Today Is Purim–Learn Why It Matters
Today Is Purim–Learn Why It Matters
When the sun goes down today, Monday, March 6, 2023, the biblical holiday known as Purim will begin. This holiday is celebrated every year on the 14th of Adar on the biblical calendar. On the Gregorian calendar this would fall in February or March, depending on the year.
Purim is a holiday that commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people from extermination in ancient Persia. In the book of Esther, the story of how Purim came to be is laid out verse by verse. It tells the amazing story of a young Jewish woman named Esther who stood up for her people at great cost to her own life. She used her royal position “for such a time as this.”
Purim not only commemorates the story of Esther and the deliverance of the Jewish people, but it also showcases victory over the enemy. This enemy wanted nothing more than to wipe out the entire Jewish population. The enemy’s name was Haman and he was the chief minister of King Xerxes. His hate for the Jews drove him to use devilish tactics to accomplish his goal. He wove a web of lies and fooled the king into believing the Jews living in the kingdom of Persia were traitors that deserved death.
“Then Haman said to King Xerxes, ‘There is a certain people dispersed among the peoples in all the provinces of your kingdom who keep themselves separate. Their customs are different from those of all other people, and they do not obey the king’s laws; it is not in the king’s best interest to tolerate them. If it pleases the king, let a decree be issued to destroy them, and I will give ten thousand talents of silver to the king’s administrators for the royal treasury.”
The story of Purim has many parallels to our nation right now and has many lessons to teach us about dealing with evil in our generation.
In the story of Esther, Haman thinks he has the upper hand. He is certain he will accomplish his goal. Not so fast Haman! Enter Esther. She ends up in the royal palace, becoming the king’s wife, through God’s providence. At first, she doesn’t realize the royal position she holds will be the key in saving her people. It just so happens that Esther is a Jew herself, but this remains hidden until just the right “such a time as this” moment. It’s interesting because the name Esther means hiddenness, or to conceal. Esther is her Persian name, but her Hebrew name is Hadassah, which means myrtle, as well as “aroma of righteousness.” A myrtle plant has little flowers that resemble stars. Esther had to hide her Jewishness so this is why she took on a Persian name. But this hidden young woman would be the hidden weapon against an enemy who thought he had it all figured out. Like her Hebrew name reveals, she would be the shining star who stood up for her people.
When Esther finds out a decree has been written to annihilate the Jews, she has a choice. She can pass on the chance to get involved, which is the safer choice. Or, she can take action on behalf of her people by going to the king and pleading for mercy. This is not as easy as it seems because she can be put to death for going before the king without being summoned. But Mordechai (Esther’s cousin/adoptive father) reminds her of the providence of this time.
“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14.
Esther does not let fear win. Instead, she acts. She decides she will go to the king and plead for the lives of her people, even if she perishes. To prepare she fasts for three days. She also asked other Jews to join in with her. “Go, gather all the Jews together who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day, I and my attendants will fast as you do,” Esther 4:16.
As believers, we are in a royal position to intercede for our nation and the world. Like Esther, we are shining stars in a world of darkness. We carry an aroma of righteousness that becomes evident when we speak the truth. We are a kingdom of priests who have been placed in this moment in time to plead for the lives of our people. We can react in fear, with hopes that deliverance will come from somewhere else. But if we become the intercessors who fast, pray and act, we can see victory in ways we never thought possible. This victory can come in many forms and we may not know the exact outcome, but we are called to act in our royal positions nonetheless. We intercede and it’s up to God as to how he will respond.
Esther goes to the king without being summoned. But to her relief, the king extends the golden scepter to her and even allows her to host two special banquets. It is at the second banquet that Esther reveals she is Jewish and she informs the king that Haman has conspired to exterminate her people through the decree that was written. The king is enraged and orders that Haman be impaled. Though the king could not reverse the original decree, he writes a new one.
“The king’s edict granted the Jews in every city the right to assemble and protect themselves; to destroy, kill and annihilate the armed men of any nationality or province who might attack them and their women and children, and to plunder the property of their enemies.”
