I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for the protection of the unborn and ask the plans and purposes of the Satanic Temple would come to nothing (Isaiah 8:10).
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Satanic Temple opened a second abortion clinic designed to provide women with a “spiritual experience.” They hope to achieve religious exemptions to laws that limit or regulate abortion. Please post your prayers in the comments.

From CBN. The Satanic Temple has opened a second telehealth abortion facility to provide what it describes as “religious abortion services,” describing the killing of unborn babies as part of its “destruction ritual.”

Who is praying on the wall?


After first opening a clinic in New Mexico, TST announced it is expanding into the commonwealth of Virginia with its second 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week location, according to a press release about the new facility. …

… TST [claims it ]is not religiously tied to Satanism, but is an activist organization seeking to advance political and societal goals.

Nevertheless, TST has sought to enshrine abortion as a religious practice and, as a result, has argued it should — in the name of religious liberty — be exempt from abortion restrictions that came in the wake of the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

The Virginia-based facility is called “Right to Your Life Satanic Abortion Clinic.” Women who obtain abortions from the new clinic will be charged a fee for the abortion-inducing drugs, but TST has stated it will assist women by aiding with some travel-related expenses. …

According to a TST document shared with The Christian Post, the group describes abortion as part of a “destruction ritual that serves as a protective rite,” noting preparations for the abortion ritual include reading or listening to stories from those who advocate for abortion as a way to “subdue any stigmas” a woman might feel entering the clinic.

TST, headquartered in Salem, Massachusetts, calls the Satanic abortion ritual a “spiritual experience designed to instill confidence and self-worth in accordance to TST’s religious beliefs.”

Essentially, the Virginia telehealth clinic operates as a dispensary for abortion-inducing pills. …

Please share your prayers below.

(Excerpt from CBN. Photo Credit: Marc Nozell – https://www.flickr.com/photos/marcn/33726363098/, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=145571098)

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Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
October 24, 2024

Lord Jesus Christ, I am declaring the devil and his demons liars today. Through the power of Your precious name and blood, I agree with Your Word and the truth that You are in me and that You are greater than my enemy who wants to rule the world. You, Your Word, and Prayer, Lord Jesus, are my secret weapons. I belong to You, and that fills me with a powerful God-confidence. I want to constantly wear the spiritual armor You give me. Help me use it to defend others from Satan’s fiery darts as well. No one and nothing can snatch me away from Your hand. In Your mighty and holy Name, and by Your authority, I pray. Amen.

October 24, 2024

Dear Father God, Once again , You are giving me a chance to be a part of praying for another situation that I know is totally against Your Will and Plans for all those precious souls who are falling into the trap of Satan, the father of lies!!! Just as Your Son Jesus could have had some of the bystanders take the burial wrappings off Lazarus (Jesus could have spoken for them to fall from his body or even had unwrapped them from Lazarus Himself) He told them to take them off because He wanted the obedient action from human beings …. The most wonderful feeling to experience is when I know I have been obedient to Jesus when He puts something on my heart to do …He allows me to decide where I am going to stand … for Him or against Him ..?…
When I first read this article …I became overwhelmed by the evil of it and almost doubt took over …. But, praise You Jesus 🙏🙏🙏 You have overcome all things that are evil … You’re asking me to take a stand ..trust You in all things … and believe You have already won this battle on Calvary …. So I pray that these evil businesses… not just abortions, but child trafficking etc., You will show Yourself to this fallen world as The Savior and Lord over everything….. it may not all be shown right this very moment… but all will be shown in Your perfect time and perfect will, in Your Holy and Precious name JESUS . AMEN AND AMEN 🙏🙏

Lynn Mettlen
October 23, 2024

Lord, Your word, that is living and active, tells us in Psalm 139, You knitted us together in our mother’s womb, Jeremiah tells us we are created with a purpose, Lord protect these little babies from abortion, change the hearts of those that believe and practice in helping or performing these acts of murder.

October 23, 2024

Lord, Your word says that You do not desire any to perish. Lord, those behind this – the satanists — are someone’s son or daughter. You died for ALL. God I pray according to the below scripture, that you would REVEAL YOURSELF to these satanists. God NOTHING is impossible to YOU. Grant repentance leading to a knowledge of truth. When you capture and save HEARTS, you can save a nation. We ask for outpour. Holy Spirit CONVICT the world of sin, AND righteousness! Uproot LIES and deception, GRANT revelation of the TRUTH that you are the ONE true God, and Creator and Father of all… that ALL lives MATTER. We declare a cease and desist order on these satanic temples and abortuaries. Send laborers into Your harvest fields Lord to confront darkness. To speak one on one with those trapped in darkness. Lord send wave upon wave of revival producing salvation, deliverance, and FREEDOM and LIFE in CHRIST. YOU ALONE are the answer for every societal ill. Let Your Bride ARISE and shine YOUR light into darkness, and occupy and use Your God-given authority in the natural and spiritual to advance Your Kingdom of LIFE, LIFE, LIFE!!!

