I Prayed have prayed
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Thank God for the passage of legislation banning abortion for babies older than 20 weeks gestation. Thank God for all the pro-life members of Congress. Pray that the Senate will pass this bill, which President Trump promises to sign.

[F]or everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. (1 Jn 5:4)

“The U.S. House voted 237 to 189 today to ban most abortions after 20 weeks, when the pre-born baby can feel pain.

The United States is one of seven countries with no federal limits on late-term abortion. Abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy for any reason is legal in many parts of the country.

The bill, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, was sponsored by strongly pro-life Rep. Trent Franks, R-AZ.

Two Republicans voted against the bill. Three Democrats voted for it.

Similar legislation passed the U.S. House in 2013 and 2015. It’s never passed the U.S. Senate.

The bill contains rape and incest exceptions. For an abortion to take place, the abortionist must file a medical report with a state or federal agency saying an act of rape or incest conceived the child.

At 20 weeks – halfway through pregnancy – an unborn baby is the size of a small cantaloupe. Mothers can feel their babies kicking. When they are operated on in the womb at this age, it’s standard medical practice to give the babies anesthesia. . . Marjorie Dannenfelser, the President of the Susan B. Anthony List, said she spoke with Trump last week and that he considers signing this legislation ‘high priority.’ One of Trump’s campaign promises was to sign the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act into law.

Rep. Mia Love, R-UT, pointed out ‘some of the double standards that we have in this country.’

Killing a pregnant woman is considered double homicide, but abortion isn’t considered murder, she noted.

 ‘This begs the question – when does the unborn have a right to protection just like their mother?’ asked Love. . .

In advocating for the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, SBA List has called attention to Micah Pickering, who was born at 22 weeks and four days. He’s now a healthy five-year-old boy. Some Republicans called H.R. 36 ‘Micah’s Law’ on the House floor.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, in 2013 there were at least 5,770 late-term abortions on babies older than 20 weeks.” (Excerpted from Life Site News, reporting by Claire Chretien.)

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October 12, 2017

I thank the Lord for this victory in the US House of Reps. and ask for the same success in the US Senate. I ask for God’s grace will continue to be given to Rep Trent Frank and others who tiredlessly fight for the bill to come to law. I also pray against any and every form of persecution against this bills supporter and president Trump who has vow to sign this bill to law.

Thank you Father for saving our children! This is one of many victories we will see for this item.


Elisabeth Kohlstadt
October 10, 2017

Lord, I am in full agreement with the sincere prayer request of
Felicia Penner and ask you to let Your promise that you desire for us to be in agreement reap benefits by causing the Senators to approve of this new bill thus eliminating thousands of abortions each month!! Thank you, Heavenly Father for Your mercy on us and for causing the outcome of the vote in the Senate to be overwhelmingly a YES!

jim S
October 8, 2017

Please, constantly help us, Lord, to overcome all the many Troubles of this Earth now, and in the Future.

October 6, 2017

I really don’t see where this is a victory 20 weeks that is 5 months and I promise a child starts feeling pain way before that. This is one of the first things to develop during the embryonic stage. This means your baby’s brain, spinal cord and nerves form during this stage. Heart . An S-shaped tube forms on the front of the embryo. Woman can feel the heart beat at 6 weeks and to me when you stop the heart you have committed murder. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMeMAv_v-xs check it out Abortion is MURDER and all who has allow it and say there is nothing wrong with it will stand before God. 20 weeks is way to long to have abortion and it should not be allow any way. Wade VS ROE is crap what does the word of GOD say thy shall not murder. It Gives women and men licenses to sin and commit adultery and fornication and have all kinds of fun at the baby expense we need to go to a Muslim country and I promise this crap would end. ABORTION IS MURDER CALL IT ANYTHING YOU WANT AND ALL WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FROM 1973 UNTIL NOW.

Peggy mahannah
October 6, 2017

Abba- we DO thank and PRAISE YOU for this “ground taken” We I continue to ask for mercy AND grace – coming BOLDLY YET HUMBLY to receive it and that as we move forward to take back MORE ground.from enemy camps; that the hearts of women (AND men) who have HAD abortions or “supported & encouraged them” that ALL THOSE HEARTS WOULD BE HEALED AND DELIVERED AND SET ON FIRE IN THEIR RELATIONSHIPS WITH JESUS??!! For YOUR GLORY we ask this Lord- REJOICING NOW TOGETHER in Your USING what satan intended for evil FOR THE GOOD!!! THANKYOU ABBA – for hearing and answering our prayers– in JESUS name we say AMEN!

