I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for our divided Nation. Division is not from you, we pray against this spirit and pray for unity in America.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) announced on Tuesday night that he is referring Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the chief medical advisor to the president, to the Department of Justice for criminal investigation because Fauci has allegedly lied to Congress.

“You kicked off your questioning of Dr. Fauci emphasizing federal law makes lying to Congress a felony punishable by up to five years in prison,” Fox News host Sean Hannity said to Paul during an interview on Tuesday night. “Is it your belief based on the evidence, senator, that he lied before Congress and broke the law?”

“Yes, and I will be sending a letter to the Department of Justice asking for a criminal referral because he has lied to Congress,” Paul answered. . . .

FactCheck.org, which has covered the funding controversy in the past, previously reported that the answer to whether or not NIH funding was directed to the Wuhan lab and used to further gain-of-function research “depends on whom you ask and their definition of gain-of-function.” (Read the full report here.) The funding claim revolves around a six-figure grant that NIH provided to a group called EcoHealth Alliance, which in turn, directed money toward a Wuhan Institute of Virology project.

Josh Rogin, a columnist at The Washington Post, summarized the exchange between Fauci and Paul by writing on Twitter: “Hey guys, @RandPaul was right and Fauci was wrong. The NIH was funding gain of function research in Wuhan but NIH pretended it didn’t meet their ‘gain of function’ definition to avoid their own oversight mechanism. SorryNotSorry if that doesn’t fit your favorite narrative.”

Do you think this is acceptable for Rand Paul to do? Let us know your thoughts and prayers for America in the comments below!

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Article written by Daily Wire News. Photo by Anna Moneymaker-Pool/Getty Images)

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Barbara Vadeboncoeur
January 11, 2022

No,I think that Rand Paul needs to stop hurting Dr. Fauci immediately. He is only hurting people in the US and needs to keep his mouth closed about things he is not educated on. It’s really embarrassing to have a Junior senator that behaves in this manner.

Cindy Tarbet
July 29, 2021

Dear Paul Rand…. I pray you do what you say you will do. One less evil in our country is excellent. You are one of in- a- handfull that has God’s people in your heart and mind. Thank you Mr. Rand. God, I pray you forgive us for our sins as we have sinned against you. We have put our selves, our dreams and hopes above all else in our hearts and minds. I pray, Father God, that you don’t turn your face from us any longer and that you hear our cries and pleas for forgiveness… yet your will not ours be done.
I pray to be more and more like you and less and less like the sinner that i am. AMEN

Bridget Allen
July 26, 2021

Yes, it is acceptable for Rand Paul to ask for a criminal referral because Fauci is a criminal. I pray that justice will be done and these deep state players will be held accountable and hard justice will be done for them based on their crimes. Amen.

Denise Lobato
July 25, 2021

They need to be held accountable for all of the lies and the truth must come out!

Robert Mitchell
July 25, 2021

We must confront lying. Two of the Six things that are an abomination to God our father.

July 24, 2021

I pray that other Senators and Representatives would get the courage, the boldness, the determination, to come against these arrogant, deceptive, false, people like Fauci.! Fauci and people like him, have literally destroyed any confidence in our health community and federal health agencies! Of course, we know the Democrats and the DOJ are going to protect Fauci! That doesn’t diminish, for a second, what Senator Paul is doing!! Senator Paul is doing what EVERY REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRAT should be doing!! QUESTION, with boldness, these liars and deceivers!! Hold them accountable! Tell the American people the truth! “You will know the truth, and the TRUTH will set you free.” That’s one big reason we are a divided country…..we have NOT been told the truth!! I not only question Fauci’s integrity, I don’t think he has any!! He has consistently lied and covered up truth! He loves being on camera (pride), and Senator Paul, has courageously shown Americans, and the world, who Fauci and the federal health agencies, really are! We need to wake up! When medical people in authority can get by with lying to the public, we are in trouble!
Pray for Senator Paul, and his family. He is fighting powerful people who are unscrupulous, and do NOT want to lose their power!! Senator Paul has gone through a lot and needs our prayer covering for him and his family. Pray that others will join him in this fight. Call your Congressmen and ask them to join him in fighting for “we the people.” Too many are silent and afraid!

