I Prayed have prayed
Father, do not let us live in fear. Give us courage to complete the good works that You have prepared in advance for us to do (Eph 3:10).
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Attorney Sidney Powell told Fox news host Sean Hannity Monday night that witnesses to election fraud have been threatened, and in one case, beaten up and is in hospital.

“They’re gonna lose their job. Their lives have been threatened. One witness we know of got beaten up and is in the hospital. There have been all kinds of repercussions against people who have come forward to tell the truth,” Powell said. . . .

“Democrats don’t like whistleblowers, they only like liars who claim they’re whistleblowers,” Powell said.

Powell filed lawsuits both in Michigan and Georgia last week, alleging massive election fraud and irregularities.

When asked why some people witnessing an internet connection in real-time couldn’t speak up publicly, Powell responded that “some are within the government, some are possibly in different roles that require confidentiality, and they’re not in a position where they can come forward without certain protections in place.”

Powell called on the government to provide such protections to “get to the truth of all that matters.” . . .

“We got evidence of corruption all across the country and countless districts,” she said.

Powell, a former federal prosecutor, had been the lead attorney for General Michael Flynn who recently received a pardon by President Donald Trump.

During the interview when Hannity suggested that Trump should pardon himself and his whole family to prevent a future “witch hunt.” Powell said that she did not know about Trump’s “authority to pardon himself.”

Powell went on to say that such a pardon should not be necessary because “the president is going to get another four years in office to finish the job he started because the election fraud we’re uncovering is massive.”

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Article by Li Hai. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

Share your prayers for these witnesses in the comments below!

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Shirley Byre
December 8, 2020

Father you are Holy and the stench from this country has reached you, all the children that have been denied life, the prayer taken out of our schools and we kept silent, the horrible, stupid,movies that we have sat in and watched and let our children. We have taken our children to tournaments on Sundays instead of Sunday School, we have let our churches entertain us. Father please forgive us. You are a God of mercy and love to give mercy but you know how we will behave if you answer the way we want. Will we change? Will we live to please you? Father help us to seek You, to love you with our whole hearts. I am so sorry Father, create in me a clean heart. I would love for you to give us the victory and I beg for it. Yet I am trusting in your justice. I know you will do what we all need, help us to accept your will and to live to give you glory. Even so come quickly LORD JESUS

December 7, 2020

Thank you for your righteous fight for Justice and SAVING THE NATION.
“Father, help!”

Walter David Grotefend
December 6, 2020

Almighty and most merciful Father, the truth in America, Your country, founded under Your principles and statutes now is fighting a worse evil than king George. You were so evident in our revolution I’m asking You to do it again. Send ministering angels to guard these people speaking up for the truth. Shake the very core of America to the truth. Dad, I know You love these perps, and I know it’s not Your will that any perish so I’m asking You to send Your Ruach to open the eyes of their hearts and let them see Yeshua; and if that’s not enough show them hell the home of the evil one they serve. It. was enough for me Lord. I pray it will be enough for them. In Yeshua ha’Mashiach’s name AMEN

Betty B in WI
December 5, 2020

Heavenly Father, I pray for the TRUTH to be made known concerning the election, the Covid 19 virus, and the shut downs. We bind the lying deceiving spirits at work in this nation & say they have no more authority to rule or reign in this nation. I loose life and life more abundantly that Jesus died on the cross to provide for His Children. Father, we come to YOU and seek YOUR FACE and YOUR WAYS to run this “One Nation under GOD”. In YOU we trust. Hear our prayers Dear LORD. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Debra Ann Wittenberg
December 5, 2020

We come before You Father humbly but boldly to petition the court room of heaven. Father we cry out for mercy upon the United States of America. We ask Father that You disperse an army of angels to protect these witnesses. Your Word says no weapon formed against us shall prosper and every word that proceeds out of the mouths we shall condemn because this is our inheritance as being Your children. As we stand in as Intercessors for these witnesses we stand upon Your Word and not our own. We unite in one accord believing what we ask we shall receive. Father, we speak to the mountain. We speak to the mountain of evil that it must move and depart to the sea. We come standing on Your promises of whatsoever we ask “BELIEVING” we shall receive. We speak protection over these witnesses as you shut the mouths of the lions for Daniel we speak that same protection as we call for men and women of courage to stand up knowing the angels are surrounding them. We thank You oh Lord because You hear our cries, we thank You for undeserved mercy on our country as we have awakened and realize the sin we have allowed into our land. We ask for forgiveness and we believe as Your children You know our hearts and hear our prayers as we cry out Father return to the USA and we will be the people You asked us to be. Thank You Father we praise You as we stand against the enemy because we realize this is a spiritual warfare! In Jesus Name Amen! Holy Spirit reign!?