2 Timothy2:25
“….if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth”

October 23, 2024

God have mercy on us!!!


Rebecca Thornton
October 22, 2024

Father God, I repent for the sin of abortion (child sacrifice) in this nation. What an abomination it is to You! I pray that this clinic and all abortion clinics will be shut down across America. I pray that the funding to Planned Parenthood would dry up and that our tax dollars would no longer be used to support this evil. Transform and change the hearts and minds of people Lord God as only You can do. Heal our land. In Jesus mighty name, Amen.

Elizabeth Garcia
October 22, 2024

We pray All satanic temples to be destroyed and come to ruins. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Brandon Maddox
October 22, 2024

Lord God, help this child sacrifice ritual the Satanic Temple is offering to be frowned upon by society and that people would not be deceived into thinking Satanism is okay. In Your Name I pray, Amen!

October 22, 2024

Heavenly Father we bring this demonic plan of the enemy before you, we petition you for the unborn Children that you would override this with your authority and power and strike every abortion clinic down with your righteous judgment and justice. All power has been given unto you in Heaven and earth. We pray your will over the innocent and unborn Children. May they be saved and spared by your mighty love. Let your vengeance, wrath, and anger come upon the demonic spiritual entity behind all this in JESUS CHRIST NAME WE AGREE AND PRAY IT IS FINISHED!

Linda Vaughan
October 22, 2024

God have mercy & May You cause this clinic to close.

Father God, we ask in Jesus Precious & Holy Name to deliver America & ALL NATIONS FROM THE SIN OF ABORTION!

We praise You in advance for hearing &?” Answering this prayer’

John Gibes
October 22, 2024

Lord I pray for those souls who seek to destroy Your kingdom. May our prayers help them, with your grace to see Your ways are our only hope.

John Gibes
October 22, 2024

An, Salem!

October 22, 2024

Dear Abba Father – we beseech You to intervene against this horrendous agenda! May no woman be deceived into entering these vile clinics in NM or VA. Convict hearts and change the minds of those so committed to the on-going practice of child sacrifice in America.
We ask for the complete abolition of human abortion. Embolden us to speak out in our churches, communities, and on-line platforms about protecting the most innocent and helpless among us. May we not compromise on the truth that human life, bearing Your image, begins right from conception (when else?). Show us how to elect the very best candidates on this urgent issue. Remind us that voting is crucial, particularly to minimize the number of torturous late-term abortions. Let us be your effective instruments to end this most grievous holocaust ever – once and for all. Ultimately, transform souls to recognize the Gospel truth by Your Holy Spirit. So be it, in the name of our precious Lord Jesus!

October 22, 2024

Lord, I pray You would put a stop to this evil. Abortion is not right and isn’t justified for any reason. Please protect the unborn and give women – and men – the courage to support life through all stages. Help our churches and our communities to support life as well so that we can make abortion unthinkable. Just because there are laws allowing abortion does not mean it is okay. Help to build a culture of life here in America and around the world. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Susan S
October 22, 2024

They are trying to mock God. However, God is not mocked.
OT, I read an article in israel365 news today. A prominent Israeli rabbi says that the war of Gog and Magog will occur tomorrow morning before sunrise in Israel and last about 3 hours. It is the last day of Sukkot. I don’t know what to make of it.

October 22, 2024


Patsy Johnson
October 22, 2024

I live in New Mexico. Where is this temple located at! We are Intercessors and will fight on our knees until this temple is closed.

Missy Dice
October 22, 2024

Father, may You receive all the glory. I pray against this evil in the name of Jesus, the Name above all Names, and speak to the forever loser satan that he and his evil cohorts efforts are bound because Father said what we, His children who He gave authority to, bind here on earth is bound in heaven. These temples do not exist in Heaven. Jesus came to destroy the works of the forever loser. May every temple be bound and cast into hell for where it was created for. IT IS FINISHED, Jesus said. Abba, extend grace of salvation to those ppl bound in evil agendas, cause Saul to Paul conversions….do whatever it takes Lord, but if they do not turn to You then cause their efforts to fail and dissolve like chaff in the wind. Thank You for working on behalf of Your ppl, thank You for forgiveness and mercy and Your love. Thank You Jesus for Your sacrifice. JESUS IS LORD! CHRIST IS KING!! Amen.

