I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask that You would help us to know what to make of this revelation. Stop unsafe or immoral research.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Project Veritas released hidden camera videos of a top exec. We bring you excerpts from a variety of sources to outline the story and the many questions it raises.

First, what was caught on camera?

From The National Pulse. Hidden camera footage has revealed Pfizer’s Director of Research and Development for Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning, Jordon Trishton Walker, admitting his belief that the COVID-19 virus originated from experiments conducted in the now infamous Wuhan lab, while shockingly going on to claim that his Big Pharma employers is engaged in similar types of experiments. …

Who is praying on the wall?



The footage shows Walker admitting that “[Big Pharma] is a revolving door for all government officials,” alongside the stunning admissions about the origins of the virus and Pfizer’s continued work in creating COVID mutations.


“One of the things we’re exploring is like, why don’t we just mutate it [COVID] ourselves so we could create — preemptively develop new vaccines, right? So, we have to do that. …” Walker admits. …

Bret Weinstein (Professor and Evolutionary Biologist) made an excellent point on a Twitter live stream hosted by Project Veritas on this video:  What Jordon Trishton describes in this video should not be taken as a scientific explanation as to what happened/is happening in Pfizer laboratories.  

Second, why isn’t the mainstream media covering this?

From Fox News, Tucker Carlson Tonight. “In the 24 hours since Project Veritas posted this footage, it has been viewed more than 12 million times on Twitter. So, the public is very interested. Why wouldn’t they be? But the media are not. No other media outlet has covered the story at all. We checked. MSNBC and CNN, which perhaps not coincidentally, take huge amounts of advertising dollars from Pfizer, those two channels have devoted a total of zero seconds to the story. Well, just go online and find out about it. Well, Google, the biggest search engine in the world, which has a monopoly on search in this country, appears to have gone out of its way to make it much more difficult for users to learn anything about the Pfizer executive pictured in the footage and so there is, in other words, on television and in most places online, a near-total media blackout of this story.

How powerful is Big Pharma? That powerful . . .”

The second video of this Pfizer executive raises other important questions:

From Coffee and Covid. “It was an appalling display. Remember, Walker is an EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, two levels down from the president of the largest pharma company in the world, Albert Bourla. Walker probably makes over a million dollars a year.

Yet he acts like a spoiled three-year-old.

If you watched or listened to any of the online discussion about the first Walker video, you may have heard Dr. Malone’s comments. Robert was most troubled by how unserious Walker is, given his high-level job responsibilities. To Robert, it is appalling that someone with Walker’s duties could casually chortle at the thought of — whoops — accidentally releasing the wrong virus. . . .

To me, the most significant import of the video is that it exposes the quality and character of the people managing Pfizer. Instead of carefully-scripted public relations images, Project Veritas gave us a quick, candid glimpse of the ugly, unvarnished truth. . . .

If there ever was a good company there, it’s been hollowed out and re-filled with people like Jordan Walker, who might check some diversity boxes but have no business directing labs in third world countries to dabble in viral evolution.

And through these videos, Pfizer is exposing Fauci and the DOD. They started it; they came up with the clever disguise of tinkering with viruses “in order to be prepared for future strains.” Fauci and the DOD developed the pathetic excuse that it’s possible to out-think nature and predict the stochastic evolutionary paths of real viruses by creating synthetic viruses using off-the-shelf genetic strings and patented codes.

Pfizer is just using Fauci’s logic to justify adding functions to deadly diseases by “directing” their evolution. They just want to be prepared.

It’s all been a back-alley shell game, right from the start, and the Project Veritas videos tear the mask right off the whole odious enterprise.”

What do you think of this video? Share this video to keep people informed.