Ruth Ramirez
December 4, 2020

In the mighty name of Jesus exposed exposed exposed Lord Jesus would you powerful light suppose the deepest darkest places in the USA we asked you father in the para for name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Our Lord amen

December 4, 2020

Father we ask you to protect this brave woman and all who come forward with truth, Father we believe the word that says you go before us, so you were there before the plots and plans and the carrying out of evil plans, bring forward the absolute with out a doubt inrefutable evidence necessary to get this entire Election debacle fully exposed and may The evidence enough and of the right type to incriminate all guilty all involved and all in collusion and may you bring them all the swift justice they deserve that none can doubt was of YOU. The bible says you are famous fir your judgements. Psalms 9:16
The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Higgaion. Selah.

Father we believe those who had any part in rigging the election and all who had collusion and Participated in coverup In it have ensared their own hands and that YOU bring them judgement, vex them uncover all this with proof, and give America a Godly Reset! Every city and state every politician and public servant in Jesus name. Psalm 105:7
He is the LORD our God: his judgments are in all the earth.

December 4, 2020

Father we ask you to protect this brave woman and all who come forward with truth, Father we believe the word that says you go before us, so you were there before the plats and plans and the carrying out of evil plans, bring forward the absolute with out a doubt inrefutable evidence necessary to get this entire Election debacle fully exposed and may The evidence enough and of the right type to incriminate all guilty all involved and all in collusion and may you bring them all the swift justice they deserve that none can doubt was of YOU. The bible says you are famous fir your judgements. Psalms 9:16
The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Higgaion. Selah.

Father we believe those who had any part in rigging the election and all who had collusion and Participated in coverup In it have ensared their own hands and that YOU bring them judgement, vex them uncover all this with proof, and give America a Godly Reset! Every city and state every politician and public servant in Jesus name. Psalm 105:7
He is the LORD our God: his judgments are in all the earth.

penny marrone
December 4, 2020

Father God we come to you and ask that u shield and protect these people who are standing up for truth and our country. We ead the blood of Jesus around all of them

Eileen Lyons
December 4, 2020

Lord,enable people to stand for the Truth,to expose the darkness n increase their faith in the midst of adversity in Jesus Name.

December 4, 2020

Why would Sean bring up pardon as if there is something for which the President needs it?

Carole Ann Neve
December 3, 2020

Thank G-d for Sidney Powell! Please Father G-d protect the true election whistleblowers from all harm and deception against them. Please make more whistleblower’s have the courage and protection to come forward with evidence of voter election fraud. I pray that You are a rewarder of those who diligently seek you. I pray this in Jesus’ mighty name. Please show yourself strong G-d.

Dale T Nacinovich
December 3, 2020

Father in the name of Jesus we thank you that truth prevails! We thank You that you will send Your angels to guard and guide those who are witnesss to corruption. We ask You that they will be under the Psalm 91 protection plan of heaven. We declare that we go forward and no turning back. Let justice and truth ride forth vigorously and victoriously in Jesus name! AMEN

Morris McGuire
December 3, 2020

I have been praying to my Lord since long before the election and much more frequently since with a positive response that turned to a negative probable a short time later. It seems to go up and down to a point of total frustration. My position has been since our Lord has been able to get many positive things done for our Lord’s agenda that it seemed so terrible that He who controls who finally gets the job, per Rom 13:1 then I could not believe He was just going to lose it all by Biden getting the call. I have since received possible good news until it is changed by something within Trump’s ranks or Trump himself. I am hanging onto what Powell has said at the end of her position above; that she believes there is enough evidence to overturn the election either by the electors on 12/14 or maybe the Supreme Court before Jan 20th, 2021. I am placing my hope in this and the peace I have from the Lord until He takes it away. Add to your prayers please.

Carol L. Baird
December 3, 2020

It appears to me that you’re the one that’s full of hate. Jesus said we are to love our enemies!

    Eileen Lyons
    December 4, 2020

    You are deceived,friend.

