I Prayed have prayed
Father God, please protect pro-life pregnancy centers and organizations. Cover them with the blood of Jesus and protect them from all harm. Bless their work to help women and save babies.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Since this article was first posted, serval more pregnancy centers have been attacked by pro-abortion protestors. As these attacks continue to ramp up in frequency and intensity, we must stay vigilant in prayer.

Analysis. Momentum is building on both sides of the abortion battle with the impending decision in the Dobbs case. Pro-life advocates anticipate answered prayer in the reversal of Roe v. Wade. We hope with expectancy that we will see the end of innocent bloodshed in our land. Pro-choice advocates’ emotions are at an all time high, with that comes fear, rebellion, rage, and even a murderous plot against a justice.

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Within one week of the SCOTUS opinion leak, at least 5 pro-life centers were vandalized by spray paint and broken windows. Protesters have gathered in front of Catholic churches and some have even stripped during a service at Joel Osteen’s church. Similar threats appeared in spray paint on faith-based pregnancy centers in Wisconsin and Oregon: “If abortion isn’t safe, then neither are you.” 

The Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center in Washington D.C is located within walking distance of the Supreme Court. They offer free pregnancy tests, counseling, classes, and many wonderful options for women. The center helps the socioeconomically challenged with donations of clothing, diapers, car seats, and more.

On June 4, 2022, vandals dumped red paint, symbolizing blood, over the door of the Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center. The words “Jane says revenge” were spray painted on the outer walls of the building, and the windows were egged. 

Director Janet Durig stands at the front door.
“JANE SAYS REVENGE” is spray painted on the side, with red paint on the front door.

I spoke with the Director of the Capitol Hill Crisis Pregnancy Center, Janet Durig. She said, “Sadly, we are anticipating more attacks as the time comes closer.” I asked how we can pray for them. She is very thankful to intercessors for our prayers. 

Janet made a bold prophetic statement without even realizing it. As she spoke to the staff after the attack on the facility, she said, “We’re going to turn it around. They dumped paint as blood on our doors, but we are going to claim it’s the blood of Jesus, just as the Israelites put blood on their doorposts for protection.” To that, we say a big yes and amen! 

On the first Passover, the blood on the doorposts was a literal symbol of deliverance and the mighty power of God to save the Israelites. It also prophetically spoke of the blood of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, that would save and deliver all who would receive him. The blood speaks of victory, power, and deliverance.

  1. Plead the blood of Jesus over the Capitol Hill Crisis Pregnancy Center and all pro-life centers (Ex 12:22,23).
  2. Ask God to station his angels around the Capitol Hill Crisis Pregnancy Center, pro-life centers, and churches (Ps 91, Ps 34:7, Mt 18:10).
  3. Pray for the protection of the staff and clients (Ps 121).  Also pray they would stand strong against threats and intimidation tactics (Is 12:2, 2 Thes 3:3, 1 Chr 16:11).
  4. Pray for women who go into pro-life centers for help. May they find Christ, help, and fresh hope. Pray they wouldn’t be afraid to seek help in light of the violence (Prv 3:5,6, Ps 54:4, Ps 46:1).
  5. Ask God to send the right help to the Capitol Hill Crisis Pregnancy Center. They also ask us to pray for them to have wisdom in hiring security and surveillance as they anticipate future attacks (Ps 90:17, Is 58:11, Ps 84:11).

Janet said, This is true satanic warfare. This is the fight for life.” She is absolutely right. For nearly 50 years, Satan has had America in a hold because we legalized the murder of children. He will not let go without a fight. 

We who have sown in tears and prayers could be the generation that sees Roe v. Wade overturned. But we could also see violence escalate in retaliation. We see the blinded thinking the Bible warns us about (2 Cor 4:3-4). We choose life, while they chant choice. We shed no blood, while they fight for continual bloodshed. We take our stand with no violence, while many who are pro-choice use violence to promote their beliefs. They call Christians who defend life “fascists and nationalists” while they demonstrate fascist behavior, forcing agreement through pressure and threats.

There is only one hope and that is in the Lord Jesus Christ to give us strength and perseverance in the aftermath of what could be when Roe goes. 

I believe that praying and speaking Psalm 91 and Psalm 121 over America is important right now. 

If you are interested in learning more  about the Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center, visit their website  (currently being updated). They accept donations and also have an Amazon wishlist page. For every woman who chooses life, they assemble a care package with essentials such as blankets, bottles, diapers, outfits, a sleeper, and anything else a new mother might need. Your community probably has a pro-life pregnancy center as well. Now is a great time to reach out and help.