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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March 8, 2023

Moi je trouve que vous avez de l’imagination pour propager la peur et la confusion. Guerre de représentation et virus sémantique propagande ouïgours complots Russe contre le peuple de Dieu 1260 jour où 42 mois après excommunication pour trompé l’enfant Jésus baptisé sacré d esprit

C. Davis
March 7, 2023

There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. Even in laughter the heart may sorrow, And the end of mirth may be grief. The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways, But a good man will be satisfied from above. The simple believes every word, But the prudent considers well his steps. A wise man fears and departs from evil, But a fool rages and is self-confident.
Proverbs 14:12‭-‬16 NKJV

Father I pray that you will bring these individuals unto Salvaton, so that they are able to help your people by operating in the Spirit of Truth and not the flesh. In Jesus name Amen.

Sandra Pugsley
March 7, 2023

Thank you for sharing the truth in your news!!!
Praying for a Revival in this Country!
Praying for our God-given rights of Life, Freedom, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

January 30, 2023

Have another drink…utterly disgusting!

Mary Van Deusen
January 30, 2023

My mother was a post WWII registered nurse. At that time, they were taught that a drug was not considered safe until it had been on the market for 20 years. The generation of the wise. There was NO WAY I was going to take that. Dr. Tenpenny was wonderful explaining the dangers of that vaccine as well. Today, I am healthy. I did get “Covid” in 12/21 and spent 3 nights in hospital. I think it was just pneumonia because I had no cough, no loss of taste or smell. Haven’t had a sniffle since. I pray there is no more “Fire!!” shouted in the world theater ever again. 🙏🏻⛪️♥️

Vanna Granger
January 30, 2023

I had an allergic reaction to the second shot, with a vicious rash, and then I couldn’t breath. Also, I had flu like symptoms. Our hospitals were full and covid the delta variant was heating up here in New Mexico, so I didn’t want to go to Emergency Room. I instead opened my garage and went out to my car to turn my worship music on full blast and worship my Jesus..
I had a hard time singing struggling to breathe, but before long , got caught up in His presence, and saw Jesus dying on the cross. I could see His thoughts. He was thinking about the suffering of humanity through all time, and then I saw that He was thinking about covid and the vaccination. He died for both. I started worshipping and thanking Him for dying in my place for the vaccination which I took even though I had been warned by many people not to.
He reached from the cross, into my chest and pulled out a plant like thing that had roots, and put it on Himself. As I wept and thanked Him, I knew I had been instantly healed of all the effects of the vaccination. When I stepped out of the car, the rash was gone, the aches and pains were gone, and I had no more symptoms. I felt so good, and I know that Jesus ripped the vaccine right out of me. God is so good.

Darlene Estlow
January 30, 2023

Father, we thank you for the bravery of Project Veritas. We thank you for the revelation of what is going on. May this become headline news and reach the ears and hearts of our politicians and governors and legislators that they will do something. May Pfizer’s funds dry up. May Satan’s work be demolished. We declare truth will be over this and we plead the blood of Jesus. Praise your name that we can change things by our prayers.

Wiwal Rybak
January 30, 2023

Psalm 91 – powerful word of God.
1 He who takes refuge in the shelter of the Most High will be safe in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 He will say to the Eternal, “My shelter, my mighty fortress,my God, I place all my trust in You.”
3 For He will rescue you from the snares set by your enemies who entrap you
and from deadly plagues.
4 Like a bird protecting its young, God will cover you with His feathers, will protect you under His great wings; His faithfulness will form a shield around you, a rock-solid wall to protect you.
5 You will not dread the terrors that haunt the night
or enemy arrows that fly in the day
6 Or the plagues that lurk in darkness or the disasters that wreak havoc at noon.
7 A thousand may fall on your left, ten thousand may die on your right, but these horrors won’t come near you.
8 Only your eyes will witness the punishment that awaits the evil, but you will not suffer because of it.
9 For you made the Eternal your refuge, the Most High your only home.
10 No evil will come to you;
plagues will be turned away at your door.
Thank you Father that you indeed are our first line of defense, we put our trust wholly in You. In Jesus wonderful name

January 29, 2023

Okay, so now what? Is there a lawsuit to hold Pfizer accountable?

angelo sturino
January 29, 2023

Humanity has both a moral and humane obligation on medical research, to enhance the human life that our Creator has bestowed upon us. Amen.