Colleen Fraser
October 22, 2024

Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with me (the unborn generation);
fight against those who fight against me (the human fetuses)!
2 Take hold of shield and buckler and rise for my help!
3 Draw the spear and javelin against my pursuers!
Say to my soul, I am your salvation!”
4 Let them be put to shame and dishonor who seek after my life!
Let them be turned back and disappointed who devise evil against me!
5 Let them be like chaff before the wind, with the angel of the Lord driving them away!
6 Let their way be dark and slippery, with the angel of the Lord pursuing them!
7 For without cause they hid their net for me; without cause they dug a pit for my life. (These babies are innocent Lord, the most vulnerable in the world!)
8 Let destruction come upon him when he does not know it! And let the net that he hid ensnare him; let him fall into it—to his destruction!
9 Then my soul will rejoice in the Lord, exulting in his salvation.
10 All my bones shall say, “O Lord, who is like you, delivering the poor from him who is too strong for him, the poor and needy from him who robs him?”

Yes Lord God Almighty, please send your angels to do battle against the evil men and spirits that would destroy a whole generation of children. Deliver them from those too strong for these weak ones. Oh God you see the poor, weak, innocent and vulnerable. Stop Satan in his tracks. Foil his plans and scheme. May all his plans fall back upon his own head. In the Name of our Risen Savior and Glorious Lord, Jesus Christ! Amen!

    Mary Beth
    October 22, 2024

    The Word of YHVH speaks eloquently to every situation! Yes, and amen, Lord!

Toni Kushner
October 22, 2024

May God raise up a generation , and protect a generation who will know You and love You. We asked for the Precious Blood of Jesus protect the minds and hearts for all who are called to the Kingdom of God for this time and for the future.Father, You spoke to my heart to WATCH for the glory of God will be seen. Show us Your glory as in the days of old, do it again Lord, do it again. We look to You, we look to YOU. You are our HOPE and our SAVIOR

October 22, 2024

It is written, and I declare Take counsel together, and it shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand: for God is with us. in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, amen.

A Praying Christian
October 22, 2024

To all the faithful and prayer partners on here I stand in agreement with your God honoring and powerful Prayers. We will overcome…it is written. I stand with you in these evil days and I plead the blood on each and every one of you who were brave enough to list your names. It has come to my attention on this thread that there are satan worshippers adding their ungodly prayers to our thread…trying to dilute and corrupt it. I will no longer be posting under my name…but I stand in one accord with the body of Christ and am hidden in Christ Jesus. Molech…you are reduced to a molehill…we use the sword of the spirit and cut off your head and cut off your feet…you are an abomination to our most High and Heavenly creator El Shaddai!!! Be bound and cast into the lake of fire for all eternity. You are powerless!!! The battle is won and the victory is ours. May the power of Christ compel you who come in the name of evil spirits to turn from your wickedness towards the face of righteousness and all that is Holy and good. We are salt and light and we are drenched in the blood of Yeshua…no weapon formed against us will prosper…and no weapons formed against these precious and innocent babies will prosper either. Keep them hidden from evil, Lord!!

A Christian
October 22, 2024

Dear Lord, I lift up not only Aheathen but all heathens everywhere. Please show them your face and glory Lord…Reveal yourselves to them and have your faithful cross their paths so that you can come and aid them in this life and evil could be removed from this land. You say murder is an abomination to you, yet untold and uncounted unborn life has been slaughtered on the altar and lie of convenience and “my body my choice”….the innocent blood cries out “my body, my choice too!! I want the right to be alive, having been created!!!” Hear the cries of the unborn babies that are being sold as body parts for profit from the not for profit abortionists. Bring accounting and reckoning for this attack city and heal our land. Convict the hearts of the people so that we can turn to you and cry out for mercy!