    Walter D Grotefend
    December 6, 2020

    Father, hallowed be Your holy name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Dad, open the eyes of her heart. She’s been deceived by the prince of deception. I’m asking that he be bound and cast into the sea so the deceived followers of his causing this deception to remain in their hearts would be set free and they would beg Your forgiveness Yeshua. I pray this in Your precious name . . . AMEN

Lisa Aug.
December 3, 2020

I am asking Jesus for His protection also over Sidney Powell.. God bless her.. she needs His proection, His strength and His encouraagement in being faithful to Him in the position, skills and clarity He has given her. Praying not only for God’s protection on all the whistle blowers who are willing to take a stand for the Truth (they will be rewarded one day before God) but also praying for Sidney as well as all who are against the fraud but not free to come out about it due to where they work. God, please help us all.. Our Country needs a serious cleansing.. starting with all of us on an individual level, and then on a government level.. we are more corrupt than Sodom & Gomorrah was …and as You said to certain towns in Isreal 2000 years ago., “Even Sodom & Gomorrah would have repented long ago” if they were as blessed as we are in this Country.. Praying for all.. and praying for our United States of America… Not “God bless” America this time, but “God deliver America”

Terry K Garber
December 3, 2020

Satan’s goal since the Garden of Eden has been to deceive and enslave. Those who are under his control believe they are acting on their own. They have no clue that they serve darkness. May our Lord protect those who are telling the truth. May the truth and the evidence of that truth be revealed in the light. And may we experience the grace and mercy of our heavenly Father. My prayers are with all those who are getting at the truth, and all those who are sharing what they saw.

December 3, 2020

Lord, just as you have anointed and appointed Sidney Powell at such a time as this, may those judges that are hearing cases at the state level and soon to be federal level be those that you have raised up to deliver your people. In the OT you set up Ehud, Deborah. Shamgar, Gideon, Tola, Abdon and Samson who in some instances were not only judges but warriors who physically slew the enemy. May your Holy Spirit strengthen them from not capitulating to the threats of man while Your angels of protection encamp around them and their families. May they fear you more than man and follow your mandates as You anoint them with Your protection and direction. We pray this in Your Son’s Name Jesus, AMEN.

December 3, 2020

Sidney Powell may be our Queen Esther in this 2020 battle for our freedom. A small book in the old testament of the Holy Bible is “Esther.” It has only ten short chapters. Queen Esther risk her life and position to expose a plot to destroy her people. Join together and pray for Sidney’s protection and the many other less known names who are coming forward to testify about the fraud and corruption by those who believe they are “above the law.” Psalms 37:6 Prayer for those brave people who are standing for our freedom at risk of loosing family, friends, jobs, and possibly their life. When you put on a military uniform and swear allegiance to our flag; you may risk life and limb which is tragic; however, these brave volunteer warriors are stepping up to show allegiance to that same flag in a battle that is a war without a name!

Jay Talsma
December 3, 2020

PS… May we pray Psalm 140 for Trump and his whole team, for the whistle-blowers, and all brave faithful patriots that look to God for guidance and deliverance. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!!!

    Susan Raikes
    December 3, 2020

    Yes and Amen! May there be a hedge of protection around our President, all of the whistleblowers and those working to uncover the lies and deception of the enemy, in Jesus’ name we pray!

Jay Talsma
December 3, 2020

Thanks for this article and all your prayer info and opportunities. In this article, it confirmed my suspicion of violence toward brave whistle-blowers. It is so sad that we can not even be shocked any longer, from left-wing insanity and all kinds of evil devises.

Just want you to thank you for all you do and encourage you to fight on strong and know that like so many others in this great country, I am praying for you and the whole situation. I believe God’s protection and miracles are now very close at hand. May all our efforts be blessed by God to protect election integrity and to stop this stealing of our great president from us and all he has done to deliver us from the DC swamp and decades of corruption and lies.

Sincerely for freedom, truth and justice,
Jay L. Talsma

December 3, 2020

God, praying for all of those who have been threatened. Praying for the one who was beaten. Praying for your angels to protect them all. Praying that you will convict the hearts of those that are full of sin, wickdness hatred and evil. Praying that they accept Christ as Savior before you rain judgement and destroy the wicked. Isisah 48:22 There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked.Psalms 1:6 For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish. Ezekiel 18:20 & 21 The soul that sinneth, it shall die. But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die.

    Carol L. Baird
    December 3, 2020

    Yes, I too pray for those brave souls who came forward to speak the truth as they will spend eternity with our Lord but the wicked will be cast into the lake of fire for all eternity because they curse God and refuse to repent right up to the very end!

Nancy Bryda
December 3, 2020

I decree massive exposure of what needs to come out for truth and righteous reasons.I decree protection for witnesses and for courage for the whistle blowers to come forth with supernatural protection. Lord help Sidney Powell to have all resources needed to make her job effective for your destiny purposes for America. I bind all intimidation from demonic forces and loose confusion and ineffectiveness to the ememy’s plans of retaliation. OUr God is all powerful and just.

kenneth kester
December 3, 2020

Heavenly Father we come to you on behalf of the people who are coming forth as witnesses of the Truth in the voting process that has taken place in our United States of America. I pray Psalms 91 over the witnesses and their family as well their employment and property. protect them Lord, Protect their family, keep them safe as they come forward and do the Right thing. I pray You Oh Lord would cover them with the Blood of Jesus.
In Jesus Name Amen

    December 3, 2020

    My favorite Psalm, Been praying this over the Trump Team for Months now!
    The Lord says: I will rescue those who love, I will protect those who trust in my name.
    When they call on me I will answer, I will be with them in times of trouble.
    I will rescue and HONOR them.
    I will reward them with a long life and GIVE them my SALVATION!