Tom Pohlman
July 24, 2021

Lord, Thank You for Josh Rogin’s decision to truly check the Facts, in this case. May his choice yield the Fruit which You Promised; “You will know the Truth, & the Truth will set you Free.
– Senator Paul’s action, being fully warranted in a law-abiding nation, is not only valid, but is in fact quite moderate. Many people (seem to) overlook the Fact that, in passing large sums of money “under the table”, the NIH was funding the Chinese Comunist Party’s Military! Wuhan Institute is a Military Installation. It’s “Civilian” side is to some extent accessible, but the Military Lab is off-limits.
– I saw a press conference, in about March / April of 2020, in which two American doctors, involved in isolating the COVID Virus, stated that they had identified two separate viruses, at least one of which had been Genetically Engineered. Subsequently, such assertions were media-cancelled as “Conspiracy Theory”.
– It may be that, as he lied to Congress, Dr. Fauci was more concerned about avoiding the penalty for Espionage, than for Perjury.

Mary Simmons
July 24, 2021

The prayer you offer indicates that you think Rand Paul is creating division by calling Fauci a criminal. There is more than enough evidence to indict Fauci on many crimes against humanity. I will not pray your prayer. I will prayer for God’s justice. I will pray for God’s truth to come out. Division IS sometimes from God. Check out the Bible: the wheat and the chaff, the wheat and the tares, believers and idolators… I would personally like to be divided from the wicked people who engineered this pandemic and all of the social strife of the past year and half. I would like them to be no longer in charge!

Karen Secrest
July 24, 2021

Yes. I agree that Dr. Fauci has said what was expedient. He was a major opponent of Mr. Trump when he was advocating for research, medical options already available. DR. Fauci has problems with his pocketbook and this issue.

July 24, 2021


Thank You for Rand Paul and those like him. Thank You for his courage to uncover the deceit that has plagued the corona virus. Many have lost all respect and trust in our government as well as the scientific community. Maybe that’s what needed to happen so that truth could be revealed and we would return to You. Forgive us our sins, Dear God. Forgive us for being wise In our own eyes and not asking for your wisdom. Forgive us for seeking the applause of man rather than the applause from heaven. Give us the wisdom, strength and endurance to stand for Your Truth! Open the eyes of many that they may turn to You and seek salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Lord, give us the courage of Daniel and the Faith of Noah to stand firm to Your Word! Is 40:8, “The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the Word of our God will stand FOREVER.” We believe in You! Heb 10:23, “ Let us HOLD FAST the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who has promised is faithful!” Great are You God! In Jesus’ Name We pray! Amen

July 24, 2021

There is no question that Dr. Fauci is of questionable integrity. I understand what Rand Paul is trying to accomplish here. I just am not so sure that attacking the man publicly is such a wise move on Sen. Paul’s part.. My other concern is, where is this all going to end? Does he really think that the D.O.J is going to do anything? As corrupt as our government is, I am concerned that it will be swept under the rug, along with so many other events that have been. Lord Jesus, You alone know the truth in this matter. We pray, that by Your great mercy and grace, that truth will be revealed about the integrity and honesty of Dr. Fauci regarding this matter. In Jesus’ name we pray.

Dawn Beth
July 24, 2021

Father thank You for putting a fearsome spirit of boldness inside of Rand Paul and a fire in his mouth to speak truth. May his words create actions that are met with justice. Lord we have prayed for the hidden things to be revealed and we thank You that You are using those in powerful positions to expose those hidden things. We pray protection and revelation knowledge of the path forward to those You are using. Father remove the veil and shine the light of truth into the eyes and hearts of those in position to stop this evil agenda!!
Psalm 52 tells the fate of Cynics so We pray to You King David’s song and declare and decree over Fauci and spirit ruling through him:
You call yourself a mighty man, a big shot? Why do you boast in the evil you have done? Yet God’s loyal love will protect us and carry the day!! Listen, you deceiver, trickster of others; your words are wicked!!! They are harming and hurting all who hear them. You love evil and hate what is good and right. You would rather lie the n tell the truth.
You love to distort, devour and deceive, using your sly tongue to spin the truth. But the Almighty, God himself will strike you down forever!! He will pull you up by the roots and drag you away to the darkness of death. The godly will see this and will be awestruck. We will laugh at the wicked and say see what happens to those who are great in their own eyes, who don’t trust in God? They trusted only in their wealth and made their money from wickedness!!