Renee Pillor
January 29, 2023

Praying for the terrible truths about Big Pharma and the disrespect for human life at the TOP LEVELS OF LEADERSHIP IN these COMPANIES (AND GOV’t) to continue to be brought to LIGHT… Big pharma buys many advertising slots on mainstream media, so they don’t even cover it, in order to protect their revenue streams. The truth be damned, is their attitude. It is a case where you can clearly see that the LOVE OF MONEY, IS the root of all Evil. It is not the money, but the Love and obsession with money., that green lights great evil, even if it means harming, or killing ppl with deadly diseases and to sell more so called “vaccines.” God Father have mercy on us and help the truth to COME OUT! Please HELP ppl to SEE through the LIES and to stand UP against this Big Pharma and Gov’t EVIL . BLESS AND PROTECT THOSE LIKE Veritas and Tucker Carlson on FOX who are heroes, brave enough to reveal this big Pharma, Gov’t and Mainstream Media lies and bled all who spread the truth about this outright EVIL! In the ALL Mighty NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD, AND OUR SAVIOR,

Polly Beebe
January 29, 2023

I will not take the vaccine, I have know more than one who got the vaccine and still got covid, two people who have died because of getting it, and one who list their memory. So NO VACCINE HERE.
It has not been tested like the flu vaccine, dtap, shingles etcc..

Deborah Babbit
January 29, 2023

I don’t view PV as a vigilante organization. That would seem too extreme and a borderline derogatory label. I am so grateful for how courageous and wise they are.

January 29, 2023

big pharma is nothing compared to our God.
Our prayers are greater than big pharma
And they are the footstool of Jesus Christ

January 29, 2023
January 29, 2023

Lord, open closed eyes. Help everyone see the truth. ALL truth belongs to You. Help us to honor our bodies- Your temple, and not put anything harmful in it- harmful food, drink or any drugs, including vaccines. If we are not sure of the harm, give us courage to say NO to those pushing these things upon us and courage to research. Help us to see propaganda. We know the father of lies and twisting is our enemy. Give your church conviction and deep trust in You that is walked out in our You are the Great Physician. Heal those who have damaged themselves out of ignorance and deception. Deliver us from evil.

    January 29, 2023

    My daughter said they are covered under the scripture that says “you will take poison and not die.” I found this comforting.

Glenda Buckley
January 29, 2023

Still praying for truth and justice.

January 29, 2023

Praying for exposure of this genocide.

January 29, 2023

The enemy is inciting these corrupt people to destroy anything that bears the image of God .
“And the dragon was angry at the woman and declared war against the rest of her children—all who keep God’s commandments and maintain their testimony for Jesus. Then the dragon took his stand on the shore beside the sea.”
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭12‬:‭17‬-‭18‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Maria Fillyaw
January 29, 2023

Dear Lord Jesus you are the only one who can help us in this deceiving evil going on. We pray for your hand upon the American people to see the truth for the truth to come out. Dear Lord squash the plans of the enemy squash their evil plans. In Jesus name we Turn to You Lord Jesus and surrender to you and your guidance. May we boldly Proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior amen

January 28, 2023

Father God your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven father God thank you for giving me the wisdom a what had really happened in the USA father God may you deal with the evilness in your time and in your way father God there are many of us that knew this was a reset to the USA and not in a good way father God protect everybody that has been vaccinated father God you know exactly what has happened

