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I Prayed have prayed
Father, forgive our nation for this our many sins. Help our nations leaders to stand against evil. Give them passion to stand up for what is right.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

“Prominent evangelical leaders have just released a statement urging pro-life evangelicals to vote for Joe Biden. The signers include John Huffman, board chair emeritus of Christianity Today; Richard Foster, best-selling author of Celebration of Discipline; Jerushah Duford, Billy Graham’s granddaughter; Brenda Salter McNeil, author, speaker and long-time InterVarsity Christian Fellowship leader; John Perkins, founder of the Christian Community Development Association; the two authors of this piece; and a number of former presidents of evangelical universities.” So wrote  Ronald Sider. . . .

It is only because so much is at stake—and because I take this as such a blatant deception of the enemy—that I speak out against this stance taken by my fellow ministers.

This is not an exposé on false doctrine, but it certainly qualifies as such. The Apostle Paul would excoriate their theology. No, this is something much more basic. These leaders epitomize the scripture: “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” (Romans 1:22). This is a case of Christian leaders becoming so open minded their brains fell out. Judge for yourselves what they went on to say:

“As pro-life evangelicals, we disagree with Vice President Biden and the Democratic platform on the issue of abortion.”  “But we believe,” the statement continues, “that a biblically shaped commitment to the sanctity of human life compels us to a consistent ethic of life that affirms the sanctity of human life from beginning to end. Poverty, lack of health care, racism and climate change all kill persons created in the image of God. They are all pro-life issues.” . . .

If you get what they said, then you can see that their gray-matter has left the building. Joe Biden and the Democrat Party are the last people in our solar system who should be trusted with caring for people after they are born.

Democrat Party policies have created modern plantations. These plantations do not grow crops—they grow votes. They have harvested minority votes for decades and have given their subjects nothing but misery in return. Addiction, violence, and despair are the legacy of the party that these evangelicals support.

If these theologians who are swooning over the compassion of the Left want to destroy racism, then let them pull it out by the roots. The definition of racism is lying to a populace year after year as you misappropriate the money you raised in their name. Racism is distracting people from advancing by constantly reminding them they are victims.

Racism is perpetuating the myth of White Supremacy in a nation that elected a black man President, not once, but twice. Why would any thinking person—let alone a moral person—vote to continue this racist machine?  Can any Christian look at the spectacular failure of Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore and St. Louis and vote to promote and perpetuate this organized evil? 

Christians should be on the side of opportunity, not blind government dependency. Jesus said, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you.” These evangelicals are reversing that statement to read, “seek all these things and the Kingdom of God will be added unto you.”

Their guilt-inducing misapplication of faith does not work with me. I am from the inner city. I was raised in the leftist plantation. I got the free government cheese, the red Kool-Aid, and the mandate to vote Democrat. . . . 

Have you ever wondered why Jesus didn’t just keep multiplying the loaves and fishes until hunger was wiped out in Israel? He did not do that because He was trying to teach dependency on God, not handouts. It’s the same reason the manna stopped when the children of Israel entered the Promised Land.

Jesus wanted the poor to see God the Father as their source. He wanted them to see why the birds are fed and the flowers are clothed. When anyone walks in dependence on the Lord—it not only protects them from government dependency—it drives them to excel, to trust and to believe that hard work, righteously pursued, leads to freedom and self-respect. . . .

Trump is building an economy that is color blind and open to replacing a food stamp with a paycheck. How can anyone, and especially Christian leaders, prefer the black hole of Democrat socialism, instead?

But the worst thing these evangelicals could have said is this: ““As pro-life evangelicals, we disagree with Vice President Biden and the Democratic platform on the issue of abortion. But…” It is an utter disgrace that there is a “but” at the end of their statement.

They disagree with Joe Biden on the dismemberment of infants. They disagree with killing a newborn that survived an abortion. How noble! How Christian! They disagree! But no one who truly loves Jesus can merely disagree with this—they must oppose it with every fiber of their being!

Jesus called the leaders of His day, “Blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!” (Matthew 23:24). These leaders are blind guides who strain at the gnat of Trump’s temperament and swallow the camel of Planned Parenthood which has murdered over 59,902,500 babies since 1973.

How can a Christian recommend voting for those responsible for the most barbaric and savage enterprise since infants were sacrificed on the altar of the demon god, Moloch?

(Excerpt from Mario Murillo Ministries. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

What do you think?