But Father, Your children, we repent of the sins of this nation, we acknowledge we have sat back and allowed wickedness to rule this nation, enjoying all the blessings You have freely given without honoring You and keeping You first in our hearts.
Thank You for hearing our cries and healing this land. So make us once again that flourishing olive tree, anointed in the house of God!! We trust in the blood of Jesus to wash away the sin of our nation and make us née again, Father Your passion for Your children is forever and ever. Because IT IS FINISHED we will praise You forever and give You thanks.

    July 24, 2021

    Thank you for praying God’s Word! Nothing is more powerful \0/

    July 24, 2021

    Yes, yes,yes…and Amen! I stand in agreement with this prayer and trust in the God who hears and moves His hand!

    Carole Ann Neve
    July 24, 2021

    I am glad that a Doctor Rand Paul is analyzing and exposing Dr. Anthony Fauci and the mess the world is in through the WUHAN laboratory and the corrupt bad actors behind the scenes it seems.

    July 24, 2021

    Thank you, Dawn Beth! Perfect Word! I, too, stand in agreement with this powerful Word!

John Bulinda
July 24, 2021

I was woken up on the night of Friday, July 23rd with a strong voice that said “FACADE”

I told my wife who was next to me that the LORD has given me a word search for “FACADE” and I have no idea what the word means or why the LORD asked me to search it out for its meaning.

Thanks for google. I took my phone to search for the meaning of “FACADE” and here is what I found.

FACADE – A false appearance that makes someone or something seem more pleasant or better than they really are:
. He kept his hostility hidden behind a friendly facade.
. We are fed up with this facade of democracy.

In this article Josh Rogin, a columnist at The Washington Post, summarized the exchange between Fauci and Paul by writing on Twitter: “Hey guys, @RandPaul was right and Fauci was wrong. The NIH was funding gain of function research in Wuhan but NIH pretended it didn’t meet their ‘gain of function’ definition to avoid their own oversight mechanism. SorryNotSorry if that doesn’t fit your favorite narrative.”
This is a good example of FACADE.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) announcement on Tuesday night that he is referring Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the chief medical advisor to the president, to the Department of Justice for criminal investigation because Fauci has allegedly lied to Congress, is not only BOLD but a true example of an astute elected leader who is faithful to the oath of allegiance to service for his country and his electorate while protecting the Constitution that Protects all the three arms of Government:
Legislative (Makes laws – Congress, comprised of the House of Representatives and Senate), Judicial (Evaluates laws – Supreme Court and Other Coats) and The Executive (Carries our laws – President, Vice President, Cabinet, most federal agencies).

The “Three Branches of government” is among the 28 Principles of Liberty that forms the foundation of the USA Constitution.

Thus Rand Paul’s action is not only acceptable but a great and missing ingredient in most of our government elected leaders.
Is it any wonder that the name Rand not only means in old German origin “SHIELD” but also currency (monetary unit of South Africa?

We need leaders who are exemplary in their oath of office especially when citizens pay high taxes to put them in their jobs which they are expected to apply high integrity and honesty.

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July 24, 2021

The answer to your question – in a word – YES. In two words – ABSOLUTELY YES!

Susan Jorgenson
July 24, 2021

Praise God also for Josh Rogin, from The Washington Post. Continue to speak through him Lord. Reward him for standing up for truth!

Karen E. Kendrick
July 24, 2021

Senator Rand Paul is a hero in my book.
He is one member of Congress who really does his job and is fearless in his pursuit of righteousness and he gets attacked for it even physically( from a neighbor who broke his rib and leftists trying to hurt he & his wife in d.c.)
I cover he and his family with prayer and angelic protection.
I ask for justice in all he pursues for good for he is fighting for our beloved country.

Stephen Hiller
July 24, 2021

Orwell’s “doublespeak” in action for all the world to see. However, they have eyes that refuse to see. They don’t like Webster’s Dictionary, so they change definitions to suit their cause. Judgment awaits those who call evil good.

July 24, 2021

Let Your Kingdom come, let Your Justice be done.


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