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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would give us wisdom as we determine how to intercede and fight for You. Strengthen us in our intercession, Lord.
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Intercessor, how are you praying for America?

Visit your state page to pray.


We are all part of the Intercessors for America national community because of a calling to pray for our nation. But what does your intercession look like on a personal and practical level? Has the Lord given you a particular strategy?  What is your strategy for engaging the enemy in spiritual warfare?

We recently received this message from an intercessor detailing his personal prayer strategy:

The array of ungodly personal and governmental decisions can not be anything other than the symptoms of a morally bankrupt society. Some manifest this by overt action and others with reluctant but passive acceptance of the evil around us. Perhaps some of you may feel as I do that repentance begins in the house of the Lord. What I felt led to do was to narrow my focus and pray for repentance and revival in 7 churches in 4 cities and then I narrowed down again and prayed for one church after another in one specific city believing the light of one candle can dispel the darkness in the whole room.

Your prayer strategy may encourage, motivate, help others. Please share with the community in the comments.

(Photo Credit: Intercessors for America)

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December 28, 2022

When I watch the news, whenever something comes across the media that is disheartening, troublesome, downright ungodly, heart moving, etc. – I stop the news at that moment & pray. Sometimes it’s an unconventional prayer but what I’m learning to do is to “saturate the day” with continual prayer & intercession. Following is just 1 example…
Months ago, I heard of a man, who had criminally taken advantage of women & young girls by posting sexual videos of them online without their consent. (he had done this for years) He was making millions from his website(s). 2 of his coworkers had already been caught & jailed. This man was on the run through many foreign countries, with a lot of $$ & “partners in crime” backing & helping him. The odds looked very slim to catch this guy but I thought, I’ll pray for that repeatedly. 2 days ago, he was arrested in Spain & will be extradited to the USA. Not something I would usually pray about but I sensed that it was important & followed that prompting. Sometimes certain things that really don’t affect us directly…are meant to be prayed about if we listen to God’s voice speaking gently to our hearts. Now I am praying for the man’s salvation, the healing & restitution for all the women/girls involved & that God’s perfect justice would be served as an example for others.
I don’t know if this helps anyone in how they might approach prayer & intercession… but for me, I find that God continues to seem to have me “pray outside the box” more & more – sometimes it doesn’t even make sense to me but I know it makes complete sense to God Almighty.

    December 29, 2022

    God’s ways and thoughts are not our ways and our thoughts. Just keep letting the Holy Spirit guide you. We are all important in the body of Christ.

December 28, 2022

Lord, show me how you want me to fast and pray. Remove from me the hindrances in my life.

Arlene Sarver
December 28, 2022

Since December 2021 I have been praying conscience activation over the leadership, This December 2022 I have been spirit led to add Divine correction and transformation to that declaration and prayer over leadership as they are brought to my attention.

Stephany Hopkins
December 28, 2022

I have been praying the scriptures over my family and our nation. Remembering past blessings and mercies that God has shown us in His word and asking Him “to do it again”.

December 27, 2022

I am praying for loving my neighbors as myself. I live on a 2 mile long road with 15- 20 families. I am praying fervently and faithfully for each by name, expecting the goodness and favor of the Lord on each person and their home.

Grant Windholz
December 27, 2022

Indeed! We stand for Jesus with faith and prayer. We seek your wisdom Lord Almighty 🙏!

Donald Vader
December 27, 2022

Repentance everyday along with communion and praying with fasting where the Lord leads me… Amen

Linda k Rice
December 27, 2022

For mercy.

Jay Zollar
December 27, 2022

I love this verse we have all heard over the past week. “And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6. Wonderful. Hebrew word “pele’ means something extraordinary. Counselor. Hebrew word “ya’ats” means to advise, give counsel, devise plan. Put together we get that Jesus is our supernatural, extraordinary counselor, adviser and planner. So my prayers for 2023 include really seeking this counselor for advice on how to step day by day so as to be effective in helping return this nation to our Christian principles. Advice on how to engage my church (ekklesia), keep my business dealings effective, keep my family well, strengthen my marriage, keep physically and mentally alert and healthy. In other words, we have a a Wonderful Counselor we can seek advice from any moment of any day. I suggest we all commit to seeking counsel and advice from our Wonderful Counselor every day. Then do as He suggests.

