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Lord, we pray for Your will to be done in President Trump's cabinet. If RFK Jr. is Your choice, we pray that he would be swiftly confirmed.
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EDITORS NOTE: This article was excerpted from a piece posted by The Hill. We are not sharing this article to endorse The Hill’s viewpoint, rather, we simply wanted to highlight the GOP opposition to RFK Jr., who has proven to be quite the controversial candidate. If you disagree with the article and/or the attacks against RFK Jr., we’d love to hear your prayers and insight in the comments below.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has come under fire from many Republicans, most notably Mike Pence, over his support for abortion and his skepticism toward vaccines. What do you think of him and these attacks against him?

From The Hill. An advocacy group founded by former Vice President Mike Pence launched a six-figure ad campaign Wednesday opposing President Trump’s nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead the Department of Health and Human Services.

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The ad campaign from Advancing American Freedom, details of which were shared first with The Hill, includes digital ads that will run through the next couple of weeks in the nation’s capital as Kennedy awaits his confirmation hearing.

The ad spend also includes a mobile billboard that will travel around Capitol Hill and the March for Life …

The ads highlight various controversial comments Kennedy has made.

One references his past comments supporting abortion access throughout pregnancy. Another cites misinformation he shared about vaccines amid a measles outbreak in American Samoa. A third refers to past comments he made claiming the polio vaccine was linked to cancer. And another ad notes that Kennedy has argued vaccines cause autism.

The ads also feature a website address that directs viewers to a group the letter wrote urging senators to oppose Kennedy’s nomination. …

The ad campaign marks an escalation of efforts by Advancing American Freedom to oppose Kennedy’s nomination to serve as secretary of Health and Human Services.

Shortly after Trump announced Kennedy’s nomination, Pence in a statement urged senators to reject him because of his previous support for abortion. …

What do you think of RFK Jr.? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Hill. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=145151529)

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January 29, 2025

Maybe we should see whose payroll Mike Pence is really on? When evidence about the shady vaccines is piling up. Like morticians with strange 20 inch blood clots ( never seen before 2021) and evidence that the vaccines have snake toxin as part of them, coincidence? Maybe, but what else are those vaccines causing, like, super cancer? Perhaps the truth is something of a quality the people like. Not what is paid for by the multi billion dollar lobbyists.

January 29, 2025

There are studies including this one from earlier this month linking autism And vaccines. He is right to raise concerns about that and the lack of long term safety studies on the cumulative effects of the many vaccines on the childhood vaccine schedule. The US after all does have the most childhood vaccines and the highest infant mortality rate of any country in the world. And the health agencies aren’t considering a correlation there?

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, RFK jr. says that he’s never been in favor of abortion but felt that it wasn’t right to interfere with a woman’s bodily autonomy. I think the question to answer is which governmental agency doles out money to Planned Parenthood and will that new director end those cash payments. That would go a long way toward ending the War on Babies. RFK Jr. would help end it on the other side of birth.


Marilyn Leach
January 28, 2025

I think they should let him go for it. He cares about the health of the people of this nation and what s in our food. Autism seems more prevalent now than it used to be. Be good to have some answers.

January 27, 2025

I agree the with RFK Jr on vaccines, especially baby vaccines. I disagree on RJF Jr. views on abortion, but I know like many, he has not received the revelation on the truth concerning abortion. I pray he receives the truth concerning life at conception.

Lynn Pahl
January 27, 2025

I strongly believe RFK Jr. is the right choice for this position. I have heard him speak and he calls every abortion a TRAGEDY. He will not be trying to get Trump to change anything on abortion. He is going to help our food supplies become healthier and get vaccines properly tested. He is the man for the job- look at the opposition. He has had a rough past, but listen to him. He is a man of integrity. I pray he gets approved. All in God’s hands.