January 28, 2023

Father, thank You for loving us so much that You sent Your Son to redeem us from the curse of sin and death. We have placed our faith wholly in that sacrifice. The Cross produced complete victory over sin and satan’s kingdom. We proclaim this victory now as we look at the men who try to harm us by their sinful agenda of using Medical knowledge to try and eliminate us. Big Pharma, Fauci’s logic. All of these involved men are very evil. They are all guided by legions of demonic spirits that lives inside of them taking orders from Baal the head dark spirit who calls all of the orders. Per Prophet s words. We are among darkness in every state, many of the leaders need Jesus. The most important thing we must do is pray, shout Gods words, ask God to keep exposing them which he is doing. What has happened with Project Veritas is a form of persecution, A very wise Pastor once said “ this form of persecution has not come because the devil gets his kicks out of picking on certain individuals, it has come because ( that person) or you have become a threat to him.” I thank and pray for Veritas that God keeps his protection over all they are doing to expose the OWO trying to take over America and other Nation’s. As I pray we have Victory over the Devil, & Hell, we have unlimited Power for Miracles in the Holy Ghost. Prayer is powerful, Gods word spoken in Authority . Our Decree—-“We decree that the sword of the Lord will go forth, penetrating the spiritual realm with power and Victory. “

January 28, 2023

Lord, I pray that You will give Your children supernatural protection and supernatural discernment. In Jesus Name, amen

Ernest Clark
January 28, 2023

The material and information that I have read from reputable sources provides the truthful evidence that Dr. Fauci and CDC lied to the American Public . The Covid Virus appears to have been produced in the Wuhon Laboratory in China. The CDC should be held accountable as well for lying to Congress and the American People. If the truth is known, then why aren’t these people indicted, tried in a court of law and imprisoned?

Bonnie Hackett
January 28, 2023

I Prayed

January 28, 2023

All who are complicit in knowingly advancing this research is guilty of crimes against Humanity and should be tried and executed under the terms of the Nuremberg Code.
Nazis were hung for doing such heinous experiments after WWII

    January 28, 2023

    Except for the nazi scientists the cia brought over here after changing their names to do more wicked experiments

January 28, 2023
January 28, 2023

From the beginning of the tape, I wondered if this “executive” was a real high level employee. He was so over-the-top flaunting and careless. Has he been verified as the person he claims to be, or could he have really been just a guy lying to try to impress his “date?” If he was verified, by whom and how? Thank you.

Roger Hall
January 28, 2023

Is anyone surprised by this? I for one am not because it’s all about the money!

January 28, 2023

Pros & Cons from collective idiots.

January 28, 2023

It just take some common sense, and research!

Laurie Viter
January 28, 2023

We need justice to be served

Dewey W Whitworth
January 28, 2023

Is this a surprise to anyone on this site ? Not to me, and that is not bragging, just not a surprise.

Gregorio Calvo
January 28, 2023

Having worked in local government for many years, I am now thinking, “Where are the direct representatives of the national, state, county, city and town levels, including the five territories, who now are aware of this truth regarding pharmacuticals, especially in their direct responses to CIVIT 19; in which exposure must of necessity lead to outrage, then to a call for action against this injustice, and finally to direct governmental and enforcement mandates to put a stop to this demonic, evil, and greedy private enterprise endeavor?” O God, help us.

Rebecca Brown
January 28, 2023

I can’t wrap my head around the corruption in this country . Producing a deadly virus on purpose and it’s a fact? These people in the world I was born in would be in jail already. The people aren’t in a monopoly game this is real life. Despicable is the word I come up with I don’t think there’s a word to describe such evil. Expose these people no matter how you have to do it and let’s take back our country and bring back faith and right and wrong and you pay the consequences when you break the law.

January 28, 2023

Lord Jehovah,
Bring Justice and a revival to America.
I ask In Jesus’ Name

Connie Agnew
January 28, 2023

FOLLOW THE MONEY!! In this instance, the root of all evil.

January 28, 2023

Father, greater are You than anything in this world. We ask Your provision and protection from the evil plans this man speaks of. In Jesus Name, we claim divine authority against this evil. And, Lord, we give You the honor and glory for this victory. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen!

Denise Johnson
January 28, 2023

Why are you using such vulgar language on a Christian prayer website/blog???