Darlene Estlow
December 27, 2022

I have divided up my prayer list into groups that I can pray specifically for one group each day, especially God’s fire in the churches.

Nancy Berkey
December 27, 2022

I pray in agreement with the writer above. May 2023 be a better more prosperous year. May millions come to Christ, may this evil Communist government fail. In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ. Amen☦️

Marla Hartzell
December 27, 2022

I am personally praying for a revival of the fear of God in this country.

December 27, 2022

It isn’t as though God is deaf or the job is too big.
It has to do with the spiritual condition of a nation.
We have turned our hearts away from God, His truth, and allowed evil to rule.
Israel had the same problem countless times, it was only when they repented
and returned to God that new leadership and change began.
I try to spend time in His presence, listening, trying to sense what He desires, and praying for a deep awakening in this land. Its going to take a lot of tears for a rebellious people, maybe even a generation
We didn’t abandon God over the course of a day, a week, or a year. We left Him out of our nation, years ago. His mercy is what held us from utter destruction.
His heart is so broken not only by the government of this land but by its bankrupt spiritual leaders. They have led the sheep astray, I pray daily for my spiritual leaders where I attend.
There is always a remnant, people who continue to plead with God for an awakening, a renewal, a revival. Only the Father knows how long america will last. But we pray in hope.
Sin always has a payday. May the Father have mercy on america.

hal holdeman
December 27, 2022

I pray Psalms 91,100, Eph 1:16-2:10 with the subject in line
I often modify the Our Father with subject in the prayer line

hal holdeman
December 27, 2022

I pray Psalms 91,100, Eph 1:16-2:10 with the subject in line

December 27, 2022

My husband and I have a prayer journal in which “mostly “daily, we pray according to ACTS. First, however, we take turns reading out of devotionals and/or Godly counseling books,, and Theological history books, , Then we pray….Adoration and praise of God Our Father and all He is, plus our blessings and answered prayer. Then Confession as we are told to confess one to another of those daily struggles that bind. Then Thanksgiving for His saving grace and healing in those areas. Finally we pray in Supplication for all the prayer requests from our prayer team at church, then for IFA prayer requests for our nation, then family and friends. Finally, for the salvation, sanctification, and protection of all our kids, grandkids, and great grandkids for each day and future. We have many years of these books which have taken us through some of the worst trials. It may seem rote but to have a plan keeps us focused as we ask Gods presence each time. Daily life events may cause us to miss a day or two, but with the books sitting on our kitchen table , we always get back to it quickly.

    Gaye Austin
    December 27, 2022

    Janet, you say that you take turns reading out of several books but I don’t see you saying that “first you read” God’s Word as the start. I wonder why you choose to read other’s thoughts rather than reading the words of God Himself?

    December 27, 2022

    Me to Janet. I mean for decades, I have journaled prayers, have a daily devotional, Jonathan Cahn these days, so I can easily go back and review too, which is a faith builder, to see how He works…also a precious gift from Poppa God Himself, is Moms In Prayer International. I’ve been blessed to be part of a moms prayer group since our oldest was in 10th grade, he’s 36 now.
    We pray verses, in ‘rounds’, Praise/confession/THANKSGIVING/Intercession
    HE never ceases to amaze me, how just the right verse will be chosen to pray, but the leaders have no idea what is going on in our lives, in the lives of our kids we pray for, not the details, BUT Poppa God does….He knows, HE cares and BEST of all HE has a plan, HE always has a plan and HIS plan is always for good, even in the darkest worse than your worst nightmares, HIs plans are so good.

Merle McDonald
December 27, 2022

The Lord has given me this prayer from the beginning.
“Lord, Expose the lies.
Expose the liars.
Bring forth the truth.
Bring justice. Have mercy on us. Forgive us. Restore us.

Recently, (in the last 4-6 months) it has become not only for the the nations/world, but for the hearts of individuals.
“Lord, reveal the lies/denial. (our own individual lies/denial we harbor in our individual hearts)
Expose the liars (our own individual liars, demonic, world belief systems, whatever false ungodly system that governs our lives, etc.)
Bring forth the Truth into our hearts! (Revival! Salvation in Jesus!!)


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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