Karen Solano
January 24, 2025

I agree with RFK about COVID. His being Catholic surprises me about his stanze on abortion. I haven’t heard that before this report. I don’t trust vaccines anymore either, especially mRNA types. I would love to see him in the office he has been chosen for. I think he could do a lot of good for our country. I believe Big Pharma is behind his disapproval. I pray God would intervene and His will be done.

January 24, 2025

We all have pasts and have made comments that we either continue to uphold or now disagree with as we learned more about a topic, have had a moral change of heart or just thought more about it and changed our opinion. President Trump once supported democrat causes and positions too but look at him now. The people railing against RFK, Jr. are afraid of him because of his science based knowledge about vaccines, their lack of proper testing, the poisons contained within them, etc. I encourage anyone interested or concerned about what he believes to read his book The Real Anthony Fauci where all of this is discussed. As far as abortion goes, and I am staunchly for the protection of the unborn at every stage of development, I don’t believe that’s an issue here because President Trump won’t allow him to say or do anything that will go against the protection of the unborn, at least in my opinion. I truly believe RFK, jr is the man for the job and will continue to support him until and unless Almighty God says otherwise. We need to keep praying for wisdom for our President so that he listens to God and acts accordingly.

Mattie Patterson
January 24, 2025

We don’t need anyone in our government that would advocate murdering innocent babies.
If women don’t want to have a baby they have other options rather than murder.

January 24, 2025

If Pence is against him…. he must be good.
This is the message from the one who is holy and true,
the one who has the key of David.
What he opens, no one can close;
and what he closes, no one can open:
If RFK Jr is God’s choice, I pray that no one will be able to shut this door.
8 “I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close. Revelation 3:7-8

C McDonald
January 24, 2025

Why on earth would you quote from The Hill? It’s clearly a hit piece, and I’m very disappointed that IFA published this without any opposition to their claims of “misinformation”.
I agree with the majority of the commenters here who have pointed out the untrustworthiness of Mike Pence.
I’m not 100% sure of RFK Jr yet, but what I’ve heard and seen so far align with the things we’ve learned in the last 4 years about big Pharma.
We returned after decades of serving as missionaries in Europe to find our home country almost unrecognizable, especially in the areas of medicine and our food supply. We need someone strong enough to address these issues that are causing damage to Americans every day!

January 23, 2025

I don’t think Sen. John Kennedy is a good choice for representing our Health and Human Services Department. I think he is not qualified and makes up comments as he goes along, depending on what he thinks people want to hear. He also said he is pro- choice, so God would not be in favor of him. I pray, Please Dear God, may Your choice prevail quickly. Give wisdom to Pres. Trump to pick a person of your choice for the Human Services Department our nation.

    January 26, 2025

    You may be confusing Senator John Kennedy with Robert F Kennedy, Jr (RFK)

January 23, 2025

I have no faith in Mike Pence’s opinion he had a chance to show unwaivering support for God by acknowledging what all God fearing Americans witnessed in 2020 election. Instead he played nice and made a deal with satan’s followers. I trust in God’s wisdom and if God wants Kennedy in that position then so be it. May he be like Saul and become a strong fighter for God’s ways. Trust in God.

Arvetta Brewer
January 23, 2025

Kennedy should be confirmed for the Health and Human Services director! He has changed his opinion about abortion and he has the right to change his mind . His knowledge about vaccinations is well known by doctors who were against the Covid vaccine. and by those who question other vacations as well. He cares deeply about the health of children. I am pro life totally and I vote for Kennedy! I trust President Trump’s nomination of Kennedy’ completely!

Ralph Armstrong
January 23, 2025

I too share some concerns over RFK’s stance on the Sanctity of Human life. I think Senator Hawley vetted him thoroughly on this issue, and is convinced that RFK will support President Trump’s pro-life agenda, and appoint only pro-life leaders. I strongly believe that he must reinstate all of the safe guards that previously existed for chemical abortions.

