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Lord, we are thankful that Russia is stalling and President Putin is talking with President Erdogan. We pray for diplomatic efforts to be the answer for a swift end to the invasion of Ukraine.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine enters its fourth week, morale among Russian troops is at an all-time low. After facing perhaps more resistance than expected, Putin has laid down the terms of a ceasefire.

From Fox News. In a Thursday conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Russian President Vladimir Putin reportedly outlined the conditions that would need to be met in order for him to end his invasion of Ukraine.

According to a BBC report, a Turkish official who listened to the call between the two leaders said that Putin would end his invasion if several conditions are met including a promise that Ukraine will remain neutral and not join NATO.

Erdogan’s leading adviser and spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin, says that Russia is also calling for Ukraine to undergo a disarmament process to mitigate threats to Russia in the future as well as legal protections for the Russian language in Ukraine.

Additionally, Putin reportedly desires promises related to the “Denazification” of Ukraine.

Putin, according to the report, is also asking for face-to-face negotiations with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to hammer out his demands which Zelenskyy has previously stated he is not opposed to….

The report states that it is “assumed” Putin will ask Ukraine to give up territory in the east and formally recognize that Crimea, which Russia illegally annexed in 2014, is a part of Russia….

News of Putin’s willingness to negotiate an end to the war comes as his invasion enters its fourth week and reports have surfaced that morale among some Russian troops is beginning to wane….

What do you think of Putin’s demands? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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March 20, 2022

Nothing has changed. Putin is demanding his way and saying surrender and “denazifacation” is code for eliminating all leadership of Ukraine. Great G-d of the Universe G-d of Israel please deal swiftly w/ these principalities that are behind this wickedness to destroy a people and some of them Your people. Lord will you deliver Your people safely home to Israel and for Ukraine people please provide a safe refuge for now. Thank you for giving compassion to the hearts of neighboring countries. Please heal the traumatic spiritual, physical and emotional wounds. Bless the new life coming out of this – babies being born during this war in Ukraine! Please comfort all who have lost loved ones in Russia and Ukraine. Hear the cry of repentance of the Russian people for their “family” in Ukraine. They don’t want this war. Lord bless the citizens of both nations and please have mercy on all including the leaders of Ukraine and Russia we ask for their salvation and humble hearts, may they repent and bow to the King of Kings! Amen

March 18, 2022

I think that there needs to be protections for Eastern Ukrainians as well. The Ukrainian military has been shelling that region since 2014. Those poor people have had their houses destroyed more than once and people have lost their lives.


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