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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask that You speak through each speaker at the RNC and that they would communicate what You want them to say, no their own words and we ask that You get glory for the truth that will be spoken.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

This year’s convention, which carries the theme “Honoring the Great American Story,” [began] on Monday and concludes on Thursday. Prominent speakers who will take part in the convention include President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and multiple Republican representatives and senators.

With this year’s convention being largely virtual due to health concerns over the coronavirus, no more than 336 delegates will meet in Charlotte, North Carolina, to formally nominate President Trump as the party’s nominee. . . .


Editor’s Note: Below is the full list of speakers and schedule:

Monday – “A Land of Heroes”

Speakers include Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), House Republican Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA), Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, Georgia state Rep. Vernon Jones, Amy Johnson Ford, Donald Trump Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle, Natalie Harp, Charlie Kirk, Kim Klacik, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, Sean Parnell, Andrew Pollack, and Tanya Weinreis.

Tuesday – “Land of Promise”

Speakers include First Lady Melania Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, Eric Trump, Tiffany Trump, Florida Lt. Gov. Jeanette Núñez, Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron, former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, Abby Johnson, Jason Joyce, Myron Lizer, Mary Ann Mendoza, Megan Pauley, Cris Peterson, John Peterson, and Nicholas Sandmann.
Wednesday – “Land of Opportunity”

Speakers include Vice President Mike Pence, Second Lady Karen Pence, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA), South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), former Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell, Kellyanne Conway, Keith Kellogg, Jack Brewer, Sister Dede Byrne, Madison Cawthorn, Scott Dane, Clarence Henderson, Ryan Holets, Michael McHale, Burgess Owens, and Lara Trump.

Thursday – “Land of Greatness”

Speakers include President Donald Trump, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ), Ivanka Trump, Ja’Ron Smith, Ann Dorn, Debbie Flood, former New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani, Franklin Graham, Alice Johnson, Wade Mayfield, Carl and Marsha Mueller, and Dana White.

Tony Sayegh, who is managing the program for the GOP convention, joined Washington Political Editor Matt Boyle on Breitbart News Saturday over the weekend to discuss the event. . . .

Sayegh told Boyle of the virtual convention. “We have transformed this into something unique.” . . .

He went on to say; “It really doesn’t matter where it ended up,” Sayegh said in regards to the location of the convention. “We have the best message and the best messenger in the president. And we have four years of great, great progress in this country that is almost unparalleled in this period of time that we want to highlight.”

“We are turning our convention over to the American people, the forgotten men and women in this country that the president has dedicated his presidency to fighting for,” Sayegh continued. “We’re gonna have a people’s convention, much to the opposite of what the Democrats did with their political, establishment elite stars.”

Sayegh also said the convention would heavily focus on the “consequences that would come from a Biden administration.”

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Kyle Morris.)

What do you think about the line-up of speakers? Share with your friends and discuss below!

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Dorothy S.
August 27, 2020

I am so thankful for this convention and their inclusion of God, LIFE, school choice, civility and police support. I would like to encourage my brothers and sisters to pray that this election would be decisive and that there would not be opportunity for the opposition to fight against the election results. Praise God that many people will turn toward the American values. We have to be persisting our prayers for the American values. Keep the prayers and fasting, take nothing for granted. I do believe our President walks a lonely walk at times but we as intercessors are what sustains him. God bless you all. Thank you Dave for your hard work.

Cheryl Greene
August 26, 2020

So glad they included Franklin Graham! It’s about time honor was restored to this family that has dedicated their lives to God and America!

    Terri Klose
    August 26, 2020

    Franklin Graham’s daughter, Cissie Graham Lynch, spoke on Tuesday. She gave a powerful, impactful speech. If you missed it, go back and listen to it. It’s heartwarming to see this family legacy which could be the legacy for all Christians, for all our nation.

August 25, 2020

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. Father God, I pray that the same Spirit that was over the waters at creation would be over America to bring order from chaos and light from darkness. I pray that the excitement that has been generated by Night 1 of the RNC would spread throughout our land so that America will tune in and we can have an informed electorate. I especially pray for your favor to rest on tonight’s speakers, that all who listen would be blessed. Let truth set people free tonight. In Jesus name, Amen.

