I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank You that You are faithful. We thank You for all that You have carried Your sons and daughters through throughout history. Now, in Israel's time of need, we pray that You would once again miraculously protect Your people.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

In times of trouble, we should remember who God is. He has always been faithful to His people, and He will not stop now.

From David’s Tent. The God of Jacob wants the Jewish people to remember. Moses instructed Israel:

  • If you say in your heart, ā€˜These nations are greater than I; how can IĀ dispossess them?ā€™Ā ā€“ you are not to be afraid of them. You shallĀ remember well what YHVHĀ your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt:Ā the great trials which your eyes saw and the signs and the wonders, and the mighty hand and the outstretched arm by which YHVHĀ your God brought you out. YHVHĀ your God will do the same to all the peoples of whom you are afraid (Deuteronomy 7:17-19)

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YHVH tells His people to remember how in the past God gave them military victory over their enemies, in order that the whole nation would be encouraged in faith as they move in to defeat their present enemies.

  • God, we have heard with our ears ā€“Ā ourĀ fathers have told us ā€“ theĀ work that You did in their days, in theĀ days of old. You with Your own handĀ drove out the nations. Then YouĀ planted them. YouĀ afflicted the peoples; then YouĀ let them go free. For by their own sword theyĀ did not possess the land, and their own arm did not save them ā€“ but Your right hand and YourĀ arm and theĀ light of Your presence, for YouĀ favored them. You areĀ my King, God! CommandĀ victories for Jacob! Through You we willĀ push back our adversaries. Through Your name we willĀ trample down those who rise up against us. For I willĀ not trust in my bow, nor will my sword save me. But YouĀ have saved us from our adversaries, and You haveĀ put to shame those who hate us (Psalm 44:1-7)

Remembering in the key to redemption

Remembrance is the key to moving in exploits of faith. Rabbi Nachman of Breslov once said that ā€œForgetfulnessĀ leads toĀ exile, but remembering is the key to redemption.ā€Ā This principle is fleshed out by the German philosopher G.W. Hegel: ā€œWhat experience and history teach is this ā€“ that nations and governments have never learned anything from history, or acted upon any lessons they might have drawn from itā€ (Georg Wilhelm Hegel, Lectures on the Philosophy of History, 1832).

Yeshua exhorted His own disciples to remember and learn from events they themselves had seen and experienced: ā€œAnd Yeshua . . . said to them . . .Ā ā€˜Do you not yet comprehend or understand? Do you still have your heart hardened?Ā Having eyes, do you not see?Ā And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember?ā€™ā€ (Mark 8:17-19)

The Apostle Peter adds his ā€˜amenā€™ to the discussion: ā€œI am stirring up your sincere mind by way of a reminder,Ā toĀ remember the words spoken beforehand byĀ the holy prophetsā€ (1 Peter 3:1-2).

What are we supposed to remember at this time?

ā€œSo that the name of Israel will be no longer rememberedā€

The prophetic Psalm 83 reflects ancient hatred, both against the God of Israel and the people of Jacob. There are clear genocidal goals of these nations, which include:

Edom [Palestinians and southern Jordan]

Ishmael [Saudi Arabia]

Moab [central Jordan]

the Hagrites [Arabs]

Gebal [Lebanon]

Ammon [also central Jordan]

Amalek (here they appear again!]

Philistia [includes the territory of Gaza]

Tyre [Lebanon]

Assyria [northern Iraq]

  • For behold: Your enemiesĀ make an uproar, andĀ those who hate You haveĀ exalted themselves. TheyĀ make shrewd plans against Your people andĀ conspire together againstĀ YourĀ treasured ones. They have said, ā€œCome, andĀ letā€™s wipe them outĀ as a nation, so that theĀ name of Israel will no longer be remembered.ā€ For they haveĀ conspired together with one mind; they make a covenant against You: the tents ofĀ Edom and theĀ Ishmaelites, Moab and theĀ Hagrites; Gebal,Ā Ammon, andĀ Amalek, Philistia with the inhabitants ofĀ Tyre; Assyria also has joined them. They have becomeĀ a help to theĀ children of Lot.Ā Selah (Psalm 83:4-8)

People in the Middle East often have long memories; their history requires them to remember past hatreds and slaughters. And so it is in our day as well.