Earl Hufnagel
October 22, 2024

Heavenly Father, America rightly deserves Your divine wrath for allowing the destruction of these innocents who bear Your image from conception. O Lord, in wrath remember mercy! Grant repentance to those who seek to gain wealth, social standing, or political influence through support of baby-killing. Grant that those mothers who carry “unwanted” or “unplanned” babies be given a heart of compassion for their children and refuse the urgings of Satan to destroy them. Grant that the fathers of those children be given a sense of responsibility for their actions and refuse the pressures of society to shirk that responsibility. Draw these parents to Yourself in repentance, cause them to seek support from Your church, and provide them that support through Your people, so that their children may be raised to fear You and fulfill the purpose for which You created each one, to the glory of Your holy Name!

Maynard Beck Sr
October 22, 2024

I have been an intercessor/watchman/prayer warrior for for years. This is absolutely the best prayer I have ever seen on IFA.
It will warm the hearts of those martyred babies in Revelations crying “how long must we wait”…
God bless you for standing in the gap for the unborn

Dr. Bridget A. Bonczyk
October 22, 2024

Father God, You are Mighty God, Our Maker, Brother, Husband, Savior and Friend. Humbly, am asking in agreement with Isaiah 8:10, (Devise a plan but it will be thwarted; State a proposal but it will not stand. For God is with us) the promise from Proverbs 16:25, “There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death.” Give those in authority over this clinic the Godly perspective they need to choose life and not death. Your path, Abba, leads to abundant life. Convict those in authority within their hearts, where it is needed, to see sin as sin, so that no more innocent lives will be taken. Remove the mind blinding spirits from women who come to the clinic. Open their hearts, eyes, and ears. I speak life. Thank You, that Your path leads to life and life eternal. Amen and amen.

Jan Raak
October 22, 2024

It’s definitely of Satan and Father put your barriers of protection around the baby’s and open the eyes of the mothers. Let them see the lies that Satan’s telling them. Help them find you JESUS, In this we pray in your name amen

Jan Raak
October 22, 2024

It’s definitely of Saran and father put your barriers of protection around the baby’s and open the eyes of the mothers. Let them see the lies that Satan’s telling them. Help them find you JESUS, In this we pray in your name amen

October 22, 2024

This makes my heart weep for the innocent unborn affected by this evil deception. I pray that the veil of deception be lifted off the minds and hearts of women that desperately need to experience the presence, love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.

Joyce Billow
October 22, 2024


Please protect these innocent lives.

Josie Lucas
October 22, 2024

My heart is just saddened as I’m becoming more involved in these matters to speak against them and vote against such things. Makes my heart sick and sad. I need to run to my master with this! Jesus sweet Jesus please help us here in the world to stop such Atrocities!!!!♥️♥️♥️

Diane Topoleski
October 22, 2024

Lord , in your mercy guard the hearts and minds of these women seeking a religious experience through this. Speak life into them, bless them with a strong sense of the real truth of your word. Children are gifts from you and we praise you for this blessing. We ask that you would thwart the plans of the enemy. Forgive us Lord for we know not what we do.

October 22, 2024

Oh Father! Our heart is breaking because Yours is breaking for the innocent children being sacrificed to demonic gods! We pray on behalf of the women that are being seduced by this evil power and the life in their womb that is being threatened! Please bring light into this darkness and that this evil agenda will meet its end by your power and that it will all backfire on them, like Hamans noose! In the name of Jesus and for YOUR NAMES SAKE, we pray for a culture of LIFE to take over this culture of death and that these places will go out of business before they even start! Better for them to have a mill stone around their neck and thrown into the sea!

October 22, 2024

I made the decision at 17 to keep my son, he just turned 44 yrs old on sunday and has 3 beautiful children. MANY told me my life was over at 17 because I would be a teen mom. THEY were wrong!!! We need to learn to speak life into these women who are faced with this decision, no one said “my sons life would be over”. Satan needs as many blood sacrifices as possible to feed the kingdom of darkness, he doesn’t want to burn alone.

Roberta Capell
October 22, 2024

Your body is the temple of God.You are to honor your body to honor zGod. Corinthians 6:19-20. We/You liare to live morally and responsibly with are bodies, avoiding behaviors that would dishonor God. Abortion is not the answer dear women, God is and He will make a way for you. Romans 6:13 says “Never offer any part of your body to sin’s power. No part of your body should ever be used to do any ungodly thing. Even if you do not want your baby, someone does who will give him or her a loving home. Please honor God in your decision.

Richard Clifford
October 22, 2024

This is stupid! The Satanic Temple has no right or reason to get into the abortion business. I hope people will shut it down forthwith!