January 28, 2023

Though it appears as though these people are the enemy and are evil, remember ” For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12″

    Nita Brady
    January 28, 2023

    True. But EVERYONE should be held accountable for their actions, especially if those actions cause harm to the innocent.

January 28, 2023

God Almighty hear our cries for justice and freedom from this tyranny. Thank you for courageous men and women like James O’Keefe and Project Veritas who are exposing the wickedness of these evil doers. Give them your divine protection and may their work like this video go forth to the world. Prevent and hinder GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, ALL NEWS NETWORKS and any other major players who are containing and controlling what WE HEAR AND SEE FROM DELETING AND CENSORING THIS EXTREMELY REVEALING INFORMATION FROM THE WORLD. Bring them all to justice and protect innocent lives from their crimes! Let all their evil plans backfire. I pray their hearts be changed and that they wake up and see the evil they’ve created and the destruction they’ve caused and are responsible for! Weigh in on their hearts and minds..give them no rest! Father ..if they will not repent , turn to You and away from this wickedness then remove them and keep them from contributing or producing anymore! Bind all Satanic influences and cancel every assignment from being carried out against innocent people. IN YOUR STRONG NAME JESUS WE PRAY!

January 28, 2023

I am praying that the truth will continue to be exposed. I pray that more people would continue to learn about the vaccines, and the fact that they are unsafe.
Keep in mind many people at Pfizer think they are doing the right thing. They were told from higher up managers to go fix the problem, and put much effort into doing that. The problem is, there was a huge lie about what the true problem was.
The CEO was interviewed early in the “pandemic” and he said he “was surprised that we were going with mRNA” since no vaccines made from mRNA had ever made it to the market.
If (Director) Walker is telling the truth, this is appalling. Just like Boston University. This type of research is unnecessary. It is frightening the fast progress for other mRNA treatments too. The long term data is just now starting to come in…and its not looking good.
People, go boost your immune systems instead!
My prayer: Father God, open our eyes to what is really going on. Help us have a sensitive spirit within us to discern was is good, and what is intended for evil. Let more employees everywhere have the ability to see the truth, and stand up for what is right! Let us have the ability to say NO when our freedoms and health are at stake. Give even Walker a chance to see this research for what it is, discern it, and repent of it.

Kenneth Dudley, MD
January 28, 2023

I once learned at an ethics conference that scientists were able to culture from people who had died from the Spanish flu and were buried in permafrost areas, the virus that killed 1/3 of the human population in the 1918-19 pandemic. The question posed was, “Was this ethical?” The reason that these scientists did this was so they could make an immunization against this virus in case it ever returned. The ability to make immunizations against variants of the Covid virus before they become a threat may be a good thing. Otherwise we are always trying to catch up, by the time we have an immunization against one variant, the next one is already causing problems and we do not have an immunization against it.

    January 28, 2023

    You don’t want to superimpose the importance or authority of science over God Himself. His Word says that “we are fearfully and wonderfully made.” In fact, our immune systems should be superlative to whatever immunization has been created in a lab…and the news reports that have come out should be worrying those who received the (untested) vaccine already. And it deactivates our natural immunity? No thank you.

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Constance Finder
January 28, 2023

I think it is appalling how our own Government partners with & supports this evil behavior! Why do we have ” foxes & wolves” guarding the he’s house? How awful, we the American people, can’t even trust our own Govt. officials! Please STOP this madness, immediately..

January 28, 2023


Dr Michael Cooper
January 28, 2023

They’re evil and corrupt.
God says “I will repay evil, and vengeance is Mine.” Woe to them unless they repent and pay restitution.

Inevitably they will pay for their crimes against humanity, hiding behind the arrogant positions for personal gain and malicious intent to harm many people.

January 28, 2023

Alarming!! I pray that there will be more exposure to make people aware of what is going on

Larry Ikenberry
January 28, 2023

Very troubling and amazing! As the CHD website says, “ These injections have been designed to harm & injure people and render them infertile.”

