and the stench of our sin, revive us with Your holy spirit, change our hearts in Jesus Name amen.

July 14, 2020

I pray in agreement with all these prayers. Also I pray for the black lives that see the truth in all this, those not following the narrative. As we have seen, all black lives do not matter to BLM. Not the young ones perishing in the violence, and certainly not those who aren’t in agreement with this radical, evil movement. Let us pray for their protection, calming of their fears. God let their voices be heard.

July 14, 2020

Praying Your Kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven in this man’s life today and the days ahead in Jesus name I pray, amen and amen

July 14, 2020

Forgive us Lord, where too many churches stroked the fires of racism. Forgive us for the sin of segregated churches. Forgive us where as Christians we were blind to the culture of “separate but equal” that led to this boiling point. The enemy is using rebellion to tear the country apart. Forgive the sins committed by our fathers and grandfathers. $220M is being committed for activism that will include gender equality for perverseness. Lord, we come humbly before you and ask for your forgiveness. The blood in the ground cries out for justice. This upheaval is being allowed for our own wickedness. Lord, heal our land and our hearts. Remove the rituals and let the church truly love others and be your representatives on earth. Forgive the church were we had a form of godliness, but in our speech and actions did not know you at all. Lord please unify your people and this country.

    Nancy P.
    July 14, 2020


    virginia blakeman
    July 14, 2020

    Julie Meyer has an awesome worship song on Youtube – “As You Gaze” – Healing Rooms SMV – that is based on 2 Chron. 7:14 that we can worship with – worship is a warfare tool against the enemy’s advances. Bless you

      Joan Bartruff
      July 14, 2020

      Virginia, I am looking forwards to googling “As You Gaze”. Yes, ” Worship is a warfare tool,
      and in this Pandemic, which divides and separates, I am trying to be attentive to my personal worship, or keeping my eyes the Lord as He is waiting to answer our prayers and act on those prayers for His glory. We are having Church services with limited numbers and masks, but it is something, and I am trying to be faithful to attending whatever is avaiable because, “where two or three are gathered together in His name He is in the midst, and we are renewed, encouraged and strengthened to stay in the battle, “with the Cross of Jesus going on before”–“like a mighty army, moves the church of God….” God bless, JB

      virginia blakeman
      July 14, 2020

      Thank you, your thoughts are so welcome and encouraging – it is so good to be a part of the Body of Christ in unseen realms but so, so real! Isn’t God awesome how he aligns us in wonderful ways through His Spirit with us. Blessings

c cameron
July 13, 2020

Proverbs 17:23 (KJV)
23 A wicked man taketh a gift out of the bosom to pervert the ways of judgment. Lord we pray that justice and leadership will not be perverted by greed and bribes, the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just, we pray that this money will make an impact for the kingdom of God instead of wicked intentions. To restore law and order and refund the police body that has been defunded in some states. We pray that what the enemy intends for bad will be used for good not to bring division

    virginia blakeman
    July 14, 2020

    Yes, that the enemy would return seven times what he has stolen out of Your hands, Your belonging – people, finances, etc. I pray those who have given their lives, that their voices would still be heard – the blood of Jesus is crying out for mercy to triumph over judgment. Thank You, Lord

Mel Teoh
July 13, 2020

Good Father. Thank you for the privilege to pray. Thank you for listening to my plea. Have mercy on USA as a church, country and individual. You see the heart of these Open Society Foundation leaders, what are their intention. I don’t see their or their intention but I see the result of the movement.
Please prepare the hearts of these people who manage Open Society Foundation , who started Open Society Foundation, the recipient of these $220M fund in the name of Racial Social Justice.
Heavenly Father, I pray for unity among people in church from every denomination. I pray for unity among every race who live in the USA, let them only see what is good for unity. Let us be truly a United States of America who work together for common good .. the good for the country.
Psalms 64
1–2 Lord, can’t you hear my cry, my bitter complaint?
Keep USA safe from this band of criminals and from the conspiracy of these wicked men. They gather in their secret counsel to destroy USA.
3–4 Can’t you hear their slander, their lies? Their words are like poison-tipped arrows shot from the shadows. They are unafraid and have no fear of consequences.
5 They set their traps against USA in secret; they strengthen one another, saying, “No one can see us. Who can stop us?” They’re nothing more than unruly mobs joined in their unholy alliance,
6 searching out new opportunities to pervert justice—deceivers scheming together their ill-conceived plot as they plan the “perfect crime.”
How unsearchable is their endless evil, trying desperately to hide the deep darkness of their hearts.
7 But all the while God has his own fire-tipped arrows!
Suddenly, without warning, they will be pierced and struck down.
8 Staggering backward they will be destroyed by the very ones they spoke against.
All who see this will view them with scorn (openly disrespect).
9 Then all will stand awestruck over what God has done, seeing how he vindicated the victims of these crimes.
10 The lovers of God will be glad, rejoicing in the Lord.
They will be found in his glorious wrap-around presence, singing songs of praise to God!

July 13, 2020

Father, God you are ruler over all and we ask that you come against evil. Honor those that are seeking TRUTH and bless them. Those that seek evil as their course, we ask that you show them your love, justice and Truth and that they would understand your sacrifice and give their lives to you. In Jesus’ Name amen


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