October 22, 2024

Students for life

October 22, 2024

St Michael defend and save those unborn children.

chris s
October 22, 2024

Father n heaven, Creator of Heaven and Earth , Thank You for Your Great Mercies. Father forgive us for allowing these murders to take place. Father Open the eyes of Your people so they would stop this killing of Humane life. Father the evil has become so great that I dont even know what to Pray. Father my heart breaks that people are so blind and do not see the evil they are doing. Father I ask You to place a hedge of protection around theses babies and that the mothers open there eyes and choose life. In Jesus Name I Pray AMEN

Brian Lynch
October 22, 2024

Lord Jesus, in your mighty name, I drop the Sword of the Spirit upon the head of any and all satanic spirits. I bind all of the spirits who are behind these evil, misguided actions. I loose a spirit of upholding the dignity of human life, in your precious name. I pray that our nation would return to its Christian heritage, and that these types of groups, like TST, would be removed from our society. Lord Jesus, send us revival. We SO need it here in America! Thank you Jesus.

Susan CC
October 22, 2024

This absolutely kills me……..

Douglas Mesner aka Lucien Greaves, American Satanist, activist and co-founder of the satanic temple… 49 years old.

“Intentionally taking a pre-born baby’s life violates Committee Opinion Number 439 of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), which defines Informed Consent as “…the principle of respect for patients as persons…it particularly respects a patient’s moral right to bodily integrity.” Pre-born babies are patients and people with moral rights to bodily integrity. They deserve the same protections afforded to children and adults.”

Exodus 20:13 You shall not murder.

Revelation 21:6-8 …the One seated on the throne said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give water as a gift to the thirsty from the spring of life. The victor will inherit these things, and I will be (their) God, and (they) will be (Mine). But the cowards, unbelievers, vile, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars—their share will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”

Dear Heavenly Father, Douglas Mesner cannot hide from You. He calls himself Lucien Greaves, what do You call him? You see his family as they are hidden away, kept from harm. Ours however are targeted, from the womb to school. Please oppose him Lord; fight this man and his evil plans and keep our kids safe, unborn and born. Defend them and redeem them; give them life according to Your Word. You are Judge; You are Lawgiver; You are King; I pray You will save our children from not only this man but all who conceive plans to hurt or kill our kids. I thank You for the love you showed David…from it we have words of faith, fidelity, protection and adoration… the foundations of prayer. On this day, October 22, 2024, I praise Your Word over every innocent life. May your judgement be executed today. Let this evil come to an end by establishing the righteous. Try this man and shield and save the unborn and born and from all who wish to harm or kill them. As for those who target the innocent, I pray they will be saturated in Your fury until they repent. If not…have thine own way, Lord! Have thine own way! I offer this prayer in the power and authority available through Your Word, the Word that became Flesh. The Word that does not return void. Jesus Christ! Amen

Psalm 35:1; Psalm 119:154, 1 Samuel 24:15, Isaiah 33:22,
Psalm 75:7 But it is God who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another.

Psalm 7:9-17. https://biblehub.com/context/psalms/7-9.htm
9 O let the evil of the wicked come to an end, but establish the righteous;
For the righteous God tries the hearts and minds.
10 My shield is with God,
Who saves the upright in heart.
11 God is a righteous judge,
And a God who has indignation every day.
12 If a man does not repent, He will sharpen His sword;
He has bent His bow and made it ready.
13 He has also prepared for Himself deadly weapons;
He makes His arrows fiery shafts.
14 Behold, he travails with wickedness,
And he conceives mischief and brings forth falsehood.
15 He has dug a pit and hollowed it out,
And has fallen into the hole which he made.
16 His mischief will return upon his own head,
And his violence will descend upon his own pate.
17 I will give thanks to the LORD according to His righteousness
And will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High.

    October 22, 2024

    Amen Susan. Standing with you on every point and in earnest and unceasing prayer.

October 22, 2024

I pray Lord God our Creator that these innocent babies will not be destroyed by the evil thinking of those who refuse to acknowledge you and you alone are the Creator and giver of life. In Jesus precious Name. Amen

Sherry Waters
October 22, 2024

I come in agreement with scripture, THOU SHALL NOT KILL says the Lord. May all abortion clinics be made blind to those who are confused. May those who lie and twist God’s word repent and find Christ. Lord , I ask for protection for the unborn and the mother in the name of Jesus. AMEN

October 22, 2024

What fools we are by sitting idle and allowing satan to work freely. It is time for God fearing people to take a stand. Yell 🎉 and scream 🎉 at the top of your voices and ACT against these evils that democrats are defending as rights. Time is running out and God’s judgement is coming. Let us unite in 1 voice and ask God to help us defeat satan’s agenda. If democrats won’t change and repent then it is our responsibility to vote them out of office. Also be alert to the democrats tricks to cheating and stealing of elections that they have been doing since the nineties or earlier. Now they even care to hide it so sad 😢. Through God we will prevail. Let us Trust in God.

