From Senator Tim Scott
April 29, 2021
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From Senator Tim Scott
April 29, 2021
Lord may we as a nation be praying people!
Reading Time: < 1 minute
What were your thoughts about this GOP response to the State of the Union address by Senator Tim Scott? Share below.
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Looking at the number of people who viewed Rep. Tim Scott’s rebuttal (7,553 at this point) and the number of folks who prayed in response (996), is it any wonder our country is heading to hell in a hand basket at breakneck speed?! As we learned from WWII and the Holocaust, bad things happen when good people do nothing. Praying is a BIG something! Regardless of party affiliation, the LEAST every American loving patriot should and could be doing is PRAYING for our leadership and the healing of our country! Challenge to make a difference: swap one complaint a day about political events for a prayer!
There is no “common ground” with Leftists. This is a cultural WAR. We are not dealing with mere “liberals” anymore. They are here to conquer, not seek common ground. We need to have the same intent or we lose.
I’m really glad that he called out the Lockdown Kings and Queens and the lack of common sense the Democrats have shown. He also condemned the statist policies the DNC pushes and shrinking the economy. He just nails all the points here! God Bless Tim Scott!
Bless Sen. Tim Scott for his positive message encouraging us to be Biblical citizens and take responsibility for living our our faith in our culture depending upon God & not the government for our needs.
We need people like Sen. Tim Scott at all levels of government. This was just a well thought out, wise speech.
Heavenly Father, May we have more men and women like Senator Scott at all levels of the government!
Thank You, Senator Scott. You spoke fervently and effectively for multitudes of American Citizens whose voices have so shamefully been muted by the High tech crowd. We are encouraged and will intercede for more of your narrative to be echoed. Is this still America? YES!
WOW…….Great Response/Speech by Mr. Scott. I Appreciate his Willingness to use Scripture and Candidly Claim his Christianity !!! I also was Impressed with the Closing Remarks, using Words from the Worship Music Called “The Blessing”…….I Hope that Mr. Scott Knows Just how Much we Appreciate him and how God is Using him in this Season…….Thank you !!!
Thank you Senator Tim Scott for standing for what is honorable and right in the sight of God. Bless you and your family and praying that God will continue to use you and your next generations for the fulfilling of the destiny of this nation.
The truth beautifully spoken from the heart in love and peace in the power of the Holy Spirit. “ How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity; it is as the anointing oil that flowed down the beard of Aaron to the hem of his garment.”
God bless you, Senator Scott! This is an awesome speech. Thank God for a Christian Senator with common sense and Godly wisdom! Thank you for posting this. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
THANK YOU, I was beginning to think there were no believers left in the senate. May God pour His blessing, protection, wisdom and all good things He has for you on you and your family and any other government representatives for the Christian people as well as those with good hearts. Thank you so much . Carl and Karen Zilkie, Phoenix, AZ
God bless you Senator Tim Scott. Thank you for those encouraging words from a Biblical perspective and for your testimony.
You showed real courage and strength and God will cause you to soar. He will cause you to run and not grow weary.
“Run, Run, Run for president in 2024 and we will, Run, Run, Run to vote for you. God Bless.
Isaiah 40:31 – But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
I applaud his ability to keep his tone calm and his words well chosen.
I really liked the word play, very memorable: common sense / common ground; from cotton to Congress / confident. We know the media will mock him for not buying into their narrative of blacks as helpless victims and I know Satan squirms every time someone like him can give a testimony like his. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. achieved great things through prayer and peaceful protest, this despite some of his more hot-headed colleagues whom he had to rein in and unify under godly principles. I pray that Senator Scott’s message can get out past the media and into the minds and hearts of those who don’t yet have the hope in their future and the hope in Christ that they need. Amen
Thank you! Truth will Pevail. In God we must Trust!
I pray that more Christians like Senator Tim Scott would flood Congress, returning to the Bible as our instruction book for eternity and upholding the original U. S. Constitution. Thank you, Senator Scott, for fighting the fight for the majority of Americans who truly love America as Jesus does. We never give up and we never give in but uphold the ABSOLUTE TRUTH OF THE ENTIRE BIBLE. May God continue to bless you and your family as you do His work! In Jesus’ name.
WOW! I couldn’t watch the Biden Regime’s address to Congress, (hearing or seeing anyone from the Regime causes an unsettling in my spirit that is soooo uncomfortable) so I missed Senator Scott’s rebuttal! Thank you, sir, a d God bless you!
Bravo! You had a great speech Senator Tim Scott! God bless you!
I am proud of his strength, that against all odds, he stood for righteousness. I thank God for him.
Thank you Senator Scott for speaking the Truth in Love and for giving Hope at a time when it is especially needed. God will bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you.
I applaud Senator Scott’s remarks regarding where we are as a nation using a Christian viewpoint. it was a breath of fresh air to hear a godly perspective of what’s going on in our nation. Common Sense = Common Ground. May God protect every leader who stands for righteousness & May He favor their righteous cause. Protect those like Senator Scott who sees with spiritual eyes & speaks out in support of truth & righteousness. Cover them with the blood of Jesus & May Psalm 91 be their protection in Jesus Name.