January 23, 2025

It grieved me that so many “Christian politicians” such as Pence and his wife showed such dishonor to the position of President and first lady. Mrs. Pence was vocal in her time as second lady to promote her stance as a Christian. She showed such disrespect of the first lady at Carter’s funeral and was absent at the inauguration. No wonder the world doesn’t want the church.

Dr Claudia S Berry
January 23, 2025

I support President Trump’s choice of RFK Jr, and like many conservatives, Mike Pence has no standing in the choices the President makes today. We conservatives saw his lack of integrity and courage in January 2021. I think he should go back home and be quiet. Nobody cares for his work or opinion. His wife showed exactly their character at the Carter funeral; a very nasty woman giving Christian name a poor image.

Ann Hilburn
January 23, 2025

I am 100% FOR RJK Jr. I have been involved in the health field for over 25 years and even though I may not agree 100% with everything he has said in the past, I have not heard him voice those same views in recent years. I no longer respect Mike Pence’s views. With his environmental attorney views, he knows a lot more than most people give him credit for. His statement that vaccinations are a cause of autism is 100% correct. I started researching this issue in the 1990’s along with Dr. Sherry Tenpenny. I challenge you to do your own research and see who you agree with. He also made the statement that he was going to immediately stop the chemtrails that have been destroying our health through the air we breath, our lakes, streams, etc., the destruction of our soil, etc. And then he is going to go after those responsible and bring them to justice. Most people do not know that our tax dollars have been involved in this man-made disaster destroying our earth.

Kathleen Rowland
January 23, 2025

I agree fully with Mike Pence on this nomination. The secretary of Health and Human Services needs to be a person who has professional experience in the medical field. RFK Jr. is not knowledgable about this realm. I would urge President Trump to choose a more qualified person, such as Dr. Ben Carson or someone similar.

    January 24, 2025

    I urge you to go to the Children’s Health Defense website and read the studies and articles put out by RFK. He has done his research and sites his sources. Read his book or watch the movie, “The Real Anthony Fauci”.
    I am married to a retired physician who was skeptical at first, but upon further research, has come to realize that Big Pharma has been running the show for quite some time. Besides, who can forget that many doctors pushed an untested, medical intervention on the public to save their jobs. The data on the COVID “vaccine” is horrific. Open your eyes, and do some digging, and I think you’ll change your mind.

    January 27, 2025

    Robert F Kennedy, Junior is so very knowledgeable about these issues. You will see and understand as it all comes out after his nomination.

Peg B
January 23, 2025

The value of LIFE, must be at the forefront. If this is not, what difference does vaccines and food make? Senator James Lankford has pressed his concern regarding this core value. I stand in agreement. Department of Health and Human Services has already been grossly misused and abused from this most recent administration, impacting many lives. We must take the position of LIFE first. It is first in God’s eyes and has the greatest impact. May RFK Jr. receive this truth from God, as should we all. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

January 23, 2025

Jesus – open his eyes that he may see . Show him the real God . Be his Father , Father God ! Take his heart of stone and make it into a heart of flesh . Reveal to him – abortion is murder , I ask In Jesus Name ! Thank You 😊

Judy Weatherford
January 23, 2025

Mike Pence has not helped get our food cleaned up. At least RFK, Jr is trying to help get something done for the American people about our food having so many chemicals in them.

And I am not a fan of Mike Pence. Robert Kennedy Jr is not perfect either. We all have issues

    Judy Weatherford
    January 23, 2025

    God help us learn to pray for Your wisdom and for what you have for us to do for you each day.

    January 23, 2025

    No one is perfect! RFK is needed to help outlaw the poisons the food industry imposes on US for decades..

    Abortion is an entirely different issue and I’m thankful Trump is pro life. Let Kennedy take care of our “daily bread” issues.

    We should all have the choice to take or reject vaccines for our selves or our children.