Darlene Martinson
October 22, 2024

Jesus is the Truth and Truth overcomes every lie.

Peggie M Potter
October 22, 2024

Heaven Father, in Jesus’ Name we rebuke the enemy who comes only to steal , kill, & destroy !
I praise You Jesus that YOU came to give us life & give it more abundantly ! These precious innocent children
deserve their chance at life & making a difference in this world. Come soon Lord Jesus & renew the face of the earth ! Amen !

October 22, 2024

In the city “Salem”, address “64” in the photo the morning email from IFA…I turned to Psalm 64 (Oppressed by the wicked but rejoicing in the LORD).

Psalm 64:1-10 ESV
Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint; preserve my life from dread of the enemy. [2] Hide me from the secret plots of the wicked, from the throng of evildoers, [3] who whet their tongues like swords, who aim bitter words like arrows, [4] shooting from ambush at the blameless, shooting at him suddenly and without fear. [5] They hold fast to their evil purpose; they talk of laying snares secretly, thinking, “Who can see them?” [6] They search out injustice, saying, “We have accomplished a diligent search.” For the inward mind and heart of a man are deep. [7] But God shoots his arrow at them; they are wounded suddenly. [8] They are brought to ruin, with their own tongues turned against them; all who see them will wag their heads. [9] Then all mankind fears; they tell what God has brought about and ponder what he has done. [10] Let the righteous one rejoice in the LORD and take refuge in him! Let all the upright in heart exult!

Kim Dillon
October 22, 2024

Father God, we pray a hedge of protection around each and every Baby. We know a Baby is the closest thing to You, Lord. Scripture tells us, that all unborn Babies are Angels in heaven. We stand on your promises in the Bible Jesus.

Susan T Duke
October 22, 2024

I prayed that God shutdown the
Abortion clinics, in The Name of Jesus Christ 🙏🏻♥️

October 22, 2024

O Father, forgive our nation for this abomination to the unborn child; hear our prayer O Lord, that the plans of the enemy will come to nothing. Break our hearts for what breaks Yours.

October 22, 2024

All the fluffy prayers are nice, but we got here in degrees. The Left screeched and we gave up something. Then, they screeched again, and then again. When we woke from our slumber, it was to the clamoring sound of “15 days to flatten the curve” and so on. Now, should our Lord see fit to deliver this nation from the (Satanic) Left, we’d better be prepared to seize the bull by the horns and make sure that there is no room for any this. By the way, the joke that we call “election” is in a couple of weeks…how many “Christians” are not voting? Of the ones that are, how many are just voting for more of the same?

October 22, 2024

This is unconscionable. My gosh-look at what we have become. Praying that this place shuts down

Karen Ellard
October 22, 2024

The body of Christ must raise their voice and speak the truth in love. As many significant issues and problems that America has right now,, the core issue is abortion or murder in God’s sight in our nation. He hates the shedding of innocent blood. He has the last word, not judges, politicians or activist groups or Presidents’ wives.

Jesus is Lord, Jesus is king. All will give an answer to Him one day. Those who think killing their baby is ‘their body their choice’ will certainly have a startling awakening in the presence of a holy GOD.

We decree a drying up of the funds for these evil groups. We ask Holy Spirit to flood young ladies with truth, and declare these lies and deception, broken off of them. We decree the church, flooding, the airwaves, and the prayer waves in our nation, with truth with intercession on behalf of the lost, and that we rise up as the head and not the tail and be the salt and the light in the manner that the Holy Spirit shows us.

Forgive the church, Lord, including many pastors and leaders across our land, who just don’t care about the abortion issue, or are asleep at the wheel, and refused to even talk about about it in the house of God God. God talks about it in His word.

Judgment begins with the house of God. We cry Out for forgiveness, for Mercy, for Justice, for the babies.

Restore the fear of the Lord to the church first and then to America

Jeff Johnson
October 22, 2024

Forgive us Father as a nation for allowing this horror. Send your mighty Spirit to cover us and protect life. Protect the men and women in government who war against this murder. Protect those citizens who protest against killing. In the Mighty name of Jesus-Yeshua, the name above all names! Amen🙏🙌🏻

    R M
    October 22, 2024

    Mr. Johnson, thank Biden and Harris for this. November 5 is arriving fast!