The tables turned on Haman quickly. He was even impaled on the very pole he had set up for the one Jew he hated the most–Mordechai (Esther’s cousin/adoptive father). Talk about irony! Also, because of the new decree written by the king, the Jews were able to fight back against their enemies. They had complete victory over them.
In America right now we are seeing many evil plots play out like a frightening movie. There are villains spreading lies as they try to remove our biblical foundations. The villain in the story of Esther is named Haman. This name sounds a lot like the Hebrew word hamas, which means violence. As a verb hamas means to rob, destroy and take by violence. This word probably sounds familiar to you because it’s the name of the Islamic terrorist organization that commits violent acts against Israel.
So, what do we do? Do we just sit back and let these “Hamans” have their way? Of course not! Like Esther and Mordechai, we face the villains of our nation with great resolve. We approach the King with prayer, fasting and praise. As intercessors, we fight with the weapons God gave us. We take up the Word as a sword.
Each year during Purim the Jewish people celebrate this spectacular victory over the enemy. It is written in the Word of God that they should continue to observe it. “These days should be remembered and observed in every generation by every family, and in every province and in every city. And these days of Purim should never fail to be celebrated by the Jews—nor should the memory of these days die out among their descendants.”
Why should they observe it? Because it reminds them each year that God has providence over nations and people. God is always working and he sets people in royal positions to be his hands and feet.
This year on Purim, let’s remember that God has placed us in our royal positions for such a time as this. We must heed the call when it comes. We must act with courage, knowing Jesus stands with us. Like Queen Esther, let us step up to the challenge and shine like the stars we were made to be.
Please post your prayer for a divine reversal in the spirit of Purim.
Angela Rodriguez. (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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Father we pray in the Name of Jesus, Lord we ask set your church apart, sanctify them by your truth your word is truth. We pray during this Feast of Purim that you captivate our hearts to know that you are calling us for such a time as this as the Bride of Christ to burn for you and to be instruments of deliverance for a people and a generation lost in darkness and bondage. Use us we pray to push back against the Haman like spirit which is gripping our nation even now. Thank you for victory
May The Lord God use me for such a time as this for His Kingdom purpose and Glory!
I have prayed
Father, thank you for this inspiring application of the story of Esther commemorated by Purim. Help us apply the many encouraging and instructive admonitions in Your Word, such as Proverbs 3:5-6, Philippians 4, and Isaiah 51:12, to trust in You with all our heart, to be anxious for nothing, and that you expect us to remember that those who exalt themselves against You are mortal men and women, like grass in Your sight, the Creator of worlds. Although they increase in confidence, let us remember that in finance one of the signs of a “bubble” about to burst is the widespread assumption that things will just keep getting better. For the ungodly, let this not be the case. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
And Haman was an Agagite, a descendant of Amalek and King Aga who King Saul should have destroyed! He failed to obey Godson his descendant, Mordecai – also a Benjamite like Saul- steps in to help Esther finish what Saul failed to do!
Heavenly Father,
I decree and declare that the “hamas” of this worlds system would repent. That they can do nothing against the truth, but, only for the truth. Lord Jesus, you are the “Truth”, you are the “Light”, and NO ONE comes to the Father, except by and through YOU, Jesus!!! Let them see your great shinny light, your awesome loving kindness. Let the Jewish people find great rest, and Love in turning and returning to you. We adore you and love you Yeshua in your name. AMEN!
Maranatha, Lord Jesus
For such a time as this- Ekklesia across the Earth. No weapon formed against America shall prosper. God had not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. We have the septer of God’s authority, I call it the star of David’s marshal badge to be territorial takers as directed by King Jesus and His blueprints for the gory of God. We are in a battle for the soul of America. I have read the book and we are winners. We are marshals in the Earth deputized by King Jesus. Mat Dillon never lost a battle and this applies to us as well!!!!!
Excuse me, brother, but I can think of at least two or three episodes where Matt Dillon was shot or badly injured, and one that I just saw recently where another town other than Dodge was ready to hang him. The screenwriter and director got him out of those situations, of course, but the Lord only promises us so much.