Mary Beth S
January 23, 2025

I don’t think that this issue is quite as clear-cut as most commenters have assumed, nor do I think it should be based so much on personalities or past actions not directly connected to this appointment. I have concerns on both sides of this question. I want God’s choice because I can fully trust Him! So I agree “Lord, we pray for Your will to be done in President Trump’s cabinet. If RFK Jr. is Your choice, we pray that he would be swiftly confirmed.”

Jean Hale
January 23, 2025

RFK Jr was born for this post! He has given his life’s work to uncover shady dealings and has even changed parties in order to continue to do so. Thank you, Jesus, for speaking to him daily and opening the way for him to lead in an official capacity.

Shpend Shyti
January 23, 2025

I think that RFK Jr heart and thoughts are for the American people lives, standing for freedom, righteousness, pursuit of happiness.

Marty Robinson
January 23, 2025

God has sent him and it is not in any way an insignificant matter in
the eyes of the Lord. So, now we are supposed to buy in to the lies
of the devil to discredit what God has done? It was very unlikely that
this man would advocate Trump, but God spoke and He is still speaking
into the matter.
Let us agree with the Lord for His will to be done in all our ways and not
lean to our own understanding. Also, not to be wise in our own eyes, but
to reverently fear and worship God and turn entirely away from evil.

Brandon Maddox
January 23, 2025

Why should anyone trust, Mike Pence? He could have sent the 2020 Election back to the states yet he just certified results and has been on CNN panels and left-wing outlets since 2021! We all are probably Anti-Abortion on IFA, but this is simply a ploy by Mike Pence in league with Big Pharma to keep RFK Jr from taking down this cabal, which makes its profits off of keeping people sick cashcows.

January 23, 2025

Mike Pence could save himself & his supporters a great deal of time, effort & fund-raised money if he reached out to RFK Jr. to discuss his previous support of abortion and to see if he might persuade him to a pro-life position (especially since RFK is Catholic and the officially position of the RC church is pro-life.) If he wants to challenge RFK on the legitimacy of the statements he’s made regarding vaccines, he better have some valid research statistics to back him up. RFK has been researching vaccines for quite some time.
If Mike Pence wants to remain relevant in politics, he should try to work with the current administration instead of against it.

January 23, 2025

i pray Mike is removed since he has shown he is on the wrong side of Gods agenda back in 2020.

January 23, 2025


karen y duncan
January 23, 2025

so excited to see someone in government that is opposed to all the poisons in our food and medicine

January 23, 2025

I hope he gets in so we stop having poison in our so called helpful vaccines! I am tired of big pharma just many money with untested drugs at the cost of precious lives.

Carol Ostrander
January 23, 2025

Kennedy will have no say-so on the abortion issue. Trump gave that responsibility to the states, unless he has changed his mind.

Margaret Farnow
January 23, 2025

There is no one more qualified than RFK jr for the position for who he was nominated. President Trump made it clear that they did not agree on many things and sure abortion is one of them.

Lord I ask that you would transform RFK jr’s heart towards the issue of abortion today. We know that he knows you. Please draw him closer and baptize him in the Holy Spirit so that he will want and love what you want and hate what you hate in Jesus’s name!

January 23, 2025

Lord, please let the evil plans of these evil leaders fail & fall, in Jesus Holy Name I pray

January 23, 2025

I think there is scientific evidence to those things mentioned by Kennedy especially concerning polio.( Please see the new documentary just released on polio by Jeffery Jaxen. )

I think Kennedy has as strong a voice as Trump and has vetted his information thoroughly before speaking . He is also quick to change his opinion if presented information showing something other than his original conclusion. He is not emotional when speaking. He does not avoid topics . He will lead well in this role making sure that what we are being told is true and in our best interest.