October 22, 2024

Lord, forgive us as a nation that we kill the unborn on altars of convenience and now we openly kill them on Satanic altars. Forgive us for our apathy and silence as believers. Lord, have mercy on us! Father, You are a righteous Father and Judge. Save our babies! Save our children. Open the eyes and ears of these young women who have been blinded by the spirit of this world. Save them! Bring them encounters with Your Presence and rescue them! Let them know there is another way. Let them know that they are Your precious and much loved daughters and the child within is also precious and loved. Save them Heavenly Father in Jesus Name!

October 22, 2024

Father God, Forgive us for this abomination, this travesty against humanity. We ask for your almighty hand to stop this demonic activity. Give us wisdom and your living words of truth to speak against this in the name of King Jesus, by the authority given him at the cross and resurrection. Send your warring angels to surround and infiltrate these clinics, rendering the spiritual forces of wickedness harmless, silent and castrated. Open the eyes of those who are bound by Satan in this business to see truth, life, light, joy, peace, hope as they are introduced to their true savior, Jesus. Foul up the means of contacting this clinic. Rescue those who are perishing for lack of knowledge of the truth. Render those abortion pills as harmless as a piece of peppermint candy. Give wisdom and truth to the lawmakers who will be involved in making this a “religious” exemption in our laws, so that this measure will be rejected. Tear down the demonic strongholds that have taken root in our cities, our churches, our families, our state, our nation. You are the Faithful God of victory, restoration, righteousness, forgiveness. We need you, Lord. Cleanse us by the precious blood you shed on the cross for our sins. All glory and honor are Yours, Jesus. Amen

    Iris Butler
    October 22, 2024

    Yes, amen to this prayer. Remove the scales from the eyes of those that say they are pro choice. Let them “see” the preciousness of these babies. And may they have dreams & visions of Your Truth of abortions & what it does to these precious ones & to You, in Jesus name. May abortion clinics be stopped because of revival & no one attends them by the power of the Blood of Jesus ❤️

October 22, 2024

I found this article both grievious and humorous. Please hear me out.
Grievious: Abortion is murder, and murder is satanic. Murder is satantic because it userps God’s sovereignty as the creator and sustainer of life.
Humorous: A satanic temple giving abortion pills for the purpose of a “destruction ritual” or “spiritual experience” is TOTALLY EXPOSING abortion for what it really is. Abortion is a satanic ritual where blood sacrifices (babies) are offered to Molec / Baal.
Lord, continue to expose this hideous and arrogant sin against You. Remove and destroy the strongholds; break their altars and cause their evil agenda to backfire, boomerang, back on them. Destroy the enemy and his plans to destroy. In Jesus’ mighty name.
We declare and decree LIFE over America, LIFE over our babies, LIFE over our women, LIFE over our teens, and LIFE over families and homes. LIFE! LIFE! LIFE! EVERY LIFE IS PRECIOUS!! In Jesus’ name!!
Come, and BE Lord!
And we are quick to give You ALL the glory, Lord!!

Blanca Winton
October 22, 2024

Father you are Lord full of mercy hear our cry and don’t let the evil one continue killing babies.🙏🏼😢

Patrick Mc Enerney
October 22, 2024

Pray for this ungodly action to be crushed before it has a chance to be installed… AMEN

Allena Jordan
October 22, 2024

Lord God Almighty, Father of all, including the pre-born, break our hearts over what breaks Yours. Reading the article is painful. Visualizing what really happens in these clinics is disturbing to mind and soul. And, the Spirit within mourns and weeps at the attempt to destroy lives. Jesus said it would be better for a mill stone to be hung around their necks than to touch one of His little ones. Father, may the outcry from Your people arise to Your ears such that You act with a mighty roar from heaven. We pray for those who have bought the lie of worshipping Satan. Save their souls. We pray for those who approve business licenses for such outrageous and unholy acts. Shake us all up, Lord. Stop the madness. Deliver the little children from evil, Oh my Father. Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done here on earth. Thank You. Amen.

Julie Bumpus
October 22, 2024

Lots it is difficult to respond with prayer and grace when I read this! I want to be dismayed and angry instead! Lord I pray that this entity would be shut-down and denied any claim to religious freedom!

Jason S Brumfield
October 22, 2024

It is truly a nightmare happening wanting the women to kill their New born Children before they have a chance to enjoy God’s world for Mand and Women and their future as Human beings, So disgusting that would allow this to happen.