    Exclamation points (Mine) Just love that Psalm!

Jacque P.
December 3, 2020

Lord as haman built the gallows with evil intent; as the democratic cesspool have for years bullied their way into power & built a gallows to unseat a duly elected President, harrass, lie, cheat, steal, bully witnesses & kill.
Please Lord let their fate be as haman’s unless they seek Your forgiveness. Protect those witnesses. Hear our prayer’s oh Lord. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

Gladys Anne Kamphuis
December 3, 2020

I am praying for the people who are directly helping to reveal the truth. Lord we continue to cover these important people with the Blood of Jesus Christ and also pray for the Angelic protection in Jesus Mighty Name

Ivy J Oubre
December 3, 2020

We love you Sidney and are so grateful for you and the amazing work you and others are doing to expose the fraud and corruption in this election. You are doing God’s work and He will continue to protect, guide, and bless you for your efforts. You are being prayed for by many godly patriots who love our country and our freedoms which are at risk. It’s true patriots like you who founded this great country and gave their lives to protect our God given and constitutional rights and freedoms. God bless you.

December 3, 2020

Dear Lord, please give courage, comfort, and protection to those brave people who have come forward to try to right the wrongs they have been witness to. Also grant these things to their families and loved ones, and confound the efforts of evil to silence or manipulate them. Deliver this nation from evil, and remove the wicked from our presence. In Jesus precious name I pray, Amen!

Lois Link Solberg
December 3, 2020

Lord God, in Jesus’ name, I plead the blood of the Lamb over Sidney Powell and her cadre of witnesses. Protect them from harassment and harm. Protect their loved ones as well. Be a shield about them. If they do not trust you as their sinbearer, may they see their need for salvation and protection and turn to you. Then clothe them in Your armor: the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of peace, the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith to ward off the fiery darts of evil, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. May it be so, Lord.

Anne-Marie Brummer
December 3, 2020

I am glad we have a brave soul who comes forward to alert the masses that the democrats have stopped so low once again.
GOD, is in command and no one is above his authority.
AJESUS is my GOD. GOD BLESS Trump and America the land of the free.

December 3, 2020

I was sent a very interesting video to watch that detailed some of the horrendous threats made toward whistleblowers. They were sent pictures (in real time) of their children playing on school playgrounds followed by pictures of murdered people.
***BUT, here is the thing that caught my attention. The video mentioned a former guest of IFA, and a person who I only knew about because of IFA. The video referenced the death of whistleblower Philip Haney.***
The people making these threats have major connections.

Rev. Thomas Chopp
December 3, 2020

We all need to listen to the words of this song, “Freedom isn’t Free “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYGV8bdrHrk

Karen Rentz
December 3, 2020

Father I pray a hedge of protection over all the people involved who wants to bring the truth about the fraud that has been going on Lord. Please don’t allow the Democrats get to them, scare them, threaten their life and beat them up in return we ask Lord that the truth will be revealed in the name of Jesus!! That all the evil and fraud they have done will be exposed in the name of Jesus!!! Father we ask the truth be told we all know that President is the winner of the 2020

December 3, 2020

Lord all mighty, through your son Jesus Christ we pray against any evil wishes, any evil desires, any evil thoughts and evil actions coming against, Sidney, Giuliani, President Trump, all their legal teams and families, and stop the transmition to any involved in their lives, and we ask that you turn, all of it, into blessings for Sidney, Giuliani, the president and everyone mentioned above. Bless anyone who is coming against them with the knowledge of your mighty love, and power, and give them the grace to surrender to you. In the Name of Jesus, Amen

Robin Romano
December 3, 2020

Lord we pray for complete protection over every individual who is bringing out the truth about the corruption in this past election. Dispatch your angels to protect everyone involved in defending president Trump surrounding them with your anointing,strength, divine strategies, and favor. Bless them , their families and property. Come Lord Jesus and save us , save our beloved America from the plans of the enemy. Prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies protect us as in psalm 91. Equip your intercessors and saints for this battle. Let not one hair on President Trump and his family’s head be harmed in Jesus Name. The name above every name. Amen

Eva Lucretia Jahnke
December 3, 2020

I pray God sends angels to protect Sidney
and her witnesses so the Truth is revealed. God bless them all.