January 28, 2023

Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for protection from viruses and disease through faith in your promises. Please expose and close down the fake vacine bussiness and criminals behind the lab coats who are using our tax dollars to posion the people so they will suffer with terrible side effects and death. Expose the depopulation agendas of our enemies who started the pandemic and bring juctice and punishment on all those who are evil doers involved. In the Mighty name of Yashua Hamashea, Amen

Brian Lynch
January 28, 2023

No kidding. did you just figure that one out?

January 28, 2023

Father God I pray that you keep exposing the lies of the poisonous jab and the evil wicked ones will be held accountable. I ask you to heal everyone who took the Jab for whatever reason. Bring restoration to their bodies. You are my God that heals our diseases. We give u all the glory and praise in JESUS name!

Brian Lynch
January 28, 2023

No great surprises here. Faucci is a globalist elite; he is NOT looking out for the interest of the public, any more than Pfizer is. It’s all about money. Morality went out the window long ago. Where does that leave us? Plain and simple, we, as God’s children, need to trust Him. He is our provider, in Him do we trust! Let’s keep this in perspective- this vaccination is NOT the Mark of the Beast. Lord, please, give us wisdom as to whether or not we should take any more of the Covid vaccinations. We ask this in Jesus’ name.

    Mary Shields
    January 28, 2023

    I pray that those who have been deceived, coerced, bribed ir threatened to take this “vaccine” stop now! DO NOT TAKE ANYMORE!! Get on an immune system builder , like the Zelensky protocol and pray that the effects of the job are medicated by both the protocol and God‘s healing power!!!

January 28, 2023

I believe God is exposing ungodly behavior through this pandemic, from our government to sources around it. God is still in control! I believe He’s waking us up to the truth when we’ve heard many lies. He’s giving America time to return to Him and repent of our ungodly behavior. We must still pray for our nation, and the people who govern us.

January 28, 2023

I am not surprised they are doing this. The rat who was in charge, last year, started all this nonsense. I hope and pray they will be held accountable in this life. Because they certainly will be in the next one.

Derek 1984
January 28, 2023

We must never forget what has been done here. Not only do they create viruses to attack us, but they invent the poisons to keep us sick. Now that God has granted us this new glimpse into darkness, we have to deal with it. Pursue and strike them until not two are standing together.

Ray Flaherty
January 28, 2023

Our “ruling class” gets bolder by the day. These people kill millions with their experiments, follow with millions in vaccine sales which in turn kill many more. Then scoff at the alarm we “Po Folks” generate as victims of a Regime lead by a mental midget.

Robert Brook
January 28, 2023

For all of these terrible and frightening things God is in control. We as believers need to remember that the book of Revelation tells us even more terrible things will occur as the first Tribulation approaches. I don’t know if we are there yet and maybe it is not God’s time but I do know every follower of Christ needs to be prepared for that day. Jesus’ command to us before He left was “watch”. We are not afraid for ourselves because God has given us “power and a sound mind” in Christ. We do fear for those who do not yet believe in the only begotten Son of God.

Amapola Hansberger
January 28, 2023
Ken Budz
January 28, 2023

Lord please help expose the vax making companies that are harming the public for profit. Lord may there be public investigations that look into all wrong-doing. May justice be served to the full extent of the law. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

    Janie Kelley
    January 28, 2023

    Amen 🕊

    Rebecca Thornton
    January 28, 2023

    This is absolutely horrible!! Abba Father, thank you that this truth has come to the forefront. I pray for a hedge of protection to be around people who work for Project Veritas and are exposing the truth. I’m asking that all covid shots be pulled from shelves and destroyed. I’m asking that all perpetrators in this evil scheme against humanity would be tried and brought to justice. In Your mighty name Jesus, in Your mighty name 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

      January 28, 2023

      And I pray all mRNA flu shots would be pulled from the shelves too. Let the data be evident and undeniable to force a pause on all mRNA studies. Let the CDC and FDA bow in reverence to you, Lord! Remove those who stand against you from positions of authority. In Jesus name.


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