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Bonnie Johnson
October 9, 2020

Sorry, being an “environmentalist’ does NOT make you pro-life! HOW can you live with yourselves to actually BACK the left who would love to kill unborn AND born babies IF the woman decides she doesn’t WANT it! PURE EVIL! Disgusting!

Jane Fain
October 8, 2020

Sounds like these “leaders” belong to the “Clergy Response Team”. To me that would explain their approach to the subject of abortion plus other issues and who they plan to vote for, including encouraging others in the same direction.
I thank God that they have finally exposed themselves. Now I pray that God would shine his light on WHY they are so adamant about voting for Joe Biden INSTEAD of President Trump. Our President’s platform is the most Biblical in recent memory. So it makes me wonder what’s REALLY going on. Then I think their followers need to FLEE from them and go vote for President Trump.

October 8, 2020

It’s Un comprehensible to me how so-called evangelicals could vote for a man who is so pro death that he will make it the law of the land
I pray they wake up and take the deceptive scales off their eyes and look at Gods holy word

Mel Teoh
October 8, 2020

Thank You for this article.

Father-God, we ask You to forgive and take away sins that blinding these Pro-Life Evangelical Leaders:

Richard Mouw. – President emeritus Fuller Seminary
Ronald J Sider – President emeritus Evangelicals for Social Action
Brenda Salter McNeil – Reconciler, Professor, Pastor
Jerushah Duford – Speaker, author Billy Graham’s granddaughter
John Huffman – Board Chair emeritus Christianity Today
Roberta Hestenes – Former President Eastern University
Claude Alexander – Bishop
Joel C Hunter – Faith community Organizer
Richard J. Foster – Author, Celebration of Discipline Founder, Renovare
Myron S. Augsburger – President emeritus Eastern Mennonite University
Ray Bakke – Professor of Global Urban Mission
David Black – President emeritus Eastern University
Bryant L Myers – Professor, Fuller Seminary
Manfred Brauch – President emeritus Palmer Theological Seminary
John Perkins – Founder, Christian Community Development Association

Please Holy Spirit, prompt these people heart to know that they are wrong and to repent so that they can urge their followers to vote in person for YOUR VALUE i.e. NO ABORTION i.e. NO KILLING BABIES WHOM GOD HAS CREATED IN HIS IMAGE. Please Father-God give them discernment.
Let them be reminded of these verses:

Genesis 1:26–27
26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”
Psalm 139:13–16
13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.
Exodus 21:22–25
22 “When men strive together and hit a pregnant woman, so that her children come out, but there is no harm, the one who hit her shall surely be fined, as the woman’s husband shall impose on him, and he shall pay as the judges determine.
23 But if there is harm, then you shall pay life for life,
24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
25 burn for burn, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ name we pray and thank You. Amen.

Please let them be reminded of these verse that they’re accountable to God for this action,

Matthew 18:5–7
5 “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me,
6 but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
7 “Woe to the world for temptations to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the one by whom the temptation comes!

Romans 14:13 Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother.

1 Corinthians 8:9 But take care that this right of yours does not somehow become a stumbling block to the weak.

Matthew 18:8 And if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life crippled or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire.


Deborah Keller
October 8, 2020

Perfectly articulated, Mario Murillo! I am and have been praying for the believers and weavers of these lies, along with their lies and schemes, be exposed for all to see, that the liars/manipulators/exploiters/opportunists would find no quarter. That their deeds be exposed in hope that their souls could be saved.
I am no longer astounded as those we thought we could trust take off their masks and show their true intentions. No longer astounded because it is an answer to prayer.
God, forgive us that we have allowed ourselves to be deceived by nice-sounding messages and promises simply because it fit our own personal wants and narrative. I personally renounce the idol of WANT from my life. I choose Your Will! Please heal the ears of my heart. Please help me come into alignment with Your perfect will.

Shirley pedersen
October 8, 2020

I do not want to demand anything, the lose of a comment is unfortunate but not the end of the world. I learned a lot and would love to have passed it on because what the LORD LED ME TO SAY WAS IMPORTANT however, I cannot ever express it again, sorry. I thank IFA for trying to recover it. However, today I received a message from a prophet, Nate Johnson on Elijah List Ministry site on Oct 7 that is in the vein the Holy Spirit had shown me and convey to other believers. Nate recently had 3 dreams of great importance, crucial importance. Especially take notice, dream 2! Thank you, take the time to go to Elijah List .com and look for this awesome message given from the Lord to Nate for the body of believers. Love you all!