So very well spoken Senator Scott. Blessings
You cannot argue with fact ! But so many in this nation have been duped by a lying media that they cannot believe the truth. I am reminded of these verses after Stephen’s address to the Sanhedrin in Acts chapter 7: But he, being full of the Holy Spirit…said, “Behold, I see heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.” Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him…
This is happening in our beloved America ! Those who are proclaiming the truths that made our nation great are being maligned, as Senator Scott was. God help us !! I tremble for what He is going to allow us to experience before there is a great awakening. As one person wrote earlier, “bless the ‘Calebs and the Joshuas’ like Senator Tim Scott; and deliver them out of the hand of a people who believe a lie.
Thank God, for Senator Tim Scott!! Oh, that we had more like him!
Thank you, Lord God, for raising up Godly men like Senator Tim Scott! Continue to richly bless him as he seeks Your face and performs Your will! In Jesus’ precious, holy name! Amen and Amen
Heavenly Father, Thank You for redeeming Tim Scott. Surely You are a Father to the fatherless! Thank You for the testimony Sen. Scott gave from the outset, “Becoming a Christian transformed my life.” Amen! You Alone can transform and redeem lives for Your glory. I am grateful that Sen. Scott gave honor to You. I am blessed that he gave honor to his praying mother. What a testimony to the power of prayer! What an encouragement for parents & grandparents to pray our prodigals through the tough times. Sen. Scott presented truth to counter the deceitful agenda of whomever/whatever is controlling the current administration. May Sen. Scott’s words and testimony resound loudly throughout America! Amplify the simple truths he proclaimed, which are Your truths. When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall raise up a standard against him. As a nation, we are blessed that Senator Scott was the one chosen to give this response. We pray that You would give ears to hear Your truth and wisdom. I am thankful that Sen. Scott boldly declared that America is not a racist country. He speaks with authority because he knows from personal experience this to be true. He ended with Scripture and spoke Your Word of blessing over America. May You be glorified wherever this speech is heard and may You open the eyes of our hearts that we may see that You are the foundation of this nation. I pray our land returns to You, for You are our only Hope. May revival spring forth and may You be honored preeminently above all else. For it is in Your name that we pray. Amen.
Wonderfully positive message giving hope but simultaneously exposing the lies. Great job, Senator Scott!
This statesman has wonderful clarity and wisdom that can’t be discounted. He wants to reason with the other elected leaders to find common ground. Very biblical and reasonable. He is a chosen leader and mentor to many in his young career. I’ll be praying for his voice to never be refuted, but given a broad exposure in the media and online.
Thank you Lord for Senator Tim Scott. He is a men of integrity and a men after God’s
own heart. May the Lord bless and protect him and his family and give him Shalom.
I am so thankful and encouraged by the spiritual leaders that God has and is raising up in our country!! Thank you Senator Scott, for what you said to challenge us, and encourage us. I will continue to pray for you and the other “Calebs and Joshuas” in this country–for such a time as this! God bless you!!
Tim Scott informed the public of how complicated these issues are and how brilliant Donald Trump is. and if it an’t broke don’t fix it. A voter can however see if not blinded by the manipulation of the underprivileged the inside and outside financial interest controlling to promote deficit spending. Thank you Jesus
I Praise God for Tim Scott’s response! It was tremendous and so very needed! May we all embrace the quiet strength and courage that he exemplified for all of us to follow!
Earlier this morning, I posted this prayer for our nation. I am reposting here because Senator Tim Scott is letting his light shine! May the Praise of Jesus Christ build him into an impenetrable advocate for God’s Glory and our nation’s good. And may all those in our leadership serving God, be mantled in His mighty protection!
My Lord and God Almighty, Jesus tells us that we are the light of the world and to let our light shine before men that our good deeds will glorify You, our Father in Heaven. This morning I pray Jesus Christ would be praised over our nation. I pray that we would praise Jesus Christ in our homes, workplaces and everywhere we are placed. May those who are leading with Godly intention, be robed in the Praise of Jesus Christ and for those who oppose You, may they be clothed with confusion, let them wear their own shame like a robe until they see the light. The powers of darkness fear, when this sweet chant they hear: May Jesus Christ be praised! I praise You Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. I praise You over all of Your creation today, tomorrow and always and humbly ask that You always keep us lit for Your Glory and our good. Amen
Matthew 5:14-16, Psalm 109:29, \”When Morning Guilds the Sky\”
Sen. Tim Scott spoke nothing but truth and common sense which is needed in our elected officials and our citizens. God is on the move and in Him I put my trust to bring this nation back to Him
God bless you Senator Tim Scott for your voice of reason. It is you and people like you we need in government!
The most effective speech and common thoughts spiken
Wow! Powerfully refreshing! Thank you IFA … we are blessed to receive from your website. Dear Heavenly Father, may thee continue to pour thy anointing upon Senator Tim Scott. May thy Spirit spread through him to ignite the rest of his brethren; called to our government for “such a time as this”. Please protect him and his loved ones (Psalms 17:7) May thee continue to capture the attention of the American people and turn their hearts to repentance. Please give our population the understanding and insight to realize that we must return to our Biblically based Constitution, and desire to be “One Nation Under God”. Thank thee, Lord of Hosts. In Jesus’ name, amen.