Elizabeth B. Crouse
December 3, 2020

I tried to share but FB would not let me

December 3, 2020

It’s so sad that the country has come to this insanity. Harming people that they don’t agree with and are trying to do the right thing. We desperately need God’s help in these troubled times.

Vicky Clarke
December 3, 2020

Sidney, we are faithfully BELIEVING God to reveal the Truth. The Holy Spirit is teaching you in this very moment and hour what to say to Judges. God will keep you steadfast, give you strength, and guarantee outcomes according to His Word. He is contending with those who contend with you and will perfect every detail as these cases continue. God is still sovereign over this United States and we are on the winning team. God bless you with each and every step of Justice you take.

December 3, 2020

Amen. “Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” (Amos 5:24)

Connie Snow
December 3, 2020

Father, I plead the blood of Jesus over Sydney, Lin, & their entire team as well as every witness! Give them favor round about them in the eyes of those they are presenting their cases to! Strengthen this team in their inner most being & personality by Your Holy Spirit, Himself. Place Your army of warrior angels round about them. Place a human wall of protection as well! We ask that Your divine protection be so evident that NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST THEM SHALL PROSPER! NO FEAR! NO INTIMIDATION! NO PHYSICAL VIOLENCE OR THREATS OF MURDER! NO THREATS OF HARM TO FAMILIES OR FRIENDS! NO THREATS OF FINANCIAL RUIN OR END OF CAREE! NONE OF THESE THINGS WILL SLOW OR STOP THEM FROM DOING YOUR WORK IN THIS GREAT UNCOVERING!
We pray for that one that was beaten & hospitalized. Heal them totally body & spirit! Let them be strong & very courageous! We bind a spirit of fear & intimidation off this one as well as the whole team! Help them to set their faces like flint to follow You & to finish this great work! Let them not stop! Help them know that there is more with them than against them! Holy Spirit, lead them into all truth! Let the evidence from those rigged machines be put into their hands, if it is not already there. Give them surprise & very credible witnesses who are sick of this fraud! Give them the blazing guns of proof that no one can deny or rationalize away! Bring key witnesses that know & will share, pointing to the very top of this evil plan! We give You praise for these things & anything else they may need. Hear their prayers! Give them peace that passes all understanding! Let their sleep be sweet. Let their digestive system be calm. Let them see quick & very timely answers & actions to stay the hands of the guilty. Let total victory be seen by the whole world & President Trump be vindicated & continue, uninterrupted, in his role as President of the United States of America for four more years! In Jesus’s name Amen

Nadine Lutrick
December 3, 2020

Father God we ask for your protection of Warrior Angels to encamp around about the witnesses who have courageously spoken up. We plead the blood of Jesus over them and their families. Hide them under the shadow of your wings. Fill them with your peace, confidence, and courage. Remind them that You are with them and FOR them. We speak your blessings upon them for standing for truth and justice!

    December 3, 2020

    Thank you for your prayers, Nadine!

      Nadine Lutrick
      December 3, 2020

      Thank YOU for having this site available for all of us to be informed by! God bless YOU!!

Thomas S Senker
December 3, 2020

This is amazing how desperate the Democratic party can get. I knew the week following that some fraud was possible, but not until hearing from trusted coworkers of mine a week ago. But to hear The President tell us of the DUMP Votes in Wisconsin at 3:42am and in Michigan at 6:31am on November 4th. The TRUTH Will be shown!!!! I love America and the Virtues it stands for. I know The LORD raised Donald Trump to lead and to turn our Country back to the Heart of God!! May the LORD continue to show His Glory by having the Lies exposed! Dear Lord, give Strength, Courage and further Wisdom to the President, his Cabinet and others involved with the research in this fraudulent behavior!

Lois Taritas
December 3, 2020

Father We agree with Attorney Sidney Powell, President Trump does not have to Pardon himself, Sean Hannity we call you out. President Trump will be Vindicated says the Lord God! We pray Psalm 91 protection over these whistleblowers and their families and their jobs in the name of Jesus!
Father it is Showtime! The Lord is a man of war, the Lord is his name! Thankyou for your warring angels protecting.

Cindy Ashlock
December 3, 2020

Father God, protect all witnesses and whistleblowers. Heal this one in the hospital and restore all the enemy has stolen from him/her. Cut off lying whistleblowers. Continue to give Sidney Powell wisdom, revelation and strategy to move forward. Give her and all the lawyers supernatural energy and stamina to continue to move forward in this short period of time. We decree SUN STAND STILL, where needed. I decree a removing of all “roadblocks” and “runarounds” in the way of all the lawyers working on the fraud, to be removed and cast into the sea. In Jesus Name. God, You are never late!!!!! Thank you that all fraud will be exposed. We decree Justice and Righteousness will reign in America. God You will be Glorified in this Nation.