An other somewhat Hidden part of the Purim Story was that Queen Esther had a son who ascended to become a Jewish Ruler of the Persian Empire following his Father’s rule. We now refer to this son as Darius II who, exactly 70 years after the Destruction of the First Jerusalem Temple gave the Official Order, Supplies Craftsmen, Building Materials and even most of the Financing for the Rebuilding of the 2nd Jerusalem Temple. This was predicted by Jeremiah in Jer 29:10.
So, As Paul Harvey used to say:’Now You Know The Rest Of The Story.’
May Your Strength Always Increase and May The Messiah Come Speedily in Our Days…
In the category of additional sharing of some of the more Hidden aspects of the Holiday of Purim and a possibly deeper insight into the Hidden Mystical Nature of Purim, the following explanation seeks to explain why The Book of Esther is not read when Purim falls out on a Sabbath [Saturday].
This explanation may also provide a deeper understanding of the Miracle of Purim and how G-d chooses to Rule His ‘Kingdom’ in this World.
To help explain the backround of this Jewish Custom of not reading the Book of Esther when Purim falls on a Sabbath we need to go back and begin trying to answer a question which greatly perplexed the Ancient Rabbis.
The question was: Why did the Salvation of the Jewish People over the wicked Haman come primarily through Esther and not through Mordechai, who was one of the Recognized Leaders of the Jewish People during that time?
The answer reached by the Ancient Rabbis was Mystically profound, even given all the apparent obvious Historic details of the Purim Story.
The answer reached by the Ancient Rabbis was that although Esther was not only bestowed by G-d with Political Power with respect to countering the political power of the wicked Haman, she also had a Hidden mystical component of Power over Haman which Mordechai did not have.
In Hebrew Esther is referred to in the Book of Esther as ‘Esther HaMalkah’ which translates as ‘Esther The Queen’. In Hebrew there are no numbers; The letters each have numeric values and are used as numbers. The arithmetic sum of the Hebrew letters spelling ‘Haman’ is exactly the same as the Hebrew word ‘Malkah’ which means Queen, as in ‘Esther HaMalkah’ or ‘Esther the Queen’, which is the way Esther is repeated referred to in the Book of Esther.
The arithmetic sum of ‘Haman’ and ‘Malkah’ in Hebrew are both exactly 95. The Ancient Rabbis therefore concluded that ONLY Esther and not Mordechai had enough extra Spiritual Power as Esther HaMalkah to directly counter and defeat the wicked Haman.
So far so good, but what has this got to do with not reading The Book of Esther when Purim falls out on a Sabbath?????
In Hebrew the Sabbath is referred to as ‘Shabbat HaMalkah’, which translates to ‘The Sabbath Queen’. This same Logic of the Ancient Rabbis was therefore used to conclude that it is not necessary to read the Book of Esther on the Sabbath when Purim falls on a Sabbath, as the The Sabbath itself by its’ own very Nature as ‘The Sabbath Queen’ or ‘Shabbat HaMalkah’ is more than sufficient by itself to Protect the Jewish People from the wicked Haman…
Thank you for sharing this information. There are so many things to learn and glean from reading this story. It makes me want to delve deeper into the history of Purim. Have a blessed weekend!
Hello, exactly what is the hidden mystical component of power that you are describing I do not recall reading that in Scripture.
Very interesting! I love the customs. One question please, explain how or what God wants to hear in our prayers during Purim.
Hi Yvonne.Thank you for reading. I always take note of when the Lord draws attention to specific days on the biblical calendar. In this case, it’s the remembrance of Purim. For me, each year I take special time to pray for Israel and the Jewish people during Purim and the days leading up to it. Even though the story of Purim is from long ago, the Jewish people still face the same types of enemies. Therefore, I think it makes sense to use this time on the biblical calendar to remember them. I mainly pray for protection over Israel and the Jewish people, as well as our nation. I also pray Isaiah 53 because this chapter reveals Jesus as the suffering servant who died on the cross. It’s a perfect description of him right from the Old Testament–so I pray for eyes to open to this astounding picture of Jesus. I also pray for our nation to bless and protect Israel, as we are tied together through our biblical foundations. Have a blessed evening.