Deborah Melicharek
October 8, 2020

Excellent, on every point!!!! If we are following Jesus, we shall know the truth, and the truth shall set us free, free to know and do what is right with God, to live loving and serving Him, above all else!!

Janet P
October 8, 2020

The Democrat party has become a death cult, babies killed up until the moment of birth. Forgive us Lord for allowing this to happen. If they are willing to kill the innocent how long before they come for our seniors as a drain on the system? No long at all, we saw this in N.Y. with this virus. Wake up Your people Lord, they can’t fall for these lies the media would have you live in fear every minute of your life. It is a lie, we serve a living God of truth. Repent and renew your convent with the God. We pray that You would remove the scales from the eyes of the church and her people that they might see the truth. One side embarrasses death and sin our other choice embarrasses You, life for the unborn and our free will. If Your leaders are encouraging your people to vote for Biden, death and chaos, please wake up them up to Jesus and what would Jesus want? Be bold in the Lord even though it may mean jail. These are the starting of the time of trails. Be strong in Jesus.

October 8, 2020

What an excellent response to the insanity of such learned men, how long will they try to tell us black is white and white is black. Lord show us who is confused.

October 8, 2020

This is such a betrayal of the Lord Jesus Christ and everything He represents. Not to mention a betrayal of America. I read “Tortured for Christ” many decades ago as a young woman. I know what life under communism means. The Democrats represent witchcraft/Satanism/wholesale murder of children/destruction of family/pro-gay/…everything right and wholesome. Calls for much fasting.

María Pera
October 8, 2020

I agree with you 💯. There’s no excuse or justification for the killings of a baby especially upto the day of birth. The blood of Able is calling out from the ground for justice.

Gary Troidl
October 8, 2020

Your assumptions are false and your arguements easily defeated. I am pro life and will be voting for Biden for the reasons outlined by the Biden supporting religious leaders.

    Molly Grigg
    October 8, 2020

    Biden is so “pro-life” he agrees with VAs Governor who supports infanticide and vows to increase tax funding of planned parenthood. Clearly he is using the pro-life term as an attractor, even though it’s stripped of its meaning. If Biden believed in the sanctity of human life as he claims, he would not advocate violence in our cities, the destruction of minority businesses, nor the return to endless wars. Trump brought our vets home shortly after taking office.
    It’s hypocritical to call your campaign pro-life for points with evangelicals and then fund abortion and infanticide. If you still think Biden believes in the sanctity of human life, you’re willfully deceived.

      Gary Alan Troidl
      October 9, 2020

      When Trump was committing adultery with Marla Maples she got pregnant and he asked her what she wanted to do about it (abortion?). If you think Trump cares about the unborn or anyone but himself then you don’t know him. Educate yourself. Being President has little to do with the abortion issue. That is something each mother decides so it is her heart that needs to be changed. Even if abortion is illegal in the US it will still be available elsewhere. So do you use abortion to determine who you vote for? Are you well versed on the important issues? When is the last time you voted Democrat? Do you think God is a Republican? Tell me some good things about Trump’s character, his history. Or are you a one trick pony, another Christian who knows little about politics?

    October 8, 2020

    Also are you aware of the level of witchcraft operating in this nation allied with Communists/Marxist/Pro-gay/blm/anti-family/ANTI-ISRAEL …Not to mention the wholesale murder of our children/ Do you know what Communism is? The only thing communists fear on earth are Believers in Jesus Christ. do you think they will love you? Have you read or seen the recently released movie “Tortured for Christ”? Ask them what it means to live under a Satanic system like that. Apparently you don’t know. Please get informed before you cast your vote. (by the way I am an African-American who knows the agenda behind blm. It has nothing to do with racial equality. They are avowed Marxists)

      October 8, 2020

      Bless you for professing the truth

      Gary Alan Troidl
      October 9, 2020

      1) I have not seen the movie Tortured for Christ 2) Yes, I know what communism is, neither of which have anything to do with this election. Your acceptance of right-wing conspiracy theories and your conclusion that I am uninformed are foolish and ignorant. Try to get out more.

        October 9, 2020

        Thank you for your replay and vote your conscience. I have studied communism and its effect on society for year. I’ve also studied the lives of precious christian martyrs for decades. The election has everything to do with the political and spiritual direction this nation is headed. If you can live with witchcraft, deception, chaos, murder and destruction. Of course that is your choice. But seek the Lord first.Read your bible, then cast your vote. God bless.