Deb B
January 23, 2025

I have vaccine injured family members from long before the pandemic and am so grateful to CHD (RFK Jr’s org) for keeping us focused and sane during the pandemic and beyond. Truth does not recognize party lines and RFK Jr has been exposing corruption and injustice for a long time. I believe people change and grow when they truly seek truth and Truth, and God is still working in RFK Jr. as you can find interviews where he openly acknowledges God’s divine work in his life. When he endorsed Trump, he chose truth over his party and that takes courage. In contrast, it’s sad that prominent Christian leaders used their far reach to encourage people to take the jab, but at the same time we should not be surprised, the god of this world masquerades as an angel of light. We are all frail and subject to deception but anyone, “prominent” or not can change their positions bc God loves us so much that he is continuously working in us for our good. Praying for the blinds to fall and our leaders to submit to God and his Truth in all areas!

January 23, 2025

RFK Jr is the right person for this appointment.

Linda Rice
January 23, 2025

Pence is irrelevant

January 23, 2025

Mike Pence is Trump’s Judas Iscariot. He’s an out-of-office traitor to the Republican party who as far as I’m concerned has zero credibility. Yes I’m opposed to abortion and agree it’s murder, but I support the reasons Trump appointed RFK Jr. The vaccination industrial complex is out of control and must be reigned in. I don’t know if vaccines cause autism or cancer or whatever, but what’s for sure is big pharma is all about big money and not the health and safety of the American people. I fully trust President Trump’s judgement in the selection of his cabinet members.

    January 23, 2025

    Echo: “The vaccination industrial complex is out of control and must be reigned in.” ” I fully trust President Trump’s judgement in the selection of his cabinet members.”

Carolyn Hagen
January 23, 2025

I pray that all deception be exposed. Abortion and Vaccines: Many vaccines championed by conservatives, including Pence, rely on fetal cell lines derived from abortions—an ethical inconsistency for self-proclaimed pro-life advocates.

Darcie Reed
January 23, 2025

I disagree with his abortion stance as I am not for abortion at any time. But it frustrates me that even here his information on vaccines is called disinformation. This is just not true. There is overwhelming evidence that all vaccines have many, many issues. I pray people wake up to the truth on this subject!

January 23, 2025

You will be hard-pressed to find a true conservative Republican that has any interest in anything Mike Pence has to say-he will continue w/Dems as Liz Cheney has so marvelously done. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, and there is nothing about Pence that makes me trust him, and I’m not referring to the fact he didn’t want to halt Biden’s confirmation.

Brooke Townsend
January 23, 2025

RFK jr. has dedicated his life to saving children. He has risked everything to stand against the drug cartels (aka Big Pharma). It took everything he had to stand with Trump. He did it because the children were more important than political differences. Who is behind Mike Pence? I bet you would find the drug companies. Every day I see children who have been adversely affected by the vaccines. Parents do not realize what is happening and there is no recourse for them. The truth needs to be exposed. And absolutely the mmr shot has been linked to autism. Look at the autistic numbers today vs the numbers 30 years ago. . We need to start asking some hard questions. Lord God, please answer RFK Jr’s prayers of helping the children. You have raised him up for such a time as this. The enemy does not want to be exposed. Please send your warring angels to fight for him and take down the evil that has preyed on our children for money, greed, & power.

Marjorie Newhouse
January 23, 2025

Heshould be against both… Pence is a low down evil one world person…Why did President Trump ever pick him when he is one world evil!

Clark Gear
January 23, 2025

This article should be titled RFK gets expected push back from a Rhino that betrayed our country for Pharma $$$. This too will come out. There was once a report showing the funding of each political figure Pense was 100% supported by Pharma and the Military Industrial Complex, makes sense because both profit from sickness and death. Jesus will make wars and sickness to cease!

Marjorie Ferrell
January 23, 2025

The damages done by the covid 19 so called vaccine continue to be exposed. It took WHO five years to acknowledge its source although there is evidence they knew the first year. Those damages include spontaneous abortions, extreme blood clotting resulting in death and an explosion in the number of
Cancers. Much of this lies at the door of Big Pharma, which continues unhindered, to falsify it’s research findings in order to promote outrageously
priced prescriptions. Kennedy will rein in BF.
I, personally, have been and am anti-abortion since
1973 when I joined IFA. I truly believe that Kennedy
can be guided by those who have complete science based studies and no political or financial interest other than to protect all Americans, that he will do
the right thing. We pray all our President and all his cabinet for godly wisdom and courage.