Pray for the jews/israelites to meet the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the only way they can escape the destruction of hell and gain everlasting life. Jesus is the ONLY way for jew and gentile.
Father in heaven, we come before you now with thanksgiving and praise to your holy name. We are reminded that you hold the very existence of this country for such a time as this. Please hear our prayer that the enemy will be silenced and the wicked ones will be brought to justice under your mighty hand. Give us the wisdom to speak your word in a timely and respectful nature towards all men and that they would see your love and grace towards all men and women and that is nation would turn to your only savior Jesus Christ, the only way to you our father who reigns from heaven. Amen and amen.
Count me in. For such a time as this
How do we join in worship Sunday night? I didn’t see any info. Those challenges are hard, but I will do at least some of them. Thank you!
Father, let us reveal Jesus to the world around us Jews and Gentiles alike.let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done.
Thank you Angela! Your articles are very appropriate for the times we live in and I find them very encouraging!
Anna, thank you so much for reading and for your encouragement! May God bless you richly.
Father God–We ask, seek and knock for YOU to…
*Send/Release Michael the Archangel to defeat the Spirit of hovering Leviathan over America (Job 41.) Strip OFF his outer layer! Crack thru his rows of scales! Shatter his pride, YHWH TZVA’ot! Pierce his jaw with a hook! Attack & defeat Leviathan as You did when the angel killed the 185,000 Assyrians who were coming against Israel! (Isaiah 37:36) Your Word is ETERNAL—what YOU did then….REPEAT NOW in OUR DAY! TAKE DOWN this Spirit for its constant, unrepentant destructive plotting of evil against America and against Your Beloved-Treasured Segullah, Israel and the Precious Remnant You are GROWING in The Land! You are EL GIBOR(The MIGHTY ONE)! You are Tsur Israel (Rock of Israel)! Battle the evil while we support Jesus Our Great High Priest’s arms like Aaron & Hur.
*As You humiliated the 10 Egyptian gods—so now quickly bring down the Spirit of Python arrogantly choking Free Speech, Truth, and Justice. YHWH—use another Jael to drive a tent-peg of Your Justice into the head of The Spirit of Python! Protect us from the strangulation of the Spirit of Python! We will sing Your Praises!
*YHWH LORD OF HOSTS–search and find the needed “eunuchs to push and topple” and annihilate the Jezebels and any other demonic force attacking America & Americans. As You brought down Pharaoh, The Amalekites, The Canaanites, The Perizzites, Goliath, Jehoram, Korah & his rebellious companions in the wilderness, Haman and his Ten Sons, Jezebel & Ahab, Herod, Ananias & Sapphira—bring them DOWN, Yahweh! May their plans fall back upon their heads! Jesus, hear our prayers and beseech The Father to save us miraculously! Thank You, Father, for showing us Your Enemies that WE MIGHT PRAY YOUR WILL…”Thy Kingdom come, THY WILL BE DONE on earth as it IS in Heaven!”
Father God—as You displayed Your Protection with Queen Esther & Mordechai resulting in the Feast of Purim, and as You again memorialized Purim in 1946 by bringing swift destruction & retribution of the Nazis during the trials which fell during the Feast of Purim…we beg You again—to move during the Feast of Purim in 2021!
We will gaze upon Your Wondrous Acts via Your Word. “We know that You work so that men will stand in awe of You! Whatever was, is and whatever will be already is”(Ecc 3)….so do a MIGHTY MOVE, EL Gibor! Amen
and HalleluYAH!
Michelle such a beautifully written Awesome plea to Gibor !
Thank you…
Thank YOU for praying with me! 🙂
Michelle, your words are an incredible source of power and encouragement. Of course, the Lord God hears your every word and again when we each repeat through our reading of them!
We WILL gaze upon His Wonderous and Mighty works and know that it is HIS WILL BE DONE!!!