    December 3, 2020

    Amen. “Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” (Amos 5:24)

      December 4, 2020

      Thank you for this article and join all prayers in agreement.
      Love this note from E. Wong December 3, 2020 at 11:09 AM.
      Agree with the prayer therein.
      Thank you Lord for the powerful and living words of Luke 20:26 and Psalm 17:7!

E Wong
December 3, 2020

God, Intimidation is an effective tactic of the enemy until we realize Jesus has given the power of Resurrection among your people. Jesus IS the Resurrection and the Life and with Him is glory even if we lose temporal things, including our very lives. Give each courageous person who honors their country with a truthful testimony to bypass all traps from the enemy and to secure refuge and a fortress under your protection. In the Name of the Way, Truth, and Life… Almighty Jesus. Amen.

Luke 20:26 “They were unable to trap him in what he had said there in public. And astonished by his answer, they became silent.”

Psalm 17:7 “Show me the wonders of your great love, you who save by your right hand those who take refuge in you from their foes.”

Wanda Purifoy
December 3, 2020

Father, I Pray concerning the presidential election, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
I pray this nation will once again be one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all and that all that oppose this illegally will be exposed and brought to justice. I pray that in this fight for liberty and truth this nation will be drawn back to you and the principles of your Word. And that you, God, would be glorified in it. In Jesus name, Amen.

Frankie Hutchens
December 3, 2020

Heavenly Father, we thank you for being our awesome Omni God. And for loving us so much, and forgiving us and desiring a relationship with us.
Still. Forgive us our sins Lord. I pray for healing in this nation from the top down; to the hurting that hurt, and forgiveness in all hearts. As love heals, remove the seeds of corruption in the hearts of those who have their sights on the destruction of this your land. Protect all those bringing peace and order with the truth. And protect President Trump, his faithful cabinet members, his legal team, all witnesses to the fraud. I pray every lie, deceitful and corrupt activity be exposed by Your Light. And I pray for another 4 years of President Donald Trump’s presidency be blessed with Peace. In Your Precious Name. Amen.

Trish Ann Roman
December 3, 2020

Father God, You ARE the light of the world and YOU expose the darkness and You alone are Judge and Jury of deeds done in darkness. We praise You, the great I AM, Holy and Righteous that is strengthening those who diligently work at revealing what has been hidden to bring about an agenda of Evil. We rebuke and decree these works of darkness by the authority You have give us as believers. We stand before You with our petitions and like lawyers ourselves presenting our case and standing on the Word. It is Your Word and does not return VOID, Ecclesiastes 3:17 says “God will bring into judgment both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time to judge EVERY DEED.”
We say all of this in faith in the power of the name above ALL names, Jesus Christ…AMEN

Liz Lawless
December 3, 2020

Father God, bring our nation together in unity under Your banner. A new party emerging. WE THE PEOPLE, ONE NATION UNDER GOD. Father bring America back to our foundational covenant roots. Forgive us our sins of allowing evil to take root in our nation. Lord, we ask You to pull it out by its root and cast it into the fire. Let Your righteousness and truth take root and flourish in our nation once again. In Jesus Name. AMEN!

Alma Ampt
December 3, 2020

Lord Jesus I ask you to protect every witness and give them courage, stamina, confidence and trust in you. Give them clarity of thought and the ability to focus upon every important detail as they testify. I pray that all attempts to harass or prevent them from witnessing will empower them. Help them remember and trust that “The Lord encamps around those who fear Him and He delivers them.” Psalm 34:7. Be their “refuge, shield and buckler” and protect them from any traps set by the enemy. Thank You for Your promises in Psalm 91 to “be their refuge” and to “order Your angels to protect them”. We are trusting Your power to overcome adversity in these troubled times in our nation. May You be glorified in all of these things! Amen

Liz Lawless
December 3, 2020

Praise You Lord God Almighty for helping us uncover the voter fraud. I pray Father, Your holy angels surround these legal attorneys their teams and the witnesses who have come forward. I plead the Blood of Jesus over all of them. Protect them from all harm.Thank-you for their bravery. Lord, I ask You to anoint them with Holy Spirit boldness and courage to stand in the face of the enemy. Make them bold as lions. Father, be with that one who was beaten. We command that spirit of fear, intimidation and trauma to cease and desist its maneuvers in the Name of Jesus. We speak Your peace over all those fighting for our nation’s constitutional republic and our freedom. Lord, give us, who are patriots of our great nation You have blessed us with, courage to stand. Lord, show us our part and help each one of us to step out in faith so Your divine purpose will be fulfilled in and through us. It’s our Ester moment. In Jesus Name. Amen!

elaine liberto
December 3, 2020

AMEN!! Thank you Lord for Sidney Powell and Lin Wood and many other Lawyers that are standing for truth and righteousness. Protect them and continue to give them boldness,wisdom,and courage. There is life and death in the power of the tongue, and they are speaking life into this situation of fraud on a massive level. Let us agree that God will deal with this as he is our hope,deliverer, Captain of the army that leads the charge and we are the brigade and patriots. Lord help us to keep focus and claim your promises. Pray things that are not as if they are. GOD wins and his glory will be manifested!!

