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Recently we’ve been seeing stories in the news about average Americans pushing back against liberal initiatives.  Taken alone, these stories are entertaining, though not particularly earth-shattering.  But observed together, do they form a pattern?  Are we seeing the beginning signs of a cultural realignment?

One recent story is that of women protesting a California spa allowing “perfectly normal women with penises” to use the female facilities.  The protesters were quick to point out that they are Democrats and support LGBTGFNB  rights.  But it turns out there is a limit to the amount of leftist baloney that even Democrats can accept.  Equity for people with gender confusion sounds compassionate in theory.  In reality, it facilitates naked men bathing with our six-year-old daughters — which inspires a different emotion than compassion. . . .

Debate about Critical Race Theory (CRT) being taught in our schools has broken out across the country.  Protests against CRT at school board meetings have gotten loud and contentious.  A number of states have even passed legislation prohibiting it in public schools.  It’s all fine and good to want to eliminate racism until that morphs into teaching our children to hate themselves.  Teachers’ unions and numerous school boards are fighting back against the protests.  The very people who told us just a few years ago that every kid needs to get a trophy — because we must support their self-esteem — are now telling us that we need to teach our kids that they’re guilty of sins committed 200 years ago.  They’ve tipped their hand.  They’re not in the business of teaching, they’re in the business of indoctrination.

Over 60% of U.S. counties are now covered by some form of local 2nd Amendment protection legislation.  Through either state or county legislation, 1,930 counties essentially have 2nd Amendment sanctuary status now.  I like guarantees.  The 2nd Amendment is our guarantee that our government can never turn our military against us.  It’s good to know that our guarantee is backed by 61% (and growing) of our local governments.  It seems our local and state governments still believe the Constitution means what it says and are defending it — not against foreign enemies, but against domestic enemies.  It’s too bad more of our federal officials don’t remember that part of their oath of office. . . .

Even attitudes on abortion are slowly beginning to shift.  Millennials in the 18-29 age group now support a ban on abortions after 20 weeks by 52%.  Only 44% of those 50 and older support such a ban.  The pro-choice crowd is also alarmed by the “enthusiasm gap” among millennials.  Of millennials who identify as pro-life, 51% consider it an important issue.  Of those who identify as pro-choice, only 20% consider it an important issue.  Pro-life millennials are passionate about the subject, while pro-choice millennials are only tepid about it.  Given that enthusiasm is a leading indicator of a cultural shift, the future is looking much brighter for unborn babies.  Nobody expected a pro-life position to be embraced by this generation of young adults — surprise!  The Democrats may want to rethink their litmus test.

Andrew Breitbart famously said, “Politics is downstream from culture.”  Political attempts to force a desired culture are tyranny — plain and simple.  In a free society, politics will always be a reflection of culture.  Are we seeing a pattern?  Are Americans taking back their schools, Constitution, values, and the narrative?  If the pushback we’ve seen in the last few months continues, the left is in big trouble — and it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of wannabe tyrants.

(Excerpt from American Thinker. Article by John Green.)

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CM Brown
July 14, 2021

Praise God for answered prayer!! Great news for Americans. We must stand together and uphold God’s word!

July 10, 2021

Praise God, praise God, praise God!! It is about time to push back against Satan’s filth through God’s people armed with His precious word. We must stand against evil in all areas of our society. Leave no stone unturned. If it took CRT, abortion and this gender “confusion” nonsense to realize that our most innocent children are in the enemies cross hairs, then praise the Lord. Nothing makes us more righteously angry than threats to our children. March on, Christian soldiers! God has our backs!!!

July 10, 2021

Lord God,

Our prayer is for all to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We pray for the body of Christ that we would stand United by our love and dependency on Jesus Christ. We pray that we stand faithful through these dark days and that You, Lord would use these challenges to strengthen and grow Your Church. We pray that You empower us through the Holy Spirit to stand firm. Paul wrote in 1 Cor 16:13, “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Let all that you do be done with love.” Thank You, Lord for hearing our prayers, for moving our hearts to repentance and obedience and for transforming us into the likeness of Jesus. In His Name we pray!

July 10, 2021

Bravo!!! Thank you Lord!

Kelly Marie Nixon
July 10, 2021

Dear Jesus, thank you that parents are standing up. May the body of Christ continue to fill their place and and use their authority to bring your will to Earth.


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