Pam Martel
October 22, 2024

Lord my heart is broken as I read this article. Thank you Lord for IFA brining this to our attention. God I pray that you will be with these young women who maybe confused and frightened and that you will send them people to come alongside of them and mentor them and help them to keep their babies That you God, will expose what these clinics are doing and bring them down. Lord help us.as Christian’s to rise up and protect the unborn. in Christ Name Amen.

Kendra Creedle
October 22, 2024

So much to pray for…NOT too much for God the Father! The second one in the world has opened in Virginia. Lord we come to You, asking that any mother contemplating abortion would not be overtaken by the lies of the devil, that she would come to know You as her personal Savior, embracing not only the life You have given her, but the life that is living inside of her. Lord we pray against any plan and scheme to destroy lives at this location, that women would not use this facility and that anyone working at this location would have an encounter with the Holy Spirit and turn to You and leave! Lord let the fathers in the lives of the women carrying the babies-these precious gifts of life, be bold in taking part of the plan You have for these unborn children. In these days as we see evil being relentless, we pray for families to rise up, embrace life, and turn their hearts and minds completely over to You. Amen

Jan Hernig
October 22, 2024

Praying for God tonintervene

October 22, 2024

Jesus, we bless each person considering entering into this unholy covenant-ritual with Your wisdom to KNOW Your truth because as the Giver of good gifts, wisdom is one that is holy to guard us from passions of the flesh. It is joy to the soul and life to the spirit man. As they consider Your ways with Your wisdom give these women Your Shalom, another gift, to understand the gift of life within them is life like there own–with plans and purpose not destruction.

Cecil Kestner
October 22, 2024

Almighty and loving Father, please prevent this horror from happening and protect these unborn babies. Please open the eyes of their mothers to see the evil inherent in this. In the mighty name of Jesus.

October 22, 2024

I’m a Christian counselor who once had a 63 year old client who had been impregnated by her Satan worshipping father and then drugged when she went into labor so she never saw the baby nor knows what happened to it. She was 12 years old at the time. She had gone through a lot of therapies and mental drugs but was cutting herself at the point I met her. One thing I shared with her was she was holding onto false guilt for something she was too young to defend against. Her father had brainwashed her with lies in his cult. As she worked through the Forgiven and Set Free Bible study by Linda Cochran , she was able to see her baby was in heaven and able to let go of her self hatred. Afterward she began working with a Christian antiabortion group and would tell me she was happy for the first time.
I’m sharing this because we know that no matter what Satan tries to do to lie and deceive woman , Jesus is the answer to their healing.
Lord, we pray that the process of opening this clinic gets so entangled in legalities that it fails before it starts. We pray you put a roadblock to it’s even causing one baby to die. Yet, we trust You are caring for each of the little souls as when You said, “Let the little children come into Me for such is the Kingdom of Heaven. “Matthew 19:14
Today we pray that the deception woman have fallen for that their bodies are their own will be exposed as Satans lie so no abortion clinics will have clients but instead fail to thrive. Confront those who begin these clinics with Your Truth so they fall on their knees before You in confession of their sins. The struggle is not against legal entities but against the powers of darkness so we pray You destroy anything raised against You. Amen.

    Iris Butler
    October 22, 2024

    In JESUS name & by the power of His Blood❤️

    Susan CC
    October 22, 2024

    Thank You Janet….

    O my God, hear Janet’s prayer. May You be moved to “destroy (all) raised against You.” Amen and amen!

No name
October 22, 2024

Molek is still here .

    October 22, 2024

    Molech was crushed by Jesus. Lord May the death of Molech be evident in our nation. May God have mercy on those who feed Molech the blood of innocent babies. The blood of Jesus speaks a better word. Amen

      Mary Beth
      October 22, 2024

      Evil demonic spirits do not die. Yeshua’s sacrifice won the victory over the enemy and all of his minions – including Molech. However, that does not mean that they were destroyed. It is evident that the influence of Molech is still very strong in fact, because millions of babies have been sacrificed. Human beings can either resist these evil spirits and be delivered from them, affirming Yeshua’s victory in our lives; or we can fall prey to their deception and reject Yeshua’s victory in our lives. YHVH has given us free will, and it is our choice. This is why there is a spiritual battle – “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal” – and it begins in us individually. As we choose victory in our own lives, we can then wage warfare for others through our intercession. Let’s take part in the victory already attained by Yeshua.


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