Elaine Lilling
December 3, 2020

Father God, We pray that You would stir up whistleblowers from this election who have seen, heard, or have hard evidence to come forth, take action, and speak the truth. We pray that their loyalties would not lie with those who conducted these evil practices in the election, nor would they be intimidated or fearful of reprisal for You will strengthen and give them courage to stand up for Your righteous ways. We pray that You would give them the spirit of David when he faced Goliath! That Your angels would surround them with a fiery ring of protection. Also, we pray that those who are guilty would be more afraid of prosecution for treason, than for exposing the truth. We pray that they would be propelled to the front line and goaded by Your Spirit to reveal the truth and expose one another.

Carol S
December 3, 2020

Father I decree divine protection by your Holy Angels to guard the life of every witness in office or public to cone forth. Enlist the military to set up high level protection for those who really ought to testify as a witness to voter fraud. Thus must be exposed! Or this nation will mourn

December 3, 2020

We ask you Lord for favor concerning the selection. Uncover the fraud, protecting those who are coming forward with the truth. My hope is in You Jesus, advocate on behalf of the attorneys and those coming forth witnessing the fraud. Only the truth will set our people free.

Lydia B. Miller
December 3, 2020

I agree with all your powerful prayers!
May God pour out His spirit on all flesh,convicting angry people. Come Holy Spirit ,birth humility in those who have wrongly used authority. call them to repentance, Shake every thing that needs to be shaken , so they can come into their true destiny!
God has power to heal human hearts, until that happens may He hold people safely in the palm of His hand.
He is greater, stronger in us, than the enemy!
Greater is He in us than He that is in the world!
God we cry out to you , continue to Protect those in harms way… expose every evil plot before it can take root. In Jesus name enemies be destroyed.
We pray for all those who are in dangerous positions, Lord hold them close to your heart, protect them from evil!
To Sydney Powell and others who are in the front lives, fighting and laying down their lives for us, we say to you we are very proud of you. Thank-you for fighting the good fight of faith.
God honors you, He sees your efforts, He will bring increase.
We stand with you, we fight with you for truth to be exposed and dealt with.
We cover you with our prayers.
Many people from other countries see what is happening to country, they are praying for us!
We are getting closer to victory, the battle sometimes get worse , right before a victory. We are ready to cross over the red sea!

Camille Hartis
December 3, 2020

Lord Jesus, I lift up these brave individuals who have come forward to reveal the fraudulent activity. I ask that Your mighty warrior angels surround them and keep them from harm. I pray those who do evil will see the angels and flee. I pray for healing for those who have been harmed and not get discouraged but all the more determined to speak truth. Lord please continue to reveal this evil and judge those swiftly with Your mighty hand. I pray for righteousness, integrity and truth will reign across America and infiltrate all nations! Amen! Our God reigns!

December 3, 2020

Thank you Jesus for IFA and all of these prayer warriors. Please in the name of Jesus place a hedge of protection around Sydney Powell, her team, their families, all witnesses and their families. In the name of Jesus, Yahweh, May the clock of darkness be lifted and the veil of evil fly away and the truth be revealed. Thank you father for hearing our prayers.

December 3, 2020

AMen and Amen..God is about to do something good; a stream in the desert of righteousness and truth will flow through this parched land thirsty for God.

December 3, 2020

Lord please protect these witnesses and whistleblowers. Do not let us live in fear. Give us boldness and courage to carry forth the works that You have set before us. Thank You for all the evidence that has been found out so far. May the evidence not be destroyed and Your will be done. In Jesus name, Amen.

December 3, 2020

Father in Heaven, Show Yourself strong on our behalf. Protect these people. Give them the integrity and fearlessness to speak the truth. Let so many come forward at once that it will be useless to try to intimidate them. I am so grateful for You. Be with Sidney Powell to focus on the key issues. Give her clarity of mind and purpose. Strengthen our President. We eagerly await the time when truth reigns in America. In the powerful Name of Jesus I pray.