    Kim Juarez
    October 8, 2020

    O pray that the eyes of your understanding be opened to the agenda of communist marxists control and take over that IS happening in our nation. Only the SPIRIT of the LIVING GOD can open your eyes and ears to truth. I 100% agree with the LORD. HE IS PRO LIFE JOHN 3:16…may the LORD bless you.

      Gary Alan Troidl
      October 9, 2020

      I am pro life also. Who are these communist marxists you speak of?

    October 8, 2020

    Are we, the body of Christ, passing judgement on OUR fellow Christian brother or any other brother/sister for that matter? Where is OUR love walk folks??? Or are we just like the world………..we war not against flesh and blood, but of powers and principalities of the air………..

    I would like to offer a prayer for Gary…….that he would be open to receive clear understanding of why he believes what he believes and that his eyes will be opened to new wisdom from our Lord………in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen……selah……….

Elaine McCullough
October 7, 2020

Yes, amen, Mario, I agree with you 100%. Jesus said, “He who does not gather with Me, scatters”. These blind Christian leaders are standing against the Lord in their decision to vote for a morally corrupt candidate and party. Jesus did NOT preach a socialistic gospel. There is only ONE Gospel – the Gospel of the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The sanctity of life is not open for negotiation. Period. Lord, we pray for these evangelical leaders, that they would wake up and begin to truly hear and follow Your Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth,and Your word!

October 7, 2020

It is painful to see such bizarre deception.

Nathan Thompson
October 7, 2020

The case against the Democrat party leadership and platform, and the exposure of its evil, is quite evident for anybody who really seeks the truth. When will a prophet of God arise and say to the American Church: Repent!
40 days and after that the judgment will fall upon you.

    October 8, 2020

    The Democrats are openly aligned with witchcraft and every sort of evil.

October 7, 2020

“…having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.” 2 Timothy 3:5

    Jacquie Black
    October 7, 2020

    Galatians 3:1 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?

Mrs Sherry Ries
October 7, 2020

How can you call yourself Christians followers of Jesus Christ and vote for someone that does not know the first thing about Biblical Values. That takes the lives of the innocent Gods Precious GIFT. YOU need to get on your knees and repent to GOD ALMIGHTY and ask him to open up your eyes and start following Jesus Because to me it sounds like you LEADERS dont even have a RELATIONSHIP With our LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST in Fact it sounds as if SATAN has BLINDED many of you So Called Christian leaders too the TRUTH of JESUS CHRIST and His AGENDA

October 7, 2020

Amen to that!! I agree to this article. It doesn’t make sense on how these evangelists would compromise. That made me think: who bribed them?

But I pray that the truth shall set them free before it’s all too late for them.

    Doris Ehlenfeldt
    October 8, 2020

    They were not bribed. They allowed the father of lies deceive them. They did not prepare for spiritual battle,rather they blended in to the world around them. We need to pray for truth to be made known
    and protection for the people God entrusted to their care.

      October 9, 2020

      I see, but isn’t it obvious how they disagree but then twisted the truth into balancing the Bible?
      Well, they tried to make pedophiles into “sexual orientation” too. The twisted truth. No wonder God said pray for twisted ways to be straighten this morning.
      Yes, let the truth set them free, and let the fear of the Lord fall on them, amen!

John Piper
October 7, 2020

🖕 👨🏻‍🦰



Joanne DeBord
October 7, 2020

The things done to these beautiful babies is too horrific to describe! These are living children! The main quality I look for in a presidential nominee is ARE THEY TRULY PRO-LIFE! If they support murdering babies then they will never get my vote!

    Deborah Keller
    October 8, 2020

    I’m 61. This is THE MOST PRO-LIFE PRESIDENT WE’VE EVER HAD!! Not only that, he has proclaimed the Name of the Lord Jesus from the highest office in the land; he constantly gives credit to God; he stands with Israel; he has surrounded himself – as best he can – with godly leaders and godly council. There’s so much more, but I’ll rest my case there.

    Deborah Keller
    October 8, 2020

    And by they, Joanne, I agree with you 200%.