Tonyia McAnally
August 25, 2020

Heavenly Father, Thank You for our freedom.
Thank You for leading men here to this continent so long ago so Your word could be spread and Your people would have a place to escape from persecution. Thank You for guiding the founding fathers to design a government that gives us more freedom than other nations. A Constitution and Declaration of Independence that is built upon Your principles, considers all men created equal by You, gives us and our religion protections against tyranny and mob rule,and, recognizes that our rights come not from men but from You. Dear father forgive us of our sins and help us to repent quickly. Let us march as You would have us to. Let us praise the splendor of Your holiness and sing of Your merciful love that endures forever. Go before us to the enemy camps that are threatening our freedom, fight for us Your people to the glory of Your name. Divide our enemies against each other to prevent a Socialist, Marxist, Communist regime from being voted in by the deceived. Open the eyes of the blind all over America please father. Bless every speaker at the RNC and speak through them. Protect them from all the wicked realms that are coming against them, both physically and spiritually. Let the truth of their speeches,(and not cut, twisted versions of what they say) reach every eye, ear, heart, and mind that need to be set from the deception of the enemy. Deliver us from the threat of captivity and keep us free from the slavery and religious persecution that Marxism brings wherever it takes over. Open eyes to see which platform has faith in Christianity and which has faith in Marxism. Help us to understand the spirit of each and how both Christians and Non-Christians are safer and freer in a Christian government than any other. In Jesus name. Amen.

    Tonyia McAnally
    August 25, 2020

    Let the truth of their speeches (and not cut, twisted versions of what they say) reach every eye, ear, heart, and mind that need to be set FREE from the deception of the enemy.

Sharion Hayes
August 25, 2020

I understand that 52 million Christians DIDN’T vote last time (2016) and I thought maybe if you remind them in your speech that you are the PRO LIFE PRESIDENT and you need their vote that some of them might come ’round and get registered and vote. It’s possible. When I saw that long line of one-horse drawn carts coming down the roads in Pennsylvania, I knew that God was moving mountains in the State of Pennsylvania. And when they were counting the votes, they didn’t think Trump carried it but I knew he had to because of the Amish.

    Pastor Karen Lester
    August 25, 2020

    Dear Sharion,

    Amen and amen, what a great idea, and will submit the suggestion. Sure might help some, but in talking with friend in Detroit, that is a lifelong Democrat, he’s going to have to really step up and show or mention the long list of things he’s done while he’s been in office to win her over.
    I’ll be praying, as always that he will.

Cindy Morton
August 25, 2020

Last night was amazing! I thought every speaker spoke their hearts and the wonderful job President
Trump has done. The young lady with the cancer story was truly fabulous. She needs to be an ad for
what President has done and will do to bring health costs down. She certainly should appeal to the
soccer mom group. I can’t wait for tonight. It was so uplifting and well done. Thank you Lord
that you’ve chosen this man for such a time as this.

Terri King
August 25, 2020

this is an awesome line up! God is in it & that was what I was hoping & praying for-prayers for the convention

Marylynn Ludwig
August 25, 2020

Almighty Father, I pray that what would come from the mouths of those speaking tonight would be Your words. And their words would give hope and those who are vacillating back and forth between President Trump and Mr. Biden would hear their words in a whole new way and would see the truth and believe the truth and vote the Republican conservative vote. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer. I love you so much and place my trust in You for the outcome. With you all things are possible and even on the reports from the media about Biden being ahead, we choose to believe that you are not finished with America yet and so our hope is in You and trust You with the outcome.

August 25, 2020

Lord, Thank You for complete airing of the RNC last night by CNN and NPR! May many watch and consider the truths presented. In Jesus name, Amen

Bonnie Stroud
August 25, 2020

Loved the first night. Listened to every speaker (had to switch back and forth between CNN and FOX to do this. Every person’s story was touching and told how this President’s policies positively affected their lives. Very relatable.

