Senate Advances And Confirms Several Trump Nominees
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Senate Advances And Confirms Several Trump Nominees
2 Senate committees advanced 2 of President Trump’s nominees, Pete Hegseth and John Ratcliffe, setting them up for future full votes. Meanwhile, Senator Marco Rubio became the first of the President’s nominees to be confirmed following unanimous votes in the Foreign Relations Committee and the Senate proper.
From The Epoch Times. The Senate unanimously approved the nomination of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) as secretary of state on Jan. 20, making him the first of President Donald Trump’s Cabinet picks to receive the green light on Inauguration Day.
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The 99–0 vote took place just an hour after the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where Rubio had served since 2011, voted unanimously in favor of Rubio, with a 22–0 vote. The Florida senator testified days prior in front of the committee in a five-hour hearing on his foreign policy views. …
Rubio, 53, has likely faced the easiest confirmation process out of Trump’s Cabinet choices. Many senators have worked with Rubio on policy issues, a relationship in which he built bipartisan support. …
Rubio told the committee that he intends to make the State Department “relevant again.” The department over successive administrations has become marginalized because “it takes so long for the State Department to take action,” he said. …
Top on his focus is confronting the Chinese Communist Party, which he defined as “the most potent and dangerous, near-peer adversary this nation has ever confronted.”
China dominates critical mineral supplies essential in industries such as electronics, energy, and defense. In Washington, there is bipartisan concern over the regime’s military aggression toward its neighbors, covert influence operations, and human rights suppression that has sometimes reached into the United States. …
The Senate Armed Services Committee approved Pete Hegseth as the secretary of defense with a tight 14–13 margin. A full vote on his nomination is expected later this week.
The Senate Intelligence Committee voted 14–3 to approve the nomination of John Ratcliffe as CIA director. …
Share your prayers for Rubio, Hegseth, Ratcliffe, and the other Trump nominees below.
(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Marco Rubio, CC BY-SA 2.0,
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PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION against this severe injustice against Israel.
Dear Fellow Intercessors, Marco Rubio stated that this “Trump Administration would be THE MOST PRO-ISRAEL administration ever”…and YET Trump and Witkoff have forced an Amalekite CEASEFIRE bringing INCREDIBLE HARM to ISRAEL. Jesus said, “whatsoever you DO to the LEAST of my brethren (Adelphos-blood brethren-The JEWS) that you DO UNTO ME”. Silence in the face of injustice and slaughtering of the Jews–when they are in the process of TAKING BACK the LAND like Joshua and Caleb always brings condemnation and OPENS doors to evil!
The churches and vast majority “of Christians were silent during the Holocaust”. The vast majority of Christians in America now seem SILENT on this matter (think of when Elijah asked the people to DECLARE YHWH WAS GOD and they REMAINED SILENT–before Elijah called down the FIRE 🔥 of God! Think of the silence at the Banquet Table when the FATHER said, “how did you get in here WITHOUT wedding clothes–and that man was SILENT(he had NO excuse!) I am getting the strongest sense that Jesus is WATCHING to see who cares about the DOUBLEMINDEDNESS and INTENTIONAL HARM which is being done to the VERY nation we were CREATED to stand with–for this horrific ceasefire only HINDERS the GOSPEL
in Israel! The 1620 Pilgrims purposefully arrived on 11/11/1620–by God’s HAND directing the TIMING (Daniel 2:20-23) Their precise arrival time is ROMANS 11:11-“provoke the Jew to jealousy”—It is not our purpose to STAND with Hamas and Islam and then “claim that you are still a friend of Israel”. “LET DECEITFUL LIPS BE MADE DUMB!”(Ps. 31:18)
With “friends like this deal–they don’t need enemies!”😭😰😭😰😓
As an Issachar Watchmen, please let me SHARE that the Isaiah 28-PLUMBLINE of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS, Ps. 99, Proverbs 21:1 and Psalm 60:7 “JUDAH is MY SCEPTRE”–and Trump’s harming of Israel is HARMING YESHUA’s SCEPTER–all of this was the GOSPEL IN THE HEAVENS above TRUMP during his inauguration!! (Ps.19, Ps.89:37) And…he FAILED to put his hand upon the BIBLE–all the while having pushed this horrible ceasefire which will ONLY HINDER what JESUS is DOING in ISRAEL right now! It’s HARMING BOTH the Incoming JEWISH HARVEST and ARABIC HARVEST. It will harm the Isaiah 19 Highway which the Arabic Christians are trying to create to fulfill prophecy. It is going to PREVENT Israel having enough Land to welcome those who MUST return to the land to receive the GOSPEL. They are the ones who MUST CRY OUT for HIM to RETURN!!! There are 64 “Aliyah Promises” of YHWH regathering the JEWS–so they can STAND on their Covenantal Land–hear the GOSPEL and proclaim YESHUA is THEIR MESSIAH. This ceasefire destroys the wonderful progress the IDF has made through 15 absolutely GRUELING months of fighting against truly wicked terrorists. There is nothing CHRISTIAN about this ceasefire–nothing BIBLICAL!
Everything about this ceasefire–brings terrorism and REWARDS ISLAM–especially the giving back of Gaza, the wording does NOT even ensure the hostages will BE ALIVE!!! Them only releasing 33 hostages mocks Yeshua who was 33 years of age, ON THE CROSS 🩸, and the horrific deal of turning over the Philadelphia Corridor–which is a small strip of land had OVER 200 tunnels to massively import ammunitions from Egypt into GAZA—there are NO WORDS for how awful this is when they were fighting and making wonderful “Joshua-Caleb” advances BEFORE Trump and Witkoff stepped in to press for this evil ceasefire.