I am humbled in His name and blessed to be a part of this challenge. I will do my best to fulfill my commitment. Thank you Jesus for my salvation, I worship and adore you.
Dear Sandra,
Greetings and hugs are sent to you! Yes! Yes! Yes! “gaze upon His Wonderous and Mighty works and know that it is HIS WILL BE DONE!” The Spirit of God LIVES and MOVES within us and all He needs is a sweet and humble heart such as yours for Him to MOVE! That “gazing upon Him” places HIM in PRE-EMINENCE above everything which is entirely pleasing to Him. It will thus be His Pleasure to EQUIP you to SHINE HIS LIGHT as He intended when He breathed life into you! Sandra, if we are alive NOW–it is because He chose us to be a part of the generation that will STAND! Your heart sounds beautiful and sweet–lift it UP to Jesus and He will pour out His Lavish Love effusively! Have a blessed weekend!
Beloved Prayer Warriors,
The LORD called me to be a fervent prayer warrior for Jerusalem, Israel, the growing Messianic Remnant both in The Land and in the diaspora. As an assignment from the Holy Spirit, it has been a tremendous blessing! As a Christian I have been “pressing in” before Purim to “hear what the Spirit” would say should be my prayer focus during Purim. Yesterday, I was awoken by hearing the Spirit whisper Hosea 6:1-6. Since December I have had a TREMENDOUS PRAYER BURDEN for REPENTANCE to sweep across America. Our God is a God of ORDER–you cannot have revival UNLESS you have repentance FIRST!
“Come, let us return to the LORD. He has torn us to pieces but He will heal us;
He has injured us but He will bind up our wounds. After two days He will revive us;
on the third day He will restore us, that we may live in His Presence.
Let us acknowledge the LORD; let us press on to acknowledge Him.
As surely as the sun rises, He will appear;
He will come to us like the winter rains,like the spring rains that water the earth.”
What can I do with you, Ephraim? What can I do with you, Judah?
Your love is like the morning mist,like the early dew that disappears.
(Israel unrepentant then, many in America unrepentant& distracted now!)
Therefore I cut you in pieces with My Prophets, I killed you with the words of My Mouth—
then My Judgments go forth like the sun.
For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and Knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.
NOTE: America has had two-3 fiery prophets openly calling for Repentance. Jonathan Cahn (The Return) and
Philip and Christina (“Sackcloth & Ashes video at Biden Inauguration”). “by two or three witnesses
shall a thing be confirmed” (Deut 19:15, 2 Cor 13:1)
This morning I was awoken by this Purim Rhema Prayer Point:
“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware. You know that when you were pagans, you were led astray to the mute idols, however you were led. Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus is accursed”; and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of ministries, and the same LORD. There are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons. But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the Common Good.
• to one is given the Word of Wisdom through the Spirit
• another the Word of Knowledge according to the same Spirit
• Faith by the same Spirit,
• Gifts of Healing by the one Spirit
• Effecting of miracles
• Prophecy
• Distinguishing of Spirits
• Various kinds of Tongues
• Interpretation of tongues.
But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills. For even as the body is ONE (YACHAD) and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are ONE BODY, so also is Christ. For by ONE Spirit we were all baptized into ONE body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.”1 Cor 12:1-11
HalleluYah! You are strengthening us as Your Bride that we might grow radiant before Christ returns! Exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask or imagine—supernaturally protect & equip those who stand girded in Your Word for such a time as this! Jesus—we beg You to raise up and ANOINT–new Davids, Daniels, “eunuchs to push Jezebels off of their perches”, Nehemiahs, Ezras, Esthers, Mordechais, Jaels, Abigails, (Marys of Bethany for prayer-warriors who will adoringly sit at Your Feet and constantly intercede with fervor)! Cover us in Your Precious & Atoning Blood that we may run into the battle like David to serve, as YOU ripen Your Harvest of Believers! Keep us AWAKE for prayer so that we may LIFT UP Your Arms, like Aaron and Hur did for Moses, as You intercede to The Father on our behalf. He is gracious and He loves mankind!
