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Pray for a better understanding of the absolute importance and necessity of fathers in family life.

“As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.” (Ps 103:13 ESV)

The causal relationship is profound between fatherlessness, single-parent families and the resultant murders, shootings, violence, poverty, lack of upper-mobility, school miseries for teachers and students, flourishing of vicious and brazen gangs (replacing fathers), lost job opportunities, illicit drug use and sales, and general quality of life.

The statistics connecting all of these more or less measurable outcomes are well-established, reproduced and replicated. Just look at one summary statement from just one major study (Marriage and Family Review, 2003) titled “The Presence of Fathers in Attenuating Young Male Violence”: “Data analyzed across the U.S. indicate that father absence, rather than poverty, was a strong predictor of young men’s violent behavior.” …

Progressive political leaders are loathe to address or discuss fatherlessness as a problem and resent those who do, with a few exceptions like Maryland State Delegate Curt Anderson, who never is unwilling at least to take up the matter when prodded. When I have discussions on the topic with conservatives, they say the issue should be front and center but claim there is no willing audience to hear it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Anthony McCarthy, head of the communications and public affairs team for Mayor Catherine E. Pugh of Baltimore, became enraged at me on a local talk news show weeks ago owing to my claim that Ms. Pugh did not have the courage to institute a program to engage, monetarily disincentivize and stigmatize fatherless families….

Subsequently, Mayor Pugh herself, a guest on Jimmy Mathis’ show on WBAL, refused to speak to me, a fellow guest, apparently because of either my position on fatherlessness or my criticism of her as lacking the guts to publicly deal with this issue due to the fact that she might energize her own constituents’ political opposition.

None of the foregoing is to argue that the social pathologies caused by fatherlessness are not exacerbated by other factors. Bad police conduct, inadequate schooling weaknesses, and judges undermining the criminal justice system with weak sentencing all make the problems worse. But there is no root cause more consequential in producing permanent violence, poverty and related life dissatisfaction issues than fatherlessness.

Fatherlessness is as close to destiny as you can get…. (Excerpted from The Washington Times, commentary by Richard E. Vatz.)

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Micheal Wellington
September 12, 2019


My name is Micheal Wellington, and I am a new author of a book called Fathered While Fatherless. I see that you have a blog that also deals with the topic. I was acquiring to see if I could send you a video of my intro to the book, as well as see if you would read my book once it is released. My hope is that many individuals are freed from the pains that not having an earthly father does to them, and that we have a Heavenly Father throughout the entire process.

Thank you for taking time out to read this email.


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January 13, 2018

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Richard T. Prinzing
January 6, 2018

Next February I will become a great-grandfather for the first time. It is important for all of us fathers and grandfathers to pray daily for our kids and grand kids BY NAME.
I am a retired probation officer. Over 80% of my clients had a poor relationship with their father. Many of them never knew who was their father. This is the reason for our high crime rate and national problems.
I am making a copy of the above article to hand it out to every father tomorrow at our morning services. I’m including this written question, “What is your relationship to your children?” I’m also including the statement “Seek the LORD on how your relationships with your children can improve.” I wonder if many of the corrupted politicians had a poor relationship with their fathers.

Susan Blue
January 5, 2018

As another article on this series said, you can tell how strategic a point is by what resistance is encountered. Marriage and fatherhood have been under attack for decades. Their demise is foundational to all other progressive agendas.

January 5, 2018

I pray that all those in this world who are fatherless, be introduced, get to know and groomed by the original, our Heavenly Father. He is the base of our growth and sustainment. He is a good Father, full of purpose, direction, success and peace. He has EVERYTHNG we need …he is THE source and everything else is a resource. I pray a release of the father’s heart to all fathers and men of this world. I pray they get and receive an epiphany, a revelation of the power and necessity of a father. I Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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