(Isaiah 28 is linked to Psalm 89:14, Ps.35 and Ps.109–it is NOT just the DROPPING of the PLUMBLINE of Justice and Righteousness in how He BRINGS DIVINE ORDER! Please understand
He sweeps away what brings a DEATH AGENDA (Is.28-like this ceasefire)) and then “that which you have DONE comes BACK upon you”(Ps 35 is embedded in HIS JUSTICE in how the nations HARM Israel) and “those who show NO MERCY, none will be shown to them–they will KNOW YHWH has DONE IT”(Psalm 109) I am not being “unAmerican”–I am being Biblical, in alignment with Ezk. 33 and and if there is silence 🤫–then that silence is SHAMEFUL! Americans will experience what Trump has brought on Israel–are people understanding that yet? PLEASE STUDY how He deals with nations which harm Israel!
CRY OUT that GOD would RAISE UP DEBORAHS to speak the truth for it appears that the Christian men who are in pastoral positions ARE SILENT. He raised up Deborah in Israel once, He raised up 200 Arabic Deborah’s in Israel, to stand and pray and “push back the battle at the NORTHERN GATE, in 2024. He can RAISE UP American Deborah’s to speak LIGHT and TRUTH of how such Anti-Israel policies will come BACKFIRE UPON us!
God saved Trump’s Life. God allowed him to be placed back into a high leadership POSITION. He did NOT put his hand on the Bible to be sworn in and “his feet rushed to do evil”(Prov. 6:16-19)…And yet “proclaim this was a good ceasefire deal”. THIS is calling “evil, good and good (helping Israel) evil”. Many of the Messianic, Arabic Christian and International Christian ministries stationed in Israel– are aghast that America, at such a time–would BETRAY ISRAEL this way. Let’s REMEMBER Gen. 12:3 and Numbers 24:9, PLEASE!
PLEASE, for the sake of Your BOOK of LIFE–sign this petition so as “Yeshua’s eyes wander to and fro over America to see–to SEE whose hearts are FULLY DEVOTED to HIM, to SEE who even cares about His Throne and His SCEPTRE (Ps.60:7), to SEE who cares about “His Brethren” (Adelphos)– He will see you and your family “choose this day whom you would serve and YOU CHOOSE OUR KING JESUS!”👑 (Joshua 24:15) YOU CHOOSE to cry out to PROTECT OUR EKKLESIA FAMILY in ISRAEL-and labor for the preservation of their lives!
In Yeshua’s NAME we speak 🗣️ forth via the Blood 🩸 of the NEW COVENANT which speaks a BETTER word (Heb 12:24) over Israel and the UNITED ONE NEW MAN Remnant in THE LAND–And we TURN the KEY 🔑 of David and ask YESHUA to turn HIS KEY of DAVID 🔑 to create a PROTECTION PORTAL of MIGHTY STRIKE FORCE ANGELS to protect Israel from this ceasefire and for a GLORY PORTAL of JUSTICE (Is.28, Ps.99, Ps.60:7) to be over Israel–COME YHWH–ARISE and HELP YOUR FIRST BORN SON–the American Ekklesia opposes this violence and rewarding of Islam and the REWARDING of VIOLENCE “CHAMAS-HAMAS”! Father, PROD and LET Marco Rubio–help in this matter…because this is a SHAME on this administration to have pushed forth such an atrocious deal!
WE SPEAK 🗣️ JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS over Israel to DEFEND THEMSELVES and not–destruction, death and terrorism–WE SPEAK 🗣️ LIFE, LIGHT, FREEDOM from the harmful yoke of America, SAFETY-MIGHTY ANGELIC PROTECTION for the JEWISH PEOPLE and the RISING JEWISH HARVEST and the frustrating and foiling of all Islamic and American plans to bring terror to Yeshua’s INHERITANCE LAND! We speak 🗣️ SALVATION and most of all-we kneel by proxy –Like Daniel and Esther did–at how ONCE AGAIN–“those who “claim to be Christians”–CHOOSE to harm Israel and rush to instead do that which PREVENTS the GOSPEL going forth and PREVENTS YESHUA from being SEEN as THEIR MESSIAH by our government’s actions. The hour is VERY LATE–so we do not ask for simple repentance at this stage! We ask, seek, knock, take authority and call forth for YOU to ARISE, YHWH and bring JUSTICE against this horrific ceasefire, remove Witkoff and radically encounter and REBUKE our President and as Proverbs 21:1–“turn him like the waters of a River in YOUR MIGHTY HAND”. We ask for Is.28 and Ps.99 to be a PLUMBLINE PLACED over him with weight–until he humbles himself and stops harming Israel. We ask this of You, EL ELYON, Ancient of Days (Dan 7:22) and YHWH TZIDKENU, YESHUA GOD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, for as Your Bride Who is PREPARING HERSELF according to exhortation of “KATHARISMOS!”(Eph 4:12) to CHOOSE YOU with undivided loyalty–FIRST LOVE LOYALTY (Rev. 2) as a purifying act of preparation to SERVE YOU Our KING!👑 In Yeshua’s NAME, Amen! Amein!
Lord, you know who needs to be in positions of authority in President Trump’s administration. We come against all opposition from the enemy that is trying to destroy what you have deemed your will. Unite our country as never before through your Holy Spirit. Amen and Amen
Lord, we praise and thank you for your blessings on these men willing to serve as leaders in strategic offices. May you bless them with your Spirit guidance at all times and assist them to seek your wisdom in difficult times.
We ask your protection and guidance for our nation and thank you for the nany blessings you have given us. In the matchless name if Jesus our Lord, amen.