Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis reaffirmed his state’s commitment to election integrity on Tuesday, especially keeping tech giants and their partisan CEOs from corrupting local elections. Given what we know now about how Mark Zuckerberg and other left-wing actors commandeered election operations in blue hubs of swing states in 2020, other states would do well to follow DeSantis’s lead — and Wisconsin is a good case study in why.
No conversation about 2020 election integrity…is complete without understanding the full picture of how Facebook CEO Zuckerberg…bankrolled and staffed local government election offices…He did this through two primary front groups…
Here’s how it worked. Zuckerberg gifted nearly half a billion dollars to two left-wing groups that then gave the money to government election offices…
There were strings attached, which amounted to Democrat get-out-the-vote efforts, mass mail-in voting, and ballot “curing,”…
These dollars also didn’t flow indiscriminately to needy areas of the country but largely to government election offices in the biggest cities of swing states, where the majority of Democrat voters are concentrated…
Make no mistake, CTCL is no apolitical actor. All three of its founders previously worked for the New Organizing Institute, a now-defunct organization…heavily by left-wing behemoths…to train leftist activists in digital campaign strategy…
This trend of the majority of Zuckerbucks funding blue areas was consistent across the swing states…
One investigation by Wisconsin Spotlight exposed how Zuckerberg’s grant conditions corrupted local elections. Emails revealed that CTCL connected city election administrators to Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, a former Democrat operative and the head of the National Vote at Home Institute’s efforts in the Dairy State. Spitzer-Rubenstein became the “de facto elections chief,”…
Emails show Spitzer-Rubenstein asking city clerk Kris Teske if he could help “cure” ballots…Teske brought these concerns to her superiors…
“I don’t understand how people who don’t have knowledge of the process can tell us how to manage the election,” Teske wrote to the Green Bay finance director…Frustrated, Teske took a leave of absence in October and by the end of the year had resigned.
With Teske out, however, that meant Spitzer-Rubenstein got outsized control. Emails revealed how the former Democratic operative helped make decisions about how to handle and transport ballots…Also days before the election, Spitzer-Rubenstein received four of the five keys to the room where ballots were being kept…
Sandy Juno, the former clerk of Brown County where Green Bay is the county seat, said that…the counting process at the convention center “was tainted by the influence of a person working for an outside organization affecting the election.”…
As Hemingway outlines in the book, “The state kept 234,000 invalid voter registrations on its voter rolls, even when ordered to remove them by a court…But one of the most important things Wisconsin Democrats did was…work to keep third-party candidates off the ballot.”…
And let’s not forget about how Democrats had already exercised voter suppression in Wisconsin in 2020 — during the spring election to fill a Supreme Court vacancy.
This is all just the goings-on of one Midwest state. Multiply that by all the key swing states, and you can begin to see how large-scale the Big Tech takeover of the 2020 election actually was altogether.
“Elections should be administered by these offices, not by private tech moguls coming in and basically commandeering the machinery of the elections,” DeSantis said on Tuesday…
It is unacceptable. And before the next election, more governors and Republican leaders must wake up to the mess that was created in 2020…
Does this inflame your sense of justice? Share a prayer in the comments below!
(Excerpt from The Federalist. Article by Kylee Zempel. Photo Credit: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images).
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Dear Heavenly Father, I askand pray that our elections could be restored to being free and fair again. I ask for Your Divine Intervention despite the money and efforts to do otherwise. Please Lord, protect our freedoms and I pray that honesty and integrity can be restored in our elections. In Jesus Name and Authority, Amen.
“And he (GOD) changeth the times and the seasons: he REMOVETH kings, and he SETTETH up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding.” (Daniel 2:21). God’s Word is from everlasting to everlasting. No matter what our thoughts are about the election, it is God who puts men in position and it is God who removes them. He does not need the help of frauds. And, he will use the ills of mankind to accomplish his will. Check out Pharaoh, Herod, Pilate, king Saul, Solomon, just to name a few. God is Sovereign over ALL THE EARTH. BLESS HIS HOLY NAME! AMEN!
Lord these corrupt elections need to be overturned. The results of the elections need to be reversed and the true candidates who won installed in their correct positions. Trump needs to be placed back in the White House. Biden and his puppeteers need to be removed and prosecuted. I ask that You get all this changed through people You have already selected and placed in positions to accomplish all that needs to be done.
Send Your angels to protect Your people and guide Your servants in all they need to do. Give them success in more ways than I can imagine they need. Thank you Lord. All glory and honor belong to You. Hallelujah!
Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Bezos (yes Amazon $$ for “illicit gain”), Soros all have their hands of corruption in elections for return favoritism and “protection”. God has seen every move and every corrupt angle used by these people to “garner special interest & favor”. God knows every scheme used by these people to “deflect attention and hide their name”. God knows that they have justified their “cause” by falling back on the laws they “lobbied” for. But God isn’t pleased…at all – he knows full well what the intention of their heart is and was. There is no hidden “cause” with God because he sees the heart of every person. Corrupt acts are just that. Justice will come. God promises that.
As Christians, we ask Lord, that laws are upheld. We ask that exposure would take place. We ask that Your perfect and holy hand would peel back the layers of corruption. Lord, may we be so bold to ask You to rip the layers off and that accountability would follow. We will not rejoice when this happens because You have told us that “justice and vengeance is Yours” Lord. But instead, we pray that AS YOU keep Your promise Lord, we pray that the way of remorse for these people will lead to salvation. In your name we pray amen.
The last 10 years have revealed what a sham our election process has been. Since all the states were using outdated Dominion equipment with software even Microsoft refused to easy for tech savvy people to advance their agenda with more and more money.
May we the people support the DeSantis people that are verbalizing the illegal actions of the left.
May that octopus be severed bit by bit till naught remains. A cleansing storm to hit again and again… more to see the Awesome Power of the King of Kings to regulate power sources of every mean and build an infrastructure that demeans the enemy in profound defeat..
Hallelujah to the Lamb
I agree with your powerful prayers.
Yes, may the “octopus be severed” yes, Amen, Amen, Amen!
A day of reckoning is coming!
I love every’s wonderful prayers.
God is listening and the enemy has no choice, but to bow to the name of Jesus!
I have a righteous indignation, and feel angry that the enemy is ripping off our country through election fraud!
I am grateful for Molly’s book, ” Rigged”!
God hold her in the palm of your hand, and protect her completely!
We continue to pray, asking you to raise up righteous leaders and Judges & Lawyers who are willing to fight until this evil is completely destroyed.
Give grace to this process, we ask for increase of wisdom and a healthy burning ,unstoppable fire in people’s live who are call to stepped forward to take charge.God we need your divine intervention!
Mark Zuckerburg needs to be arrested and taken to jail,along with 1,000’s of others who are involved in this criminal offense. May you pour out your spirit on all who were involved in stealing this election, bring a Holy fire of conviction and put the healthy fear of you in their hearts Father! Convict these evil doers,open their eyes to see how wrong and evil this is! We know the light of Jesus is enough, to take the scales off their eyes.
We ask you to protect this entire process and take it to a new level where the dominoes start falling in the right direction.We declare and decree in Jesus Name the enemy be destroyed.
Thank-you Father for you deep mercy , love and forgiveness, forgive this nation for turning their backs on you, forgive this nation for murdering so many precious babies.
We remitt the awful sins of this nation.
We take these sins to the cross, thank-you Jesus for dying on the cross for these sins and all our sins.
We break the curse that is hanging over this nation, in your Holy name Jesus.
Come O Father and restore us back to you! You are enough to restore many to yourself!
We worship you and we thank-you that
Cyber Ninjas have done full forensic audits in some counties showing major problems. Mike Lindell has paid for in depth audits and they can be viewed online giving actual data and interference from other countries through the machines. Call for a full forensic audit in your area as all states were effected. Machines were manipulated, ballot harvesting, ineligible votes and so much more.
Be aware and speak up or we lose our freedom
This show a forensic audit must be held since the intent of this large amount of money spent was to corrupt. II is necessary for the state to prosecute. The willful refusal to prosecute is dereliction of duty and job removal. We can’t run our government on a better luck next time mentality.
Lord help us to have justice. We cry out for justice. Let the deaf ears be opened.
I hope all in Big Tech who have conspired to cover up dishonesty in our journalist & dishonest corrupt elected officials get exposed caught & brought to justice removed from their positions & replaced with honest loyal journalist who are loyal to their country, & the USA , to expose catch & remove the deep state, who have covered up corruption & wrong doing, to solely work for the American people they serve & the USA regardless of political affiliation regardless of color or creed , & expose career politicians of past , so that they shall not ever be allowed to betray the USA or any American regardless of color ethnicity . to remove fake news, & end & expose the discrimination against White populace as soon as possible of the past & present .
What do we do now?! Corruption is rampant! Parents and workers alike re not . being supported by government. You have to be vaccinated or lose your job. Even children aren’t being supported . Rise up and resist! We can’t do it alone .