Remembering our shrewd enemies

The news cycle moves so quickly, often with coverage that does not give the reader tools to understand events. Here are three newsletters from the past years which give essential background, history and goals of Hamas, Qatar and Saudi Arabia:

The February 4, 2006 newsletter revealsĀ the origins of Hamas; what they believe and their jihadi strategy in their own words; and how both Iran and Qatar are their main supporters:Ā https://davidstent.org/hurtling-through-the-fog-of-war-a-messianic-perspective-on-the-new-hamastan/

The December 5, 2022 newsletter shines a spotlight on the darkness surroundingĀ the Gulf state of QatarĀ ā€“ Americaā€™s supposed ā€˜allyā€™ while it remainsĀ the main bankroller of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the Taliban, Al-Jazeera TV [a propaganda front for Hamas],Ā etc.:Ā https://davidstent.org/strong-horses-and-lion-cubs/

The September 14, 2020 newsletter uncoveringĀ Saudi Arabiaā€™s machinations to weaken and dismember Israel; American willingness to speed that process along, and the connection between that and the 9/11 Islamist jihadi terror attacks in America:Ā https://davidstent.org/saudis-rose-gardens-and-genesis-123-an-update-on-9-11/

We encourage you to read these newsletters in order to get a crystal clear understanding of what the threats are, what they will develop into, and how we can pray about these matters.

The commission of the God of Jacob

YHVH addressed Moses (starting in Deuteronomy 10) and gave him and Israel a holy charge:

  • ā€œRemember what Amalek did to you on the way when you came out of Egypt,Ā how he confronted you on the way and attacked among you all the stragglers at your rear when you were tired and weary; and heĀ did notĀ fear God.Ā So it shall come about, when YHVHĀ your God has given youĀ rest from all your surrounding enemies in the land which YHVHĀ your God is giving you as an inheritance toĀ possess, that you shall wipe out the mention ofĀ the nameĀ Amalek from under heaven; you must not forgetā€ (Deuteronomy 25:17-19)

The God of Jacob takes the planning and violent deeds of Israelā€™s enemies very seriously. According to Genesis 12:3 these enemies are subject to the divine curse (see also Numbers 22:12; 23:7-8, 19-24), and their end will come at the hands of the army of Israel:

  • Behold, a people rises like a lioness and like a lion it raises itself. It will not lie down until it devours the prey (Numbers 23:24)
  • AndĀ I will inflict My vengeance on Edom by the hand of My people Israel. Therefore, they will act in EdomĀ in accordance with My anger and My wrath. So, they will know My vengeance, declares the LordĀ YHVH (Ezekiel 25:14)

Todayā€™s events

The total number of Israelis murdered by Hamas has increased as bodies are discovered and identified. It now stands at just under 1,350 babies, children, teenagers, women, men and pensioners. The total number of Israeli wounded in the ā€˜einsatzgruppenā€™ Nazi-like jihadi terror attacks stands at over 3,400.

A handful of Hamas terror squads were interdicted and eliminated near the Gaza Strip, within Israel proper.Ā  HezbollahĀ claimed responsibilityĀ forĀ the firingĀ of an anti-tank missile from Lebanon into Israel, killing an Israeli soldier, Staff Sgt. (res.) Matanya Elster, 22, of the 221st Battalion of the Carmeli Brigade.

A war government has beenĀ formed, bringing together Netanyahuā€™s coalition and Benny Gantzā€™s National Unity party. With three generals on board (present or former Chiefs of General Staff) on board, this move has found favor with the majority of Israelis as they prepare for the critical fast-approaching campaign ā€“ the ground invasion of Gaza and the total destruction of the jihadi terror group known as Hamas (as well as the second largest terror group in Gaza ā€“Ā Islamic Jihad).

