Hearing directives from the Lord is one thing. Knowing His TIMING and ALIGNING of the promise is another. Though we may hear a clear “word of the Lord” concerning our lives, our assignments, or our commission, we must be just as certain in knowing WHEN and HOW to walk it out.
The Lord is doing a work in my own life and the lives of many believers who have been getting worn out trying to accomplish a God-sent mission. Stirred by a heavenly vision, we passionately assume the time must be ripe to accomplish all He has shown us. Believing our assignment is a green light to GO, we race into our future with great anticipation only to become overwhelmed and overloaded. We quickly run out of fuel and wonder why the journey has become so hard. We often assume it’s enemy interference, but I would suggest another possibility.
The Lord dropped this word into my spirit several weeks ago when I started a mini-sabbatical: “Slow your pace. Follow the grace.” It hit my heart before my head could comprehend its full meaning. It didn’t take long, however, to get an upgrade in my understanding of obedience and grace. The bottom line is that we can only accomplish what God tells us to do by a divinely commissioned GRACE for that particular assignment. This is not the same as our skills, gifts, or experience in a particular area. It is a supernatural endowment of power, peace, and anointing that will make that particular mission seem easy, natural, and life-giving. It will be an overflow from our lives, not because we are working for it, but because He has ordained it.
But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ’s gift. (Eph 4:7 ESV)
When God reveals His plans to His servants, He doesn’t always show us WHEN it will be fulfilled. He may reveal what He wants to do, but He doesn’t always give us a time stamp. If we don’t keep in step with His purposes on a daily basis, we can get ahead of Him and quicken our pace according to our own understanding and desire. If we assume our level of expertise or spiritual gifts will be enough, we will quickly burn out if we are not following His grace. We may believe good things are happening, but if it is costing us our peace of mind, joyful countenance, or physical health, we are not walking in His grace. We are going beyond what He has asked and are working from the flesh instead of from His Spirit.
This should actually be a huge relief! Instead of being driven to reach a finish line, we can enjoy each step along the way if we stop long enough to see where Holy Spirit is leading us next. The reality is, there may be pit-stops along the way. There may be unseen shortcuts or even diversions that are heaven-sent. If we don’t posture our hearts and minds to follow His timing and methods, we’ll push our limits and totally miss the mark.
Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him, and to which God has called him. (1 Cor 7:17)
SLOWING YOUR PACE means to prune your life of things that are draining you and putting pressure on the call. It means to stop comparing yourself with others and embrace your own journey, even if it seems slower. It means allowing yourself the time and space needed to keep your mind at rest and your heart free. Be willing to wait for His timing and see the assignment as a marathon and not a sprint.
FOLLOWING THE GRACE means to lay down your own timetable and follow His. It means looking for those areas in your life that are bearing fruit and demonstrating God’s favor without striving for it. It means taking the time to relax, enjoy your relationships, and keep your priorities in order. When you are following His grace, there will be a supernatural flow of life, blessing, and increase, that will bring glory and attention to HIS working and not your own.
Ultimately, it is not the mission that is priority. He is after US. WE are the goal of His heart, not what we do or accomplish. That which is eternal is a far cry from what we esteem and value in this life. Success in heaven’s eyes is following the Lamb, not leading Him.
Even as many are feeling an urgency about engaging in public affairs, the work of the Church, and national issues, we must still remember that it all must be accomplished by His grace and not our human effort. The Father is not anxiously wringing His hands in bringing things to a conclusion. Rather, He is drawing us even closer to Himself so we can be conduits of heaven, agents of grace, and demonstrations of a higher realm.
- Consider this free resource from IFA, 10 Qualities of Powerful Intercessors.
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I was reading in Nehemiah today. He remained focused on the task at hand,refusing to be tangled up in distractions,discouragement or confusion. He trusted God’s grace to cover their needs.
This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand…that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel. Then all the assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give you into their hands. 1 Samuel 17:46-47
Our purpose in all things is to glorify the Lord!
Thank you for this article.
Thank you for this message from
The Holy Spirit to share with me at this very moment.
Reading this gave me such a sense of releasing tension as it gave way to the grace to just breathe and relax and wait on God. Reminding me once again to pray about everything… worry about nothing. Thank you, Wanda. And thank You Dear LORD God for sharing this with her and letting her share it with us.
Thank you so much for this word. It really spoke to be about something God called me to do. I can now rest in his grace and wait for his timing.
Thank you! God at work! He is faithful.
Thank you for this beautiful message, written under the direction of Holy Spirit. I hope and pray that I can walk in the truth of it. The enemy is always at work to bring confusion, striving, doubt, etc. May we all walk in the peace, freedom, and grace, of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
Ask the Lord to teach you how to Minister to Him? Jesus is Lord!!🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
Thank you, coming in full agreement, these times are very very difficult and must walk hand and hand with Jesus, to accomplish what would be the perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
God Bless you all at IFA!
Thanks for this timely message. I’ve been tired and discouraged lately, feeling my ladder was definitely on the wrong wall. Ive been given peace already that I need not continue struggling with issues but relax!
A new way, a new day, Will bring my direction for this Pentacost season..
Lord God thank you for this wonderful message.
Thank you for these needed words, especially our need to take time to relax, enjoy relationships, and keep priorities in order.
It is so easy to get caught up in speeding down the highway to achieve our mission that we ignore God’s posted signs to stop for a break, refuel and touch base with others. I also loved
the scripture you chose. Thank you and may God bless you with further insights. Amen.
Thank you SO much! Much needed!
Confirmation of the Word the Lord has given me. Life flows from Him to us and then to others. Go with the flow of His Holy Spirit. “His burden is easy and His yoke is light.”
Praise Him!
Thank you for a very good and timely word of wisdom.
Dear Wanda,
Thank you for the blessing of this much needed and appreciated article. I was asking God what walking in grace looks like.
Dear Lord God thank You for everything. Thank You for Your love mercy and grace. You Lord move through eternity. Our time is limited here. We want things fast. You Heavenly Father do not care about speed. Help us to do Your will at Your pace. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Perfect scripture here
Amen! Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10