Thank You Jesus for hearing our prayers and sending that which will STRENGTHEN & EQUIP us to STAND in this PRESSING! Yes! POUR OUT YOUR SPIRIT AFRESH like a river upon us! We OPEN OUR MOUTHS for whatever grace, gifts, effects, ministries and manifestations which YOU will send Father. You are YHWH M’Kaddesh the GOD Who sanctifies us! We wait upon You….May it ALL be for Your Glory, Yahweh—thru Jesus Our Messiah via the working of the Holy Spirit-Your Breath within us! Amen!
Thank you for your fervent, heart-felt prayers! I can tell you are a prayer warrior. May God bless you as you continue interceding for Israel and America!
Dear Angela,
Let me say that you are such a HUGE blessing to the Body of Christ! Anytime I see your byline–I KNOW it will be edifying and “spiritually yummy” (I can pray and chew on those thoughts for a while!)
In the depths of my soul, I greatly look forward to the day when EVERY knee will bow, every tongue confess and every tribe, ethnicity and nation stands as ONE, have broken the shackles of distortion and division! When Messianic Jews and Gentile Christians all stand before HIM Who loves us and is our Soon Coming KING of kings–ONE FAMILY finally UNITED as He intended! In faith, in obedience to Our Messiah, we are ALL multi faceted jewels held in the palm of Our Gracious Father’s Hand…and it is articles such as yours, which help to open the eyes so that we can each perform our roles for HIS GLORY. Because He is worthy!
May Our Mighty LORD gird, guard, guide and equip you strongly via The Holy Spirit as you shine your light of Christ in this darkening world. Keep running the race, sister, your work for Jesus is BEAUTIFUL and SHINE!
Your sister in Christ,
That means the world to me. Thank you so much for your kind words. It’s wonderful seeing your great love for Israel and the Jewish people! May Yeshua’s glorious face shine upon you!
I read the book fo Esther over a week ago during my daily devotions. I was moved to tears when I saw the parallel between Haman’s plot to exterminate the Jews and the Illuminati plot to exterminate the Christians and patriots in the USA. When I read the part where Esther called for a 3-day fast I felt God wanted me to the same for the USA. While I was fasting, the thought occurred to me that I should find out when Purim will be this year. I was pleasantly surprised to see it will start tonight at sundown. It then occurred to me that Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has written at least 2 books showing a parallel between ancient Jewish history and US history. I would like very much to see the Lord do something to intervene in the USA starting tonight to keep these parallels going. I would love to see God rend the heavens and come down like He did in New York City in 1857, N. Irland in 1859, Wales also in 1859, Scotland (1859) and England that same year. In all 5 of those revivals 10% of each nation’s population got saved. In 1953 a revival in Argentina drove their dictator out of the country for 17 years. May God do it again!
🙏Praying in agreement 🙏Rend the heavens🙏
In 2003 God sent me to New Zealand to promote biblical revival for 7 years. We lived in Christchurch for the first 3.5 years and Dunedin that last half of that time. God did some amazing things while we were there. You can read about it in a book I wrote entitled Ambassador Undercover. One of the ways we promoted revival there was to give pastors dvd documentaries about revivals that were happening in our times today around the world. All of the dvds were produced by The Sentinel Group. They were called the Transformation Series. There were only 4 at that time, but there are 8 now. Two of those revivals affected whole nations – Uganda and Fiji. Uganda has had a Christian president for the past 30 years as a result. Fiji had a coup d’erat that stopped the revival that was financed by Freemasons. That revival began when many of the different denominations in their capitol city began working together in unity to promote God’s kingdom. After returning to the USA, God led me where I’m living now in a rather sovereign way. I didn’t realize how He led me until after I was here for 2 months. A refugee from Venezuela, who was a pastor in Houston, prophesied to me that I would find my Promised Land in 11 months. Exactly 11 months later I found a place to live in north-central AR. 2 months later I discovered the area was called Promise Land. About a month after that I heard Corrie ten Boom prophesied that God intends to start a revival that will affect the whole nation somewhere at or near where I’m living now. I’d love to see it happen during Purim this year. Amen!