How are you praying about the attacks on pro-life facilities?

Author Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor to listen to her podcast Something To Share. Photo Credit: Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center.

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Priscilla Meyenburg
June 13, 2022

Today I lift of prayer for the Pro Life Facilities that has been vandalized and the ones that has potential threats just because they Say Pro Life. I lift up prayers to cancel any curses that may have spoken over these facilities or the ones who work there. God says in Deuteronomy 28-says if they refuse to listen to listen to God our Fathers words and they do not obey the Lord- he will send against them curses, confusion, disillusionment. God is not happy that the Babies are not considered humans. He loves children. I decree in Jesus name that The Pro Life Centers will pray Gods protection over all Doors, windows, building before they leave at night. I pray the Blood of Jesus over the facilities ( Satan hates the name of Jesus)Put on the Armor of God, Girdle of Truth that firms up the words spoken, Breastplate of righteousness ( guard you from evil) say I am prepared for victory, I will not allow Fear to come upon any of the owners, just because they are being protesting by Evil Spirit Words and actions. The name of Jesus will turn them away because with the shield of Faith I (you) will not be vulnerable to Evil spiritual defeat. 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️

June 12, 2022

We pray AGAINST, SO-CALLED, “summer of rage”. WE CANCEL THIS CURSE!
Proverbs 26:2
2 Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow,
an undeserved curse does not come to rest. In JESUS NAME!

    June 12, 2022

    Praying in agreement, Merle, in Jesus’ Mighty Name; amen!

Catherine Seybold
June 11, 2022

I declare Roe v. Wade is dead, in Jesus’ name, amen. Genesis 1:27, Psalm 127:3, Colossians 3:2, John 14:13-14

Darlene Estlow
June 11, 2022

Father, protect the Pro-life pregnancy centers, their staff and their volunteers. May your angel army camp over them. May there be such an anointing that as the enemy attacks, they will desire life and to know you. Confuse their ranks Father so that like in the Old Testament, they turn on each other.

Susan CC
June 11, 2022

Amen and Amen Gloria…I respectfully add:

While driving yesterday, I heard of a pregnancy center being burned to the ground. This was after being vandalized countless times. I was so angry. When reading this report I was feeling the same then I heard, “silent.” As I always do, I looked into His Word for edification.

Isaiah 53: 7 He was oppressed and afflicted, yet He did not open His mouth. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so He did not open His mouth.
Acts 18: 9-10 One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking; do not be silent. For I am with you and no one will lay a hand on you, because I have many people in this city.”
Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.
Proverbs 16:4 The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble.
John 10:10The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
Psalm 138:8 The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.

Dear Heavenly Father, Jesus was silent before His accusers. He knew Your Purpose was upon Him. Your Eternal Plan empowered Him as His life ebbed away. I pray we will be courageous in this time, there are many of us! Even in this day of trouble, we KNOW You have a plan and purpose. We KNOW it will prevail. I plead the Blood of the Lamb on every scheme the enemy has for death and ask for abundant life in its place. I am eternally thankful that You will never abandon us Lord because our hope is in You. Thanks to Jesus Christ, Your love endures forever! I love You Father. I love You Jesus. I love You Holy Spirit.

    Mary Kirkendall
    June 11, 2022

    Praise Jesus for His Word endures for ever! He felt your pain and knew our human response. He provided a way to move into the power of His Holy Spirit through Himself, the Word. Thank you for your appeal to heaven in honest hurt and He knew your heart and He responded in His great mercy. Praise His Holy Name that the Blood of Jesus covers, heals, forgives, delivers, redeems and leads us to the Rock on which we stand.
    Jesus hold us to your bleeding side as we walk this precarious walk in the earthly realm, yet our power and hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. Amen and Amen

John Crawford
June 11, 2022

Father, we thank You for Your great love today. We thank You for the blood of Jesus and we apply that blood to the doors of these pregnancy centers all over America. We thank You for Your protection of all those that are faithful to stand in the fight against the murder of innocent children. We bind Satan to the Word of God that says Jesus came to give life and to give it in abundance. We thank You and we praise You in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen and amen.

June 11, 2022

Father we stand shoulder to shoulder in intercession for your pro-life movement this very day. We again remind our adversary that we both have the same creator. And that all-powerful creator gave us, his followers, weapons of warfare that are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.. In JESUS redeeming name we pray .. Amen


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