How should we then pray?Ā 

  • Pray for the complete destruction of Islamist terrorist invaders either on Israeli soil or in all of Gaza
  • Pray for the physical rescue of the many Israelis (perhaps 165) who have been kidnapped
  • Pray for divine wisdom and decisive strategy to be given to Israelā€™s leaders in every area of planning
  • Pray that Lebanonā€™s leaders will be able to restrain Hezbollah from making moves which would be suicidal to that country
  • Pray for the raising up of Ezekielā€™s prophetic Jewish army throughout the earth

Your prayers and support hold up our arms and are the very practical enablement of God to us in the work He has called us to do.

In Messiah Yeshua,

Avner Boskey

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(Used with permission. From David’s Tent. Photo Credit: Timothy Eberly on Unsplash)

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Priscilla Meyenburg
October 15, 2023

This was so powerful I felt I needed to share: From D. S and what God gave him on an assignment. ā€œ Pray with me:

Father, our hearts break as we watch the pain and suffering taking place in Israel and Gaza. Jesus said the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. The principality over Iran, whom You called in Scripture the ā€œprince of Persia,ā€ loves to cause pain and suffering, just as the spirit of Baal does here in America. Many millions are under his control.

You have told us that a great revival is coming to that part of the world, with hundreds of millions being saved. You love the descendants of Ishmael, just as You do those of Isaac. Jesus died for the entire world. We know the name Ishmael means ā€œGod hears,ā€ and You do. We ask for a great outpouring of Holy Spirit to these descendants, just as we do for the Jews. Open the eyes of all, enabling them to see Yahweh, His Son, Yeshua, and understand the gospel. Save a billion of them!

We know this is Your desire, and we also know You need our partnership. As Christā€™s ambassadors on earth, we bind the influence of the prince of Persia over this region of the world, and declare that the shed blood of Jesus Christ has removed his right to rule there. We stand in the gap for the people, asking for their deliverance from this spiritā€™s influence, for the lifting of the veil from their spiritual eyes, and for a mighty release of the powerful gospel. We ask for laborers to be sent into this harvest field, and for angels to war against the demonic activity. End this war quickly. Send revival to Israel, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Gaza, the West Bank, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Pakistan, Turkey, Egypt, and every other Muslim nation. And we ask this in the powerful name of Jesus, the Savior of the world. Amen.ā€ Our decree::
We declare that Christā€™s Kingdom is an ever-increasing and everlasting Kingdom. All nations belong to Him as His inheritance – ALL. ā€” Gods word is clear. For a nation to experience healing and blessings, it begins with His people humbling themselves in repentance for their sins. We decree Godā€™s peace and blessings rests upon Israel and Jerusalem. God we ask for angelic reinforcements to bring protection to the walls of Israel and that its places of Government shall remain safe. We speak strength to the state of Israel. We speak that Jerusalem belongs to God. Heavenly Father we pray that the Unites States never breaks its Alliance with Israel. God give us the continued Love for Israel and its people that shows how we stand with God in our beliefs. Yes, we do receive blessing back in the form of prosperity according to Godā€™s promise for loving Jerusalem. Peace be upon thee. Because of the house of the Lord our God. šŸ§Žā€ā™€ļøšŸ§Žā€ā™€ļøšŸ‡®šŸ‡±šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

Karen Secrest
October 15, 2023

I hear the Lord saying this is a stiffnecked, stubborn, obstinate people who contend for their rights under Torah
However, ther r are 207 Ethnic groups now in Israel either having lived or d r liberately moved back. Each group feel their ways are more sustainable for the future. Since this is an ancient grievance, it should come as no surprise that there is a cell of saboteurs resting in the Knesset.”
If My people, who are called by My Name will Repent and turn from their evil ways I Will hear. Those who trust in themselves can’t call on that Unknown who is a stranger to come rushing to their aid. Nyet

Angeline Kopp
October 15, 2023

Psalm 94 is so good! Evil will not triumph in the end!!!!


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