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Heavenly Father, please bless this event. Bring the Church and our nation into repentance. Bring revival to America!
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Terry and Barbi Franklin are hoping to lead Tennessee in constant prayer and repentance. Will this spread across the rest of the nation?

From CBN. Faith leaders in Tennessee are sending out a “clarion call” to other believers to join them next week to praise, worship, and intercede for America in hopes of not only seeing a change in the nation but to “advance God’s Kingdom” to save the lost.

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“People from all across our nation are coming to participate with us for this humble outcry of repentance for healing in our land. We are praying that this will not only be a pivotal moment in Tennessee but that many will be inspired to gather in their own cities across America to repent,” Barbi Franklin told CBN News.

Barbi and her husband, Terry, are founders of Worship City and are hosting “Worship City Repent Tents” on September 28-30 at the Tennessee state capitol’s Legislative Plaza for non-stop worship, prayer, and repentance.

“This year, our leaders are building and erecting a 10-foot cross right in the center of the main tent on a large prayer rug, perched right in front of the capitol building,” Barbi told CBN News. ā€¦


Barbi tells CBN News that at the foot of the 10-foot cross will be a box where people will be able to write personal confessions and then also repent for the sins of the nation. ā€¦

Barbi shares that a move of repentance is critical now as things in the nation grow darker and more people are looking for answers.

“Repentance is so important right now because the church is being bombarded, unbeknownst to them, they are caught up in every strategy of the enemy,” she explained.

She says those strategies are fear, doctrinal error, and falling into temptation. ā€¦

Share your prayers of repentance and for revival below.

(Excerpt from CBN. Photo Credit: Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash)

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Angela D.
September 28, 2023

Father, I thank You for the vision that Terry and Barbi Franklin have to lead Tennessee in this prayer movement along with repentance. I will be joining them next week to praise, worship, and intercede for America in hopes of not only seeing a change in the nation but to ā€œadvance Godā€™s Kingdomā€ to save the lost. I am lifting Terry and Barbi up in prayer for many hearts to be touched to join them (especially on September 28-30).
2 Chronicles 7:14 If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

September 27, 2023

This is wonderful. and I pray as an individual that like Neamiah, we will see not only Watchman on the wall with this Prayer plan, but we will see those who stand to protect those on the wall and the wall itself. May the Lord send out Army Angels that Tim Sheets talks about to help stir the anointing and conviction of our Lord in Tennessee. We rejoice with these great leaders. Sylvia McCullars

September 27, 2023

Retailers Lost $112 Billion to Theft in 2022

Beating the previous record by about $18 billion. Insider: Retailers reported losing a record $112.1 billion to inventory shrink in 2022, according to the National Retail Federationā€™s annual Retail Security Survey. External theft was the largest contributing factor to shrink, followed by theft by employees. Combined, the two categories of theft account for roughly two-thirds of total shrink. Nearly half of survey respondents said they reduced specific storesā€™ operating hours in response to retail crime, while 28% reported closing specific stores altogether (Insider). Los Angeles Times: Los Angeles was the metro area most affected by organized retail crime in the country, followed by San Francisco and Oakland, the report said. Houston and New York City ranked third and fourth, respectively (Los Angeles Times). No wonder why Target is closing many stores across the country (Axios).

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