January 23, 2025

I read two of RFK Jr books, The Real Anthony Fauci and The Wuhan Coverup. neither book was light reading. in fact, they were very hard to read. But since Trump put his name in as a choice to work on the administration team I wanted to know about him.
READ the books.
Holy Spirit blow your breath over the people trying to drag down the picks for this administration cabinet. in Jesus Name, amen.

Clark Gear
January 23, 2025

Mike Pense is bought and paid for by Pharma, I knew before I read the story just seeing the name Mike who it was that was pushing back. May God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob quickly come to Mr Kennedy’s aid. May President Tumo support Bobby fearlessly and keep his oath. In the name of Yeshua Amen

Dottie Kraemer
January 23, 2025

I am fully in favor of-him- I have followed has career and have seen changes in his thinking but his passion for making Americans Healthy is legitimate and life long- I have also heard his testimony of his spiritual conversion and how he gives God credit for saving his life as a drug addict (Watch Daystar interview)… I believe in his push to make Americans healthy again / Lord, I pray if your choice for leader of HHS is RFK jr then we ask you to change the hearts of those being influenced by Mike Pence org. And easily confirm his appointment- In Jesus Name

Mildred Hall
January 23, 2025

Since he says he has a changed heart, let him speak.

January 23, 2025

Lord, we pray to bind any slander against RFK, who admits he has a changed heart on abortion. We desperately need his knowledge from medical malpractice law to combat the lies perpetrated by our FDA and other agencies. One example: titanium dioxide, food additive banned in Europe, is allowed in US bread, ice cream, ect. Our nation has the Worst health outcomes in the world. May you, Lord of justice and righteousness, cause the slander to cease and grant JFK your favor in confirmation hearings. Amen

Cheri Galbraith
January 23, 2025

Because he is Pro abortion I stand Leary of him and what he may do as a part of the cabinet. Not convinced he is the right person for the job. I would have preferred someone like Ben Carson who is a Dr and a Christ who upholds Christian values.

    January 23, 2025

    RFK Jr. isn’t pro-abortion. He’s an adhering Catholic who believes the government has no business interfering in medical decisions between doctors & patients. He would like nothing better than for no abortions to ever be performed again.

January 23, 2025

I have been watching RFK Jr, and I have been watching Mike Pence. RFK Jr is a man that clearly has God’s hand on him. He has recently pledged to support life and not abortion. I believe he has had a sincere change of heart. Mike Pence has a religious spirit and is a bitter man. I pray that RFK Jr will be confirmed. He would great for America in dealing with catastrophic systemic problems.

Cory Pfeffer
January 23, 2025

RFK Jr is urgently needed in this role because he is one of the few speaking out against the horrific abuses of big pharma. Regardless of his abortion stance (which is not in line with my own) we desperately need him to serve to reform our healthcare system and FDA.

Mary Thompson
January 23, 2025

I think there is no doubt the vaccines have killed many young athletes that suddenly dropped dead after being required to take them. I also think there is no doubt that Mike Pence is hired by the pharmaceutical companies. I pray that Robert Kennedy is quickly confirmed to be the Secretary of Health and Human Services, and America will indeed be healthy again.

    Clark Gear
    January 23, 2025

    My wife has worked in HC for 34 years when they started making the flu shot mandatory the Holy Spirit said don’t take that, when Covid came He said the same thing She has seen first hand those from every age group and race succumb to this medical experiment. People don’t realize how the enemy works, he is busy creating dependency on his ways and alterations compared to depending on Jesus for our healing provided at the cross.


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