I think it’s amazing how everything comes to light at just the right time! I also enjoy reading Jonathan Cahn’s books because of the interesting connections he shares. Like you said, let us pray for revival in our nation and for God to move in a big way. Thank you for reading and may the Lord reveal much to you during your time of fasting and prayer. Blessings.
I wrote my podcast and blog post that recently aired on this same theme, that we are all born for this very time. We are livining in a time much like Esther’s where the same anti-Semitic spirit seeks to destroy all who belong to God. I welcome you to my podcast where I will gladly post a link to Intecessors for America with my next weekly podcast. We need all Christians to unite in our efforts to battle this evil just as this article encourages.
I would love to watch your podcast. What a timely message you are sharing. Thank you for the link and information. May God bless your podcast and its message.
Thank you Angela! Let me know if I can be of any assistance or answer any questions.
“…for such a time as this.” Yes, indeed! His acts of mercy exceed those recorded in His Word. Thank you Father, thank you Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit.
When I acknowledged my sin to you,
when I stopped concealing my guilt,
and said, “I will confess my offenses to Adonai”;
then you, you forgave the guilt of my sin. (Selah)
This is what everyone faithful should pray
at a time when you can be found.
Then, when the floodwaters are raging,
they will not reach to him. You are a hiding-place for me,
you will keep me from distress;
you will surround me
with songs of deliverance.
Psalm 32:5-7
He judges the world with righteousness;
He executes judgment on the nations with fairness.
The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed,
a refuge in times of trouble.
Those who know Your name trust in You
because You have not abandoned
those who seek You, Yahweh.
Psalm 9:8-10
Please read “Come away my Beloved” by Francis J Robert
She has penned down the very voice of God to His Bride. It is for such a time as this as you hide yourselve in His presence 😍
Thank you for sharing. I will have to check that out- sounds very interesting. Have a blessed day!
Excellent book. There were plans to revise and republish with her son. I hope they still do.
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that I am where You want me to be, and I pray that when the moments come to do Your work I will not fail. Lord, help us all find Your wisdom and discernment, and let us all act in Your name, whether boldly or subtlety, as Your plan dictates. Lord, may we fight Your good fight as You would have us do, in the roles You would choose for us. Lord, let us push back against the unrelenting tide of evil that is flooding our land. Lord let us not cower or turn away. In Jesus precious name I pray O’ Lord, Amen.
Beautifully said, Danny. What each of us should seek to do…”in the roles You would choose for us” dear Lord, let us not fail. But be lifted and led by the Holy Spirit to refute the evilness in our country and indeed, the entire world.
Father, we pray for strength and dicernment in our conversations with those You put in our path to share Your word and the salvation of Jesus Christ.
We praise and worship you our God. We cling to You for comfort and encouragement, we trust in Your timing that Your Will Be Done.
Thank you Father for leading those who pray here and who share their hearts and knowledge for praises to You Lord, AMEN.
The ‘Hidden’ secrets of Purim are quite profound. For example, the Book of Esther is the only Book in the Bible which does not contain G-d’s Name. We all understand that the ‘Hand’ of G-d’s Presence in the Purim Story is there, but it is ‘Hidden’ in plain sight.
The Hidden Lessons of the Purim Story are also meaningful to us today.
A Generation’s Unity in G-d’s Spiritual Purpose was considered by the Ancient Jewish Sages as among the Most Noble, Desireable, Praiseworthy and Highest Spiritual Achievments possible.
Even though the Jewish Generation which received the Torah at Mt. Sinai was considered by the Ancient Jewish Sages as the Single Greatest Jewish Generation which Ever Lived, as this Generation Accepted G-d’s Gift of His Written Torah Unanimously by exclaming: ‘We Will Do And We Will Listen’ (Exodus 24:7), it was not until the Jewish Generation which experienced the Miracle of Purim that the Ancient Jewish Sages considered that the Jewish People Completely Accepted G-d’s Torah (both the Written and Oral Traditions) without any reservations.