Dr. Barbara Yovino
October 6, 2017

Thank You Lord Jesus, we give You praise! We ask for deeper revelation for all who signed, and for those that will be included. For all to have deeper wisdom and hearts of compassion for the unborn. Well done, for all who signed, and may God bless you mightily! Each step is a victory for life!

Felicia Penner
October 6, 2017

Thank you Lord that this bill passed in the House of Representatives.
I Pray that the Republicans in Senate will nuke the 60 vote fillerbuster rule so that it passes the Senate, for our President has promised to sign it.
Lord, may dreams of babies being torn apart visit every Senator that plans on voting no on this bill. It is you that give them life, it is you that have given life to these babies. Please rid our land of their innocent blood, and forgive us for not doing our job as salt and light as you told us to. I plead the blood of Jesus over every baby in his/her Mother’s womb. In Jesus name, Amen

eleaanor kaufman
October 6, 2017

May The God of all creation bless this bill that will go to a vote for the least of our brothers & sisters May God bring success to the works of their hands. May The Holy Ghost be upon all those Senators to take pity upon the Pre-Born babies in their mother’s wombs.”Let the little children come to me.” say est The Lord.

Dee L
October 6, 2017

God is still so merciful. Please protect all of these children and all in the U.S.A. and around the world. Save them Lord and help them to get to their destinies.
Thank you House of Representatives for passing the Bill and siding with God

Basil Miles
October 6, 2017

Isn’t that GOOD, God will be happy for us, God says that He knew You Before you were in the Womb. He has a purpose for every Human Being. To be used of God is my desire. If you could Only Imagine

October 6, 2017

We thank you Father for this victory in the House. Now I declare this same victory in the Senate. Move upon the hearts of all Senators to understand and value and choose Life for these little ones, your precious creations, who have no voice. Put a supernatural love in each Senator’s heart for these babies waiting to be born. You are so good and indeed you are a good good Father who is moved by His children’s requests.

D. Haynes
October 6, 2017

Thank God for the passage of that bill. God is the Creator of life, we are all made in His image. This an answer to many prayers for the lives of the unborn who are precious to God since is also the giver of life.

D. Haynes

Jaime Rodriguez says:
October 6, 2017

It is up to the body of Christ to pray that the Lord will move upon the hearts of the members of the senate to pass this bill.

Jaime Rodriguez

October 6, 2017

Praising God for this great news. Praying the Senate will also pass this bill.
Heavenly Father, We pray let Thy Kingdom come & let Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen

October 6, 2017

Yes, Lord! Thank you for this first step towards a victory regarding abortion. We stand in agreement that you will bring about your purposes and take away the legality of murder, even if only after 20 weeks. We want to see You be glorified as well as hear frequent testimonies of your healing work in the lives of women and men that have had, encouraged, or supported abortion. We thank you and praise you that you have and are doing your healing work. I’m Jesus Name, amen.

Patty White
October 6, 2017

What wonderful news to hear! Thank you Father for answered prayers. I pray that angels be all over this bill as it goes through the Senate. I pray for blessings, favor and protection from the enemy.
Does anyone know how long it will take to go through the Senate?
Patty White

October 6, 2017

Thank you Father for this ‘yes’ answer to our prayers.. Please have this pass in the Senate, thwart any & all efforts to derail it.. For Your glory & and the well being of Your creation.

Linda Jean Thompson
October 6, 2017

Omg this is awesome …thank you Jesus

October 6, 2017

Forgive us Father. May your mercy and love reach our hearts, open eyes to remove our murderous spirit. May your Holy Spirit convict us, lead us to protect the innocent.

October 6, 2017

Thank goodness we have people in Washington to bring back sanity Now if The Senate will do this together it is already a start

mare maiava
October 6, 2017

Hallelujah! Thank You, Lord, for speaking to the hearts of Your People!

Syd Doyle
October 6, 2017

Thankfully this is wonderful news and a major answer to prayer and the persistent diligent work of many people includingthe empathy of our President. Well done IFA team!!!
Syd Doyle

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