Ellen Cuffari
December 3, 2020

All glory to you Lord, thank you for loving your people so much that You are willing to intercede in our behalf! We have many courageous people needing your protection and favor as they expose the Truths surrounding this past election! Give them your strength and spirit to fulfill what you have set them to do. We pray your Glory will be revealed across this nation, and the blind shall see and the deaf will hear and our political parties will be joined by one fight against evil.
We pray this thought Christ, our Lord. Amen!

Dan Moylan
December 3, 2020

Father you are above all and you will is righteous and holy, I pray that the truth will be revealed and only legal votes will be counted please watch over those like Sidney & Lin Wood and all others who are uncovering this attempted evil stealing of our freedom
In Jesus name, amen

December 3, 2020

I have prayed since Trump was elected and the attacks began God would expose the evil and reveal the truth.
He is Sovereign, He hates evil.

Lon Flemijg
December 3, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father, please encircle these brave and honest Americans with your protection for speaking out the truth about the corruptness of the Democratic Party and these rigged elections. Please also protect their families and their jobs and show us how we can help them and their families spiritually and financially. My prayers are with them and with our country as we fight this onslaught from Satan and the Democrats.

    Marsha T
    December 3, 2020

    Father. Please expose the corruption and apathy in the Republican party as well. This cancer has spread beyond party lines and only YOU can save us. Help and strengthen those fighting this. Protect and those brave patriots coming forward. LORD mobilize the Christian’s who love YOU and America to pray like never before. Our freedom is on the line. Let our attitude of stand and hold the line petition heaven to act in such a way that the entire world knows it was YOU Father that exposed this and YOU Father that saved us. May YOU get all the glory and honor for what YOU have done. Are doing and will accomplish for YOUR NAMES SAKE, for this country that was founded and formed by YOU, and for Your children who are asking for and counting on You for help and deliverance. Amen

Michelle Craven
December 3, 2020

We plead the blood of Jesus over Sidney Powell and all her family and all her team. Give them wisdom from on high, insight, discernment and truth in this major feet to uncover all the fraud and evil and tricks. Please Lord Jesus show yourself strong thru them to bring the truth to the American people and world who are watching that want hope. We give you glory for this answered prayer. This battle is not ours, it is yours. Help them to listen and hear your voice and know how to defeat the enemy in Jesus name. Give them peace and calmness. Let it not stress them out but put it before you. Father, send your Holy Spirit down upon the judges that they would rule with truth and justice and not be swayed by injustice or fear retaliation. Thank you Jesus for answering our prayer to expose the evil deeds now help us to fix this in Jesus name, Amen.

December 3, 2020

I continue to pray for courage and protection for those who know the truth to come forth and speak
I pray for God given strength to stand in the battle

December 3, 2020

Father thank you that you rule and reign over all the affairs of men, you see the fraud and evil deeds done in darkness. Thank you for Sidney Powell and all who are fighting to expose the truth of what has happened with our election. Lord put a hedge of protection around those fighting for justice, keep them, their families and their homes safe and free from harm. I pray you will guard and protect the brave men and women who have come forth to testify to fraud. I pray those who have been harmed will be healed and restored to perfect health, and all threats that would be spoken against them will be silenced.
Lord we trust in you and you alone and thank you that your desire is to flood this land with your righteousness. Jesus you are victorious over every scheme of the enemy and I thank you that what he means for evil you will use for good.
“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?” Isaiah 43:19

Karen Collier
December 3, 2020

Father, I lift up all the lawyers and all the precious witnesses Who have come forth concerning voter fraud. Father I ask that you would protect them and guide them, give them wisdom in all that they say and do. Father I said your holy angels will surround them keeping them safe from the hands of the enemy. Father we pray that every lie and every dirty deed would be exposed and brought to justice. I ask that every ungodly act concerning the selection and the evidence that these precious witnesses have brought forward Would produce the evidence needed to bring justice to the American people. Thank you for such a brave Americans who are risking it all for our liberty. They truly are warriors in a battle and the remnant of Christ Jesus are praying for them! Please do not grow weary in doing good and may God bless you and your household in Jesus name.

    Laura K
    December 3, 2020

    Karen, I absolutely agree with and Amen this prayer.

Joan Diane Bartruff
December 3, 2020

Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Name, protect Sidney Powell and her family members from any harm or danger resulting from the courageous stand she had taKen to uncover evidence of, “massive fraud across the country and in countless districts in this election.

Open the eyes and ears of the electorate so that all citizens will watch and wait for the truth to be revealed.

Let the lawsuits filed in Michigan and Georgia be publicized and reveal truth for all to see. Lord, disallow
“coverup”—lies, deceit, denial–to hinder the truth from being seen clearly by all when all the facts and investigation has ended.

Lord, have mercy on America. Have mercy. Amen


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