Toni Kushner
August 25, 2020

Father, May You use this time of communication with the American people to open our eyes and hearts to understand the importance of this election. We need You Lord to hover over this time of presentation and may You speak through the mouths of others that You have blessed this nation. Lead us as a nation in godliness with Your wisdom and counsel for what is best for the country. We have sinned against one another, but I pray that in mercy and love You would forgive and cleanse us as a nation. May we move forward to see liberty and justice for all and may the bond of peace prevail across the land. God Bless Our Nation and God Bless Our Leaders.

August 25, 2020

Praise the Lord ! Great list Of Speakers of the Republican Convention . Praying for God’ s wisdom and insights to all the Speakers specially To the great President Trump and The Vice Pres. Mike Pence . God bless them all to victory in Jesus name !

August 25, 2020

Father God, You know the beginning from the end for our nation. We lift up the Republican National Convention in prayer to you, knowing that You are in control of all things. We pray for Godly wisdom for all the speakers. Please put a hedge of protection around the Trump administration, as well as all of the speakers this week. Please let all that is said and done be pleasing to You. In Jesus’s name we pray.

Nadine Young
August 25, 2020

I don’t see Candice Owens in the lineup of speakers.
She would be a great addition.
I don’t see Christian prophets in the lineup, though I will appreciate hearing from Franklin Graham.
Otherwise looks like a great message to the American people.
Nadine Young

    August 26, 2020

    Agree about Candice Owens! Wonder what is up with that?

David A Bryant
August 25, 2020

Praying for the Anointing of the Holy Spirit to impact all people who listen to these messages and praying for Gods’ people to press in at this hour….seeking His Forgivenss for our Sins and Restoration for a Nation has lost ITS’ ANCHOR….Faith in Almighty God and in His Word!

Donna Legenza
August 25, 2020

This Convention is pure Genius! Displaying the stories of courageous American citizens, focusing on the spirit of what makes America great!
Every speaker was powerful & inspiring! Even starting out, the opening prayer!
What an evening to behold after the virus, lockdown, riots & destruction – this lifted America out of the mud and brought hope!

August 25, 2020

I’m sure it’s hard to include everyone who is fighting for this president however they did forget some heavy hitters including Scott Pressler who is out in the streets of America registering voters And cleaning up garbage in mostly democrat run cities, Candace Owens an extremely well spoken and intelligent young black woman who started Blexit, Brandon straka who organized the “Walk Away” campaign, and David Harris Jr. Or Terrence Williams or the Hodge Twins!! Even so, we pray This convention has widespread influence on undecided voters And those who have yet to wake up to the truth of the battle we are in for the very soul of this nation… To God be the glory!

    August 25, 2020

    You have listed the same hero’s that I would have like to ha e seen speak.

    Penni Bulten
    August 25, 2020

    It would have been nice to see these people on the speakers list, I agree. (personally I would have liked to see Senator Rand Paul as well, since he has recovered from Corona Virus, and yet is one of the most outspoken about the draconian lockdowns some Democratic governors are enacting.) I pray that people would vote their conscience, and would take a clear-eyed view of what is at stake.

      Donna King
      August 26, 2020

      Rand Paul spoke tonight (Tuesday). The list here doesn’t seem complete as there were a few other speakers I saw on Monday that I didn’t see on this list. It’s been a very inspiring RNC.

        Penni Bulten
        August 26, 2020

        I actually was surprised to see Dr. Paul, since he was not on the roster I saw. Rand is a class act: he holds to principle and is outspoken about standing for what is right. (On a variety of issues, from life, to the budget, to just treatment of people, eminent domain, and persecuted Christians he takes a biblical position.) He shares a little of his testimony in a book he co-wrote, The Presidents and Their Prayers.

August 25, 2020

Father God, we pray and lift up this year’s RNC to You, praying for a mighty move of Your presence! Speak Your heart through each appointed speaker. Give the people ears to hear and eyes to see that which the Spirit of the Lord is saying in this hour. Have Your way Lord, have Your way. In Jesus Name, Amen.


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