October 7, 2020

Lord expose it all & grant repentence in the mighty & merciful name of Jesus. Forgive us for allowing children to “pass through the fire” Lev 18:21. May the attempt to buy bribe or intimidate for votes be counterproductive! Take what the enemy has done for evil and use it for good. We stand still now in your presence having turned it over to you God & we await you being exalted among the heathen according to Psalm 46:10. You are king of Kings and Lord of Lords and you will be glorified. In your wonderful name, Amen.

Jeanne Logan Peeters
October 7, 2020

This is truly a disgrace, that people who claim to be called by His name can advocate for abortion. And they are leaders in the Christian camp! They are out and out wolves in sheep’s clothing and they are leading the sheep to the slaughter. The devil has infiltrated the Church big time! This opens up a whole new realm for intercession. . Thank you Mario for bringing this atrocity to our attention.

Diane Patterson
October 7, 2020

The sin of abortion is going to destroy our nation. Do you think that 60 million babies can be slaughtered in the U.S. and the nation not be judged for it? How foolish we will look on Judgement day when God asks why we did not cry out against this abomination and we say we were afraid to lose funding for food stamps and free housing and free cell phones?
These ministers who urge us to vote for Biden obviously don’t think the commandment against murder applies to those 60 million innocent babies who were slaughtered. Now they are putting themselves in a position where they stand with the abortionists.

October 7, 2020

I think it is a shame when people claiming to stand for Jesus, selects the broad path to destruction. There are those who love money and are greedy. All it takes is a little compromise, and wide is the road to destruction. There is a remnant of believers who will trust and follow GOD. Stand your ground, and keep fighting the good fight of Faith.

Shirley pedersen
October 7, 2020

I gave a comment and provided my name and proper email and was informed my email was incorrect and it was not but I entered it again and the message I commented on by Mario was gone, where did it go? I spent a lot of time and effort, please restore it , thank you.

    October 7, 2020

    Amen, I love your prayers and comments Shirley! Please restore it!

    October 7, 2020



    Judy McDonough
    October 8, 2020

    Hello Shirley, IFA did not remove your comment. We would love to restore it, but it is no where to be found. If it had been flagged or removed, we would have been able to find it.

    Please comment again, although it may be an inconvenience.


    IFA Staff

Karen Secrest
October 7, 2020

Thank you Pastor Murillo. Truly it appears their brain have been sacrificed on the altar of deception.

When someone tells me this man will insure “free” education, child care, equitable wages (meaning 6 figures) after you complete that education, then I want to rage and say,”he owns you with that ‘free’ lie. He can tell you when to get up, when to sleep, when to have sex and demand abortion if that bunch of “cells” don’t qualify to live. And when the day is done, you get to worship the “system” that provided so lavishly for you.”

Thank you again Pastor Murillo for Godly!!! Counsel.

October 7, 2020

Thank you for speaking the truth. I pray for those so called christians that have been blinded and deceived by satan and are leading many down the road to hell. i pray that scales fall from their eyes so that they can see the truth. it’s a shame that they let their hate for trump to blind them. anyone that votes for a democrat, liberal, socialist/communist is a false christian. joe biden is corrupt, hates christians, is pro choice, is far islam, vote against biblical values, is a pedophile, hates the police, veterans, indorses all the destruction that these terrorist are causing and wants to raise our taxes 3.7 trillion dollars. i hope people are smart enough to not listen to these false teachers. i pray that the scales fall from their eyes and that their spiritual ears will hear and their spiritual eyes to see the truth.

Jeannie Algiers
October 7, 2020

Thank you Mario for once again speaking the truth. As a nation we are suffering the consequences of over 60 million abortions in our nation since 1973. We have eliminated an entire nation of people. We have eliminated an entire generation. We need to repent, not continue in this sin. In some states abortion is allowed at 9 months and even after the birth. By voting democratic at this time the number of states where this will be allowed will increase. There is a line drawn in the sand. Vote your values. God holds us all accountable for this decision.

    October 7, 2020

    Can you elaborate on what states allow abortion at 9 months and “even after the birth”??

      October 8, 2020

      You might search ‘partial birth abortion’ for that info.

October 7, 2020

Thank you for this bold and truthful commentary. The move away from teaching the Gospel to teaching social welfare has been going on for years and these people are responsible for leading thousands away from The Gospel. Awaken those Lord who have been led down this social justice pathway. If anyone cares for the welfare of all people it is the Lord. But He hasn’t promised blessings to those who depart from all His ways. Bless those Lord who expose this teaching and may their word awaken the misled masses.


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