The Lesson for today is similar and is that each Generation has to try to express a complete committment to try to fully accept G-d’s Will.
Today, many Jews and Gentiles still express a type of disrespect for the Lives of the PreBorn and is in a way no different than directly challenging G-d’s Will. In fact, G-d’s Very First Blessing and Commandment to Mankind was ‘Be Fruitful And Multiply’ (Genesis 1:28).
May the eyes of this Generation be unanimously opened to voluntarily and willingly join together to become a Partner in fulfilling G-d’s Ultimate Will for Mankind, especially by helping Pregnant Women in Financial or Emotional Distress to help them from feeling that they have no other Choice than to Terminate their Pregnancy.
We Thereby Affirm that The Merit of This Generation will Increase to Help Hasten the Coming of The Messiah Speedily In Our Days…
Thank you so much for sharing that information. I love hearing what other believers see within God’s Holy Times, as well as what they’ve learned through study.
It can be noted that God is not mentioned once in Esther but we see his working.
Very often we don’t see or even feel God moving but He is mightily at work on our behalf of His people!
God is so wonderful in His revelation to His Body as we are to be celebrating hand in hand His feasts with our Jewish brothers and sisters. We are part of the family! I have loved the “hidden things” Dt29:29 being revealed! For years I didn’t understand that Esther, is His people, Jew and Believing Christians. Haman’s decree written to destroy became law and could not be overturned. BUT the King allowed for a new law, a new decree! Just as our King has given us a new decree! Satan has the world as his dominion, and evil law. BUT God gave us a new decree, HIS OWN Son, Yeshua. We are not under the law of death! We are redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb and out of the hand of the enemy! He is doing something incredible in His children and for them in our nation and all of the nations at this time! Let us Rejoice, and fix our eyes on the unseen for what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal 2Cor 4:18.
Thank you for sharing those parallels. You are right-Jesus has given us a new decree. Have a blessed day!
There is comfort in knowing God reigns, He’s in control and will protect His people.
Yes, and the adopted children also observe and keep the feasts and traditions of the family in which they’ve been brought in to.
Christ has fulfilled all and is the VICTORY in ALL and this time, such as it is, is NO DIFFERENT from those times…He will come through His People to save them again. We bravely follow and in great confidence worship THE VICTORIOUS KING OF GLORY\o/ HIS PLAN FOR HIS PEOPLE IS STILL WORKING ALL THINGS TO THEIR GOOD. Father\o/ may we continue to watch and pray and keep our faith and full trust in You. You have a plan not to harm us but to bless us and to do us good. You have planned a good future for us and we continue to have all of our faith in You as we keep You in our sights as we walk. We are walking by faith and looking for Your Blessed Appearing. We are so grateful to know Your Blood and Your Sacrifice was sufficient for us all and we are equally grateful that Your Mercy Endureth forever and Your Grace is ever sufficient in the midst of our trial. We will be saved by Your Promises and Decrees. Though the gallows are being built before our very eyes…the plan of salvation is being carried out. We do have Hope…Christ in us is the Hope of Glory. Where the darkness is abounding…The Glorious Ligth of Your Grace is much more abounding. Your Spirit of POWER of LOVE of SOUND MINDEDNESS is being poured out upon all flesh. Every knee will indeed bow but they will bow to the One We Worship …JESUS CHRIST THE LORD OF ALL \o/ in HIS RIGHTEOUS AND JUST NAME LET THERE BE LIGHT THAT PUSHES BACK THE darkness LIFE THAT SWALLOWS UP death LOVE THAT NEVER FAILS US AND TRUE LIBERTY THAT BREAKS EVERY chain.. Lord, You are VICTORIOUS and You have won the day…You are leading us TO VICTORY IN JESUS\o/ HALLELUYAH\o/ THANK YOU FOR YOUR GOODNESS AND FOR YOUR MERCY THAT ENDURES FOREVERRRRRRRRRR
Such a heartfelt story!